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Have you ever met a famous person?

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Have been lucky enough to meet a few in my time: –


In the sports arena, I played football alongside Marvin Hinton (ex Chelsea and even in his 40s, a very good player) and I was fortunate enough to play tennis against Steffi Graf and Jelena Dokic, in a pre-tournament warm up session.


I also sailed the NZ America's Cup challenge boat around Auckland harbour under the tutelage of the skipper David Barnes, a nice guy and very patient with someone like me who knew very little about sailing.


I met and dined with the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jenny Shipley, on a few occasions (private gatherings, lunch, coffee etc) and thoroughly enjoyed her company – – perhaps she should become an American citizen and help out over there!


On the wining and dining side, I met and was presented with a book by Robert Carrier in his restaurant in London, and many years later was fortunate enough to be a guest at Château Lynch-Bages where the owner, Jean-Michel Cazes invited myself and two other friends for an exclusive wine tasting in the Château. For a man with so much wealth, he was great company and treated us to lunch at his Michelin star restaurant.......oh and he was a fanatical rugby supporter and thought the All Blacks were tremendous, so imagine his delight when we presented him with a signed All Blacks rugby shirt!


When I was a young man I met Max Bygraves in a lift in a hotel in Brighton and when I recognised him and asked him if he really was Max Bygraves and could I have his autograph, he smiled and said of course, however when I said it was for my mother because she was a great fan of his, the smile disappeared quite quickly.


Had a few drinks with the band, Amen Corner after a gig on the Isle of Wight and learned that the drummer (or at least I think it was) had a strange hobby of collecting the inside of toilet rolls at every gig that they played!





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17 minutes ago, Ace of Pop said:

Got pissed with Oliver Reed a few times,that's it.

That seemed to be a common occurrence with a few associates of mine, especially when he used to frequent a pub in the Ockley area just over the Sussex/Surrey border.


I saw one friend who looked absolutely wrecked and when I asked him what had happened, he mentioned that he had been drinking with Oliver Reed in this particular pub and even when the pub had shut, the landlord allowed drinking to continue. Even though they were well and truly on their way at the time, a few bottles of port were consumed, per person, until one of them actually passed out near the fireplace at 6 a.m. in the morning.


Stories of his drinking binges were legendary (if that's the right word).

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As a professional musician back in Scotland, I have played with the duo 'Joe Gordon and Sally Logan", "Andy Cameron", "Frankie McBride and the Polka Dots" who had a hit with "Five Little Fingers". In Nashville Tennessee, I met "George Hamilton IV",  and "Roy Acuff", and no, I have not met "Sydney Devine", although I stood in with "Legend", Sydneys backing group for their bass player at a gig one night.

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I don't count brief "meetings" like at a public event or book signing. But the most memorable one of those for me was EARTHA KITT.



I do count if you got to know a "famous" person more personally.


A historic figure that I definitely did meet closely (not in that way) was Frank Kameny. 






I also knew this guy (when I was a boy). He produced SUNNY! So every time I hear that song, can't forget that.




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got an autograph from Janis at the Rose Bowl in 1968...I was loaded on weed and didn't have nothin' fer her to write on so she grabbed my arm and signed my green nylon tanker jacket...which was either lost or stolen a few days later...





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then in 1975 - 76 when I was workin' in the woods in Oregon I'd see Ken Kesey in the little country store where I'd buy beer on the way home from work, his farm was close by...and he clocked that I recognized him and was curious as I was a logger in dirty riggin' clothes that shouldn't have known who he was...I always nodded and he acknowledged...


once I overheard him discussing with a companion attending a screening of Juliet of the Spirits in Eugene that evening and I wanted to approach him to say: 'hey, Ken I saw that film and it was great...highly recommended...' but I respected his privacy...



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I met most of the England cricket team in 1982 when we won the ashes. We stayed at the same hotel, I was only 6 years old and was with my brother a year older. We found our hero back then Ian Botham in the bar downstairs. We got his autograph and a barmaid told us to leave as we're too young to be in a bar. We went back upstairs and met David Gowe who was surrounded by women and saw Pat Rice the footballer. We wanted Geoffrey Boycotts autograph but he went to bed very early, about 6pm.


I have seen, not met Royalty.

The Queen when I was 3 years old (have a photo of me waving the flag as she drove by and pointed at me).

Fergie, she opened a hospital near my school and on lunch break I went to watch her arrive.

Prince Charles and Princess Diana, They drove past my primary school when I was 6 years old. They slowed down near where we were waving and I saw Diana quite clearly waving back smiling.

Jeromy Irons , he was filming near our town and was quite a regular for about 3 months coming in and out of town whilst on set.

Norman Tebbit the conservative MP. I asked him a question on politics. He'd come to give a speech at the young men's conservative club.

Now that's just a few from me.

My Dad however has met many, many celebrities. Clint Eastwood, Mick Jagger, Jack Nicholson, Noel Coward, Cliff Richard, Frank Sinatra, but this was during the 1960s-70s when meeting famous people was all about going to the right places. My Dad had friends in Carmel, California so it's no wonder he met who he did. He also frequented famous London and Paris entertainment venues. So you will get celebs going to these places too.



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Kim Wilde, met her at a party when I studied in London back in 1982. She was already famous back then and I hang out with her friends and her brother .

And I was a bit in love  but I could not beat the competition .

She is a beautiful lady with a good heart. Still is today. 






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If sitting behind someone on a plane is enough, I sat two rows behind Mikhail Gorbachev on a flight from Amsterdam to Moscow once. He had his row all to himself and, I presume, his security was sitting behind him. He seemed to be every bit the avuncular old man, and had no problem at all with the stream of Russians bringing their children forward to pose for photos with him.


Because of a family connection, I met the actor Arthur Hill a few times, had drinks in his house in Los Angeles and drove him around the west coast of Scotland when he was over visiting relatives. He was a very thoughtful, decent man.


Also, with Arthur I had dinner with Hedley Mattingly and his wife, although I had no idea who he was at the time. He was funny, warm and seemed genuinely interested in the life of a, then, 22-year old engineer like myself.


One thing I remember from the meal is that it was in a Chinese restaurant and we sat at a round table with a lazy susan in the middle. Hedley told me that he had been a friend of Erroll Flynn's, and that Flynn had invented the lazy susan. I suspect he had had a bit too much to drink at that point.



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My dad was in the film industry when I was growing up. During that time we sometimes, on school breaks, could fly out and join him on location.

When I was 10 years old I met Rachel Welch and became good friends with her own kids. Got to meet other b movie stars of that era but the nicest and most genuine was probably Burt Renolds . Later on ,when I was about 20, got to meet Sean Connery. Although my dad was only a technician they sometimes played golf together whilst on location. As he was at the same hotel as my dad he offered to give me a lift to Malaga where my Filipino girlfriend and I had to catch a flight to Madrid.

She was totally agog to meet a movie star and I still have the photographs although that girl is long gone. Met a few others but can't remember their names....except James Garner whilst filming Grand Prix. Seemed an ok bloke but when you are 10 years old it don't mean a thing.

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RR has just jogged my memory, on a flight from Leeds to Belfast I was sat next to Frank Worthington (separated by the aisle) also on the flight was Jack Duckworth from corrie and Dec Clusky from The Batchelors, they were going to play a charity golf match. Frank was very nice and talkative, he said his nickname was Elvis.

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14 hours ago, tutsiwarrior said:

then in 1975 - 76 when I was workin' in the woods in Oregon I'd see Ken Kesey in the little country store where I'd buy beer on the way home from work, his farm was close by...and he clocked that I recognized him and was curious as I was a logger in dirty riggin' clothes that shouldn't have known who he was...I always nodded and he acknowledged...


once I overheard him discussing with a companion attending a screening of Juliet of the Spirits in Eugene that evening and I wanted to approach him to say: 'hey, Ken I saw that film and it was great...highly recommended...' but I respected his privacy...



Ken Kesey wrote my favorite novel - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - so I am impressed and my favorite non-fiction book - The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test - was written about him. He was a facinating guy.  


I have met lots of famous people because I worked in luxury hotels when I was young. The most famous one was Mohamed Ali and he was very kind to me. I was not much of a fan before that, but always remembered how he went out of his way to be nice to one of the little people when he did not need to. 

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21 hours ago, whoareyou said:

Shared some ganja with Mel Gibson at a party where my girlfriends uncle was an actor.
Was before mad Max though so technically not famous

Not me but a good mate of mine worked on braveheart and spent a lot of time with Mel.

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I once served the fat guy with small curly hair from cheers. Attached.


Met loads of minor celebs and film directors but no notables. The whole doctors cast in varying states! A lovely little weather lady certainly brightened up my day. 


When Slum dog millionaire came out and Dev Patel shot to fame I accidentally managed to get his number and me and my mates would prank call him every time we were a bit drunk. We used to say he was our phone a friend and would he mind answering a question lol 


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I had an 'incident' with Lady Diana in our local church that she used to regularly attend.  She stood in the row behind me and my English wife and our 2 baby daughters.  My wife put our youngest over her shoulder to burb her and she threw up milky sick all over Lady Di's shoes.


After that, I let my wife and kids go to church alone...

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17 hours ago, simon43 said:

I had an 'incident' with Lady Diana

In another life I was charged with protecting foreign US dignataries who visited the US, and Lady Di was in New York to attended a special show at the Brooklyn Academy of Music performend by the Welsh Players.  There were demonstators in the front of the venue so the Agent in Charge decided at the last minute to exit via the back stage door where I was posted


As soon as the change came over the radio I had to insure that the limos and security cars were directly outside the door.  Once I saw that they were in place I gave the all clear but realized that she was wearing heels and there was an iron grate betwee the stairs and the waiting vehicles.  Not wanting her to get stuck I grabbed a large rubber mat and covered the grate


She came down the stairs and stepped on the mat and looked up a me and said Thank You with a smile that could have melted an iceberg


Now Prince Charles on the other hand is a whole different story.......

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Just out of interest has anyone met any Thai celebrities or famous people whilst living out here? Or anyone famous on holiday in Thailand?


As for me, only a couple of Thai soap opera stars that my wife pointed out once at my local shopping mall.


As for famous holidaymakers none, though many had claimed they were famous.

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