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Criticism will grow if CCTV footage of extrajudicial killing is released: Army


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Criticism will grow if CCTV footage of extrajudicial killing is released: Army
By Stanley Bennett, 
Suriya Patathayo
The Nation




BANGKOK: -- THE RELEASE of CCTV footage will not ease public doubts about the recent extrajudicial killing of young Lahu activist Chaiyapoom Pasae, Army chief General Chalermchai Sittisart said yesterday.


“I have already watched the footage. It does not answer several questions. So I think even if it is released, it will only spur criticism,” he said.


According to a team from NOW television, which like The Nation is part of the Nation Group, one witness saw a young man being beaten up at a military checkpoint and was shot while trying to run away. That victim was believed to be Chaiyapoom.


“I didn’t know Chaiyapoom in person. But I feel sad for him. He’s unarmed,” this witness was quoted as saying.


Police hinted that they might not publicly release any crucial evidence in Chaiyapoom’s case, which has received attention from the Thai public as well as international groups.


While police described Chaiyapoom as a suspected drug dealer, people close to him remembered him as a role-model teenager.

“We can’t disclose what will affect ongoing proceedings of the case,” Deputy Police Spokesman Pol Colonel Krissana Pattanacharoen said yesterday.


He spoke just a day after the Development Quality of Life Lahu Association demanded the release of the video footage and financial documents related to Chaiyapoom’s alleged illicit activity.


The footage apparently was meant to constitute key evidence to determine exactly what happened to Chaiyapoom at a military checkpoint in Chiang Mai’s Chiang Dao district on March 17. Soldiers have claimed Chaiyapoom brandished a knife and a hand grenade in a threatening manner, prompting a soldier to open fire in self-defence. Chaiyapoom died from a single bullet wound.


Army Area 3 chief Lt-General Vijak Siribunsop later said CCTV footage backed up the claim, but he added that the decision to make the footage publicly available would depend on a court decision.


Provincial Police Region 5 commissioner Pol Lt-General Poonsap Prasertsak said yesterday the military had not yet forwarded the CCTV footage to police. But he said there was clear evidence Chaiyapoom had engaged in the illicit drug trade for years.


National Police Commissioner Pol General Chakthip Chaijinda said the case was not complicated.


“It’s a drug case,” he said.


Krissana said ongoing police inquiries involved three elements: Chaiyapoom’s alleged drug offences, his autopsy and the extrajudicial killing by a soldier.


National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) member Angkhana Neelapaijit said she had already met with two witnesses to the killing.


“One of them heard gunshots and rushed to see what was going on. Soldiers blocked him and said nothing had happened,” Angkhana said.


She said an NHRC subcommittee was investigating the killing.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30310600

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-03-29
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6 minutes ago, webfact said:

“I have already watched the footage. It does not answer several questions. So I think even if it is released, it will only spur criticism,” he said.

First they talked up the CCTV footage.  Now they are saying it is not very good.  As it stands now, it looks like the army killed a good, innocent kid. 

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Again as I stated yesterday, not a real military as they seem to resemble a criminal outfit and seem to be almost exclusively seen conducting dubious activities.

The fact the cctv won't be released is because it doesn't support their false account of what happened.

A really good snd wholesome kid has had his life taken and those accused of killing him are slandering his good name by wheeling out unsubstantiated and likely bogus claims

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“I have already watched the footage. It does not answer several questions. So I think even if it is released, it will only spur criticism,” he said.

Everybody knows what that means.  The video does not agree with the fairy tale.

The army brings happiness to the people right?

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40 minutes ago, z42 said:

Again as I stated yesterday, not a real military as they seem to resemble a criminal outfit and seem to be almost exclusively seen conducting dubious activities.

The fact the cctv won't be released is because it doesn't support their false account of what happened.

A really good snd wholesome kid has had his life taken and those accused of killing him are slandering his good name by wheeling out unsubstantiated and likely bogus claims

resemble a criminal outfit ?  they are one when they carry out executions

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Young man standing up for himself and others, military says you know who I am? you don't want to pay me? young man now dead. Not the first murder by military and won't be the last.

And some here still think the military junta running a country is just fine. Will the soldier be protected or will he be offered up as a sacrificial lamb by the military in a desperate claim of legitimacy?

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1 minute ago, edwinchester said:

Stills released of the scene show the deceased standing calmly by whilst the car is being searched with no evidence of the large knife/machete he was said to have threatened soldiers with.

Link ?? If  you can please ! Thanks mate


Edited by Nigeone
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> ... I have already watched the footage. It does not answer several questions ...<


What a big surprise ...

Just as expected, nothing at all to back up their deceit - otherwise 'proof' would have been out less than 3hrs after the 'incident'.


Yes, no doubt, more & more disgusting here by the day ...


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There can only be one explanation for not releasing the video. That is because it shows a different story from the one the army are telling.

If it indeed supported their version, we would have seen it already, as they really want this to go away.

By not releasing it, they have in effect, pleaded guilty to the lads murder.

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Another girl incharge of whatever Chalerchai is in charge of , gets some manhood under those stars of yours General and let the public decide, it's now out in the public arena, it is no longer a private army thingy thing,  stop hiding behind your leaders dress................................:coffee1:

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This corrupt and foul army will do anything to cover it's dirty trail, and maintain the position of power and authority they currently enjoy, but do not deserve. Anything. Corruption is within it's midst to such a fabulous degree it can be smelt from all over the country. And that smell is very foul. Of course they do not want to release the footage. It may be contrary to the tiny man's constant claim that the army is bringing the people happiness. What is the army actually bringing to the table? Very, very little in the way of productive and positive energy and policy. The best way to describe their style of governing is gross incompetence, and total neglect of the populace. 


I am reminded of the strongman in the PI. He always cry drugs, whenever one of his opponents or rivals is rounded up. Summary execution, in the name of cleaning up the drug problem. Yeah right. 

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To understand todays army and the culture in the army one must go back decades. One must research issues like the drug trade (the golden triangle), the illegal trade of shining stones from Cambodia (in the 70's), human trafficking, oil smuggling, fake goods and drug trade in the deep south (and its relationship with the ongoing war in the south) and the triangle of power of which they are one pillar and the civil service another (which includes the courts). Only if you know these facts you will know that any talk about rooting out corruption or reform or bringing reconciliation is nothing but a smokescreen for grabbing power and holding on to it past the sell by date.

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5 hours ago, z42 said:

Again as I stated yesterday, not a real military as they seem to resemble a criminal outfit and seem to be almost exclusively seen conducting dubious activities.

The fact the cctv won't be released is because it doesn't support their false account of what happened.

A really good snd wholesome kid has had his life taken and those accused of killing him are slandering his good name by wheeling out unsubstantiated and likely bogus claims

Yes agree. The army has now got into the bar rakeoffs which was originally the domain of the police who cruised around late at night receiving payments from bars or they would make life difficult for them. Now the army is on the act.

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What happened to this young man is indicative of the standard in Thai society that there some lives are 'worth' less than others. In this particular instance, we have a 'stateless' Lahu male.  His death does not register on any scale human worth by junta authorities.  The claims that this young man was a drug dealer and threatening a Thai soldier with a grenade will withstand any pertinent inquiry and the CCTV footage will never see the light of day.


What happened is racist, immoral, and degrades the Lahu people who live in Thailand. And they aren't the only ones who live in Thailand with no formal recognition of their existence.  Almost akin to the Rohingya in Myanmar.  Completely expendable.

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Apparently Duterte just visited, maybe he dropped off a copy of his playbook. Extra judicial killings seem to be getting common here. Remember folks, this ain't the west, it's a ruthless lawless country, be careful. 

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19 hours ago, webfact said:

BANGKOK: -- THE RELEASE of CCTV footage will not ease public doubts about the recent extrajudicial killing of young Lahu activist Chaiyapoom Pasae, Army chief General Chalermchai Sittisart said yesterday.


“I have already watched the footage. It does not answer several questions. So I think even if it is released, it will only spur criticism,” he said.

I'm sure he is not so stupid as to not realise that the criticism is already out there, and will increase as time goes on, unless the video is released - preferably untainted.

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