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Three suspected teenage burglars shot dead in US


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Oklahoma man kills three suspected burglars with AR-15 rifle

By Ian Simpson



(Reuters) - An Oklahoma man shot and killed three suspected teenage burglars with an assault rifle when they broke into his home, and the 23-year-old is unlikely to be charged based on initial evidence, authorities said on Tuesday.


The three had forced their way into the house near the Tulsa suburb of Broken Arrow on Monday when the homeowner's son opened fire with an AR-15 military-style rifle, Deputy Nick Mahoney, spokesman for the Wagoner County Sheriff's Office, said by telephone.


The male intruders were wearing all-black clothing, masks and gloves, while one was armed with a knife and another had brass knuckles, according to authorities.


"This is a pretty uncommon thing for Wagoner County," Mahoney said of the shooting.


Two of the youths were 16 or 17 years old while the third was 18 or 19, Mahoney said. Two died inside the house and the third collapsed on the driveway.


Neither the resident or the three intruders were named by authorities.


The trio's suspected getaway driver, Elizabeth Rodriguez, 21, has been charged with three counts each of first-degree murder and first-degree burglary. Under state law, a person who commits a felony when a death occurs can be charged with felony murder.


Rodriguez was arrested after she went to Broken Arrow police to give information about the incident, Mahoney said.


Assistant District Attorney Doug Dry said the investigation was in its initial stages and any charges against the man would have to await such evidence as a coroner's report.


"Right now there's not anything that I know of that we have any reason to arrest the individual that was alleged to have shot the three individuals," he said by telephone.


Dry said Oklahoma law allowed people to use deadly force in the case of a home invasion.


(Reporting by Ian Simpson; Editing by Daniel Wallis and Andrew Hay)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-03-29
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              There's a recent movie which mirrors that scenario to some degree. I can't recall its name, but I watched in on a flight.


            The shooter is within his rights to do what he did.  Yet, it's a window into the cold-blooded way many US rednecks deal with the world.  It's the same people who voted for Trump.  The shooter could have given a warning and/or shot in the air and/or shot the intruders in the legs, .......   but instead, he purposefully went for 3 kills.   If you get some puppies and they shit on your carpet, do you knock them around with a baseball bat?   Killing the intruders was overkill. 


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37 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

              There's a recent movie which mirrors that scenario to some degree. I can't recall its name, but I watched in on a flight.


            The shooter is within his rights to do what he did.  Yet, it's a window into the cold-blooded way many US rednecks deal with the world.  It's the same people who voted for Trump.  The shooter could have given a warning and/or shot in the air and/or shot the intruders in the legs, .......   but instead, he purposefully went for 3 kills.   If you get some puppies and they shit on your carpet, do you knock them around with a baseball bat?   Killing the intruders was overkill. 


Their warning was that it was private property, ignored... Their next warning is likely that they were met by locked doors/windows ("broke in"), ignored... They entered with weapons - no warning necessary. 

Edited by wxpwzrd
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45 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

              There's a recent movie which mirrors that scenario to some degree. I can't recall its name, but I watched in on a flight.


            The shooter is within his rights to do what he did.  Yet, it's a window into the cold-blooded way many US rednecks deal with the world.  It's the same people who voted for Trump.  The shooter could have given a warning and/or shot in the air and/or shot the intruders in the legs, .......   but instead, he purposefully went for 3 kills.   If you get some puppies and they shit on your carpet, do you knock them around with a baseball bat?   Killing the intruders was overkill. 


Fire a warning shot...right! Give them notice of where you are and give them time to come at you from different angles. Shoot at the legs of intruders ( all of them at the same time? ) who COULD have been carrying firearms...miss and you could be dead, even if they were "only" carrying knives and brass knucks. Methinks the young man did well. Too bad he didn't get a shot at the getaway driver.

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52 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

             The shooter is within his rights to do what he did.  Yet, it's a window into the cold-blooded way many US rednecks deal with the world.  It's the same people who voted for Trump.  The shooter could have given a warning and/or shot in the air and/or shot the intruders in the legs, .......   but instead, he purposefully went for 3 kills.   If you get some puppies and they shit on your carpet, do you knock them around with a baseball bat?   Killing the intruders was overkill. 

I would knock the puppies around with a baseball bat if they had the means and intention to do me and my family harm, yes. Trouble is with this point of view, it is all daintily skewed towards the wrongdoer; the victim's welfare is secondary if considered at all. Someone comes into your property, armed, with the intention to steal and maim, they are fair game afaic. Thinking about the old boy in the UK a while back that did time for shooting a burglar. Absolute disgrace. I wish the UK would adopt the US's sane stance on this.

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

              There's a recent movie which mirrors that scenario to some degree. I can't recall its name, but I watched in on a flight.


            The shooter is within his rights to do what he did.  Yet, it's a window into the cold-blooded way many US rednecks deal with the world.  It's the same people who voted for Trump.  The shooter could have given a warning and/or shot in the air and/or shot the intruders in the legs, .......   but instead, he purposefully went for 3 kills.   If you get some puppies and they shit on your carpet, do you knock them around with a baseball bat?   Killing the intruders was overkill. 


Warning shots are a bad idea and illegal in 

 most municipalities in USA. Firing randomly into the air could bring an additional charge of reckless endangerment or perhaps even attempted assault.

A firearm should not be discharged unless you are shooting at some discrete object.


  One has to remember. If you shoot, you are responsible for where the bullet goes. If you unintentionally shoot someone because you fired a warning shot, you can be charged with “reckless endangerment”, “assault with a deadly weapon”, “attempted murder” or any number of other felonies or serious misdemeanors.

 Calling someone a "Redneck" just shows ignorance on your part. After all, you are the one recommending irresponsible Warning Shots.

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39 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

I would knock the puppies around with a baseball bat if they had the means and intention to do me and my family harm, yes. Trouble is with this point of view, it is all daintily skewed towards the wrongdoer; the victim's welfare is secondary if considered at all. Someone comes into your property, armed, with the intention to steal and maim, they are fair game afaic. Thinking about the old boy in the UK a while back that did time for shooting a burglar. Absolute disgrace. I wish the UK would adopt the US's sane stance on this.

A baseball bat is a poor defence against guns and knives, and you are going to singlehandedly knock 3 "puppies" around? Seen too many Diehard movies methinks.

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1 hour ago, AhFarangJa said:

Makes a darn sight more sense than stupid UK laws. If I inujre someone who breaks into my property I am the one that gets convicted !!!!

Plenty of US states that have stiffer laws on burglary but dont legalise executions , there is a middle path.

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1 minute ago, joecoolfrog said:

Plenty of US states that have stiffer laws on burglary but dont legalise executions , there is a middle path.

What is the 'middle path" after 3 men dressed in black forcefully enter your house in the middle of the night? Ask them politely to leave, point out the error of their ways, make them a coffee?

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6 minutes ago, giddyup said:

What is the 'middle path" after 3 men dressed in black forcefully enter your house in the middle of the night? Ask them politely to leave, point out the error of their ways, make them a coffee?

Check the legislation of the clear majority of states who dont believe that execution is just.

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Just now, joecoolfrog said:

Check the legislation of the clear majority of states who dont believe that execution is just.

I see having my house broken into by 3 armed men in the middle of the night as a perfectly good reason to protect myself by any means, if it results in their death, so be it.

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Sticky wicket. I am American, left of center. I also have a CDWL. The reported facts in this case .. breaking and entering (entry by force), armed, which speaks to violence including threat to life. We all have a right to protect our and/or our loved one's lives. Shoot them non fatally? Unfortunately, depending on the legal representation, you could end up on the short end of the stick. If in the same reported situation, my reaction would have been the same. We maintain the social contact or all bets are off.

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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

              There's a recent movie which mirrors that scenario to some degree. I can't recall its name, but I watched in on a flight.


            The shooter is within his rights to do what he did.  Yet, it's a window into the cold-blooded way many US rednecks deal with the world.  It's the same people who voted for Trump.  The shooter could have given a warning and/or shot in the air and/or shot the intruders in the legs, .......   but instead, he purposefully went for 3 kills.   If you get some puppies and they shit on your carpet, do you knock them around with a baseball bat?   Killing the intruders was overkill. 


They got what they deserved.

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

The trio's suspected getaway driver, Elizabeth Rodriguez, 21, has been charged with three counts each of first-degree murder and first-degree burglary. Under state law, a person who commits a felony when a death occurs can be charged with felony murder.


If convicted and found gaulty she could receive the death penalty in Oklahoma. To bad the Defender did not shoot her and this would of saved the citizens of Oklahoma more of their tax payers money. BUT 3 out 4 ain't bad.:smile:

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

              There's a recent movie which mirrors that scenario to some degree. I can't recall its name, but I watched in on a flight.


            The shooter is within his rights to do what he did.  Yet, it's a window into the cold-blooded way many US rednecks deal with the world.  It's the same people who voted for Trump.  The shooter could have given a warning and/or shot in the air and/or shot the intruders in the legs, .......   but instead, he purposefully went for 3 kills.   If you get some puppies and they shit on your carpet, do you knock them around with a baseball bat?   Killing the intruders was overkill. 


never fire a firearm as a warning. every bullet you fire you own and that bullet may kill out past 500m. never kill to wound, if you determine it is time to shoot then shoot for center of mass where you have the best chance of a solid hit. if i was there i would have done what this guy did. he is not to blame. you go into someones home like that you have to expect to be shot at and even killed. shame to see society breaking down to the point where events like this are becoming more common.

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Why don't Americans invest in guard dogs? I live in a different country but my two dogs will see off three teenagers armed with knives any day - they know how to give a quick bite and dodge back before any human can make contact with a knife, as many dogs can. And seeing a teenager being chased around a garden minus one or two items of clothing while dialing the police is priceless and a far better outcome than three corpses, a band of lawyers, a trading of accusations and all the nonsense.

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3 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

Makes a darn sight more sense than stupid UK laws. If I inujre someone who breaks into my property I am the one that gets convicted !!!!


Yeah the UK is a special case. The burglar no doubt would have been awarded damages (and given an OBE as they are being dished-out like confetti these days), and the victim of course would have been prosecuted, and likely thrown in jail. 

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

              There's a recent movie which mirrors that scenario to some degree. I can't recall its name, but I watched in on a flight.


            The shooter is within his rights to do what he did.  Yet, it's a window into the cold-blooded way many US rednecks deal with the world.  It's the same people who voted for Trump.  The shooter could have given a warning and/or shot in the air and/or shot the intruders in the legs, .......   but instead, he purposefully went for 3 kills.   If you get some puppies and they shit on your carpet, do you knock them around with a baseball bat?   Killing the intruders was overkill. 


Maybe the Robbers should have been given a warning of DO NOT STEAL  or you will be shot.boomerangutang you are a bleeding heart liberal that has no idea of what you are talking about.

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1 hour ago, joecoolfrog said:

Check the legislation of the clear majority of states who don't believe that execution is just.

It is not execution. A person in the States breaks into your home, they know what the consequences may be. They have the ability to change their mind and not break into someone's home.  

 No one is executing them. No one went out looking to murder them. They chose to break the law.  "Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time".

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4 hours ago, saakura said:

Death sentence for teen burglars, sanctioned by law.

Three guys in black clothes, sporting masks and gloves and with brass knuckles and knives on their person.

It wasn't a friendly visit, and they bit off more than they could chew.

If they didn't invade his home with malicious intent, they'd be alive today.

Your bleeding heart is clearly in the wrong place.



Edited by Ramen087
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