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Filthy litterers slammed by locals in Chiang Mai as ignored sign says it all!


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6 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Of course.....impossible to have police? doing things like patrolling sometimes along this stretch......maybe too much to expect!

Policing is very selective. I have watched one sitting on his motorbike in front of a row of about a dozen motorbikes parked on the sidewalk and he did diddly squat. 

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5 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Policing is very selective. I have watched one sitting on his motorbike in front of a row of about a dozen motorbikes parked on the sidewalk and he did diddly squat. 

He was only waiting for a parking space

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6 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Policing is very selective. I have watched one sitting on his motorbike in front of a row of about a dozen motorbikes parked on the sidewalk and he did diddly squat. 

He's smart, knowing he gets paid whether he works or not. Like much of the rest of the force.

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10 hours ago, ChakaKhan said:

I thought those were to be dumped by holy banyan trees


I gotta say as superstitious as thais are thats a surprising pic!


OK my NEXT idea--how about a big pic of the Late KING---rest in peace


If that didnt work with the spirit houses --maybe chip in for the night vision cams


OH --AND LASTLY---its a DIRTY job but just tonite i saw a security guard

and a old lady near my room digging thru trash today--everyday people!


Point being the TRASH itself cold lead BACK to the perp--paperwork-mail-etc


Nah, they dump them everywhere. There used to be a big pile on the corner of Kao Talo and the railway road in Pattaya. 

I assume the hotel cleared them, but a week later they started appearing again.




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Accident in national park road, traffic stopped, I get out to have a smoke, smart dressed Thai guy gets out, goes back to his nice car, fills a bag with trash, walks up to me, chucks the trash into the Forrest, continues to talk about the traffic! <deleted>? It's in their DNA. 

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11 hours ago, Philthyphil said:


Nah, they dump them everywhere. There used to be a big pile on the corner of Kao Talo and the railway road in Pattaya. 

I assume the hotel cleared them, but a week later they started appearing again.




But But But the ghosts!!!!!?????  or are thais gonna tell me uuu noo unnerstaaan

and that the monks and ghosts said its ok--the ghosts have hiso condos now!

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On 29/03/2017 at 7:50 PM, ChrisY1 said:

Of course.....impossible to have police? doing things like patrolling sometimes along this stretch......maybe too much to expect!

It's up to citizens to get on board and stand up.and say something. Comming from a very clean country you wouldn't think of littering there. Very unacceptable. You have to have pride in your country.


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On 3/29/2017 at 2:42 PM, harada said:

I'm not sure what the situation is in Thailand but in many countries low risk prisoner work gangs go out and clean up this garbage and probably recycle it, if I had the choice of sitting in a cockroach infested sell with a hundred blokes all day or collecting and sorting garbage I think I'd choose the garbage, and there's a fair chance that you'd pick up a better feed than you are getting inside.

You'r right in one part of your post "I'm not sure what the situation is in Thailand"

When/if you come across someone here that rather do hard work in the sun, then sitting in the shade talking or playing on social media let us now.



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Same in my area, the road leading to my moo baan entrance has open lots of land, overgrown and littered with rubbish, old couches and mattresses, etc, roughly 10 soi dogs have adopted the area as home.  Moo baan is ok, but getting to it through the dump and ugly, untended land, is depressing. 


We lived in the country side previous 4 years, the Tessaban trash collectors came around every day; they had a brand new collection truck when we left.   Here they come only once per week (Saturday, allegedly) and twice in the past 2 months we've lived here, have skipped two pick ups, so all the house bins are full, sat there baking in the sun for 2 weeks before they come 'round again.  Lovely......:sick:


I trimmed a bunch of trees and shrubs and cleaned up our section of the road the other day.  Tied up the cuttings in 4 neat, easy to handle bundles but Mrs said they probably wouldn't take them away.  I think you have to put green, naturally decomposing material into a bloody PLASTIC BAG for them to accept it?  Not sure because they didn't come yesterday, so everything still out there on the soi.  My first time living in a "city area" in Thailand.  Miss the old house and its 1.5 Rai of land in this regard.  Daily garden clean up / cuttings, etc., get buried/mulched or raked up and burned and the ashes get sprinkled around/worked into soil beds and tree ring bases. 

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On April 2, 2560 BE at 9:10 AM, the guest said:

Prime education is the key to solving a lot of Thailand's problems. Unfortunately the country refuses to accept standards are low, so very little is expected to change in the near future.

It also has to do with how corrupt the local tetsabaan is.

They all have a budget, it just depends how much is pocketed.

Some, but not many, amphuers are quite clean. 

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I drive past this every day. The signs went up about a month ago. The pile of rubbish has been growing for much longer than that.


Having seen the pile of rubbish, someone went to the trouble of putting a sign up, but didn't go to the effort of cleaning it up. This perplexed me. TIT.

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