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Republican disarray deepens as Trump attacks rebel conservatives


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8 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

It seems that the disintegration of the Trump Presidency is happening even quicker than some predicted! General Flynn seeking immunity is huge!

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Much too slow for me.  Every day he destroys a little more of the  USA's credibility.  It is more and more obvious that this lunatic must be removed and as quickly as possible!

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Just now, dunroaming said:

Much too slow for me.  Every day he destroys a little more of the  USA's credibility.  It is more and more obvious that this lunatic must be removed and as quickly as possible!

Yes, he continues to do much damage. There is only so much people can do under the law to check him. At least many people are trying. 

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5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I am sure the Democrats are having a damned good laugh. Why they would want to help him is beyond me.

The man is an idiot and an embarrassment to America.

Well, practically in this situation, you're correct, but if trump led the republicanists towards certain positions that the democratics would widely love, such as single payer health care and grand infrastructure programs (not the "great" ego border wall of trump), then, sure they would. 

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4 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Fox News is basically trump propaganda central. They even seem to make trump policy for him. Fox on Friends says it, it's often in a speech or tweet from trump bigly quick.

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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yet there are still many loyalists. I wonder how far that goes especially if treason charges ever come to be. 


May depend on how hard it would be to spin it as fake charges.

In terms of divisiveness, things will almost certainly turn uglier.

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10 hours ago, tonray said:

Another ruse. They give him immunity and he says he knows nothing about anyone else but what he did and Trump is off the hook. No immunity....go after him and make him sweat.

             I agree 100%.  Giving Flynn immunity would piss me off.   The investigators already know he's a liar and that he's fully enamored to Trump.  If Flynn is found guilty, he should be punished accordingly.   Same for Trump and all Trump's sheeple, top to bottom.


             In his request for immunity (from both Houses of Congress) his lawyer says he has astonishing news.  BS! Deny immunity and let him invoke the 5th Amendment ad nauseum.  Regardless, he'll be nailed for law-breaking, as will a host of others - unless Reps in Congress are successful at hamstringing the process.

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4 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

             I agree 100%.  Giving Flynn immunity would piss me off.   The investigators already know he's a liar and that he's fully enamored to Trump.  If Flynn is found guilty, he should be punished accordingly.   Same for Trump and all Trump's sheeple, top to bottom.


             In his request for immunity (from both Houses of Congress) his lawyer says he has astonishing news.  BS! Deny immunity and let him invoke the 5th Amendment ad nauseum.  Regardless, he'll be nailed for law-breaking, as will a host of others - unless Reps in Congress are successful at hamstringing the process.

This is  a setup by the Trump team. More distract and diffuse. Because Flynn and Trump both know that no matter what...Trump can pardon Flynn after the fact. They are just trying to deflect the investigation again. 

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                When a lot younger, I was married to a woman who collected cats.  But she only liked 'em when they were kittens.  When they matured, she would order me to put them, one by one, in cardboard boxes, to cart them off to the pound.  I quickly found out that cats hate to be put in boxes.  So each time I put one in, and quickly closed the top, the cat would go apeshit trying to get out (and usually succeed).  Cats are strong!


                     I mention this because Trump and his associates are like cats being put in individual boxes to be carted away (to inquiries, or whatever).   Each time one is put in a box (usually of their own making) they thrash around desperately.   .....and usually force their way out and then, like scared cats, go hiding from authority.







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6 hours ago, kevkev1888 said:

In you own words "for now". Rome was not built in a day! 

Trump has instigated a lot of change, change that is badly needed, and there is much much much more to come. If he only achieves a quarter of it he will have done well.

Change for the sake of change is not necessarily good.  A tornado can rip through a trailer park.  That's change, but does it have a good result.   32% of Americans were so easily hoodwinked by a snake oil salesman.  Sorry if this offends Trump voters, but they're all dummies.  That's as nice as I can put it.  Trump is worse than a bad disease.  A disease usually has some sort of remedy.  There's no remedy from Trump  ....except getting him booted out of office. 

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38 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

             I agree 100%.  Giving Flynn immunity would piss me off.   The investigators already know he's a liar and that he's fully enamored to Trump.  If Flynn is found guilty, he should be punished accordingly.   Same for Trump and all Trump's sheeple, top to bottom.


             In his request for immunity (from both Houses of Congress) his lawyer says he has astonishing news.  BS! Deny immunity and let him invoke the 5th Amendment ad nauseum.  Regardless, he'll be nailed for law-breaking, as will a host of others - unless Reps in Congress are successful at hamstringing the process.


Flynn may be asking for full immunity, but what deal he can cut depends on the goods he can provide. And then there's also the public aspect to consider. He might get his wish, but if it goes through, perhaps a reduced punishment/sentence/whatever is a better bet. Depending on his actual role and the level of his involvement, it may not be such a bad trade-off.


There's a whole lot of words poured about investigations, convictions, who might replace whom and whatnot. Less about how the US is to face the aftermath, and pull through.

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Flynn would have to go through some kind of Q&A session with either prosecutors and some members of the Senate Intel Committee to establish if what he has to tell is indeed a 'worthy story' that warrants some sort of immunity. Senate will not grant immunity just to see what the story 'might be' at a public hearing. They will want to know what they are getting for immunity before they gift it, then at the hearing, Flynn would have to tell the Committee (or prosecutors) exactly what he told them in confidence behind closed doors.

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5 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

I find it alarming that you cannot see the difference between 'kicking butt' and 'disappearing up your own butt' because Trump is doing the latter according to anyone in the world that has an average or above helping of Neurons. 

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On Donald Trump and Demagoguery

The following excerpts are drawn from an essay by William F. Buckley Jr. that appeared in the March/April 2000 issue of Cigar Aficionado. 



   Look for the narcissist. The most obvious target in today’s lineup is, of course, Donald Trump. When he looks at a glass, he is mesmerized by its reflection. If Donald Trump were shaped a little differently, he would compete for Miss America. But whatever the depths of self-enchantment, the demagogue has to say something. So what does Trump say? That he is a successful businessman and that that is what America needs in the Oval Office. There is some plausibility in this, though not much. The greatest deeds of American Presidents — midwifing the new republic; freeing the slaves; harnessing the energies and vision needed to win the Cold War — had little to do with a bottom line.



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16 hours ago, tonray said:


The problem here is that the Democrats haven't clue. They have spent the last 20 years asleep at the wheel and the gerrymandering has made most districts untouchable for them. I think no matter how bad the Repubs are, they may just yet retain control. And they still have no answer for the electoral college issue in 2020. Same problem still exists....and Trump unless he somehow is removed from office by the right, is still the #1 contender for the job.


This week the Dems trotted out Hilary Clinton to gloat about the defeat of the Health care plan....do they really think she is going to galvanize all those voters who hate her guts and elected Trump into a 2020 win ? They are just as bad...no plan and no clue whatsoever.

The question was will Trump be around in 2018. I think the choice for the Right is between Pence and Trump which is not really a choice at all. He is going down and the Right and Establishment Republicans will make sure it is done so fast your head will spin.

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5 minutes ago, pegman said:

The question was will Trump be around in 2018. I think the choice for the Right is between Pence and Trump which is not really a choice at all. He is going down and the Right and Establishment Republicans will make sure it is done so fast your head will spin.


You mean the same ones that are lying and covering for him now ?

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13 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Executive orders like these mean little.  Many will be challenged for years and may never come to be.  Gotta love this one.  Kickin butt! :cheesy:



An order moving the HBCU (Historically Black College and Universities) offices back from the Department of Education to the White House.


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11 hours ago, Morch said:

Flynn may be asking for full immunity, but what deal he can cut depends on the goods he can provide. And then there's also the public aspect to consider. He might get his wish, but if it goes through, perhaps a reduced punishment/sentence/whatever is a better bet. Depending on his actual role and the level of his involvement, it may not be such a bad trade-off.


There's a whole lot of words poured about investigations, convictions, who might replace whom and whatnot. Less about how the US is to face the aftermath, and pull through.

                     Why should any committee members believe what Flynn has to say?  He's a proven liar.  His allegiance is #1 to save his own hide, an #2 to shield Trump and others in that mob.  No immunity for him or any of the other goons.  The press corps is finding plenty of incriminating info into Trump-Russian ties.  The FBI, and both congressional committees are merely following some of the dots that journalists have uncovered.  Some of the Democrat members of committees are connecting those dots.  Republicans don't even have the brain power (or willingness) to connect dots - they're too busy worrying about leaks.

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8 hours ago, tonray said:


You mean the same ones that are lying and covering for him now ?

Just a smoke screen. They will let the Dems and the media make all the noise but very quietly the Establishment Republicans will do the heavy lifting. They were all against him in the primary and Pence is one of them so it's easy to see why this will happen.

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In politics

Journalists at both the New York Times Magazine and Teen Vogue, as well as psychologists Bryant Welch and Robert Feldman, have described some of the actions of Donald Trump during the 2016 US presidential election and his term as president as examples of gaslighting. According to political activist and psychotherapist Leah McElrath, who analyzed Trump's response to the Access Hollywood video, his methods amount to “the reality you just experienced didn’t actually happen.”[16] Ben Yagoda wrote in the Chronicle of Higher Education in January 2017, that the term gaslighting had become topical again as the result of Trump's behavior, saying that Trump's "habitual tendency to say 'X,' and then, at some later date, indignantly declare, "I did not say 'X.' In fact, I would never dream of saying 'X.'" had brought new notability to the term.

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                     Why should any committee members believe what Flynn has to say?  He's a proven liar.  His allegiance is #1 to save his own hide, an #2 to shield Trump and others in that mob.  No immunity for him or any of the other goons.  The press corps is finding plenty of incriminating info into Trump-Russian ties.  The FBI, and both congressional committees are merely following some of the dots that journalists have uncovered.  Some of the Democrat members of committees are connecting those dots.  Republicans don't even have the brain power (or willingness) to connect dots - they're too busy worrying about leaks.


Whether they believe him or not, and whether they'll see fit to grant him immunity in return for his testimony will be decided according to what he has to say. I'm pretty sure most of those involved in such dealing know a wee bit more about relevant details, legalities and the prospects of such proceedings than you.


There's a difference between carrying out a vehement internet crusade, and actually getting things done. The latter sometimes entails unsavory compromises and concessions.

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On 3/31/2017 at 11:36 AM, Andaman Al said:

They need to feed him a LOT of rope, he doesn't need to just hang himself, he has his three little piggies, Bannon, Conway, Spicer , Pribus, and that reprehensible white supremacist  that I can't remember the name of that somehow worked his way in to the White House as an Advisor.

I'd add his kids to the list also.

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23 hours ago, Jingthing said:

trump in being nominated accomplished a HOSTILE takeover of the republicanist party. It should come as no surprise to anyone that many actual republicanists of various ideologies (far right extremist, libertarian, "moderate", etc.) will not always be reliable to fall into line under such a BIZARRE "leader" especially now that he has basically lost all credibility. He should just quit and get it over with. He's bad for the republicanists, bad for the USA, and bad for the world. 


In trump's own style:



By their actions or inaction's I'd say the "red" sheeple are condoning EVERYTHING their dictator to be has done/said. These Reds are pathetic hypocrites. I hope they never win another election.

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