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Drunk American arrested in Prachuap with 'gun necklace'


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10 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Proper police procedure???


They arrest this guy out in the field, and apparently fail to search him before hauling him down to the police station.


Only then, at the police station, do some officers discover he has some kind of a pistol (real, replica, jewelry, who knows?) in his pocket.



Right - and if it was meant to be around his neck why carry it in his pocket. It doesnt make sence and even less when you take into consideration the actual size ....;)

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20 minutes ago, Wake Up said:

Doesn't everyone have a gun necklace? 



Only those who have aquired a necklace using a gun...;)

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I think the BIB out in Prachuap need to bring in the former head of the MPB in BKK for a consult.


After all, that guy was the BIB's resident expert on sneaking dodgy guns into and/or out of countries, especially given his past escapade in Japan.


Whatever happened to him about that after he was finally released from Japan, BTW???  "Police and the Transport Ministry vowed to investigate...."  Ohh, never mind!!!  No one really wants to know anyway. :sick:


But maybe, just maybe, this guy in this case can use the same defense/excuse and get away with it. "That gun? Ohh, that's not MY gun. Dunno how it got into my pocket!!!"

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I see the police took our window licker into custody at 7-11, took him to the station and dumb shit was STILL wearing his "gun" necklace there when this photo was taken.  And right, the copper to the right looks fairly young, mouth open in bewilderment Uhhhhh!  Probably thinking that gun necklace is cool, and would love to wear it himself. 

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21 hours ago, lust said:

Why is every news story on here such rubbish? Is it a real functioning pistol, or is it just a replica? Was he arrested for licking the glass, or having the pistol? Is he being charged, or just questioned. Worst. Reporting. Ever.

Totally agree with you Lust. Do they (journalists) know that this is bad reporting?

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1 hour ago, ujayujay said:

What a loser:cheesy:

Now please pay attention all non native English speaking members, the above is how you spell Loser the term Looser means the screw is loose, or looser than it should be and needs tightening etc etc, a loser is someone who has lost the plot, lost money, lost the game etc.


Sorry but the small things do matter. No doubt that this will be deleted as I think spelling remarks are a no no. :sorry: 

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7 hours ago, lust said:

Why is every news story on here such rubbish? Is it a real functioning pistol, or is it just a replica? Was he arrested for licking the glass, or having the pistol? Is he being charged, or just questioned. Worst. Reporting. Ever.

Police don't convey the facts to the media in many cases.


If you feel every news story is rubbish why do you read the content?


Why are you so angry over a story?

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7 hours ago, lust said:

Why is every news story on here such rubbish? Is it a real functioning pistol, or is it just a replica? Was he arrested for licking the glass, or having the pistol? Is he being charged, or just questioned. Worst. Reporting. Ever.

I'm sure you've been here long enough to know that this is typical reporting in Thailand. Even news reports released from the government have conflicting statements/numbers etc.  Maybe one of these days reporters in Thailand will learn how to provide details, but i'm not holding my breath.

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8 hours ago, lust said:

Why is every news story on here such rubbish? Is it a real functioning pistol, or is it just a replica? Was he arrested for licking the glass, or having the pistol? Is he being charged, or just questioned. Worst. Reporting. Ever.

Here's a clue: it is a firearm. They said that.


The clown claimed it was merely a fashion accessory. They said that.


Licking the glass and he was intoxicated. They said that.


What did you read that you didn't understand since it all seems clear to me.


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1 hour ago, Golden Triangle said:

Now please pay attention all non native English speaking members, the above is how you spell Loser the term Looser means the screw is loose, or looser than it should be and needs tightening etc etc, a loser is someone who has lost the plot, lost money, lost the game etc.


Sorry but the small things do matter. No doubt that this will be deleted as I think spelling remarks are a no no. :sorry: 

Misunderstanding the difference between "LOSE" and "LOOSE" is one of the most common errors on this forum as it happens more often than not.  Also understanding the difference between the words "TO" and "TOO" (not to mention "TWO") would also help, although the errors are perfectly understandable from non-English posters but surely less understandable from the natives, who have presumably spent at least 11 years at school supposedly learning the craft.  :sorry: TOO!

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8 hours ago, lust said:

Why is every news story on here such rubbish? Is it a real functioning pistol, or is it just a replica? Was he arrested for licking the glass, or having the pistol? Is he being charged, or just questioned. Worst. Reporting. Ever.

According to the linked article:



It was at the station that police say they found a .45 pistol in his pocket, prompting them to charge him with illegal firearms possession.


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1 hour ago, Golden Triangle said:

Now please pay attention all non native English speaking members


What about all the native English speakers who continually misuse lose, loose, loser and looser?


Or mixing up border with boarder or replacing "have" with "of," as in "He should of ..."


It's excusable if you're not an English speaker or if English is your second or third language. But some of the same people who criticize Thai English usage seem to be struggling with the language themselves. And some of them come to Thailand to teach English.



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7 hours ago, OmegaRacer said:

The fashion police got him.
42 years old and dressing like a gangsta clown should be punishable by law. 555

I guess if you want to state he's 42, 

and dressing like a gangsta, 

or clown, you can.

Though the two are not the same thing.

The article stated he was 39, 

just so we get that wright, no?


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On 3/30/2017 at 10:29 PM, lust said:

Why is every news story on here such rubbish? Is it a real functioning pistol, or is it just a replica? Was he arrested for licking the glass, or having the pistol? Is he being charged, or just questioned. Worst. Reporting. Ever.

He was charged with Illegal firearms possession.  Nobody has come forward to bail him out.


Read first before engaging brain.

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13 hours ago, lust said:

Why is every news story on here such rubbish? Is it a real functioning pistol, or is it just a replica? Was he arrested for licking the glass, or having the pistol? Is he being charged, or just questioned. Worst. Reporting. Ever.

Because the news on here is never reported correctly, it is just utter drivel and you cannot believe a word of what is spouted. Best check with a reputable source 3 days later to see if it still holds water.

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22 hours ago, lust said:

Why is every news story on here such rubbish? Is it a real functioning pistol, or is it just a replica? Was he arrested for licking the glass, or having the pistol? Is he being charged, or just questioned. Worst. Reporting. Ever.


Every child that plays with a toy gun and displays a lick everything behaviour must now be arrested!

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20 hours ago, A1Str8 said:

Licking the window and staring at her. This is how I met my girlfriend. 

Different strokes for different folks if it works for you go for it but keep it legal. On the other hand maybe she likes a bad boy. 

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