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Man arrested for growing organic marijuana


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Man arrested for growing organic marijuana
By The Nation




BANGKOK: -- Police arrested a man for growing organic marijuana with imported seeds at a house in Bangkok’s neighbouring province of Pathum Thani on Friday.


Natthapol Kaewtrairat, 29, a Mahasarakham resident, was arrested at his rented house in the Mueang Ekrat housing estate in Pathum Thani’s Mueng district at about 11.30am.


Police found 11 marijuana plants, each one about one-and-a-half metres tall. 


They were grown in a special room with light and temperature-control technologies. Police also found dried marijuana and drug-smoking equipment.


Natthapol admitted to police that this was the second crop he had grown and he did so for his own use and for sale to high-society types, who he refused to name.


He said the crop was organic and the seeds were imported from the UK.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/breakingnews/30310907

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-03-31


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2 minutes ago, webfact said:


Natthapol admitted to police that this was the second crop he had grown and he did so for his own use and for sale to high-society types, who he refused to name.

If that's true he'd better be careful he doesn't have an accident in custody...

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Let me understand this. Growing organic marijuana, that is proven to be very beneficial to humans is illegal. But murder is legal in Thailand, as it has been shown on several occasions. 

Talk about having it all backwards.

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18 hours ago, webfact said:

Natthapol admitted to police that this was the second crop he had grown and he did so for his own use and for sale to high-society types, who he refused to name.

Sounds like a temporary disruption in supply.  Doubt he will see much jail time.  Sure he will be offered an arrangement of sorts.

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18 hours ago, vagabundo said:

I can only imagine how legal marijuana would work on Thai economy. 
Paradise islands/resort + marijuana = huuuuuge profit 

And to think that now some of the very best weed in the world is now grown in  three states in the US.One of the things LOS needs is better weed.

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Many Thais, like many Westerners, simply assume marijuana is bad. It's been drilled into them that drugs are simply bad. I've asked several Thais why they think marijuana is bad, and they can't answer it. Simply "It's bad", and then they get annoyed that they don't know why. Kinda just shut down. 


Marijuana is a beautiful thing that was given to us by nature. You don't wanna use it then don't. Continue with your alcohol, church, or whatever else it is that you enjoy. But leave the rest of us alone. And never ever! Tell any sick or dying person that they can't use it to deal with their pain. 

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19 hours ago, balo said:

Don't worry , his hi-so friends will save him . Maybe the red bull family gets their weed from him . 

Could be.  He's gone through the trouble of importing seeds from the UK and growing in an alternative way.... quite sure he can market it as a niche, premium product to upscale clients and other closet smokers.

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Don't worry , his hi-so friends will save him

Lets hope so...after all its a natural product put on earth by "the great creator" who ever that may be so why shouldn't humans who want to use it use it ?
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On 1.4.2017 at 6:55 PM, fish monger said:

Unless someone ratted him out or ran their mouth, how would anyone know...?


On 1.4.2017 at 7:15 PM, johng said:

THC sniffer dogs ?


Superior quality (although yes, doesn't look like much - then again it doesn't take much around here either) plus loose lips ... etc. 

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On 4/1/2017 at 2:14 PM, khunPer said:

Sound like "organic" and "imported seeds" was the problem...:whistling:


Organic sounds like a misnomer. 


There a re a few growers out there now who have gone hydroponic, but it would seem their efforts are unwelcome as it cuts into sales of the crap that has passed for weed here in the past.


Lots of uni students with their own small grow show out there these days.


Im amazed its taken this long.

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                The vanguard of growing the best strains is going on the US - helped by easing of restrictions. Any seed he got from the UK is probably inferior to seed from the US.  I drove through California two years ago.  Nearly every town, I could smell the stuff from my car cruising the streets.  It's soooooo prevalent.  Nearly half the Pacific coast population plus Coloradans are growing the stuff - from 7 yr olds on thru great granma and granpa.  


              Trouble with Thailand is, even tho they're contemplating allowing the growing of it here - any newspaper article mentioning that, always has a caveat saying it will be tightly controlled by authorities.  Translation: one or two very rich families will control growing of pot in Thailand, if it's ever allowed to be grown.   Same already happens with beer in Thailand - only one or two families control it.


                Thais, like a lot of other people worldwide, probably think (erroneously) that if pot were legal to grow/sell/use, that it would hamper beer sales.  They're wrong.  Studies have shown that adding pot to the list of legal rec. drugs doesn't affect beer or booze sales.  Pot heads buy as much or more beer when they're stoned, so that argument is BS.  


                    If/when pot is legal to grow and peddle in Thailand, everyone, I repeat EVERYONE, should be allowed to grow it.  That's the trend in the US (which sets drug trends for Thailand), and it's working well. In its first year of legal pot, Colorado increased it's tax income by $22 million.  When I checked with dozens of buddies of mine in California - who were poor before pot was legal to grow - they're all rich and happy now, growing the stuff in their back yards. 


            Same could happen in Thailand.   Millions of Thais would have lots more money.   It's win-win!   And the medical applications.......    whole books have been written about those.   For that reason, I wouldn't be surprised if Big Pharma (as well as alcohol peddlers) are against legalizing pot in Thailand.



Edited by boomerangutang
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                  And then there's hemp.  Again, Thailand copies US laws, so it criminalizes hemp, even though Thais don't even know what hemp is.  If they did, they'd know you can't get stoned if you smoke a whole barrel of the stuff.   However, the Chinese, Australians, Romanians, Canadians and many others have legalized growing hemp, and their farmers are happily making money from farming it.


              Actually, the US is easing toward reason on hemp, with several states (mostly upper mid-west) now growing it legally, albeit in controlled plots.     The DEA is still decades behind the curve, with their heads in the sand.   They, in turn, keep Thailand from coming into the modern era on that issue.

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Another mention about medical benefits of pot (sorry to post so much on this topic):


               You'll notice that every drug sold in a Thai hospital or clinic is manufactured.  Not one is a natural product.  Even aspirin, which originally came from willow tree inner bark - quickly became a processed item.  Yet even simple manufactured aspirin is no longer available in Thailand.  The reason?  Because it was too easy for little companies to make.   Now, the only aspirin-like pills available to consumers are from large corporations.  I've found the one mom & pop store (in Chiang Rai) which still sells simple aspirin, but I'm not telling you where it is, because I'm hoarding its finite supply.  


               Same for pot.  Already, THC (the active ingredient) has been synthesized, with a US company gaining a patent, and legally allowed to sell it.   Big Pharma will do all it can to continue thwarting the growing of pot.  Big Pharma doesn't want the public to access naturally grown herbs or roots.  It wants everyone to only access patented drugs via retail.


                One more note:  whenever a patient gets drugs at a Thai hospital, whether as an overnighter or an out- patient, they only get corporate processed drugs.  Thais are too sheeple-minded to ever preclude taking and paying for the drugs they're told to get.   They should know they have the option to decline drugs peddled to them by hospital staff.    More than once, when stuck doing an overnight stay for a bad injury, I've declined taking anti-bacterial (and other) drugs, and just as often, I get a stern lecture from one or another doctor telling me how wrong I was ("do you think you know more than me - a doctor!!!").   I don't want to be killed by overdosing on anti-bacterial (or other) drugs.  It happened to a Thai friend of mine - a young strong man, full of vigor.  He went to a Chiang Mai hospital for a minor infection.  He died a day later.  I strongly suspect he overdosed on pharma drugs.

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13 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                The vanguard of growing the best strains is going on the US - helped by easing of restrictions. Any seed he got from the UK is probably inferior to seed from the US.  I drove through California two years ago.  Nearly every town, I could smell the stuff from my car cruising the streets.  It's soooooo prevalent.  Nearly half the Pacific coast population plus Coloradans are growing the stuff - from 7 yr olds on thru great granma and granpa.  


              Trouble with Thailand is, even tho they're contemplating allowing the growing of it here - any newspaper article mentioning that, always has a caveat saying it will be tightly controlled by authorities.  Translation: one or two very rich families will control growing of pot in Thailand, if it's ever allowed to be grown.   Same already happens with beer in Thailand - only one or two families control it.


                Thais, like a lot of other people worldwide, probably think (erroneously) that if pot were legal to grow/sell/use, that it would hamper beer sales.  They're wrong.  Studies have shown that adding pot to the list of legal rec. drugs doesn't affect beer or booze sales.  Pot heads buy as much or more beer when they're stoned, so that argument is BS.  


                    If/when pot is legal to grow and peddle in Thailand, everyone, I repeat EVERYONE, should be allowed to grow it.  That's the trend in the US (which sets drug trends for Thailand), and it's working well. In its first year of legal pot, Colorado increased it's tax income by $22 million.  When I checked with dozens of buddies of mine in California - who were poor before pot was legal to grow - they're all rich and happy now, growing the stuff in their back yards. 


            Same could happen in Thailand.   Millions of Thais would have lots more money.   It's win-win!   And the medical applications.......    whole books have been written about those.   For that reason, I wouldn't be surprised if Big Pharma (as well as alcohol peddlers) are against legalizing pot in Thailand.



Excellent summary.

I agree with everything you said, especially the part about beer. I never smoke without having a bunch of cold beers and/or other alcoholic drinks in the fridge.

There is no doubt that Big Pharma is the main villain in this ridiculous drama. These fossils are still fighting the legalisation in the US.

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12 minutes ago, sandemara said:

Alcohol: a chemical made by man. Marijuana, a plant made by God.  Who would you prefer to trust?

Hmm, tough choice.


Both contestants have a lot to answer for...


I choose none of the above.

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10 minutes ago, sandemara said:

Alcohol: a chemical made by man. Marijuana, a plant made by God.  Who would you prefer to trust?

Whisky distilled from fermented grain mash,barley, rye, corn.

Beer made from hops, water, yeast.

Rum made from sugarcane, molasses etc

Wine, natural ingredients.

Not quite a chemical, are they?.

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