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Just bought booze at 711 with US Visa Card......

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7 hours ago, smotherb said:

I don't line-up at ATMs. For one thing, I never wait until I run out of money so I can function until I find an open line. For another, I usually send the wife for the money. If she is not with me and there is a line at an ATM, I go on to the next one--there are thousands of them and remember, I still have money. As for chicks, there are thousands of them too. 

So I draw money once a month for my expenses. You draw either through your wife or on your own account anything up to three times a day.  I think that's a waste of time. Convince me otherwise.

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Do they accept normal Thai visa cards now also ? Because they didnt in the past . My Kasikorn card works everywhere for shopping but never tried it at 7 eleven .


2 hours ago, bazza73 said:

So I draw money once a month for my expenses. You draw either through your wife or on your own account anything up to three times a day.  I think that's a waste of time. Convince me otherwise.

Apparently, you are under the wrong impression. I do not care if you are convinced. You also seem to forget; I do not want to keep money in Thailand. The only money I have here is what I just got out of the ATM. You see, I refuse to occupy most of my life trying to make it until next month on a budget. I go out almost every day; I go to places where I spend money--I have this notion that spending is all money is good for.

16 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Oh thank you, font of all knowledge, And i bow in the presence of an entrepreneur with far more experience and a far bigger business than my pitiful attempt.dabbling?? Ahh, of course, but my dabbling has allowed me a lifestyle that some can never attain here.How long was it before you had to close down due to lack of customers due to the tourist decline, and your wonderful  relationship with your customers that you had.By your attitude, it would appear that you didnt last very long

 c'est la vie.

Font of all knowledge? Would that be Arial Bold or Comic Sans MS?

On 4/8/2017 at 9:56 AM, hdkane said:

Agreed...the use of a credit card in Thailand is simply asking for your accounts to be hacked...I use cash anywhere and everywhere I can.

I came to say the same thing..... Only a fool would use a credit/debit card to make a purchase in LOS.......  Cash only !!!

4 hours ago, smotherb said:

Apparently, you are under the wrong impression. I do not care if you are convinced. You also seem to forget; I do not want to keep money in Thailand. The only money I have here is what I just got out of the ATM. You see, I refuse to occupy most of my life trying to make it until next month on a budget. I go out almost every day; I go to places where I spend money--I have this notion that spending is all money is good for.

You seem to be under the wrong impression too - that I'm on a budget. You keep doing your thing, and I'll do mine.

6 hours ago, Mark123456 said:

Font of all knowledge? Would that be Arial Bold or Comic Sans MS

Going by the total lack of knowledge in KKD's earlier reply I can only assume it was a comic font!

1 hour ago, scottiejohn said:

Going by the total lack of knowledge in KKD's earlier reply I can only assume it was a comic font!


Of course it was meant to be comic.However,your remark about my total lack of knowledge, caught my eye.
Would you care to enlighten me on that point?

1 hour ago, scottiejohn said:

Going by the total lack of knowledge in KKD's earlier reply I can only assume it was a comic font!

I just  read your earlier rant. Whoa! did i hit a nerve there? Sorry you lost your temper.By your angry reply, and your insulting manner, i would say that there is some truth in my assumption that you have only been in the bar game, in your dreams.

Does this mean that we aren't friends anymore?:kiss01:

On 4/8/2017 at 10:50 PM, elektrified said:

I've used my credit cards in Thailand almost every day for 10 years and never had a problem.

...and I have been driving in Thailand for the past 10 years without having a single accident.... I'm thinking our luck may one day run out......

6 hours ago, dingdongrb said:

Only a fool would use a credit/debit card to make a purchase in LOS.......  Cash only !!!




If you have a Thai debit card connected to a bank account with just a few baht in it , like I do , payment is safe , you'll get a text message from the bank on every transaction .

My savings are still safe on another account.   In most western countries these days people use debit/credit cards on any small purchase, no need for cash anymore. 





2 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I just  read your earlier rant. Whoa! did i hit a nerve there? Sorry you lost your temper.By your angry reply, and your insulting manner, i would say that there is some truth in my assumption that you have only been in the bar game, in your dreams.

Does this mean that we aren't friends anymore?:kiss01:

rant (From the OED)

verb speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way.

noun a spell of ranting.



ranter noun

ranting noun



C16 (in the sense 'behave boisterously'): from Dutch ranten 'talk nonsense, rave'.


What rant.  It is time you found out the facts about somebody before posting that I am lying and making your totally baseless assumptions.          

 You have absolutely no knowledge of my business background and I am most certainly not going to waste my time on commenting on that aspect further.

I assume the last line of your post was intended to be an attempt at humour. 

2 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

rant (From the OED)

verb speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way.

noun a spell of ranting.



ranter noun

ranting noun



C16 (in the sense 'behave boisterously'): from Dutch ranten 'talk nonsense, rave'.


What rant.  It is time you found out the facts about somebody before posting that I am lying and making your totally baseless assumptions.          

 You have absolutely no knowledge of my business background and I am most certainly not going to waste my time on commenting on that aspect further.

I assume the last line of your post was intended to be an attempt at humour. 

Scottie, scottie,scottie,old pal.

Just when i thought it was safe to go back into the water, you emerge with shark like comments.Of your business back ground, i have no interest.And yes i do make an attempt at humour, unlike you, who seems to be intent on keeping on with this tiresome posting.

I was amused by your defining of verbs and nouns regarding the word rants. Straight out of google i fancy.

Look, lets cease this constant battle of words. My stance is, that i dont believe you, i think you are possibly a wannabe. And also you are a keyboard warrior.

Now, thats it, i wont change my mind dear scottie, so your continuance on this topic is futile.

I find all amusing because this is a purely anonymous forum and, listen mate, its only words, you are words on a screen to me, that is all.

So now ,if you will allow me, i have some paint to watch drying.

Your pal KKD:coffee1:

2 hours ago, dingdongrb said:

...and I have been driving in Thailand for the past 10 years without having a single accident.... I'm thinking our luck may one day run out......

By your logic, wouldn't you be better off refraining from driving? Or are you saying that you're happy to risk your life but not your cash? 


Incidentally, I've also been using credit and debit cards in Thailand for a long time (13+ years) without any issues at all. 

Hey guys, any remote chance of getting back on topic here...and that's the new ability to use VISA cards for purchases at 7/11????
Things are getting pretty far afield....

Seems like you can use them. What else is there to say on that topic?

Don't think we've seen an answer yet as to whether folks can pay for Air Asia tickets via counter payment at 7/11, among other things....


Don't think we've seen if anyone has used a Thai-issued VISA card there, though I'd assume you can... Assume being the key word.


Etc etc etc...

Don't think we've seen an answer yet as to whether folks can pay for Air Asia tickets via counter payment at 7/11, among other things....
Don't think we've seen if anyone has used a Thai-issued VISA card there, though I'd assume you can... Assume being the key word.
Etc etc etc...

I can confirm you can pay for Air Asia tickets over the counter in 7 eleven. Just like any other bill, like electricity.
14 minutes ago, balo said:


I can confirm you can pay for Air Asia tickets over the counter in 7 eleven. Just like any other bill, like electricity.


Yes, we knew that...but the question is can you pay the 711 fee and then use your credit card to pay for plane ticket or electric bill.  As it stands, if I am at home and use any visa card, it cost me 196 THB approx. Per itinerary.  Going to 711 is about 46 THB....so can we pay 711 46 THB then use the card like we are buying booze?  BTW, don't be fooled into thinking the AA ticket office at THAPHAE Gate is free...also about 190 THB service charge...even with cash.


KKK, thanks for clarifying that.... I meant to say, as you asked earlier --  can we buy AA tickets at 7/11 using a VISA credit card and paying the regular 7/11 counter fee.


I just realized, I wasn't clear on that, in my prior post above.



FWIW, I stopped by one of the two different 7/11s on my central BKK soi on the way home tonight.


The smaller one in the middle of my soi did NOT yet have the VISA card capability, but said the larger sister store up at the top of my soi had already begun accepting VISA credit cards.


So apparently, they're still in the process of rolling out this new payment method among their stores.


2 hours ago, canthai55 said:

So you would go all the way to the nearest 711 to save around 150 baht ? While you can do it in the comfort of your chair at home ?

The question wasn't directed at me. But FWIW, I walk past the two different 7/11s on my soi multiple times per day, just in the ordinary course of things.


So when you say "go all the way to the nearest 7/11", in many cases such as mine, it really doesn't involve going anywhere that you're not already going.  And if stopping there to pay a bill would save me 150 baht on the way to or from home, yes, I'd certainly do that -- all other things being equal.



2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

FWIW, I stopped by one of the two different 7/11s on my central BKK soi on the way home tonight.


The smaller one in the middle of my soi did NOT yet have the VISA card capability, but said the larger sister store up at the top of my soi had already begun accepting VISA credit cards.


So apparently, they're still in the process of rolling out this new payment method among their stores.


Yes, they announced it last year that they would be rolling it out....and I have only seen the logo at one of they five close to my condo.

2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

The question wasn't directed at me. But FWIW, I walk past the two different 7/11s on my soi multiple times per day, just in the ordinary course of things.


So when you say "go all the way to the nearest 7/11", in many cases such as mine, it really doesn't involve going anywhere that you're not already going.  And if stopping there to pay a bill would save me 150 baht on the way to or from home, yes, I'd certainly do that -- all other things being equal.



Agreed...and I would make a trip into one, even if I wasn't already in there to save 150...any day of the week.  Usually at least a dozen good lookers in the ones up here by CMU.  going to walk 8km tomorrow to get .5% more interest....comes out to 5000 more per year....almost my Sinet Bill for the year right there.  I like the lady at the bank, too.  Beats the heck out of netting 130 THB per hour as an English teacher and wearing a polyester sport coat in 43 degree heat. 

5 hours ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

Agreed...and I would make a trip into one, even if I wasn't already in there to save 150...any day of the week.  Usually at least a dozen good lookers in the ones up here by CMU.  going to walk 8km tomorrow to get .5% more interest....comes out to 5000 more per year....almost my Sinet Bill for the year right there.  I like the lady at the bank, too.  Beats the heck out of netting 130 THB per hour as an English teacher and wearing a polyester sport coat in 43 degree heat. 


This started out as a simple topic letting people know about a new service at 7-11, (nothing wrong with that)  but ... I imagine you weren't expecting The Spanish Inquisition.


They are giving away a free umbrella with over 600 Baht purchase on a Visa card. The English isn't very clear and I couldn't be bothered to read the Thai because I already have an umbrella from them but I think that's what it said. 


They had been taking Visa for awhile but a few months back I tried my Bangkok Bank Visa and it wouldn't work. Not sure if it would now haven't tried since.


Wow, this is big news if you can actually use your visa card to pay for AA tickets, electric bill, etc at the 711 without an extra fee.  Like KKK, I appreciate the ease of using my U.S.-issued visa card for bigger-ticket purchases from reputable merchants here in Thailand.  Never had a problem and there's been a couple times when we had to claim a refund and the U.S. visa card people were very helpful in us securing a refund  Had we made those purchases with cash or a Thai credit card we would have been S.O.L.  Ii.e. the CMU Language Institute debacle that left some foreigners out tens of thousand of baht, but not those who paid with a U.S. or U.K. credit card)


Sadly, however, we've decided to draw down the amount of money we keep in Thailand ahead of our exit later this year, so we're in a mode now of paying cash in places where we had been routinely using the U.S. visa card -- like Tops and Rim Ping and the hospitals.  I've seen the difficulty some people have in getting money out of Thailand, even from my "favorite" Bangkok Bank, so I thought it a good idea to do a draw-down.  Don't get me wrong, I still think it's a good idea for everyone to have at least 100,000 baht in a Thai bank for emergencies, but don't plan to get that 800,000 baht retirement visa account released the day you decide to leave Thailand for good.






Nancy, the CIMB preferred accounts are very easy to draw down in Malaysia, Sing, Camb, and Indonesia...at 6000 ATMs to use for free.  Easier than wiring back to the US.  Something to think about for those fleeing to neighboring countries.  Of course finding a pensioner that does things the easy way is about as common as a ladyboy with a beard.

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