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Bangkok dad fed up with his lazy, aggressive son empties his .38 into him


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7 hours ago, Bluespunk said:



I'd say dad has a tendency to behave that way himself. 

well i do not blame him. my wife has 2 of them not violent , but lazy as hell only taking not giving anything

now in the early 20's  maybe if they do not change before 42, same thing happens here

1 has a room full of whiskey bottles, my wife excuse " he likes whiskey" i drink a beer she says why you drink every day?

thai women are the blame for all of this they are wonderfull ladies but  education ??they only hit female children not boys oh no!

those little princes should be hit from when they reach 5 that is when they are no longer cute!!!

and start to be a pain in the ass

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5 hours ago, alfalfa19 said:

This is by far the best part: 



After that he got a haircut then went to a local temple to make merit.


Seriously though, I don't blame the dad.  The cops would do nothing, and his 30 year younger son would overpower him every time. 

He had a "all is right with the world again" moment. Yes he should have pushed his butt out the door earlier but the parent gene is funny and more so in women. I think the father waited for the "mad dog" stage to arrive and put him down. 

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51 minutes ago, whaleboneman said:

Maybe he had been trying alternatives for the last 42 years and this was the last resort.

Killing your own, let alone anyone else doesn't justify your actions, unless it was self defence, now the cops will determine if that was the case or not, I am certainly not going to speculate on it.


My father used to bash the living daylights out of me till I reached 18, should I have shot him, no, his actions were justified to him, but he didn't kill me or my 3 brothers, we all copped a flogging, suffice to say we probably deserved it, now knowing what its like to raise 4 kids, although I don't belt the kids,  leave that to the Mrs. 

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6 hours ago, jaltsc said:

"A Bangkok father who claimed he was assaulted frequently by his lazy son finally had enough."


No surprise here. Why wasn't he confronted for his laziness when he was younger?  Why wasn't he kicked out of the house when he was old enough to get a job and start supporting himself?   It appears like the son was raised as a typical spoiled male..Lazy and violent when he didn't get his way. As they say down south (USA that is).."You plant a butter bean, you get a butter bean".

mmmmmmm..butter beans.....:giggle:


not saying what he did was right--but i understand----so much for the temple run..help me buddha!

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7 hours ago, steven100 said:

Damn you son   !!     you don't do nothin ....   cop this  !   bang ..  !   bang   !   bang   !!!

There ...   that'll teach ya  ...:shock1:

Shouldn't that be -  "that'll learn ya" 

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One day, a victim might snap. 


I knew a grandmother whose criminal son beat her up. Once he gave her a frightful Black Eye. He had been in prison and once she went to the Police. Getting no help.


Domestic violence and violence against old persons is something Thai societe needs to learn to handle. Considering such incidents as "private" is wrong as prohibition!


The sequence of the shooter's actions is most interesting, isn't it?

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8 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

I don't know....I have had a number of elderly Thai (mainly women) tell me that they are mortally afraid of their lazy,aggressive offspring-usually the males but that is not always so as some females get into the act as well.The fear exists on two levels.The first is,quite naturally,the fear of physical/verbal abuse and the second is (sadly) that unless they placate the son they will not be supported in their old age by said oxygen thief-and oxygen thieves are a dime a dozen up here where I live.


I have a good friend she is a Thai lady from Esan she had to come back here to help her dyeing mother.

When she got back her drunken brother had stolen the title to the farm and sold some of it through a crooked lawyer to pay gambling debts, he then beat her up and demanded money from her as he thinks she is rich now as she had a hair salon in NZ.

The drunken brother terrifies the rest of the family even when poor old Mom was dyeing he was threatening my friend and her sister who then had to gang up together to ward him off.

Lucky he did not have a gun, lucky so far.

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8 hours ago, steven100 said:

Damn you son   !!     you don't do nothin ....   cop this  !   bang ..  !   bang   !   bang   !!!

There ...   that'll teach ya  ...:shock1:

Well, can't deny the son will not longer be a problem.  There is another argument for making abortion term-limits about 16 years--that ought to be long enough to see result of your seed.

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1 hour ago, fdch said:

well i do not blame him. my wife has 2 of them not violent , but lazy as hell only taking not giving anything

now in the early 20's  maybe if they do not change before 42, same thing happens here

1 has a room full of whiskey bottles, my wife excuse " he likes whiskey" i drink a beer she says why you drink every day?

thai women are the blame for all of this they are wonderfull ladies but  education ??they only hit female children not boys oh no!

those little princes should be hit from when they reach 5 that is when they are no longer cute!!!

and start to be a pain in the ass

I have no idea if the son was aggressive but if mum/dad say he was that's good enough for me. 


However, the way dad finally settled the problem, also suggests aggressive tendencies. 

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7 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Not saying the son wasn't aggressive, but emptying a gun into someone does suggest anger issues. 


Or he was just thorough and didnt want the issue coming back to bite him...or shoot him!

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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

Killing your own, let alone anyone else doesn't justify your actions, unless it was self defence, now the cops will determine if that was the case or not, I am certainly not going to speculate on it.


My father used to bash the living daylights out of me till I reached 18, should I have shot him, no, his actions were justified to him, but he didn't kill me or my 3 brothers, we all copped a flogging, suffice to say we probably deserved it, now knowing what its like to raise 4 kids, although I don't belt the kids,  leave that to the Mrs. 

Just wondering leaving it to the Mrs. is that a reflection of your past memories? I am just curious nothing else. I was brought up in the "use the belt" generation and when mixed with alcohol could get out of hand at times. Making a comparison I think the belt generation worked far better than the carrot without the stick approach so relevant today. You cannot compare Thai mentality to Western mentality its a none starter. Each of our childhood foundations were different structures. 

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Well I for one dearly hope the old guy gets a slap on the wrists and a please try not to do it again handed down to him.




I need him to sort out the thieving <deleted> step son and a couple of injections of lead might go a long way in helping the little sh** grow up and face the conseque3nces of his actions instead of going to the police telling them I am bu8llying him, (He is 32, I am 27). BTW plod was not interested but it shows just how cowardly these little F**** are making up stories ( I have neither seen or spoken to him in over a year but he went to the police anyway with a made up story which his mother told plod was complete fabrication. Shame I cannot use the defamation laws here

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4 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Just wondering leaving it to the Mrs. is that a reflection of your past memories? I am just curious nothing else. I was brought up in the "use the belt" generation and when mixed with alcohol could get out of hand at times. Making a comparison I think the belt generation worked far better than the carrot without the stick approach so relevant today. You cannot compare Thai mentality to Western mentality its a none starter. Each of our childhood foundations were different structures. 

Hi El G my old mate, I fully agree with your comments there, I was caned regularly at school, often for no reason (that I was aware of) but what annoys me most is that I have to pay to be caned nowadays.....

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59 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I have no idea if the son was aggressive but if mum/dad say he was that's good enough for me. 


However, the way dad finally settled the problem, also suggests aggressive tendencies. 

Might have been brain-snap after years of abuse - but problem is now solved. 

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11 hours ago, webfact said:

Following the murder Winai said he had taken pictures of what he done on a phone. He then went to develop the pictures.


I have a problem with this sentence.  




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25 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

Hi El G my old mate, I fully agree with your comments there, I was caned regularly at school, often for no reason (that I was aware of) but what annoys me most is that I have to pay to be caned nowadays.....

I have the name and phone number of a good dominatrix if your interested. She is a lusty lady in her approach to her chosen profession. She will definitely leave her mark on you. 

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2 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Just wondering leaving it to the Mrs. is that a reflection of your past memories? I am just curious nothing else. I was brought up in the "use the belt" generation and when mixed with alcohol could get out of hand at times. Making a comparison I think the belt generation worked far better than the carrot without the stick approach so relevant today. You cannot compare Thai mentality to Western mentality its a none starter. Each of our childhood foundations were different structures. 

I suppose you have to be cruel to be kind, as the saying goes.


Mrs doesn't usually belt the crap out of the kids, although we do raise our voices, constantly to no avail at times, suffice to say we have to go into shut down mode, mobiles banned for a week, no play station, no TV when things get serious, but when they do things they know they are not suppose too do, like three up on a bike by an unlicensed 12 year old their age and speeding, well that's when the cane comes out and is applied vigorously around the back of the legs, the back, the arms, and that's just for lying, suffice to say it made my floggings by my dad with his belt look mild. While I find her way to be very harsh, I would rather she beat the crap out of him so he learns as opposed to going to his funeral.


A mothers love cannot be measured by her stick and she will grow fine young men in her methods, that or they can leave anytime they are not happy in the safe environment we have provided for them, rules are meant to be adhered to, and like I said, me and my brothers probably deserved it, as the old man never hit us unless we did something, like my oldest for stealing a car and getting caught, me having sex with the neighbours daughter, we were both 14 at the time, my other brother for smoking gunja in the back shed and so on and so forth, nothing Manuel in raising kids and how to deal with them "the right way", although I swore to myself I would take the old man out one day, I learn't to mellow as I grew a brain and saw him age, which comes with the normal wear and tear of raising children, others just give up, or don;t give a rats, hence the reason some of societies misfits are out there. 

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3 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

I suppose you have to be cruel to be kind, as the saying goes.


Mrs doesn't usually belt the crap out of the kids, although we do raise our voices, constantly to no avail at times, suffice to say we have to go into shut down mode, mobiles banned for a week, no play station, no TV when things get serious, but when they do things they know they are not suppose too do, like three up on a bike by an unlicensed 12 year old their age and speeding, well that's when the cane comes out and is applied vigorously around the back of the legs, the back, the arms, and that's just for lying, suffice to say it made my floggings by my dad with his belt look mild. While I find her way to be very harsh, I would rather she beat the crap out of him so he learns as opposed to going to his funeral.


A mothers love cannot be measured by her stick and she will grow fine young men in her methods, that or they can leave anytime they are not happy in the safe environment we have provided for them, rules are meant to be adhered to, and like I said, me and my brothers probably deserved it, as the old man never hit us unless we did something, like my oldest for stealing a car and getting caught, me having sex with the neighbours daughter, we were both 14 at the time, my other brother for smoking gunja in the back shed and so on and so forth, nothing Manuel in raising kids and how to deal with them "the right way", although I swore to myself I would take the old man out one day, I learn't to mellow as I grew a brain and saw him age, which comes with the normal wear and tear of raising children, others just give up, or don;t give a rats, hence the reason some of societies misfits are out there. 

Wow you sure opened up and it was an amazing read. You should change your avatar your ego is long gone replaced by truth and happiness. Yes I think the Mrs. is on the right track and I doubt if any of the sons will choose the door route. They will realize a good thing when they have it. Cheers you made my day. 

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What came first? The chicken or the egg? 


Was the deceased son lazy by nature or was he lazy because the parents never bothered to teach him to get up and do household chores, look for a part-time job (when he was a child) and to look for a job then later in life? 


The longer I stay here, the more I realize that the parents pass on very little advice or guidance to their children. They're not taught anything useful/relevant. Clean your room, help with the housewirk, help in the garden, was the car, take out the rubbish, do your homework, turn off the TV and go out and play, etc. are things every child should hear on a regular basis. 

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