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In Petchaburi road yesterday, motorbike decides to overtake into my lane, he doesn't make it.



Police at the scene tried to twist it into being my fault, with witnesses saying I was one more lane across despite all the mess being clearly on my side of the road. He was too <deleted> to comment at the time.


Thanks to the video the matter was cleared up without issue, my insurer will cover everything (he caused about 100,000 baht of damages) and he'll spend the next few years paying off my insurer. He also got fined 400 baht.


He managed to damage every panel on the right side of my car and both wheels.


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Good to hear....We just got one too...

Now, being more "watchful" I'm wondering if I should have gotten one that shows/records a rear view also....

29 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

Good to hear....We just got one too...

Now, being more "watchful" I'm wondering if I should have gotten one that shows/records a rear view also....

Yeah the quality on this one isn't great, can't even make out number plates. I'm going to put this at the back and get a better one for the front.


I'v had a front and rear one for some years now.....the same problem keeps occuring.....the "sucker" becomes unstuck due to the heat, when it falls it's left hanging by the cable, which can damage the plug in connection.

I have tried tying it up with a "harness" wire to prevent it from falling all the way down....which had a limited success.


I bought a camera that is attached with a suction cap to the windscreen.

There is a plastic ball-joint to make adjustments to aim the camera but this soon snapped off. I tried repairing it with super glue but that didn't last long either.

Next time I''ll pay more for a better camera and have one for the rear as well.

It's insurance you really can't afford to be without, especially when other road users are willing to tell lies about how the crash occurred. (as per the OP's experience)


I learned my lesson the hard way. "Pre-dashcam", I was t-boned by a guy in an urban pickup coming out of his condo building. He just didn't look both ways before accelerating out into the street and straight into my passenger side. Fortunately, no injuries. But when the insurance companies arrived, the story became "farang driving too fast, he hit me." All if his damage was on his front bumper and all mine was to my passenger side panels. But, amazingly, defying the laws of physics, I was the one who had hit him.

I wouldn't admit fault, we ended up at the police station, where I drew lots of diagrams showing how it was impossible for the accident to have taken place as the other driver described. I might as well have been talking to a soi dog. Police conclusion: "He has a witness (building security guard) and you don't. So it must have happened his way."

Tried to get his condo's CCTV footage the following day. "Sorry. That camera not work yesterday." I was fined 400 baht for dangerous driving and my insurance company picked up his damage and mine.

Needless to say, I have a dashcam now.

Sent from my SM-N910C using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

33 minutes ago, KamnanT said:

I learned my lesson the hard way. "Pre-dashcam", I was t-boned by a guy in an urban pickup coming out of his condo building. He just didn't look both ways before accelerating out into the street and straight into my passenger side. Fortunately, no injuries. But when the insurance companies arrived, the story became "farang driving too fast, he hit me." All if his damage was on his front bumper and all mine was to my passenger side panels. But, amazingly, defying the laws of physics, I was the one who had hit him.

I wouldn't admit fault, we ended up at the police station, where I drew lots of diagrams showing how it was impossible for the accident to have taken place as the other driver described. I might as well have been talking to a soi dog. Police conclusion: "He has a witness (building security guard) and you don't. So it must have happened his way."

Tried to get his condo's CCTV footage the following day. "Sorry. That camera not work yesterday." I was fined 400 baht for dangerous driving and my insurance company picked up his damage and mine.

Needless to say, I have a dashcam now.

Sent from my SM-N910C using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

What exactly was his way? You were driving really fast sideways and the side of your car hit the front of his?


So so true. I got a front and back for 3,000 baht and fitted free by Toyota after Mr Paramote, a former Engineer with True Corporation wiped my front with his Mercedes and then did

not stop. Mr Paramote was wearing 2 earphones and listening to ??music?? He could not hear anything. He just didn't care. When caught up with he just got aggressive and liberally mixed invectives with his lies. So aggressive that insurance did not want to deal with it so they tried to blame me for everything. Despite all Mr Paramote's Bsh*t I signed up for each party to pay own repair.... his repairs being more extensive than mine.


Haven't needed the cam footage since installed, but it gives my mind some security ....


I have a double camera system for front and back monitoring. I suggest this for all Cardrivers. A crash with a Falang seems to be a lotterywin for many thai kamikaze bikedrivers. The magic word is "Compensation". A dashboard camera can avoid this.



they sure love riding on the wrong side of the road here.


i was in india recently, quite a mad place traffic wise, even there the locals manage to stay on the right side of the road.


seems like the camera was a good investment.


Shit like this makes my blood boil. I see so many scooter drivers doing stupid things. Here in pattaya, scooters driving the wrong way on a one way street (2nd road) which has 3 lanes all one direction. They want to get to a soi without making a large loop. Ive almost been hit so many times and they get pissed at me for not seeing them

Sent from my SM-G920V using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


I have had one accident/scrape since I have been here 15 years, other guy, Thai was too blame no questions he paid, there were two police directing the traffic though they just informed the insurance guy not my fault.

So not always "Farang fault"



3 hours ago, dotpoom said:

I'v had a front and rear one for some years now.....the same problem keeps occuring.....the "sucker" becomes unstuck due to the heat, when it falls it's left hanging by the cable, which can damage the plug in connection.

I have tried tying it up with a "harness" wire to prevent it from falling all the way down....which had a limited success.

Just get some very good 3M double sided pads and stick it to that, clean the glass area with pure alcohol first and make sure it's dry.

use as many pads as need to the size of the sucker but it would be better if you could do away with the sucker in favour of a flat area where the sucker fits on the cam but if you have to use the sucker make sure the centre of it is fitted to the 3M first and the edges last otherwise the cam will wobble when you are driving.

Good luck and happy Songkhran

1 hour ago, wprime said:

What exactly was his way? You were driving really fast sideways and the side of your car hit the front of his?

Yes, he lost control and ended up side wise into his car, the same as when the tree came out of know where and hit the car.


We have two Transcend DrivePro 200's, one for two years and no issues, got fed up with buying cheap ones. Already paid for itself after footage proved a scooter rider hit me and not the other way round. The Transcend is about 4,500 baht but has very clear pictures and works well at night also, even the suction pad works, available on Lazada. 


We bought a dashcam from the US which hooks on the mirror and has two cams for front and rear or you can move them to any position you want. Also the cam will show it is recording for 1 to 3 minutes and then disappears off the mirror so you don't have the center area block. Simple hook up; and starts as soon as you turn on the car and shuts off when you turn off the car.


4 hours ago, dotpoom said:

I'v had a front and rear one for some years now.....the same problem keeps occuring.....the "sucker" becomes unstuck due to the heat, when it falls it's left hanging by the cable, which can damage the plug in connection.

I have tried tying it up with a "harness" wire to prevent it from falling all the way down....which had a limited success.

I took advice from internet and use a bean bag to hold down my GPS, on the dashboard. Work with a camera? I don't know.



I see the  Transcend DrivePro 200' for 3400 baht on Amazon.   Dash cams not needed so much in USA as police usually do a great job of investigation.   Except I wish I had one for my last accident.    The short story is some lady had shoulder surgery and was looking for someone to pay the rehab costs. So her friend and her got in her little Volkswagen and drove to my side of town and purposely paused in the intersection after starting to go and I gave them a love tap. They told the police they were trying to turn right from the second lane without a turn signal on.  I am convinced the witness was even one of their friends. They said they were OK and the damage was so slight like a sledgehammer in the back of their hatch  and my license plate was wrinkled.  Insurance company never looked at my car, neither did the police.  I should not have left the scene until the police came.  Anyway years later I find out my insurance company paid $50,000 us.  I swear I could have done the exact same thing and be rear-ended just like they did but you can't stop in an intersection without your turn signal on in the wrong lane.  I think I will buy a dash cam now,  please tell me more selections.  If I have 2 Vehicles how easy is it to transfer or are these hard wired into ignition?

6 hours ago, KamnanT said:

I learned my lesson the hard way. "Pre-dashcam", I was t-boned by a guy in an urban pickup coming out of his condo building. He just didn't look both ways before accelerating out into the street and straight into my passenger side. Fortunately, no injuries. But when the insurance companies arrived, the story became "farang driving too fast, he hit me." All if his damage was on his front bumper and all mine was to my passenger side panels. But, amazingly, defying the laws of physics, I was the one who had hit him.

I wouldn't admit fault, we ended up at the police station, where I drew lots of diagrams showing how it was impossible for the accident to have taken place as the other driver described. I might as well have been talking to a soi dog. Police conclusion: "He has a witness (building security guard) and you don't. So it must have happened his way."

Tried to get his condo's CCTV footage the following day. "Sorry. That camera not work yesterday." I was fined 400 baht for dangerous driving and my insurance company picked up his damage and mine.

Needless to say, I have a dashcam now.

Sent from my SM-N910C using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

That pisses me off just to think about it, I better get some cams I guess.

9 hours ago, KamnanT said:

I learned my lesson the hard way. "Pre-dashcam", I was t-boned by a guy in an urban pickup coming out of his condo building. He just didn't look both ways before accelerating out into the street and straight into my passenger side. Fortunately, no injuries. But when the insurance companies arrived, the story became "farang driving too fast, he hit me." All if his damage was on his front bumper and all mine was to my passenger side panels. But, amazingly, defying the laws of physics, I was the one who had hit him.

I wouldn't admit fault, we ended up at the police station, where I drew lots of diagrams showing how it was impossible for the accident to have taken place as the other driver described. I might as well have been talking to a soi dog. Police conclusion: "He has a witness (building security guard) and you don't. So it must have happened his way."

Tried to get his condo's CCTV footage the following day. "Sorry. That camera not work yesterday." I was fined 400 baht for dangerous driving and my insurance company picked up his damage and mine.

Needless to say, I have a dashcam now.

Sent from my SM-N910C using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Not trying to be smart, but how would a dashcam facing forward have helped in your instance when the impact came from the side?

1 minute ago, fordguy61mi said:


Not trying to be smart, but how would a dashcam facing forward have helped in your instance when the impact came from the side?

May be because it clearly shows the motorcycle rider in the wrong lane and if it wasnt for the avoidance tactic of the driver  it could have been head -on.


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I've had 2 accidents in Samui in the last year or so, both not my fault, both accidents my car was completely stationary and not even moving and both times the drivers tried to blame me. (Don't ask me how a stationary vehicle is even capable of crashing into another car?).


The second time I had a dash cam and was 100% ready for all the games that would follow. As soon as the driver woke up and came out of his car, (he had fallen asleep at the wheel at 4.30pm) he immediately tried to blame it all on me and said to everyone at the scene that I pulled out of the soi without looking etc etc. Needless to say the look on his face/his boss/police etc when the dash cam footage was shown was priceless. 


I also use the transcend drivepro 220 and the image is very clear and reliable, also the wifi feature and app that connects with my iphone was very handy to transfer the footage quickly to be able to share it with the concerned parties (police, insurance etc)

8 hours ago, fordguy61mi said:


Not trying to be smart, but how would a dashcam facing forward have helped in your instance when the impact came from the side?



 "farang driving too fast, he hit me."

dangerous driving



It would confirm none of the above happened !





20 hours ago, dotpoom said:

I'v had a front and rear one for some years now.....the same problem keeps occuring.....the "sucker" becomes unstuck due to the heat, when it falls it's left hanging by the cable, which can damage the plug in connection.

I have tried tying it up with a "harness" wire to prevent it from falling all the way down....which had a limited success.

Best chance for the sucker to stay on is to let both the window and the sucker get as hot as possible before applying it, putting the sucker on when the glass and sucker are cool, will always fall off when it heats and the expanding air in the sucker breaks the seal. 


I have a couple of dashcams and use a Transcend 200 as my travel cam for use in rental cars. One of the things I like about it is the size of the menu buttons and the ease of mounting and removing the SD card, much easier than some of the smaller models.The picture quality is decent and it is sold in many places. I recently did a Transcend firmware update and now use it with a Lexar 64GB high endurance micro SD card. Most of the big companies have now released cards specific for dashcams. Good for high temperature extended use situations. 


Walking around an IT mall this week and I saw so many rear view mirror type cams for sale. Looks to be the next big thing in dashcams.

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