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China says North Korea tension has to be stopped from reaching 'irreversible' stage


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China says North Korea tension has to be stopped from reaching 'irreversible' stage

By Dominique Patton and Sue-Lin Wong



North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un observes a target-striking contest by the Korean People's Army (KPA) in this undated photo, released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), April 13, 2017. REUTERS/KCNA


BEIJING/PYONGYANG (Reuters) - China said on Friday tension over North Korea had to be stopped from reaching an "irreversible and unmanageable stage" as a U.S. aircraft carrier group steamed towards the region amid fears the North may conduct a sixth nuclear weapons test.


Concern has grown since the U.S. Navy fired 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian airfield last week in response to a deadly gas attack, raising questions about U.S. President Donald Trump's plans for North Korea, which has conducted missile and nuclear tests in defiance of U.N. and unilateral sanctions.


The United States has warned that a policy of "strategic patience" is over. U.S. Vice President Mike Pence travels to South Korea on Sunday on a long-planned 10-day trip to Asia.


China, North Korea's sole major ally and neighbour which nevertheless opposes its weapons programme, has called for talks leading to the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula.


"We call on all parties to refrain from provoking and threatening each other, whether in words or actions, and not let the situation get to an irreversible and unmanageable stage," Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told reporters in Beijing.


North Korea denounced the United States for bringing "huge nuclear strategic assets" to the region as the Carl Vinson strike group with a flag-ship nuclear-powered aircraft carrier steamed closer, and said it stood ready to strike back.


"The Trump administration, which made a surprise guided cruise-missile strike on Syria on April 6, has entered the path of open threat and blackmail," the North's KCNA news agency quoted the military as saying in a statement.


"The army and people of the DPRK will as ever courageously counter those who encroach upon the dignity and sovereignty of the DPRK and will always mercilessly ravage all provocative options of the U.S. with Korean-style toughest counteraction."


DPRK stands for the North's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.


North Korea, still technically at war with the South after their 1950-53 conflict ended in a truce, not a treaty, has on occasion conducted missile or nuclear tests to coincide with big political events and often threatens the United States, South Korea and Japan.


On Saturday, it marks the "Day of the Sun", the 105th anniversary of the birth of state founder Kim Il Sung.


U.S. ally South Korea warned against any North Korean "provocation", such as a nuclear or missile test.


"There is certain to be powerful punitive measure that will be difficult for the North Korean regime to endure," the South's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.




While Trump has put North Korea on notice that he will not tolerate any more provocation, U.S. officials have said his administration is focusing its strategy on tougher economic sanctions.


Trump said on Thursday North Korea was a problem that "will be taken care of" and he believed Chinese President Xi Jinping would "work very hard" to help resolve it.


Trump has also said the United States is prepared to tackle the crisis without China, if necessary.


He diverted the Carl Vinson aircraft carrier and its strike group towards the Korean peninsula last weekend in a show of force. (http://tmsnrt.rs/2p1yGTQ)


Trump has also been pressing China to do more to rein in North Korea.


China banned all imports of North Korean coal on Feb. 26 under U.N. sanctions, cutting off the North's most important export, and on Friday, Chinese state broadcaster CCTV said national airline Air China was suspending flights to Pyongyang.


It did not say why the flights, which operate on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, were being suspended and Air China could not be reached for comment.


Worry about North Korean aggression has also led to a deterioration of ties between China and South Korea because China objects to the deployment of a U.S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile system in the South.


"It's not hard to see that ever since the United States and Republic of Korea decided to deploy THAAD, the situation has not become harmonious but has become more tense," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang, said in response to a question about the system.


South Korea and the United States say the sole purpose of the THAAD is to guard against North Korean missiles, but China says that its powerful radar could penetrate its territory.


The dollar fell on Friday against a basket of currencies, on track for a losing week as tension over North Korea underpinned the perceived safe-haven Japanese yen.


Japan's Nikkei business daily said the government had discussed how to rescue an estimated 57,000 Japanese citizens in South Korea as well as how to cope with a possible flood of North Korean refugees coming to Japan, among whom might be spies.


In Pyongyang, retired soldier Ho Song Chol told Reuters that North Korea would win should there be any conflict with the United States.

"We don't think about other things, we just live in our belief that we will win as long as our Supreme Leader is with us," Ho said, referring to Kim Jong Un.


Kang Gil-won, a 26-year-old graduate living in Seoul, said his biggest concern was not North Korea, but finding work in a tough job market.


"There’s no concern that war is going to break out tomorrow," he told Reuters at a "study café" where many job seekers prepare for interviews.


"Getting a job is a war that I feel in my bones."


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-04-15


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1 hour ago, rooster59 said:

China says North Korea tension has to be stopped from reaching 'irreversible' stage

China is the only country that can realistically do this. They can put pressure on North Korea way more than anyone else.

If China hadn't been protecting them, there is a fair chance the regime would have collapsed already.

The problem is, I don't see China standing by and doing nothing if the Americans strike.

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3 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Agreed. Better to get in there now than sit back even longer and wait for the inevitable to happen.

                That's what I've been saying about the Chinese take-over of islands and shoals in the S.China Sea.  However, with N.Korea, I lean to the Obama administration's tactics.   I miss Kerry.

                       If there's a fireworks factory in your neighborhood that bothers you, it would be better to soak it with fire hoses (or break the roof, so water seeps in), than to toss lighted paper airplanes in through the windows.


1 hour ago, Davidoffal said:

Nuke 'em Donald before they nuke you

             Be careful what you wish for.  Donald takes advice from screaming right wing radio host screwballs, .....so he might take advice from Thai Visa nuts also.


                  When there were problems with East Germany (ok, different than N.Korea, but many similarities also), ......the US didn't go and drop nukes on them.   E.Germany imploded, mostly on their own, with a bit of help from Gorbachov.   It was the people of E.Germany who broke the dam, not any outside force.   Similarly, it should be the people of N.Korea who make the needed changes for N.Korea.  It may not happen in our lifetimes, but it will happen.    Meanwhile, don't throw rocks at a hornets nest unless you're prepared to get stung.     



Edited by boomerangutang
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There can be no doubt that North Korea is a very real danger to world peace, particularly since joining the nuclear club.  It is also evident from a study of the long and turbulent history of relations between Pyongyang and the White House that the Communist leadership almost always responds more rationally to diplomacy than to threats and bullying.


Trump needs to weigh these two facts carefully.


Relations between the US and North Korea, which had brightened up to and including the Clinton era, took a significant step backwards under George Bush Jr, who brusquely rejected a deal which would have given Pyongyang guarantees on security in return for a modification of its nuclear aspirations.


Now the new Republican incumbent of the Oval Office has made it clear - in his usual understated style - that the Communist enclave is not only back in the US’s bad books but also firmly in the cross-hairs of its military. “If China is not going to solve North Korea, we will,” he is reported have told his opposite number if Beijing.


Could anything be more calculated to provoke an aggressive and irrational response from an already paranoid North Korean leadership which, in addition to its nuclear capability, has enough conventional artillery trained on Seoul to turn the South Korean capital to dust in a few hours?


Only a villain or a fool would wish to call Pyongyang’s bluff and risk a setting off a chain of events which could result in a third, thermonuclear, world war and end the tenure of homo sapiens as the guardians of this planet.


Donald Trump supporters assure the rest of us that, whatever else the man may be, he is no fool.   We had all better start praying they are right.


Footnote: China has allegedly sounded a chilling warning to both the US and North Korea, according to a popular alternative news site. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-04-11/china-threatens-bomb-north-koreas-nuclear-facilities-if-it-crosses-beijings-bottom-line 

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North Korea would be no danger to the 'world', ie, America, if America did not keep antagonizing, bulling and goading it for years on end.  Why is it OK for America to have nuclear bombs but not other countries?


Now this feel threatened by America with Trump in charge.  Who can blame them for wanting to have some form of defense from the American threat to their country? 



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6 hours ago, rooster59 said:

DPRK stands for the North's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.


Even the name of their country is a big lie. There is no democracy there. China does not want to fight the US so they are using NK for a proxy. China would love to see the US take a few lumps and be softened up a bit by the Peoples "Democratic" Republic. China realizes the US is to big for them to "go it alone" so they are using these tactics. They could also enter a leaderless rudderless North Korea and assume some sort of control. Don't sell Mr. Xi short he also has his eye on permanent rule in China. He is also loading the Politiboro with his own henchmen. World domination is his goal thanks to all the US bucks he has taken in exporting worthless crap to America and the west. 

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19 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Even the name of their country is a big lie. There is no democracy there. China does not want to fight the US so they are using NK for a proxy. China would love to see the US take a few lumps and be softened up a bit by the Peoples "Democratic" Republic. China realizes the US is to big for them to "go it alone" so they are using these tactics. They could also enter a leaderless rudderless North Korea and assume some sort of control. Don't sell Mr. Xi short he also has his eye on permanent rule in China. He is also loading the Politiboro with his own henchmen. World domination is his goal thanks to all the US bucks he has taken in exporting worthless crap to America and the west. 

Really? China wants a possible nuclear war on its borders? Or even a massive refugee problem? And for what? China is still growing in power vis a vis the USA. All it has to do is keep doing what it's been doing. And with someone like Trump in power, it stands to do even better. Trump has become a laughingstock to the Chinese.


"Te-Ping Chen, a Beijing-based reporter for the Wall Street Journal, notes that Chinese media are gleefully mocking Trump for doing such an abrupt 180 on an issue that was one of the staples of his 2016 presidential campaign — in fact, Trump had originally vowed to officially label China a currency manipulator on the first day of his presidency.

“Eating his words!” reads one headline, as translated by Chen.

“Trump slaps self in face, again,” reads another."



 As for China's stuff being worthless, if that was the case, the price of it would be nothing because if it cost any more, no one would buy it. As for him keeping power... a really bad way to do it would be to have an unstable border situation. You'd have a lot of angry Chinese as a result of that.

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'The Trump administration ... has entered the path of open threat and blackmail," ...' Oh dear, can't have the US stealing NK's fire. That would never do.


'"The army and people of the DPRK will as ever courageously counter those who encroach upon the dignity and sovereignty of the DPRK ...' The top echelons of the army will disappear underground; the rest of the people will be on their own, learning the hard way about the Dear Leader's fantasies. And it's a little hard to be dignified with a haircut like that.

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Well the fat kid is at it again and my best guess is he will fire some missiles and he will get his ass on fire

My main concern at this time I hope i will be able to get my flight out back to Canada next week if they could wait another month to do their WAR it would be nice

I should send a request to fat boy and trump.????

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19 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Really? China wants a possible nuclear war on its borders? Or even a massive refugee problem? And for what? China is still growing in power vis a vis the USA. All it has to do is keep doing what it's been doing. And with someone like Trump in power, it stands to do even better. Trump has become a laughingstock to the Chinese.


"Te-Ping Chen, a Beijing-based reporter for the Wall Street Journal, notes that Chinese media are gleefully mocking Trump for doing such an abrupt 180 on an issue that was one of the staples of his 2016 presidential campaign — in fact, Trump had originally vowed to officially label China a currency manipulator on the first day of his presidency.

“Eating his words!” reads one headline, as translated by Chen.

“Trump slaps self in face, again,” reads another."



 As for China's stuff being worthless, if that was the case, the price of it would be nothing because if it cost any more, no one would buy it. As for him keeping power... a really bad way to do it would be to have an unstable border situation. You'd have a lot of angry Chinese as a result of that.

Being the open minded guy that I am I am with you about 50% of the way. 

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N. Korea is a problem for everybody, with no easy solutions.

The Chinese don't want a war or a big refugee problem on their doorstep.  (bad for their economy!)

The US, Japan and S. Korea don't want Fat Boy to have nukes.

Fat boy and his ruling elite don't want to lose control of their country.  Because a large number of N. Koreans actually believe FB's aggressive posturing, he may find himself with no choice but to act, or lose face.


This is a unstable, dangerous situation that could easily escalate out of control.


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If war has to be than let hope it is going to be quick and painless like  nuclear blast like Irochima Japan remember??? now even worst wit all the destruction toys that are out there the war will be a very nasty one and what about human rights????? they will not care it is War and genocide is allowed.

I am a bit too old to go back fighting sine the 60's yet.

Lets hope we have the chance to kiss our behind before the last breath.

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Donald Trump - King of the massive U-turn. Just watch.


The fake crisis does wonders for his approval ratings though.


Deflection, distraction and the riling up of his voter base is what it is all about.


Meanwhile Jared, Eric and Donald keep raking in the billions out of the limelight.

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4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump's assignment for tonight:   Turn off Fox TV and write 1,000 times......


Let sleeping dogs lay

ROFL.   So, in bizarro world, a psychopath who's building nuclear ICBMs with a declared intention to use them is a "sleeping dog"..  I think Trump's homework assignment should be to write "I will continue to ignore delusional cranks". Just one time will do.

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9 hours ago, Minnie the Minx said:

China, North Korea's sole major ally and neighbour which nevertheless opposes its weapons programme, has called for talks leading to the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula.


They basically need to be put out of action permanently.

We talking about Kim or North Korea in general?  With a trigger happy Trump and an egomaniac Kim neither of them give a damn about the innocent men ,women and children of NK.

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2 hours ago, mettech said:

If war has to be than let hope it is going to be quick and painless like  nuclear blast like Irochima Japan remember??? now even worst wit all the destruction toys that are out there the war will be a very nasty one and what about human rights????? they will not care it is War and genocide is allowed.

I am a bit too old to go back fighting sine the 60's yet.

Lets hope we have the chance to kiss our behind before the last breath.

Could you decode your post please so I can understand it?

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6 hours ago, just.a.thought said:

Wonder what would happen if China were to stop all trade with North Korea,not just coal import....

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

That of course is not something China wants.  They want N Korea as their running dog state ... opposed to S Korea and the West.  Though I guess that even the Chinese find Kimmy and the boys distasteful.

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What will happen ---- Absolutely squat.


At the very worst, a border skirmish, as we have seen before and a handful of Korean soldiers on either side get killed.


Trump is under great pressure from an investigation into his undisclosed links with Russia. He has to make huge amounts of noise and dominate the headlines with other stuff. He has shown he is extremely adept when it comes to leading the press by the nose.


This situation has been ongoing since 1954.


Don't buy into Trump's bloviating empty talk.

Edited by Briggsy
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5 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Trump's unpredictability will starve my family. He attacks NK, all the tourists will stop coming and tons of us without jobs. 

Where are you located?  Really.


3 hours ago, mettech said:

If war has to be than let hope it is going to be quick and painless like  nuclear blast like Irochima Japan remember??? now even worst wit all the destruction toys that are out there the war will be a very nasty one and what about human rights????? they will not care it is War and genocide is allowed.

I am a bit too old to go back fighting sine the 60's yet.

Lets hope we have the chance to kiss our behind before the last breath.

                      Hiroshima happened at the very end of WWII. The Japs were already planning to surrender. If 1 or 2 US nukes had been dropped at earlier stages of the war, it wouldn't have ended it. It would have had the opposite effect.  Japs would have become as enraged as a stoned hornet's nest - and the war would have lasted longer, with more lashing out in China and SE Asia.


                   Your opening sentence started, "If war has to be than let hope it is going to be quick and painless......"   Not even stupidissimo Trump would believe that sort of pap, would he?  The only US-started wars which were quick were tiny incursions like Grenada.  With any sizable opponent, like Iraqi Sunnis or VN's Viet Cong, or N.Koreans/Chinese in 1950's, the US has had a long ugly & painful slog.  


                   There is no way a war with today's N.Korea would be quick, and of course it won't be painless for anyone involved.  N.Korea has been seized on the idea of warring with the US for 60 years.   That's nearly all that their armed forces think about and plan for each day.  In some ways, they actually cherish the opportunity to fire their missiles at Uncle Sam.  


               Any war games the Pentagon is playing with tin soldiers on their felt-covered ping pong tables won't be at all accurate with what will actually happen.  It never plays out as planned.  And the time frame is always much longer than anticipated.


3 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

ROFL.   So, in bizarro world, a psychopath who's building nuclear ICBMs with a declared intention to use them is a "sleeping dog"..  I think Trump's homework assignment should be to write "I will continue to ignore delusional cranks". Just one time will do.

                 Trump isn't continuing to ignore anything.  He's like a kitten, when you roll a red rubber ball in front of it.  He's sooooooo easy to aggravate, and then he lashes out like a spoilt 6 year old, including name calling.                   





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1 hour ago, Briggsy said:

What will happen ---- Absolutely squat.


At the very worst, a border skirmish, as we have seen before and a handful of Korean soldiers on either side get killed.


Trump is under great pressure from an investigation into his undisclosed links with Russia. He has to make huge amounts of noise and dominate the headlines with other stuff. He has shown he is extremely adept when it comes to leading the press by the nose.


This situation has been ongoing since 1954.


Don't buy into Trump's bloviating empty talk.

And how sad your accurate assessment will be to the Thaivisa heros who stand ready and willing to wage war to the last drop of other people's blood...

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