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Why Can’t Us Brits enjoy life like Thais?


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Why Can’t Us Brits enjoy life like Thais?


Taken from a UK website

Interesting article was published recently by our sister publication in the UK, that compares Brits living back in the UK with Thais. It comes at a time when Songkran really brings home the Thai mentality for Sanuk-Sanuk (fun).


Culturally Thailand and the UK is very different, but does that come at the expense of fun for the Brits back home? Here is what was written on the subject by inspirekent.co.uk


“There is a common line of thought that suggests Westerners, like us Brits here in Kent for example, use our right hand side of our brain more whilst Thais their left. What does this mean exactly? It means we reason and are very analytical about things whilst the Thais are creative and lighter hearted.


It means that we are often very good at business whilst Thais at design and artwork; but this article wants to focus on our ability to have fun and take life less seriously, and this is fueled by how we have been trained to use our brains and act. Its time to use both sides of our brain together, now that would yield spectacular life results!


Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/cant-us-brits-enjoy-life-like-thais/


-- © Copyright Inspire Pattaya 2017-04-16
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Because in all anglo countries system (5 eyes) the governments decide who you will be ) The problem is in the hard and robotic education system in the anglo countries ;  its not that easy enjoy life Under hard imposition . Politicians shouldnt put their nose that deep to education; education is  real Educators job;not Politicians or governments job. Thais are non under imposition ; they are free and thats why they can enjoy life easy too )


Edited by tardelli
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6 minutes ago, Orac said:

To put it politely, Thai people are far less 'risk averse' than westerners.

That is true...Us westerners are much more regimented - almost neurotically so....

But many of the western "fusion" do very well when adapting to LOS....

After meeting many from different countries over the years - to me the Brits seem the most dour/soured/downcast of the "westerners"....Unsure why that is....

Possibly just an extreme culture clash....We're all western "cousins" but the socities & upbringings are paralleled - but different in so many ways.....

Sometimes you have to just admire the free flowing Thai attitudes....Much more in the glib up or down spirit of the moment - not so contrived.....


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1 hour ago, Orac said:

To put it politely, Thai people are far less 'risk averse' than westerners.

The common Thai does not have that much to loose.  As you climb latter, you find the odds are not in your favor. 


Generally, the average Thai is a fun person.  Happy is another issue.  Again, as you climb the latter, you will find less fun. 

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1 hour ago, Inspire said:

Why Can’t Us Brits enjoy life like Thais?

Probably for the same reason they can't master the use of subject and object pronouns. 


... or spelling.



The common Thai does not have that much to loose [sic].  As you climb latter [sic], you find the odds are not in your favor. 


Edited by Suradit69
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1 hour ago, tardelli said:

Because in all anglo countries system (5 eyes) the governments decide who you will be ) The problem is in the hard and robotic education system in the anglo countries ;  its not that easy enjoy life Under hard imposition . Politicians shouldnt put their nose that deep to education; education is  real Educators job;not Politicians or governments job. Thais are non under imposition ; they are free and thats why they can enjoy life easy too )


Say what? I think you have this backwards. Thai ed "system" demands conformity, dare not ask questions (troublemakers) and teacher would lose face due partly to they don't know answer and implies they didn't cram enough down your unquestioning gullet. Politicians don't put their nose into education here, just into the budget trough. The general lack of even most basic knowledge and problem solving here is jaw dropping.

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2 hours ago, tardelli said:

Because in all anglo countries system (5 eyes) the governments decide who you will be ) The problem is in the hard and robotic education system in the anglo countries ;  its not that easy enjoy life Under hard imposition . Politicians shouldnt put their nose that deep to education; education is  real Educators job;not Politicians or governments job. Thais are non under imposition ; they are free and thats why they can enjoy life easy too )


Can you repeat that in English please!!

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1 hour ago, yellowboat said:

The common Thai does not have that much to loose.  As you climb latter, you find the odds are not in your favor. 


Generally, the average Thai is a fun person.  Happy is another issue.  Again, as you climb the latter, you will find less fun. 

I am afraid of heights. I guess the road carnage is not that bad a price to pay for creativity. Maybe it also explains why Thai's love to gamble with life and money 

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All folk from any place are different...Thais don't seem to worry about anything, getting into trouble doesn't seem to bother them. Perhaps because Thai systems don't work to take them to task...In the UK if you have a problem a letter pops through your door to point out your problem and what may happen...Plus if you are naughty a CCTV will have caught it...Letter through the door....


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2 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

That is true...Us westerners are much more regimented - almost neurotically so....

But many of the western "fusion" do very well when adapting to LOS....

After meeting many from different countries over the years - to me the Brits seem the most dour/soured/downcast of the "westerners"....Unsure why that is....

Possibly just an extreme culture clash....We're all western "cousins" but the socities & upbringings are paralleled - but different in so many ways.....

Sometimes you have to just admire the free flowing Thai attitudes....Much more in the glib up or down spirit of the moment - not so contrived.....



Hang on a minute, i am British not dour/sour downcast.

Just a cranky moaning old b..tard:cheesy:

Edited by colinneil
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4 hours ago, tardelli said:

Because in all anglo countries system (5 eyes) the governments decide who you will be ) The problem is in the hard and robotic education system in the anglo countries ;  its not that easy enjoy life Under hard imposition . Politicians shouldnt put their nose that deep to education; education is  real Educators job;not Politicians or governments job. Thais are non under imposition ; they are free and thats why they can enjoy life easy too )



You hit the nail with that, my experience of rural schools has been apart from the occasional strict teacher in the main it is laid back and more towards being fun, not fear, especially as they get older, some students arrive at six to seven thirty to water the plants or play sports games voluntarily if it was bad they would not, I remember my schooldays in the UK I got there at the last moment and one of the first out the gate with many attempting to beat me out the gate first, and my last day I will always remember, at that time, as one of the best days of my life, until I began working, then the truth of real life began. 

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90%+ Thais certainly don't enjoy reading books about the things that will affect everyone's life, science, technology and so on. I do and learn something every day and enjoy that very much, thank you. Some British here enjoy sport, some enjoy...and so on. Britain is a smaller country than Thailand and has a higher concentration of many ethnic groups which all add to its character but it has its own problems too. It is a different kind of society and I don't think it is fair to compare east with west.

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Westerners, like us Brits here in Kent for example, use our right hand side of our brain more whilst Thais their left. What does this mean exactly? It means we reason and are very analytical about things whilst the Thais are creative and lighter hearted.


It means that we are often very good at business whilst Thais at design and artwork;



is tendentious silliness. So let's see the brain scans.


The lower classes in underdeveloped countries may usually be happier and happy-go-lucky for obvious reasons, unless they're suppressed by fascism of one sort or another.


Educated Thais can be far more analytical than the average Brit and less creative or artistic than many Brits educated in the humanities or science. In fact the average bar girl seems a lot more analytical when it comes to a relationship that some besotted Brit male.


6 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

After meeting many from different countries over the years - to me the Brits seem the most dour/soured/downcast of the "westerners


Brit researchers themselves offer support for that observation.

Grump Britain: This is why we are a nation of moaners

BRITAIN is a nation of moaners who complain more than 70 times a week each.

By Keyan Milanian / Published 15th December 2014

A grumpy old man

BRITAIN is a nation of moaners who complain more than 70 times a week each.


Researchers found our love of complaining, like Disney dwarf Grumpy and TV’s Victor Meldrew, means we grumble at least 11 times every weekday and 16 times over the weekend.


It also emerged we will already have had three grumbles before we even leave the house in the morning.

In fact, Brits complain so much that more than three quarters admit to having a moan about other people moaning or complaining.



And so the contrast to the lower class Thais that Brits are familiar with is simply the more striking. Our most virulent whingers, moaners, and doomsters here on the forum are usually Brits. And they're most creative at coming up with "solutions" for every conceivable problem.

Edited by JSixpack
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Maybe overall its because of the rule of the great thumb. Health and safety everywhere and a huge fine or prison sentence for disagreeing. 


However there are loads of fun things to do in UK. It depends on who you are and what you do for a living. Some people work 80 - 100 hours a week to provide financial security for their family as this is more important to them than wallowing in mud at Glastonbury, riding the Grand National at Blackpool pleasure beach or bog snorkelling and cheese rolling hahaha

Anyway this comparison has only appeared because its Songkran, this is the only time of the year Thais have fun . . . :coffee1:

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1 hour ago, JSixpack said:

BRITAIN is a nation of moaners who complain more than 70 times a week each.

So that is why we called them whingeing Poms. Unfortunately many in Oz are the same now.

Edited by GreasyFingers
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Well , it might be something to do with living in a country that pisses rain and the sun comes out ( reluctantly ) for about three days in December. Reference Flanders and Swann.  If you add in cold pork pies , warm beer and women with bad breath and thighs like tree trunks, then I'm surprised you haven't all slashed your wrists.

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