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Best Thai Visa to live and run business with Wife in Thailand

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Hi I am looking for some advice as to the best form of visa I need to move to Thailand and operate a business with my wife. I am a 32 year old UK national, my wife of 7 years is Thai but has been in the UK for the last 7 years and has a UK passport.

Over the last few years we have been setting up a business in the UK which we hope to operate remotely form Thailand, plus renting out our house in the UK.
But we have also built a small resort in Ubon and looking to set up a small restaurant in Pattaya, to generate an Income in Thailand, to live in Thailand.

My question is what would be the best visa for me to apply for to start with, which would allow me to stay in Thailand long term. With the view to the possibility of getting a work permit.

I understand that there are many factors to take into consideration but I am looking for a starting point to work from. As a lot of information that I have been able to find out is aim at retirement age people. Ideally I would be looking to open a bank account and obtain and Thai driving licence. So please let me know if you require any additional information that would help.



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For Working in Thailand, you have 2 options: Spousal Visa by virtue of marriage to a Thai citizen -or- Non-Immigrant B for the purposes of work (initially 90 days and then extendable via proper work documentation annually). In either case you would need the work permit to be able to work legally and pay taxes, etc etc.

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You can get a one year Multiple Entry Non-O visa ( based on your marriage to a Thai) from a Thai consulate back home, whatever is closer to you.


Then you have to leave the country every 90 days, but that's easy when you're in Ubon ( to the Laotian border not so far) and from Pattaya to Cambodia ( daily vans)


     That will enable you to stay here with your wife, as she can stay on her Thai passport. The problem you'll have is to be completely legal and running two businesses more than 600 km away from each other.


   Once you're in Ubon, please visit Peppers, the restaurant opposite the military airport. The owner has lived in the States for quite a long time and he's really a good guy who can give you a lot of information how to set up your business.


  To set up a company under your name wouldn't be as easy as it is for your wife. You'll need a certain amount of money and you must have as far as i remember five Thai employees. If your wife's running the businesses it makes all much easier.


       You could eventually be a General manager for her company, but that all depends on the department of labor in Ubon, or eventually in Chonburi.


             The problem you're facing is that you're dealing with two different provinces. But you'll have to start somewhere and it seems to be the best to get your Non-O visa at a Thai consulate back home.


         If you want I can give you the contact information of the owner who's running Peppers, bakery and restaurant.


           Be aware that you'll have to fight with the Immigration and the labor department. What's really important is to be well dressed and of course well  mannered. Never lose your temper, even when your blood is boiling when they tell you to fill out form XY for the 123 rd time.


            Best of luck !


   P.S. The laws were changed about seven years ago and you're now allowed to work on a Non-O visa.






Edited by ajarngreg
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Hi Thanks for the reply's


By the sound of things the Entry Non-O visa would seems to be the best option at the given moment.  Would this allow for the opening of a bank account and Thai driving licence? Given that this can also be applied for in the UK seems to be the best option. As it will mostly likely be the 2nd half of the year before we move over there.


We hope to use Pattaya as our main bases so Chonburi immigration will most likely be the best for us to deal with.  We have been to peppers the last time we were in Ubon very nice restaurant and great food. If you could send me the contact details of the owner (if hes agreeable) that would be a great help.


Thanks again for all the information, it gives me ideas and a great starting point.




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You can open a bank account and go for the Thai driver's license on a Multiple Entry Non-O visa, good for one year. You can even stretch it to 15 months when you leave the country shortly before it expires.


Apply for an IDP before you come to LOS, it might make all easier and you're allowed to drive here. But you should still go for the Thai license, just in case of an accident.


        Try to save as much money as possible, many things have gotten really expensive here. You never know how good your business will run and to make money here, you have to invest a lot money to satisfy customers who have money.


     Focus on Thai customers, once you've got many Thais who like your place, you'll have more and more customers. 


         There'll be so many expenses you haven't even thought about yet, I'm sure. Take your time and talk it through before you arrive.


          Here's the address and phone number of Peppers: <contact by PM for info>






Edited by ubonjoe
removed phone number and etc
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8 minutes ago, tonray said:

Non-O Spousal....not Retirement

The question marks were in reference to what happened 7 years ago:


" The laws were changed about seven years ago and you're now allowed to work on a Non-O visa".


I've been on work permits based on extensions from a Non-O visa for a lot longer than 7 years.


Edit: Actually first WP in 1999 was based on Non-O as well.

Edited by chrisinth
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3 hours ago, rushdentillidie said:

By the sound of things the Entry Non-O visa would seems to be the best option at the given moment.  Would this allow for the opening of a bank account and Thai driving licence? Given that this can also be applied for in the UK seems to be the best option. As it will mostly likely be the 2nd half of the year before we move over there.

You will have to apply for the multiple entry non-o visa at the embassy in person or by post. The consulates can no longer issue multiple entry visas.

Info for getting the visa is here on the embassy website (ignore the income requirement they don't ask for it) is here. http://thaiembassyuk.org.uk/en/visa-modern#section3

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6 hours ago, ajarngreg said:

You can get a one year Multiple Entry Non-O visa ( based on your marriage to a Thai) from a Thai consulate back home, whatever is closer to you.


Then you have to leave the country every 90 days, but that's easy when you're in Ubon ( to the Laotian border not so far) and from Pattaya to Cambodia ( daily vans)


     That will enable you to stay here with your wife, as she can stay on her Thai passport. The problem you'll have is to be completely legal and running two businesses more than 600 km away from each other.


   Once you're in Ubon, please visit Peppers, the restaurant opposite the military airport. The owner has lived in the States for quite a long time and he's really a good guy who can give you a lot of information how to set up your business.


  To set up a company under your name wouldn't be as easy as it is for your wife. You'll need a certain amount of money and you must have as far as i remember five Thai employees. If your wife's running the businesses it makes all much easier.


       You could eventually be a General manager for her company, but that all depends on the department of labor in Ubon, or eventually in Chonburi.


             The problem you're facing is that you're dealing with two different provinces. But you'll have to start somewhere and it seems to be the best to get your Non-O visa at a Thai consulate back home.


         If you want I can give you the contact information of the owner who's running Peppers, bakery and restaurant.


           Be aware that you'll have to fight with the Immigration and the labor department. What's really important is to be well dressed and of course well  mannered. Never lose your temper, even when your blood is boiling when they tell you to fill out form XY for the 123 rd time.


            Best of luck !


   P.S. The laws were changed about seven years ago and you're now allowed to work on a Non-O visa.






Ref leaving every 90 days from Ubon  you can only do it twice a year by land now so you would have to fly out and in twice as well.

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8 minutes ago, overherebc said:

Ref leaving every 90 days from Ubon  you can only do it twice a year by land now so you would have to fly out and in twice as well.

What do you mean? There is no 2 entry limit at a land border if you have a valid visa. The 2 entry limit per calendar year is only for visa exempt entries.

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7 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

What do you mean? There is no 2 entry limit at a land border if you have a valid visa. The 2 entry limit per calendar year is only for visa exempt entries.

At Poipet you can't even do one so I wouldn't rely on it more than twice at any other land border.

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17 minutes ago, overherebc said:

At Poipet you can't even do one so I wouldn't rely on it more than twice at any other land border.

That is nonsense. Only Poi Pet and Ranong has been reported as making a problem for doing them. People do them all the time at other crossings without a problem.

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Get a 90 day tourist visa from your home country.

Once here deposit 400k in a Thai bank account which your wife can help you open in your name as I did. If you have trouble with this try different banks but it worked for me. There is the option of a stat dec from your Consulate here also if no bank will open an account for you.

I recommend you get a marriage visa and not a business visa. To get a business visa you will need a letter of employment from a company here. You can always do the business visa later if you wish. The issues with a business visa are these. The cost to setup your own company here is quite high. Then to renew you business visa after 90 days you need a work permit. More costs. Then there is the annual report and audit to pay for. Then once operating the monthly cost of accounting and paying for your employees social security. The costs go on and on once you take this step.


Unless you plan on a big turnover, employing lots of locals or being active in the business yourself, I'd let you wife be the business owner and stay in the background. Unless you have lots of money to pay lawyers, dealing with the authorities here will spin your head off your shoulders.


Feel free to PM me if thats even possible if you need anything.

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6 minutes ago, Toshiba66 said:

Get a 90 day tourist visa from your home country.

Why would he do that when he can easily get a single or multiple entry non-o visa based upon marriage before starting his trip.

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14 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

Why would he do that when he can easily get a single or multiple entry non-o visa based upon marriage before starting his trip.

Because it costs more and is not necessary. If you come on a non-o you need to leave the country after 90 days and come back. No need to leave doing it the way I suggested. After 90 days you get your marriage visa and never have to leave the country if you don't wish to.

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3 minutes ago, Toshiba66 said:

Because it costs more and is not necessary. If you come on a non-o you need to leave the country after 90 days and come back. No need to leave doing it the way I suggested. After 90 days you get your marriage visa and never have to leave the country if you don't wish to.


Doing as UJ suggests is far simpler (and possibly cheaper) in the end as there is no need to go to immigration to convert a TV to a Non-O and the extension based on marriage should be easy, absolutely no need to leave after 90 days.

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3 minutes ago, Toshiba66 said:

Because it costs more and is not necessary. If you come on a non-o you need to leave the country after 90 days and come back. No need to leave doing it the way I suggested. After 90 days you get your marriage visa and never have to leave the country if you don't wish to.

That marriage visa as you call it costs the same 2000 baht that a single entry non-o visa does. And it does not require two trips to immigration 15 days apart to get after showing the money in the bank and of the required documents needed for an extension of stay based upon marriage. Then you still have to go to immigration during the last 30 days of the 90 day entry from the non immigrant visa you applied for to apply for a one year extension based upon marriage and show the same documents again.

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1 hour ago, Mattd said:


Doing as UJ suggests is far simpler (and possibly cheaper) in the end as there is no need to go to immigration to convert a TV to a Non-O and the extension based on marriage should be easy, absolutely no need to leave after 90 days.

You still need to go to Immigration after 90 days to get your marriage Visa. But then your good for 12 months just doing the 90 day reports.

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1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

That marriage visa as you call it costs the same 2000 baht that a single entry non-o visa does. And it does not require two trips to immigration 15 days apart to get after showing the money in the bank and of the required documents needed for an extension of stay based upon marriage. Then you still have to go to immigration during the last 30 days of the 90 day entry from the non immigrant visa you applied for to apply for a one year extension based upon marriage and show the same documents again.

A multi entry 12 month visa is about $225 AUD as opposed to $90 AUD for the 90 day visa. So that saves you 3500 baht and you don't need to do a border run after 90 days which saves more costs and stress. You can do exactly the same to go on a retirement visa.

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1 minute ago, Toshiba66 said:

You still need to go to Immigration after 90 days to get your marriage Visa. But then your good for 12 months just doing the 90 day reports.

Apply for and get a single entry Non O Visa, obtain 90 days upon entry, around 30 days prior to this entry expiring go to Immigration and apply for a one year extension based on marriage, in theory only two trips to immigration and costing 1,900 THB plus copies and transport etc. Stay here without having to depart and do the 90 day reports as normal.


The way you are suggesting means an additional trip to immigration to convert the tourist entry in to a Non O entry PRIOR to being able to apply for the extension based on marriage and involves more cost and hassle without a doubt!

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2 minutes ago, Mattd said:

Apply for and get a single entry Non O Visa, obtain 90 days upon entry, around 30 days prior to this entry expiring go to Immigration and apply for a one year extension based on marriage, in theory only two trips to immigration and costing 1,900 THB plus copies and transport etc. Stay here without having to depart and do the 90 day reports as normal.


The way you are suggesting means an additional trip to immigration to convert the tourist entry in to a Non O entry PRIOR to being able to apply for the extension based on marriage and involves more cost and hassle without a doubt!

You get the 90 day from your country. I don't think you can get them here. I do remember 2 trips to immigration, a trip to the bank to get a letter stating I had the money in the bank for 3 months but that was about it. I did 90 day reports from then and at the end of that year, (so I was here 90 days + 365 days),  I went over to a retirement visa but that was my choice.

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8 minutes ago, Toshiba66 said:

You get the 90 day from your country

Correct, what UJ advised was for the OP to apply for a SE or ME Non O visa from his home country as opposed to a SE Tourist Visa, as this way the step of having to convert the TV to a non O entry at immigration in Thailand is bypassed, if the OP gets a SE non O visa, UJ then advised that the cost is the same as the TV and ultimately involves less hassle altogether.

Additional - Remembering that you cannot get a one year extension (based on any reason) whilst you are entered in to Thailand on a tourist visa, it HAS to be converted to a non immigrant entry, in this case an O and that would have to be done prior to any extension application.

Edited by Mattd
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10 hours ago, ajarngreg said:

You can get a one year Multiple Entry Non-O visa ( based on your marriage to a Thai) from a Thai consulate back home, whatever is closer to you.


Then you have to leave the country every 90 days, but that's easy when you're in Ubon ( to the Laotian border not so far) and from Pattaya to Cambodia ( daily vans)


     That will enable you to stay here with your wife, as she can stay on her Thai passport. The problem you'll have is to be completely legal and running two businesses more than 600 km away from each other.


   Once you're in Ubon, please visit Peppers, the restaurant opposite the military airport. The owner has lived in the States for quite a long time and he's really a good guy who can give you a lot of information how to set up your business.


  To set up a company under your name wouldn't be as easy as it is for your wife. You'll need a certain amount of money and you must have as far as i remember five Thai employees. If your wife's running the businesses it makes all much easier.


       You could eventually be a General manager for her company, but that all depends on the department of labor in Ubon, or eventually in Chonburi.


             The problem you're facing is that you're dealing with two different provinces. But you'll have to start somewhere and it seems to be the best to get your Non-O visa at a Thai consulate back home.


         If you want I can give you the contact information of the owner who's running Peppers, bakery and restaurant.


           Be aware that you'll have to fight with the Immigration and the labor department. What's really important is to be well dressed and of course well  mannered. Never lose your temper, even when your blood is boiling when they tell you to fill out form XY for the 123 rd time.


            Best of luck !


   P.S. The laws were changed about seven years ago and you're now allowed to work on a Non-O visa.






I never had to leave on my non o.  Did the rules change again.

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Why do people try to argue with Ubon Joe?It is good to point out if he makes a mistake but that never seems the case.

Trying to prove your point in a thread like this only makes it more confusing for the op.



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2 hours ago, Toshiba66 said:

Because it costs more and is not necessary. If you come on a non-o you need to leave the country after 90 days and come back. No need to leave doing it the way I suggested. After 90 days you get your marriage visa and never have to leave the country if you don't wish to.

Absolute nonsense. You leave the country at a point of your choice, visit a duty free shop, or just walk in and out.  

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2 minutes ago, ajarngreg said:

Absolute nonsense. 

Sorry, I meant if you come on a multi re-entry visa. JVS is right. I am also confused so out of here. I have come 2 times this way over the last 10 years.  I come on a 90 day visa and then convert that to a non Imm O visa of whatever type I wish before my 90 day expires.

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35 minutes ago, USPatriot said:

I never had to leave on my non o.  Did the rules change again.

What do you mean by a non-o visa?

You evidently did not have a multiple entry non-o visa issued by an embassy or consulate.


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11 hours ago, ajarngreg said:

P.S. The laws were changed about seven years ago and you're now allowed to work on a Non-O visa             

No visa will let you work, you need a work permit.

I got mine 9 years ago with extension of non-O visa based on marriage.

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