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"Beg - packers" - Western Cheap Charlies who come to Thailand with no money should "begger off" say Thais on Facebook


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"Beg - packers" - Western Cheap Charlies who come to Thailand with no money should "begger off" say Thais on Facebook



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BANGKOK: -- Thais have reacted strongly to the emerging trend of Western tourists who come to Thailand and either beg or barter their way around the country.


VoiceTV posted a minute long video about what they called a new trend in tourism.


A young Russian man was shown who sells travel pictures - he claimed that people didn't have to give him travel money - they could have the pictures for free if they didn't have much cash.


He claimed with a smile that he was "sharing".


VoiceTV said that opinions varied on the issue with some saying that it added to the spirit of adventure and variety of tourism while others said it was just taking advantage.


After all, they said, it was only like busking really.


A Thai woman on the video supported their positive narrative saying that if the beg-packers didn't want a lot of money that was alright, especially if they had something to sell.


"In the end, whatever they get they will spend here, won't they?", she said.


But the first people to comment on Facebook were not in agreement at all.


Tossapon Kaowong said: "If they come here they should pay for their trip - not beg for our money and call it a trend".


Pattharmon Sukasem was even more forthright: "Chase them all away - if they don't have money what are they doing here?"


Ekung Moopii said: "This trend is not good for tourism. I have seen evidence of it a lot recently - people with signs on the roadside or begging at gas stations. Here in Asia we are not used to this way - and I honestly fear for their safety".


While Taka Hiro wrote: "We need tourists' money for the benefit of our economy. If we are supporting beggars or people bartering they will just take our money. It is the wrong way round".


Teerayuth-Neng wondered what might be next commenting: "Now it is just the fair haired people - in no time the Chinese will be doing it".


Source: VoiceTV

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-04-28
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" people with signs on the roadside or begging at gas stations. Here in Asia we are not used to this way "


I have never personally seen a farang begging in Thailand but I have seen countless Thai beggers and her comment,   If we are supporting beggars or people bartering they will just take our money. It is the wrong way round".  Yes we are suppose to take your money but don't touch what we already took from you.


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1 hour ago, webfact said:

Here in Asia we are not used to this way....


The right way is to rent a crippled baby and use a plastic cup..... :coffee1:


1 hour ago, webfact said:

"Now it is just the fair haired people - in no time the Chinese will be doing it".


That be the start of zero-dollar begging....:thumbsup:


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Are you feeling the love?! We have a new video about why Thais should feel OUTRAGED about westerners disrespecting their country and what fun. 


I can't recall one westerner begging in the last 17 years but, obviously its a NEW TREND in adventure tourism. 

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A bit rich to film normal back packers and stick them in a negative, apart from the Cossack Commie that is.   Just round them all up and bung them in the slammer until deportation, a few deportations and they will soon get the message.  

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the reporter cant even include a relevant photo, or can't be bothered to do their job professionally.


thai visa please post professional, well researched stories rather than low quality journalistic click bait, it will improve the quality of the site

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You can see them in KL sometimes begging.  It is there but not very common.  Have seen it in Bangkok a few times over several years, not often.  There was a TV programmed that showed two men traveling the length of South America with no money.  That may be their inspiration.  In Cambodia, many young foreigners work behind the bar.  In Thailand the word "work" is a four letter word when it comes to foreigners, so foreigners do the opposite.   

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6 minutes ago, mok199 said:

whats next ''hitch hicking''...

I have seen a few farang hitch hiking. It's embarrassing to see. Another case of ignorance towards the culture of the country they are visiting. 

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12 minutes ago, morocco said:

If they are going to travel then do it with enough money. Otherwise stay home,grow up and get a job until they can afford to travel. Uhg... Brat packers. 

Thats why they hate us being here because we can & dont have to work for a while if not retired, 

Well need to ask the Thais why most of themselfs stay at hame

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14 minutes ago, morocco said:

I have seen a few farang hitch hiking. It's embarrassing to see. Another case of ignorance towards the culture of the country they are visiting. 

I used to do this, many years ago but I spoke Thai and approached people in gas stations, it's fun and interesting, you usually don't save anything over buying a bus ticket.


However, I have seen a rise in idiots standing in dangerous places on a couple of the busiest roads on the south, coming from the Malay border. Accidents just waiting to happen.

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In ten years of living here I've never seen a farang begging or hitch hiking. I've seen many thousands of farang (myself included) spending millions of baht here supporting  wives and stepchildren, running businesses giving employment to locals and contributing to the economy in general.


I have though, seen thousands of Thais begging. Maybe the facebookers were a little confused.


Cue the Thai-bashing policemen.




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Just stirring the pot?

We were all young at one time?  I've thought of doing this when I was young but didn't have a clue but what never cross my mind was that I would go backpack and beg? So I give people credit they got the guts to just pick up and do it.

In many ways the Thais are right,  should be able to pay your own way. That being said there are many ways of begging, as one poster said " International Aid " like million in USD, given to this government by WHO, for improving the death rate in driving yet in 10 years, Thailand rate gets worse.

Begging depends on how you look at it,  dual charging for foreigners, because they think we have it to pay more? charging more for the use of their ATM for foreign cards, Is that begging?

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