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Brazilian rape victim given 20,000 baht compensation


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yes the compensation is not much, it is more then she would have gotten from the government in the US who probably wouldn't even have paid here medical bills, and those bills would have been huge. What does a normal Thai women get when she is raped? I know of many who have been rapes and what they normally get is disdain in the best case and insults and blame in the worst, and sometimes if they are young end up in a forced marriage to the raper, when its plum, you know the  rape thats inspired by love on the mans part.  This type of rape is almost never punished and is so prevalent in Thai media that it could very seriously be thought of an integral part of Thai culture.  until the judicial system finally hands out real punishments for rape it will remain a serious problem in Thailand. 

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Well I have read a lot but not all replies to this and it is a pathetic amount of compesation, however that (I belive) is the maximum alowed by Thai law, and they did pay for medical (not sure how far that went)etc.  It is what a Thai woman would have got, maybe it should be raised for "Farangs or foreingners" as is the charges for public parks.....


He never had a license (I believe) so no checks were done!  The cab company is who were culpable for that one, so what do you do, spend 7 years in a civil case?


No easy answer to this one I am afraid....

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On 4/28/2017 at 3:12 PM, colinneil said:

If this for real??????

20.000 baht bloody insult.

So this government is saying rape is not a serious crime.

Poor woman suffered at the hands of an animal who should have already been in jail, not have been freed.

Nice 1 Thailand, wait until the international media get hold of that.

It's a regressing third world country.  What do you really expect?


Even the 'basher bashers quail from defending a rapist apparently.

Edited by hawker9000
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On 28/04/2017 at 2:56 PM, TheMysteriousMrTesla said:

I hope she threw it back at them, $600 "compensation" is an insult.


Convicted rapist allowed to be a taxi driver?


Of course the case will go away once she's left the country and he'll be free to rape again.


It is tantamount to prostituting her.

He should be fined in a punitive way, say the cost of a new taxi, and 10+ years  in jail.


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5 minutes ago, Sooo Upto Me said:

Ru 4 real??

So u saying it's her fault 4 being alone.

Get a life will u.


I'm certainly not saying it's her fault ..

No excuse for the actions of the perpetrator / alleged rapist .. despicable.

However,  common sense says be cautious when traveling anywhere ....


Hope she has recovered from her ordeal and it's always advisable to have a friend with you when traveling in unfamiliar countries.


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15 hours ago, balo said:


And whats so shocking about it , that the victim is smiling ?  


TIT , and she got 20k , now she needs to move on in life, had it been better if she didn't get anything ?  



All a publicity stunt to try & repair Thailand's tarnished image.


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20,OOO Baht...What a disgrace.Another slap in the face for this poor girl who chose to holiday here in Thailand,and gets rape from one of your finest taxi drivers and sent on her way...Hope your proud of yourself.....Land of Jokers....

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On 4/28/2017 at 6:21 PM, jcisco said:

Anything is a bloody win, what government pays for crimes it doesn't commit?

No this doesn't mean the government is saying rape is not a serious crime.

Man had already served time, despite two crime of the same MO, i'm honestly too amazed he didn't receive longer sentencing the second time around.


Remember the government is trying to help her by paying medical, travel expenses and then giving some cash.  The real restitution should come from the criminal

and those that permitted him to work as a driver without proper clearance. 



Unless the government is saying that the taxi license was granted in error and the money is compensation for that error.

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On 4/29/2017 at 6:22 AM, steven100 said:

she got compensation.  Next time she'll arrange to have her friend with her ...

as anyone would do.

So, once again you think it was the victim's fault, at least partially?  There was no way in which she was to blame for being raped.  She arrived at the airport and hired a taxi.  She was entitled to think that she would be safe in a taxi, as in any civilised country, taxi drivers are vetted to ensure that they can drive legally and have no criminal record.  According to you, even in the daytime, no-one should travel alone.  This incident perhaps proves that you are right, particularly in Thailand, a fact which is beginning to be noticed by tourists around the world and which is detrimental to the Thai tourist industry.  As a regular apologist for everything bad about Thailand, you do yourself no credit at all.

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I understand the Thai government's desire to try to help with what they thought was a kind and generous offer to the victim. But their execution of the gesture was clumsy.Firstly, their gesture should have remained private - it's not classy to boast about your charitable acts. Cheapens the gesture immediately.

If the victim wanted to acknowledge the assistance provided that should be left to her choice. Rolling it out publicly (hey, tourists, we're really nice people) suggests the government secretly begrudged the expense and, therefore, wanted to get their money's worth out of it - it's all about us, the victim is not really important to the narrative.

Second the implied cynicism can't avoid drawing an inference that the unsought compensation amount suggests the government does, in fact, feel some responsibility for failings in its justice system that helped create the situation. The lowly amount also implies that all females are prostitutes at heart  - you've just got to negotiate a satisfactory price. Expecting the victim to accept the token money would make her feel she agrees with the government's outdated, backwoods view of the role and value of women in Thai society.  If the government wanted to convey an image of a mysogynistic regime completely out of touch with modern life ethics and morality, they probably could not have done a better job.

The gesture was not disgraceful, but it was graceless and unfortunate because it was not thought out carefully.

Finally, the government's eagerness to beat its own drum might have set a local precedent that it will find difficult to step away from every time a tourist (or any aspiring local citizen)  suffers as a result of public official ineptitude. Pandota should never have opened the box.

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On 28/04/2017 at 2:56 PM, TheMysteriousMrTesla said:

I hope she threw it back at them, $600 "compensation" is an insult.


Convicted rapist allowed to be a taxi driver?


Of course the case will go away once she's left the country and he'll be free to rape again.


The government wasn't required to compensate her at all. She can seek compensation from the rapist and the taxi company also 

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14 minutes ago, wprime said:

The government wasn't required to compensate her at all. She can seek compensation from the rapist and the taxi company also 


Indeed, I think sandemara hit the nail on the head.


Nice of them to compensate something and pay medical expenses (which should be covered by her insurance anyway), naive and insensitive to brag about it in the media.

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14 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

So, once again you think it was the victim's fault, at least partially?  There was no way in which she was to blame for being raped.  She arrived at the airport and hired a taxi.  She was entitled to think that she would be safe in a taxi, as in any civilised country, taxi drivers are vetted to ensure that they can drive legally and have no criminal record.  According to you, even in the daytime, no-one should travel alone.  This incident perhaps proves that you are right, particularly in Thailand, a fact which is beginning to be noticed by tourists around the world and which is detrimental to the Thai tourist industry.  As a regular apologist for everything bad about Thailand, you do yourself no credit at all.

I'm certainly not saying it's her fault ..

No excuse for the actions of the perpetrator / alleged rapist .. despicable.

However,  common sense says be cautious when traveling anywhere ....


Hope she has recovered from her ordeal and it's always advisable to have a friend with you when traveling in unfamiliar countries.

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On 4/28/2017 at 2:45 PM, webfact said:

“I’m truly saddened by the incident, and I thank the police officers who did the hard work to arrest the perpetrator,” Permanent Secretary Pongpanu Sawetrun said.

And the history of this sexual predator suggests that their hard work could be undone in very short order, courtesy of a parole board.

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On 4/28/2017 at 4:22 PM, steven100 said:

she got compensation.  Next time she'll arrange to have her friend with her ...

as anyone would do.

So you always have friends with you when you go out in case a Thai tries to assault you? Good man. Might limit your mobility a bit though. Does that work for you?

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47 minutes ago, elgenon said:

So you always have friends with you when you go out in case a Thai tries to assault you? Good man. Might limit your mobility a bit though. Does that work for you?

As a women in an unfamiliar country and environment, arriving at an airport ... it would have been safer to have her friend waiting for her.

I'm certainly not saying it's her fault ..

No excuse for the actions of the perpetrator / alleged rapist .. despicable.

However,  common sense says be cautious when traveling anywhere ....


Hope she has recovered from her ordeal and it's always advisable to have a friend with you when traveling in unfamiliar countries.

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3 hours ago, steven100 said:

As a women in an unfamiliar country and environment, arriving at an airport ... it would have been safer to have her friend waiting for her.

I'm certainly not saying it's her fault ..

No excuse for the actions of the perpetrator / alleged rapist .. despicable.

However,  common sense says be cautious when traveling anywhere ....


Hope she has recovered from her ordeal and it's always advisable to have a friend with you when traveling in unfamiliar countries.

So it is "not advisable" for a woman to travel alone? What if she has no friends in the country she is visiting?  Are you saying that she shouldn't visit that country?


There are some situations that are  unavoidable, but this one could have been avoided if the taxi driver (who had a previous record for sexual assault) had not been given the job in the first place (as has already been mentioned previously) 


So the people with "no excuse" are numerous - from the perpetrator himself (who obviously should never have been let out of jail in the first place), the police/judiciary who allowed him to be released back into society, and the taxi firm that employed him without checking his record first - I seem to recall one poster saying that he didn't even have a licence to check!)

Edited by sambum
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On 4/28/2017 at 3:56 PM, TheMysteriousMrTesla said:

I hope she threw it back at them, $600 "compensation" is an insult.


Convicted rapist allowed to be a taxi driver?


Of course the case will go away once she's left the country and he'll be free to rape again.


I couldn't agree more. $600 for a rape? Like sorry, you were raped. Go buy a round of drinks for you and your friends compliments of your friendly neighborhood rapist! Give millions or nothing at all, but to give this is like leaving a 1 cent tip just as a statement to a waiter.

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