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Trump invites leaders of Thailand, Singapore to the White House


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1 hour ago, tsocr said:

All this BS about elections and other talk is way of the topic.

Trump stepped up outreach to allies in Asia to secure their cooperation to pressure North Korea over its nuclear and missile programs.
The US already has met with Japan and S. Korea and Singapore. Now the need is to pull in 2 countries (Thailand and Philippines) that have been leaning more toward China.
There is nothing right now facing this region that is a bigger threat than what is happening in North Korea.

I believe the US is trying to line up the largest coalition possible in the region to present a united front against North Korea. I am happy to see the US trying to do this multilaterally rather than try to solve it on our own.

There is nothing happening in North Korea now than this time last week, month or year, that makes it any more of a threat. Just like with Iraq, you are being suckered in.

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Maybe Trump is dirty Thailand bought those old subs from China He probly had a few old subs he wanted to sell and could not think what idiots would buy them. Then he read about the Thais buying old subs and thought wow i did not think of them Were they not our allies during the Vietnam war and we used their airbases to bomb North Vietnam? We taught the Thais to be corrupt and boy we sure did a good job Get me the PM of Thailand on the phone and i will invite him over. I need a few airbases when i start the war with North Korea.

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10 hours ago, heybruce said:

Hillary is not a very nice person, so you prefer a dangerous incompetent as President and Commander in Chief of the world's largest military with enough nukes to destroy civilization.  Interesting.

This is a public forum, stating my honest opinion of H would serve no purpose, nice family, certainly like money and long ago sold her soul! would be just a start!

That any one would even vaguely consider putting her in a position that carries any power what so ever I find "interesting" Trump did disappoint when he never prosecuted her, but then ................

Have a nice day!

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4 hours ago, CGW said:

This is a public forum, stating my honest opinion of H would serve no purpose, nice family, certainly like money and long ago sold her soul! would be just a start!

That any one would even vaguely consider putting her in a position that carries any power what so ever I find "interesting" Trump did disappoint when he never prosecuted her, but then ................

Have a nice day!

True, this is a public forum, and people are allowed to express opinions.  However these opinions carry more weight when supported by facts.  The fact that Clinton is extremely qualified to be President is indisputable, the fact that Trump only meets the constitutional requirements and has no other qualifications is also indisputable.  Discussion of souls is is specious and opens a can of worms; think of what people can say about Trump's soul.


Back on topic, Duterte is being non-committal about Trump's invitation.  The man who insisted everyone would respect him as President is being disrespected by a third world strongman who may be charged with mass murder and crimes against humanity.  Remember that Trump brought this indignity upon himself by issuing an invitation without thinking things through.


Prayut will no doubt accept the invitation,  He's desperate for any sign of legitimacy.

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15 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

Maybe Trump is dirty Thailand bought those old subs from China He probly had a few old subs he wanted to sell and could not think what idiots would buy them. Then he read about the Thais buying old subs and thought wow i did not think of them Were they not our allies during the Vietnam war and we used their airbases to bomb North Vietnam? We taught the Thais to be corrupt and boy we sure did a good job Get me the PM of Thailand on the phone and i will invite him over. I need a few airbases when i start the war with North Korea.

You are of course entitled to an opinion but just think a few things through. 

The US only has nuclear submarines, why the US would want to sell non existent diesel powered is just a bit silly.

No one country teaches another country to be corrupt. And you need to really think about defining corruption. It exists everyday in some peoples minds with regards to pink envelopes and minor officialdom. May I just suggest that someone with a small amount of power and exists on 300 baht a day may seek to slightly enhance their position. I am not defending this, but get real.

It is not the massive hundred thousand dollar deals that occurs with all politicians in all countries.

The US does not need Thai airbases although having a few more options would help. The US has many airbases in Guam, Okinawa, Sth Korea and of course the entire Pacific fleet of aircraft carriers and of course the Marine fleet of air and helicopter carriers. Thailand is too far away from the action. Not that anyone wants a war, hopefully all the bluster will result in China and Russia telling uncle kim to be a good boy and fade away.   

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5 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

You are of course entitled to an opinion but just think a few things through. 

The US only has nuclear submarines, why the US would want to sell non existent diesel powered is just a bit silly.

No one country teaches another country to be corrupt. And you need to really think about defining corruption. It exists everyday in some peoples minds with regards to pink envelopes and minor officialdom. May I just suggest that someone with a small amount of power and exists on 300 baht a day may seek to slightly enhance their position. I am not defending this, but get real.

It is not the massive hundred thousand dollar deals that occurs with all politicians in all countries.

The US does not need Thai airbases although having a few more options would help. The US has many airbases in Guam, Okinawa, Sth Korea and of course the entire Pacific fleet of aircraft carriers and of course the Marine fleet of air and helicopter carriers. Thailand is too far away from the action. Not that anyone wants a war, hopefully all the bluster will result in China and Russia telling uncle kim to be a good boy and fade away.   

No i guess you are right The good old US does not need Thailand any more Just needed it during the Vietnam war Oh one last question as i can see you are Patriot American  I been asking this question for 2 years now Maybe you can answer me  Why did America  go to war in Vietnam  Iraq  and Afganistan I kinda worked it out Iraq was about oil but the other 2 still scratching my head  55,000 Americans died in Vietnam for what?  Uncle Kim wont go away because his people are starving due to all the sanctions on the country

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7 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

No i guess you are right The good old US does not need Thailand any more Just needed it during the Vietnam war Oh one last question as i can see you are Patriot American  I been asking this question for 2 years now Maybe you can answer me  Why did America  go to war in Vietnam  Iraq  and Afganistan I kinda worked it out Iraq was about oil but the other 2 still scratching my head  55,000 Americans died in Vietnam for what?  Uncle Kim wont go away because his people are starving due to all the sanctions on the country

People are starving because "Uncle Kim" spends all the DPRK money on himself and his threatening weaponry. 

Do a little research on his personal wealth and you will understand why they are malnutritious. Does he really need a million dollars in watches ? Or all the other personal luxuries that he has ?


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52 minutes ago, neeray said:

People are starving because "Uncle Kim" spends all the DPRK money on himself and his threatening weaponry. 

Do a little research on his personal wealth and you will understand why they are malnutritious. Does he really need a million dollars in watches ? Or all the other personal luxuries that he has ?


I look at it this way  We only hear one side of the story on the western side Never hear there side of the story Cast your mind back when we told Iraq had" Weapons of mass destruction" We were brainwashed into that and of coarse Iraq was invaded People really believed that they had" weapons of mass  destruction" Nuclear weapons  They even believed it that much that they had scientists in radiation protective suiets walking around to guard  themselves from These Weapons of mass destruction THEY found nothing It was just a big lie Colin Powell could not stand the bloody lies that were being spun and resigned So tell me who makes up these lies Somebody has to Many people died over that BIG LIE Brainwashing is easy

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33 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

I look at it this way  We only hear one side of the story on the western side Never hear there side of the story Cast your mind back when we told Iraq had" Weapons of mass destruction" We were brainwashed into that and of coarse Iraq was invaded People really believed that they had" weapons of mass  destruction" Nuclear weapons  They even believed it that much that they had scientists in radiation protective suiets walking around to guard  themselves from These Weapons of mass destruction THEY found nothing It was just a big lie Colin Powell could not stand the bloody lies that were being spun and resigned So tell me who makes up these lies Somebody has to Many people died over that BIG LIE Brainwashing is easy

Are you saying we need a trustworthy international reporter to go into North Korea, go all over the country, ask lots of questions, then report back?  Good idea!  Have a nice trip.


Regarding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, nobody was brainwashed.  There was flawed intelligence and a lack of skepticism on the part of the press and politicians, but plenty of people were asking questions and there was plenty of opposition to the war.  Try not to use such hyperbole when you report on North Korea.

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1 hour ago, neeray said:

People are starving because "Uncle Kim" spends all the DPRK money on himself and his threatening weaponry. 

Do a little research on his personal wealth and you will understand why they are malnutritious. Does he really need a million dollars in watches ? Or all the other personal luxuries that he has ?


Call it offensive or defensive, weaponry is weaponry. Which country doesn't have it?


Also bear in mind the lack of arable land in the north, uncertain weather, outdated farming practices... It is an oversimplification to blame the food situation just on one man and his watches or other personal luxuries which he doubtless enjoys.

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42 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Are you saying we need a trustworthy international reporter to go into North Korea, go all over the country, ask lots of questions, then report back?  Good idea!  Have a nice trip.


Regarding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, nobody was brainwashed.  There was flawed intelligence and a lack of skepticism on the part of the press and politicians, but plenty of people were asking questions and there was plenty of opposition to the war.  Try not to use such hyperbole when you report on North Korea.

 Bruce  I am saying  we always just look at one side to the story  We dont need reporters to go into a country to find out things That is why intelligence is used It was used alright to suiet why they had to go in and start a war which by the way will never end Lots of soldiers will die all i am saying is Somebody had to be responsible for the Lie that was spread about Weapons of mass Destruction

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37 minutes ago, baboon said:

Call it offensive or defensive, weaponry is weaponry. Which country doesn't have it?


Also bear in mind the lack of arable land in the north, uncertain weather, outdated farming practices... It is an oversimplification to blame the food situation just on one man and his watches or other personal luxuries which he doubtless enjoys.

Ok baboon all countries have weaponry 

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33 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

 Bruce  I am saying  we always just look at one side to the story  We dont need reporters to go into a country to find out things That is why intelligence is used It was used alright to suiet why they had to go in and start a war which by the way will never end Lots of soldiers will die all i am saying is Somebody had to be responsible for the Lie that was spread about Weapons of mass Destruction

It is speculative to associate North Korea with this topic, the intelligence failure that lead to the Iraq War is clearly off topic.  Ideally someone should be held responsible for the intelligence failure, however assigning guilt beyond reasonable doubt in a court of law is unlikely.


While many people want to believe there is a sinister mastermind behind all great human disasters, the reality is that sometimes the crowd/mob can act in an irrational manner with no one in charge.  It happened with the tulip mania in Holland in 1637, it happened with the French Revolution (from monarchy to democracy to anarchy to monarchy in a generation) and it probably happened at high levels in the Bush administration in 2002.

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10 minutes ago, heybruce said:

It is speculative to associate North Korea with this topic, the intelligence failure that lead to the Iraq War is clearly off topic.  Ideally someone should be held responsible for the intelligence failure, however assigning guilt beyond reasonable doubt in a court of law is unlikely.


While many people want to believe there is a sinister mastermind behind all great human disasters, the reality is that sometimes the crowd/mob can act in an irrational manner with no one in charge.  It happened with the tulip mania in Holland in 1637, it happened with the French Revolution (from monarchy to democracy to anarchy to monarchy in a generation) and it probably happened at high levels in the Bush administration in 2002.

To be quiet honest Bruce George Bush Junior just wanted to finish the job his Dad never did that was to get rid of Suddem Hussain My only worry is a lot of good fine men will die over this obsession of George Bush Junior I believe Colin Powell was a good man George Bush Junior was not Its just a bloody war that nobody will ever win because in reality who are you fighting? They all wear Beards and Turbins If you destroy North Korea what will that achieve NOTHING Its time to hold out the olive branch and try to live together Gone are the days of fighting armies in uniforms Many people die from these bird brain ideas

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22 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

To be quiet honest Bruce George Bush Junior just wanted to finish the job his Dad never did that was to get rid of Suddem Hussain My only worry is a lot of good fine men will die over this obsession of George Bush Junior I believe Colin Powell was a good man George Bush Junior was not Its just a bloody war that nobody will ever win because in reality who are you fighting? They all wear Beards and Turbins If you destroy North Korea what will that achieve NOTHING Its time to hold out the olive branch and try to live together Gone are the days of fighting armies in uniforms Many people die from these bird brain ideas

I'm sure George W. Bush wanted a reason to remove Saddam Husein from power, and led an administration that tolerated no dissent (a very poor leadership style).  All intelligence is uncertain.  In an environment that punished those who weren't team players, and in the interests of preserving their careers, people promoted uncertain intelligence that supported WMD's and ignored uncertain intelligence that suggested WMD program's were not a threat.  This is incredibly bad leadership, but is not the same as directing that an excuse for war be fabricated.


Destroying North Korea will leave an incredible mess, and a situation that could escalate out of control.  Denuclearizing North Korea will make the region and the world a safer place.  It is in everyone's interest for this to happen, except the interest of North Korea's leadership.  Achieving this denuclearization without war is the hard part, since it is tied in with many other competing interests in the region.


However the benefits of inviting leaders who are also criminals and usurpers of democracy and have little to offer regarding North Korea to the White House is unclear at best.

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19 minutes ago, heybruce said:

I'm sure George W. Bush wanted a reason to remove Saddam Husein from power, and led an administration that tolerated no dissent (a very poor leadership style).  All intelligence is uncertain.  In an environment that punished those who weren't team players, and in the interests of preserving their careers, people promoted uncertain intelligence that supported WMD's and ignored uncertain intelligence that suggested WMD program's were not a threat.  This is incredibly bad leadership, but is not the same as directing that an excuse for war be fabricated.


Destroying North Korea will leave an incredible mess, and a situation that could escalate out of control.  Denuclearizing North Korea will make the region and the world a safer place.  It is in everyone's interest for this to happen, except the interest of North Korea's leadership.  Achieving this denuclearization without war is the hard part, since it is tied in with many other competing interests in the region.


However the benefits of inviting leaders who are also criminals and usurpers of democracy and have little to offer regarding North Korea to the White House is unclear at best.

Well spoken Bruce  Its a rotten world out there It just hurts me that so many good men must die because of these go-getters Always say if they are so keen to fight war send in there sons and lead the charge

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On 2017-5-3 at 4:53 AM, Happyman58 said:

No i guess you are right The good old US does not need Thailand any more Just needed it during the Vietnam war Oh one last question as i can see you are Patriot American  I been asking this question for 2 years now Maybe you can answer me  Why did America  go to war in Vietnam  Iraq  and Afganistan I kinda worked it out Iraq was about oil but the other 2 still scratching my head  55,000 Americans died in Vietnam for what?  Uncle Kim wont go away because his people are starving due to all the sanctions on the country

The American War in Vietnam. Geez that is a big one to start with. Ho Chin Minh (not his real name)was an ally of the US in the fight against Japan. And his forces did very well against the Japs.

 He claims the US promised to help him evict France from all of Asia after the war. He issued a statement of independence for all of Vietnam after the war. The US reneged their deal with him after Britain installed its own soldiers (on US approval) and the Brits then released Japs to be local policemen. Ho was arrested and sent to prison. The rest is history, France was militarily defeated, Ho having been rejected by US went to the Russians, US claimed a domino effect of communism - American war in Vietnam. That is a brief summery of why US wasted 60,000 lives in Vietnam. Not enough space to answer the rest, but in terms of money making, it can be explained.

PS, I am not a US citizen. 

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7 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

The American War in Vietnam. Geez that is a big one to start with. Ho Chin Minh (not his real name)was an ally of the US in the fight against Japan. And his forces did very well against the Japs.

 He claims the US promised to help him evict France from all of Asia after the war. He issued a statement of independence for all of Vietnam after the war. The US reneged their deal with him after Britain installed its own soldiers (on US approval) and the Brits then released Japs to be local policemen. Ho was arrested and sent to prison. The rest is history, France was militarily defeated, Ho having been rejected by US went to the Russians, US claimed a domino effect of communism - American war in Vietnam. That is a brief summery of why US wasted 60,000 lives in Vietnam. Not enough space to answer the rest, but in terms of money making, it can be explained.

PS, I am not a US citizen. 

Mate i like what u are saying its all true. 60,000 men died and hundreds of thousands were affected in some way by this war. Know of guys who went and they were not the same when they came back Alcoholics drugs no job and the Aussie government was keen to send these guys off to war but where were there  ugly faces when they came home It was like the soldiers had committed a crime for being sent to war that really had nothing to do with Australia. My point is The US used Thailand air bases to drop more bombs on North Vietnam than the second world War Thousand of civilians were killed.This was just to prop up a very corrupt government in South Vietnam which the population did not support

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