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Trump says China could have hacked Democratic emails


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6 hours ago, Minnie the Minx said:

Sure there is no need for name calling in the news section and personal attacks on the Don. We all have our own views on his actions.

As the night talk show hosts say "The Donald is the gift that never quits giving"

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woulda coulda shoulda


What a disgrace to the office of the POTUS he is.


Even worse, this game show host is causing permanent damage on a global scale.

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5 hours ago, impulse said:


It's not as if stellar diplomacy over the past 30 years has gotten us (Edit: the 99%) anything but the crap end of most trade and defense agreements.  Maybe it's time to listen to Einstein and try something different.


Not a Trump fan, BTW.  I'm in the Mark Cuban camp...calling him political chemotherapy.  http://edition.cnn.com/2017/04/21/politics/mark-cuban-donald-trump/


That said, I think he's done the ordinary citizens of the USA a huge service by paving the way for citizen politicians (like the founding fathers envisioned).  I wish it were someone almost anyone besides Trump, but he's the one that suited up and took the playing field, and kudos to him for that.  I just hope he doesn't leave a smoking heap behind.

Yes, It's "Mr Smith Goes to Washington Redux"

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38 minutes ago, mrdome said:

woulda coulda shoulda


What a disgrace to the office of the POTUS he is.


Even worse, this game show host is causing permanent damage on a global scale.

Sorry only one like per customer. 

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13 hours ago, Credo said:

He has 17 agencies telling him the Russian's were interfering in the election.

Agencies that fall under the supervision of Trump's own nominee for NSA Director.  To that one can add both the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and the FBI.  But Putin denied the allegations and that seems to be whom Trump still places his faith.

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4 hours ago, mrdome said:

woulda coulda shoulda


What a disgrace to the office of the POTUS he is.


Even worse, this game show host is causing permanent damage on a global scale.

Baby you ain't seen  nothing yet. The worst is yet to come. 

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3 hours ago, mrdome said:

Still, a significant number of his voters like what he's doing and don't regret their vote.




Clearly, that's saying a lot more about them than Trump's performance.

Yes you make a good point worrying indeed. Give Trump a bit more credit. Rather than go to the dinner where SB would be thrown at him he goes to a rally style meeting in Pennsylvania and basks in the presence of the true believers and party faithful. After filling his ego tank well its off again to the fake news wars of Washington. And so on and so forth it will go. I am sure he can keep this merry go round up for the next 3 years 9 months. The GOP insiders want to keep him up there as a punching bag right now. The congress will feed his demands crumbs from time to time till they decide to dump him. Pence awaits in the wings like John Wilkes Booth. 

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12 hours ago, tonray said:

The problem is that opposition is focusing their efforts on him personally.....

                I don't agree.  The opposition & resistance to Trump is coming at him from dozens of angles.  He's problematic on many levels and on many issues.  He recently expressed how he's unhappy playing the role of president.  If he was honest, he would admit he's in waaaaaaaay over his head.


12 hours ago, Minnie the Minx said:

You will find most Chinese support Trump and did prior to the election and during. This is every Chinese businessman's dream to end up as pres but they obviously can't buy it or get elected in China. You got to read Weibo here not the Western media channels.

                             I can understand Chinese thinking Trump is cool.  They're very brand-oriented.  However, those Chinese will turn off to him in the flick of the eye (similar to how Russkies have turned off to him re; US bombing Syria) - the first time Trump does something which offends or pisses off the Chinese.


                   It doesn't take much to anger the Chinese, and they're deeply immersed in group-think.  When the US military mistakenly bombed the Chinese consulate in Belgrade (2 died) Bill Clinton immediately became the devil from Chinese perspective.   No matter, to them, that hundreds of Chinese die each year from coal mining.



Edited by boomerangutang
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                      Well, Trump probably doesn't suffer from OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) because he changes his ideas and switches his focus so often.  On second thought, he's stayed obsessive about how he won the popular vote (he didn't) and how his inauguration numbers were the highest ever (they weren't). He's also obsessive about blaming Obama for all sorts of ridiculous things.  So maybe, besides the other mental issues Trump suffers, he actually does also suffer from OCD.

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22 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                      Well, Trump probably doesn't suffer from OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) because he changes his ideas and switches his focus so often.  On second thought, he's stayed obsessive about how he won the popular vote (he didn't) and how his inauguration numbers were the highest ever (they weren't). He's also obsessive about blaming Obama for all sorts of ridiculous things.  So maybe, besides the other mental issues Trump suffers, he actually does also suffer from OCD.

You forgot "it wasn't raining at the inauguration", anyone can play with the figures. It takes a very powerful man to control the weather.

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19 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Talk about fairweather friends wow the Donald sure is one. His quoted comments on Mr. Xi

“I believe he is trying very hard,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with Reuters on Thursday. “He is a good man. He is a very good man, and I got to know him very well.”

Fortunately the Chinese are used to this. They have even created an art form of man changing his moods.




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I'm starting to enjoy all the loser squad Trump bashing as it was just a few short months ago that the same people were positive they'd be watching president grandma on her "I am woman, hear me roar" tour through the end of 2020.

These same people will be putting more money in their pockets after filing taxes and saying; "You just wait and see".

These same people will be getting better healthcare at cheaper premiums and still will be saying: You just wait and see".

The Trump haters who are not US citizens will be booking "The Wall" tours and riding along the southern border telling anyone who will listen: "You just wait and see" with previously unemployed Trump haters as their employed tour guides.

In 4 yrs when he's reelected, their barstools will seem a little shorter and the bar a little higher and they'll feel the need to shout a little louder; "You just wait and see".

Flame me all you want as your words are getting hollower and hollower by the day. :wai:


If you ever get completely sober and clear eyed, you'd see the bigger picture with courting the leaders of SE Asia and planting seeds of doubt about China while the little fat man is a menace to the world. I see a couple more calls to the president of China followed by a call to the Taiwanese president if the actions of China are too slow and/or too little.

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10 hours ago, tomwct said:

Thank God President Trump has almost eight (8) more years to be President! America will be Great Again! Sorry if you need some tissues to clear your eyes! Go Trump!

Thank you for your reasoned discourse.  Any chance you write Trump's speeches?

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6 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Is it inconceivable that China would be into hacking? They've got their fingers in a lot of pies. If Obama or anyone else said so, all you snowflake people would lap it up.

Lots of things are conceivable. For instance, I can conceive of a President who doesn't make accusations and speculate publicly without any evidence to back him up.  But then, I have a wild imagination.

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On 5/2/2017 at 2:57 PM, daveAustin said:

Is it inconceivable that China would be into hacking? They've got their fingers in a lot of pies. If Obama or anyone else said so, all you snowflake people would lap it up.

Whilst it isn't inconceivable, all 17 intelligence agencies said Russia did the hacking. 



Edited by ncc1701d
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