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Trump questions why U.S. Civil War had to happen


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3 hours ago, Srikcir said:

The civil war was ignited by the South Carolina seceding from the USA in 1861 and Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation issued in 1862.

Do you have any other imbecilities you would care to utter?

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If Trump is so stupid how did he become a billionaire and get elected Pres of US?


oh and here's a Bloomberg article from today for all you who said industrial jobs would not come back no matter what Trump did





Edited by funandsuninbangkok
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2 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

If Trump is so stupid how did he become a billionaire and get elected Pres of US?



Trump has always paid bright but morally bankrupt people to surround him, in particular lawyers and accountants. He became a billionaire (still questionable) after receiving 200 Million from his Fathers estate. He has lost far more than he has made. He is a billionaire due to 'assets' the family own, however those assets actually belong to the wide number of banks and organisations who loaned him the money (not paid back) to buy the assets. If everyone called in their debts tomorrow Trump would barely have a pot to pee in. But really - you know all this.


So were the following 'stupid' - it takes a special kind of stupid to be a serial criminal.



Meyer Lanskey

Griselda Blanco

Pol Pot


Kim Jong

El Chapo




etc etc add as many names of serial criminals as you wish. Trumps name belongs with them, and given 4 years with the nuclear codes he could very well surpass all of them.


It is fantastic news that the intel community has hard evidence that his three little piggies are involved in criminal activities. With any luck they will all be doing the perp walk in the not to distant future.

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1 hour ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

If Trump is so stupid how did he become a billionaire and get elected Pres of US?


oh and here's a Bloomberg article from today for all you who said industrial jobs would not come back no matter what Trump did





If you read the article you linked, you would know that it was China cutting production and bad weather in Australia that hurt their output that are responsible for the increase in coal jobs. Nothing to do with Trump or decreased regulation.

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Trump: "People don't ask that question, but why was there the Civil War?" 
Maybe he should've asked Melania.

Literally a question on the test to become an American citizen:





Edited by Thakkar
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The validated reason for the civil war was slavery. But there are some other reasons that have been discussed. Lincoln was a man who saw the future. he knew that a country divided could not stand. He had to find a way of uniting the states. We know that people in the North had slaves, but were treated differently to those in the South. Although the South was a far richer area than the North,i,e cotton tobacco, etc, the gentry of the south were spoiled and a rabble. I wont go into the way the war was fought, but i lived in Georgia for some years and there is a letter in the Savannah civil war museum from Lincoln to Sherman, berating him for burning Atlanta. Sherman was never given permission, or told to do that.Sherman was a man who thought that the destruction of the city of Atlanta would destroy the Southern moral, and he was right. From Atlanta he marched to Tybee Island, taking in Savannah, a beautiful city. Lincoln warned Sherman not to burn it.It was called 'Shermans march to the sea' when he arrived in Savannah he had 40,000 black slaves that had followed him. That is why the first and second black churches of African Americans are in the south.

Also they say that queen Victoria refused support for the South because she would not condone slavery. She turned a blind eye. But her very rich friends in the textile industries and arms businesses did not.If you go to the Savannah civil war museum there is a lesson given by a guy dressed in a southern uniform. he has a pay book and a ration book and all the stuff that a soldier of the south would carry. He gives a lecture for an hour. After that you can wander around the museum at will. i was surprised to see muskets with the name 'Enfield' on them and bayonets bearing the name, Sheffield steel.

Also England supplied the South with paper, for letter writing and wall paper for the houses.Also it must be remembered that the American soldiers that died in the civil war, still outnumber the number of American soldiers that have died in any other wars since added together.

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45 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

The validated reason for the civil war was slavery. But there are some other reasons that have been discussed. Lincoln was a man who saw the future. he knew that a country divided could not stand. He had to find a way of uniting the states. We know that people in the North had slaves, but were treated differently to those in the South. Although the South was a far richer area than the North,i,e cotton tobacco, etc, the gentry of the south were spoiled and a rabble. I wont go into the way the war was fought, but i lived in Georgia for some years and there is a letter in the Savannah civil war museum from Lincoln to Sherman, berating him for burning Atlanta. Sherman was never given permission, or told to do that.Sherman was a man who thought that the destruction of the city of Atlanta would destroy the Southern moral, and he was right. From Atlanta he marched to Tybee Island, taking in Savannah, a beautiful city. Lincoln warned Sherman not to burn it.It was called 'Shermans march to the sea' when he arrived in Savannah he had 40,000 black slaves that had followed him. That is why the first and second black churches of African Americans are in the south.

Also they say that queen Victoria refused support for the South because she would not condone slavery. She turned a blind eye. But her very rich friends in the textile industries and arms businesses did not.If you go to the Savannah civil war museum there is a lesson given by a guy dressed in a southern uniform. he has a pay book and a ration book and all the stuff that a soldier of the south would carry. He gives a lecture for an hour. After that you can wander around the museum at will. i was surprised to see muskets with the name 'Enfield' on them and bayonets bearing the name, Sheffield steel.

Also England supplied the South with paper, for letter writing and wall paper for the houses.Also it must be remembered that the American soldiers that died in the civil war, still outnumber the number of American soldiers that have died in any other wars since added together.

I find it hard to believe that the manufacturing powerhouse that was the north was poorer than a region that depended for its wealth on agricultural commodites. 



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After listening to FBI director Comey testifying to senate committee, I think Trump is a lot more crooked and big hater than all.
He sold his property in Florida to a Russian profiting 45 million$ ??? federal judges who are against Trump have received death threats and the list goes on.
In short from comments I see on You-tube by Trump fans he really does attract skinheads. 

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1 hour ago, Farang hunter said:

After listening to FBI director Comey testifying to senate committee, I think Trump is a lot more crooked and big hater than all.
He sold his property in Florida to a Russian profiting 45 million$ ??? federal judges who are against Trump have received death threats and the list goes on.
In short from comments I see on You-tube by Trump fans he really does attract skinheads. 

Wait for it. That profit on the property is not all it seems. I bet anything that Trump was laundering money for the Russian. 100%. No wonder Trump can't have tax returns shown! That one transaction alone is worth 20 years in jail. Trump will be in the poop very soon. Thanks to his hate of the media every investigative journalist is now making it their mission to get the evidence to jail him first.

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20 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


Just to make sure, this is a fictional humor piece.


But like most "stories" on The Borowitz Report, it does seem like it could absolutely happen.



Some really funny ones there, the attack by Obama on Trump by speaking correct English is really good.

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10 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

The validated reason for the civil war was slavery. But there are some other reasons that have been discussed. Lincoln was a man who saw the future. he knew that a country divided could not stand. He had to find a way of uniting the states. We know that people in the North had slaves, but were treated differently to those in the South. Although the South was a far richer area than the North,i,e cotton tobacco, etc, the gentry of the south were spoiled and a rabble. I wont go into the way the war was fought, but i lived in Georgia for some years and there is a letter in the Savannah civil war museum from Lincoln to Sherman, berating him for burning Atlanta. Sherman was never given permission, or told to do that.Sherman was a man who thought that the destruction of the city of Atlanta would destroy the Southern moral, and he was right. From Atlanta he marched to Tybee Island, taking in Savannah, a beautiful city. Lincoln warned Sherman not to burn it.It was called 'Shermans march to the sea' when he arrived in Savannah he had 40,000 black slaves that had followed him. That is why the first and second black churches of African Americans are in the south.

Also they say that queen Victoria refused support for the South because she would not condone slavery. She turned a blind eye. But her very rich friends in the textile industries and arms businesses did not.If you go to the Savannah civil war museum there is a lesson given by a guy dressed in a southern uniform. he has a pay book and a ration book and all the stuff that a soldier of the south would carry. He gives a lecture for an hour. After that you can wander around the museum at will. i was surprised to see muskets with the name 'Enfield' on them and bayonets bearing the name, Sheffield steel.

Also England supplied the South with paper, for letter writing and wall paper for the houses.Also it must be remembered that the American soldiers that died in the civil war, still outnumber the number of American soldiers that have died in any other wars since added together.

Virtually all of this is incorrect.


1.  The cause of the Civil War:  The Southern states seceded, because they lost control of the presidency for the first time.  Lincoln, an anti-slavery candidate, was the first candidate to win without the support of any Southern states.  The South had been able to dominate the federal government with only 20% of the voters, because the framers of the Constitution put in anti-democratic features to insure that they would: the Senate whose members were allocated by state, rather than by population, the Three Fifths Compromise which enabled the South to over-representation in the House by counting slaves, who were not citizens and had no rights of any kind, as three fifths of white citizens, and the Electoral College which translated the the South's advantage in the Congress to the election of the president.  Slavery and opposition to slavery always been present.  What changed to cause the immediate secession of the Confederate states was the loss of control of the presidency.  The admission of territories as new states doomed Southern control of the government in the long run anyway since they were mostly not suitable for raising cotton on which slavery depended.


2.  The Northern states had all outlawed slavery by the time of the Civil War as the U.K, France, Russia and most of the rest of Europe. 


3.  The North was far richer on a per capita basis than the South at the time of the Civil War.  It's obvious from the fact that supporting the war impoverished the South while living standards in the North did not decline during the war.


4.  Lincoln along with Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan invented total war, which is targeting the civilian population by destroying property and food supplies and production.  Napoleon never burned a valuable city the way Sherman torched Atlanta.  Lincoln could have fired Sherman or Sheridan at any time if he objected to targeting civilians.  This is only one of the instances in which Lincoln's saintly post-war image is far from the truth.


5.  At no time was Queen Victoria responsible for making policy for the UK.  The US was the world's leading producer of cotton fiber from 1804 until 1937, which cotton was critical for the economies of both the UK and France.  The UK and France considered entering the war on the side of the South, but did not do so in part because, after the Emancipation Proclamation, to support the South meant flagrant support for slavery which both countries had already outlawed. 


In my opinion, the South was fully entitled to secede since the Constitution did not forbid secession.  A fundamental principle of law is "what is not forbidden is permitted."  The national government, however, already long committed to an imperialist expansion, would not accept the loss of territory.

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10 hours ago, Srikcir said:

The cause of the civil war was no imbecility. The failure of Trump knowing the cause is.

Come back when you understand that causes come only before effects, not after.  At least in this universe, but perhaps you had another in mind?

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