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best throat cough drops / lozenges ?


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My friend works at the Airport ,  talking with  passengers all day ,


She is always getting a sore throat ,

the passengers are  often coughing and do not cover their mouth ,  so she gets a full blast ! , bigger problem with the Chinese....


anyway is there a good cheap cough drop that she can use often ,  that will help her throat not get raw from coughing ,


I doubt you are ever go to teach the passengers , so she needs to do a little bit for herself  :)


What do you need to do to protect yourself from getting sick from the traveling public ?  Any Hints ?  a face mask is not going to be allowed  !


Thanks for your ideas



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Which airport? You mention 'Chinese coughing' so I am assuming this is not Thailand related.


Chinese are not the only nation who cough.


Try this, and this other one. 






Another trick is to boil Coca Cola with ginger and honey cheap cure for a sore throat and cold.


Hope this helps your friend.



Edited by Minnie the Minx
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its  a BKK airport  ,   its just seems the Chinese never learned to cover their mouth when coughing !

they are the worse , but  it does not matter as there are passengers from many countries , 


What is the King To stuff in the Chinese package ?



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46 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Take Redcoxan (Vit C + zinc) before each flight. readily available in Thailand at all pharmacies.



thanks , she is working at the airport and is not cabin crew ,

so  Redcoxan (Vit C + zinc)  once a day ?

do you get it at the Pharmacy ?



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Yes. Any pharmacy. They are effervescent orange flavored tabs which you dissolve in water.

There is akso a supplement called "Air borne" made I think in US that airport shops may have. It also contains vut c and zinc plus some other supplements. Costs more than Redocan and I don't think it wirks any better. The zinc is the real key. But she can try it if she comes across it.

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Yes, it is proven helpful in lessening the frequency/severity of respiratory infections, diarrheal illness and it is also helpful for skin healing.


The diarrheal treatment packs now promoted in developing countries for young children now include zinc as well as electrolyte solution. The electrolytes prevent dehydration, but the zinc actually shortens the duration of the diarrhea. And there is talk and research around possibly recommending it in management of respiratory infections in young children.

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