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5 years here,but this has left me stunned

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On 5/5/2017 at 11:55 AM, merlen10002 said:

The Smoking  hot ones are very expensive, very unfaithful , normally brainless , and in most cases not the best sex , never stop taking photos of themselves, lazy  and not good company , but some are the exception but not many.

Don't put all of us hot ones in the same category I am different.

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I am not sure I have experience with that many hot looking women.   But I can't see how there is a relationship between looks and as they use the term jelly fish.   I guess reference to just floating in the current.   I prefer black fin tuna types.  

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I am curious whether or not you have decided to leave your GF Marco? Or will you keep her for a little longer, but no

future vacations? I still think it's time for you to find a new one! I have good friend in Pattaya who changes GF's every

12 months and has been doing so for 14 years. He's very happy and says life couldn't be better

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agree on the stupid, a bit off track, i was supposed to meet a girl i have known for a long time to go see a live band, i say meet on the walkway out of ASOKE BTS  yes quite easy you might say, no one can go by me, i wait 20 minutes, it turned out she had got a mototaxi to save 10 baht and was in the street down below me,, grrr. conversation goes, i am here, no ya not, yes i am ,

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Putting aside not wanting to pay out (when you already are) so not going on the trip you're paying for ... weird. You booked the hotel for her.


Granted, you may not have had an in-depth discussion about that but book it you did and inform her of this place you booked, it's nice, relaxing time. She had ample opportunity to ask you details about the place, I assume she didn't. She was not interested in it enough prior to the trip.


If I booked a place for my GF she'd trust me it was fine. It's not rocket science.


She then has one job ... go to the freaking hotel! Sorry, I don't subscribe to the 'you didn't ask her if she wanted ...' rubbish. It's just a few days break and he booked something he considered nice. We've established her lack of travel experience (and intelligence, it seems). The time for 'thinking' was before the trip 'hey btw, where the <deleted> am I staying' .... if she's not questioning him before she goes then she can sod off.


No one is that dense. Take an interest or don't but you can't have it both ways. If someone made all the arrangements for you then go. A Thai knows full well about touts and all that bullshit. What we have here is an intelligence and common sense issue. Quite how she survives day to day in Thailand, I don't know!

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On 5/4/2017 at 10:49 AM, thaifoodruns said:

Mistake 1. Never date women with kids from other men

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Having been in this position years ago I tend to agree. Look in the mirror I think the ATM lights are flashing brightly on your forehead. You need to set her down and have a talk with her and no not the birds and bees but the bahts and the bills. 

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At 365 days exchange the GF.  WHy not  250 days.   Or look longer for a better one worth 450 days?   The OP likes this gal.  Her kids are well mannered.  How rare is that?

Chalk it up to miscommunication, lack of travel experience, different expectations on location, she trying to be thrifty?   

Just make sure you never finish the home remodeling and always talk about the next big future projects.  

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a lot different, hookers you pay sluts are free :cheesy: if you've been in Thailand any length of time and been around a bit you will have learned that all Thai women are easy to get into bed they just look at sex in a different way to us.:smile:

Bunch of b's. Vast majority of Thai women are traditional conservative and wouldn't even consider a farang boyfriend, let alone give easy sex with one. You are describing bar girls and the like, only.
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On 5/4/2017 at 3:49 AM, howard ashoul said:

... And buying in bulk is always cheaper! Thai logic.

I buy Cheerios breakfast cereal in the smaller box because the price per pound is less than the larger boxes.  Stores here in the U.S. play games, too.

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I have seen a lucky Algerian guy who married a Malaysian Chinese woman and this woman helping him to run 2 shops supplying grocery to big hotels and other establishments. They are doing well, the missus is always in the shop working hard.

So I guess it is luck if you talking about marry a good woman. Whether Thai or Chinese or Vietnamese it is difficult to say really. You cannot explain luck, why it is being bestowed to certain people and not others.

Many women have BPD (borderline personality disorder) they wouldn't admit it of course, or they don't even know of its existence. I have a feeling a lot of Thai women have BPD and they are sometimes not in touch with reality. If you read up on BPD you will see its manifestations in many Thais women. I am not prejudice against Thais women but it appears to me so to speak.

So if your woman is spending your money in a stupid way you need to take care because in the long run you going to loose a lot of money.  cheers.

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15 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Having been in this position years ago I tend to agree. Look in the mirror I think the ATM lights are flashing brightly on your forehead. You need to set her down and have a talk with her and no not the birds and bees but the bahts and the bills. 

As a follow up many years ago when I first came to Thailand a fellow who came every year for 6 months told me never reveal to much about your financial assets to women here. You remodeled part of her home and laid out cash for her holiday with her child she now thinks ask and all will be hers. Nip this in the bud NOW!! Appeasement is not the answer but your downfall. 

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What's this about giving your girl friend an allowance?  She is not a child needing pocket money!  Next time get a woman who has a job and can pay for things herself.


Pay for a girlfriend, pay her each week an allowance (to stay with you) and then be surprised when money becomes an issue with your relationship... when that is all the relationship is based on, seems a touch naïve.







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9 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

As a follow up many years ago when I first came to Thailand a fellow who came every year for 6 months told me never reveal to much about your financial assets to women here. You remodeled part of her home and laid out cash for her holiday with her child she now thinks ask and all will be hers. Nip this in the bud NOW!! Appeasement is not the answer but your downfall. 

I only ever pay out what i can afford to loose,never more,i lost money sure on my last marriage to a Thai woman,but not more than i could afford, My current girl is a very nice person as well as being smoking hot,and her children are well mannered polite,and always respectful to me,as is her Mother,thank God this time i have no Father in law to deal with as her Father is long dead,no way would i get rid of her over this which i have admitted was partly mine own fault,mostly mine in fact.She is not brainless,but a little ditzy,which is just the way she is and one reason i love her,i should have gone with them,it was not really money,but the fact i have other things happening not least ensuring the builders clean up and finish the renovations to her house,she knows i am fairly wealthy,but not any specifics,because she does not need too. On another note she has never actually asked me for a thing,this holiday was the first thing she ever requested ,knowing Thai women this is not the norm. Bottom line is she is a good person,and very attractive,and has a great command of English, so she actually understand my somewhat pathetic jokes [i am working on my act],so why would i drop her for a a thing like this,it's easy to get angry and say "stupid Thai's" it takes a bit of reflection,and input from other tv members,to actually reach a rational conclusion which i hope i have,one would say this topic has now run it's course,so i would ask the mods again to close it.

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13 minutes ago, marko kok prong said:

I only ever pay out what i can afford to loose,never more,i lost money sure on my last marriage to a Thai woman,but not more than i could afford, My current girl is a very nice person as well as being smoking hot,and her children are well mannered polite,and always respectful to me,as is her Mother,thank God this time i have no Father in law to deal with as her Father is long dead,no way would i get rid of her over this which i have admitted was partly mine own fault,mostly mine in fact.She is not brainless,but a little ditzy,which is just the way she is and one reason i love her,i should have gone with them,it was not really money,but the fact i have other things happening not least ensuring the builders clean up and finish the renovations to her house,she knows i am fairly wealthy,but not any specifics,because she does not need too. On another note she has never actually asked me for a thing,this holiday was the first thing she ever requested ,knowing Thai women this is not the norm. Bottom line is she is a good person,and very attractive,and has a great command of English, so she actually understand my somewhat pathetic jokes [i am working on my act],so why would i drop her for a a thing like this,it's easy to get angry and say "stupid Thai's" it takes a bit of reflection,and input from other tv members,to actually reach a rational conclusion which i hope i have,one would say this topic has now run it's course,so i would ask the mods again to close it.

Sounds like you have a workable plan for starters.

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19 hours ago, jerojero said:

Bunch of b's. Vast majority of Thai women are traditional conservative and wouldn't even consider a farang boyfriend, let alone give easy sex with one. You are describing bar girls and the like, only.

You either don't live here or reading too many books cos you have no clue as to what you are talking about. There was a post some weeks ago on how easy Thai women are I suggest you read that before you waste TV members with your noncencance.:smile:

Or maybe I'm just so sexy Thai women find me irasistable. 

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To say that a vast majority of Thai women won't consider a farang.    Hmm.  First off not many people, friends, relatives, co-workers would even know a nice Thai woman is on a dating site much less considering a farang relationship.    I have been told, If asked, to say we met through a mutual friend.   So many Thai women have friends, or family who have a good farang relationship stories to share and they just get to wondering if they can find someone nice for the rest of their life.   I am talking about the age range of 43-50. Lots of factors come into play at this age.  Looking to find someone, thinking they are to old, hormones and sex drive in high gear, career and kids well on their way.    Many people over 40 look at the rest of their lives and call bs on the rules as they consider the truth that we only live once.  

Edited by Elkski
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19 hours ago, catman20 said:

You either don't live here or reading too many books cos you have no clue as to what you are talking about. There was a post some weeks ago on how easy Thai women are I suggest you read that before you waste TV members with your noncencance.:smile:

Or maybe I'm just so sexy Thai women find me irasistable. 

So your argument is that all Thai women are easy to get into bed?  Maybe it's just all the Thai women you've associated with.  The Thai women that the Jero dude was referring to do make up the majority.  But since they have no interest in farangs, you wouldn't come into contact with them, would you?  And even though these "easy" Thai women that you speak of are in the small minority, they're much easier to find because they will seek you out. 

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15 hours ago, Berkshire said:

So your argument is that all Thai women are easy to get into bed?  Maybe it's just all the Thai women you've associated with.  The Thai women that the Jero dude was referring to do make up the majority.  But since they have no interest in farangs, you wouldn't come into contact with them, would you?  And even though these "easy" Thai women that you speak of are in the small minority, they're much easier to find because they will seek you out. 

Have to agree. I know plenty of Thai women that are not easy and have no interest in being hookers. These are working women in jobs that are oriented towards Thais, but there are plenty in the tourist industry too. The ones that are hunting farangs tend to stand out. 

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15 hours ago, Ruffian Dick said:

I suspect that there are also a few who are not prostitutes and still are not entirely repelled by farangs. I'll settle for one or two actually.

It has  been  my  experience  that  more  than a few  who are  not prostitutes  or occupied  in anything related  to that who are not repelled at the  possibility of a relationship  with a  farang.


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Just now, Dumbastheycome said:

It has  been  my  experience  that  more  than a few  who are  not prostitutes  or occupied  in anything related  to that who are not repelled at the  possibility of a relationship  with a  farang.


None are repelled with a relationship with a farang.

I have a relationship with my bank manager but its not in my best interest and I know for sure he has other customers.

I tell my girls if they don't already have another boyfriend to go out and get one, I am boyfriend number 2 or 3 never 1. Establish this with the girl and she will be performing at her very best while you send text messages to her stupid boyfriend on her behalf who pays for her (and sometimes your) room, kids, food, drink and cigarettes etc.


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1 minute ago, Bikeman93 said:

None are repelled with a relationship with a farang.

I have a relationship with my bank manager but its not in my best interest and I know for sure he has other customers.

Hmmm. If  it was  myself I  would  definitely  change  Bank.

And  in consideration  of  motivations re' relationships I  would  have  difficulty  associating  my  Bank manager  with intended  romantic  aspirations.

But  I can also acknowledge  the  biased assumptions re' any  relationship.

Personally I  do not subscribe  to the  same  assumptions.:smile:

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8 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

It has  been  my  experience  that  more  than a few  who are  not prostitutes  or occupied  in anything related  to that who are not repelled at the  possibility of a relationship  with a  farang.


I've had dozens of relationships with well off respectable women in Thailand.i think it widely excepted these days.

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On 5/9/2017 at 0:04 AM, anotheruser said:

Or the bar she works at.

This has to be the most stupid post on here,as she lives with me in Wichianburi,Petchabun province,she has never worked in a bar! surprised,not all Thai women are bar girls,however it would seem most of the one's you have met would be ,next time try reading the op,and responses i have put on here before coming up with nonsense such as this.

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5 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

That smoking hot girl is most likely on social media apps hooking up with others while farang is busy renovating.

I doubt that,of course no one can be 100% sure ,but there is a word called TRUST, without which any relationship is doomed .

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