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Thai editorial: Trump is risking a diplomatic disaster


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The Nation piece is somewhat simplistic. The General and the others got the invite simply because Trump knows he can't fight North Korea without support and the Us military needs to have bases in the region to assemble troops and park airplanes. Trump knows little about Thailand but hsi generals know plenty. Thailand provided great support as a staging area during the Vietnam war and that is why the General will be going to Washington as well as the Singapore PM and possibly the President of the Philippines.


As far as Trump being President- his legitimacy is not certain until an independent prosecutor is allowed to investigate whether Russia intervened in the US election and if anyone in the Trump campaign including Trump himself was involved. 


Trump does not know how how to govern- a perfect example is the healthcare bill that just passed the House. It does not fulfill any of the promises Trump advocated during his election run or now that he is President- yet he supported the bill. The healthcare bill is much worse than the Obamacare we now have. Trump always has to win even when he knows he is in the wrong. This is a severe personality defect and one reason why he will never be elected again or may not even finish his 4 year term. As time moves on- even his supporters will eventually realize they have been hoodwinked. The man is nothing but a carnival barker offering snake oil. 

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8 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Americans abroad, 2% of the population, have seen this for some time, long before Trump.  The other 98% don't care.  When he got elected, everyone knew he was going engage in damaging behavior.  What is happening now should not be a surprise to anyone. 

Right.  We knew he would be a disaster if elected.  Too bad some feral coal miners could be sheepled so easily.

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7 hours ago, Canceraid said:

Now do people realise that true democracy does not work especially when majority of the population are either uneducated or plain stupid! Just look at the US, they could an idiot into the office via democracy and elections. This is why Thailand does not need an election. Let Khun Prayuth and the NCPO remain in power for another 20 years. At least they are doing something things that no other government could do ...taming the thai population. Look ...no more street vendors blocking the pathways, beaches are being cleaned etc, drug dealers being caught, policemen running prostituition rings being caught, etc etc.  So what if there is even any signs of corruption. Tell me who is without sin.


Democracy hasn't worked well for some considerable time which is illustrated perfectly by the USA recently.  Such is the level of spin, lies and corruption making a level playing field is near on impossible. I totally agree with Canceraid about Thailand.

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45 minutes ago, sanukjim said:

The writer of this article sounds like one of those poor rioting losers in LA or Chicago.He should have stated that this was just his uneducated  opinion because it sure is not an article that seems to have any intelligent investigations in it's content.

The article was spot on.  I guess this is where Trump supporters and the rest of the world sees things so differently.  It's the alternative reality according to Trump and reality as the rest of us see it.  Fake vs. real.  Matter vs. anti-matter.  Well, maybe not that last one.  I've wondered for some time how Trump supporters can keep believing his lies.  You guys are an intriguing bunch. 

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I didn't vote in the election as I could not vote for warmonger, liar0in-chief and lawbreaker Clinton, but I couldn't have actually voted for Trump. I think there were many like me who effectively gave the presidency to Trump. I honestly thought that he would surprise us all and do better than his vulgar personality would suggest….instead it has increased his vulgarity. Foreign policy is truly a disaster area. 

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

"Drain the Swamp!"


Seriously?  You have not been keeping up on events.  Self-enrichment, ignoring established ethical standards, a staff full of Wall Street bankers and billionaires, nepotism and lots of investigations into ties with Russia, oligarchs, spy masters and criminals.  Trump is making the biggest, greatest, most beautiful swamp ever!

At least Trump isn't meddling  in foreign elections like Obama has  and telling the Brits they will be last in line .


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The biggest winner in global politics today is North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-un. His incessant rumblings on the warpath, both in word and deed, have somehow had an impact on Trump’s billionaire nerves. For decades the leaders of North Korea – Kim’s father and grandfather – used rogue strategies to gain world attention and then concessions to their needs and ambitions. The drumbeat sounded by endless missile tests in recent years has had the same effect, breaking Trump’s nerve and earning from him the assessment that Kim is a “pretty smart cookie” – and a suggestion they get together for a hamburger and a chat.


Except when Trump and "fat boy" meet at the dining table instead of like past presidents asking "would you like sauce with that"

Trump will lean forward and quietly say "enjoy your burger because it's going to be your last !

No more deals, concessions, donations, either stop f**king with the USA or that burger's gonna end up where the sun don't shine !!

Which is what should've been said 30 years ago!!!!

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2 hours ago, Thaidream said:

The Nation piece is somewhat simplistic. The General and the others got the invite simply because Trump knows he can't fight North Korea without support and the Us military needs to have bases in the region to assemble troops and park airplanes. Trump knows little about Thailand but hsi generals know plenty. Thailand provided great support as a staging area during the Vietnam war and that is why the General will be going to Washington as well as the Singapore PM and possibly the President of the Philippines.


As far as Trump being President- his legitimacy is not certain until an independent prosecutor is allowed to investigate whether Russia intervened in the US election and if anyone in the Trump campaign including Trump himself was involved. 


Trump does not know how how to govern- a perfect example is the healthcare bill that just passed the House. It does not fulfill any of the promises Trump advocated during his election run or now that he is President- yet he supported the bill. The healthcare bill is much worse than the Obamacare we now have. Trump always has to win even when he knows he is in the wrong. This is a severe personality defect and one reason why he will never be elected again or may not even finish his 4 year term. As time moves on- even his supporters will eventually realize they have been hoodwinked. The man is nothing but a carnival barker offering snake oil. 

Watched MSNBC where G.Will, and a leading psychiatrist again announced Trumps disability and mental illness. Worth watching on YT.

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1 hour ago, tominbkk said:

Right.  We knew he would be a disaster if elected.  Too bad some feral coal miners could be sheepled so easily.

I think Bannon's gang of ...... were/are his base of voters. Let's face it a lot of the people who voted for Don the Con believe they can "roll back" the clock and put "others" in their place. It's totally disgraceful that POTUS is one of them. Republicans ought to be so so ashamed, but I fear they are not and never will be. 

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3 hours ago, heybruce said:

"Drain the Swamp!"


Seriously?  You have not been keeping up on events.  Self-enrichment, ignoring established ethical standards, a staff full of Wall Street bankers and billionaires, nepotism and lots of investigations into ties with Russia, oligarchs, spy masters and criminals.  Trump is making the biggest, greatest, most beautiful swamp ever!


1 hour ago, riclag said:

At least Trump isn't meddling  in foreign elections like Obama has  and telling the Brits they will be last in line .


Your comment is irrelevant to both the topic and my post.  However, since you brought it up:  Private citizen Obama is allowed to express an opinion, and the press is allowed to report on it.  Candidate Trump supported Brexit by statement and the promise to put Britain first in line for new trade deals (don't put too much faith in Trump keeping this promise).  President Trump has been threatening allies and complementing undemocratic tyrants.

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7 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Democracy is the best of a bad bunch. At present there is no better system. If you want to have democracy, you have to educate your people to a certain level. You can't complain when they fall for people's lies. Trump elected, the Brexit, these are things people voted for, and boy are we learning as we go along. 


In the US they have the electoral college. This is supposed to ensure that America doesn't vote in a mad man,  but ironically 'Trumped' the popular vote that Clinton won. We now have Trump and are learning the hard way. Trump is also learning the hard way that he can't simply do whatever he likes. Checks and balances. 


Democracy will never function well in a country where there are no checks and balances. It's up to the people to speak out and fight against corruption and injustice. Sad but true. As for dictators, you get an unhappy peace. You'll never develop as a country with a dictator in charge. 

I hear the electoral college argument alot. It's hard to predict what happen if the president were elected by popular vote. Basically 8 swing states decide the election. It's possible the popular vote would have turned out in Trump's favor if there were a popular vote because I argue that the voter turnout would have been much higher in states that are a foregone conclusion.


That said it was nice to live in a state where it was a foregone conclusion. It saved me from the endless political ads on TV.

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11 hours ago, darksidedog said:

US credibility abroad has been pretty poor for a very long time, but the article is correct in that it has gone way further south since.

Given the new leaders performance to date, most English people would have more faith in Basil Fawlty.

Please forgive Trump... He's from Barcelona



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Just been reading about the health care bill that has been passed.  This is a massive failure for what Trump promised, I didn't realise until I read the details just now!
Yes and massively unpopular. But it still might pass.
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59 minutes ago, daboyz1 said:

I hear the electoral college argument alot. It's hard to predict what happen if the president were elected by popular vote. Basically 8 swing states decide the election. It's possible the popular vote would have turned out in Trump's favor if there were a popular vote because I argue that the voter turnout would have been much higher in states that are a foregone conclusion.


That said it was nice to live in a state where it was a foregone conclusion. It saved me from the endless political ads on TV.

California and New York are states who should have much more significance in the voting. They both voted Hillary. 


Hillary is definitely the lesser of two evils. with the Republicans' new healthcare bill, some people are learning this the very hard way. 

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30 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Just been reading about the health care bill that has been passed.  This is a massive failure for what Trump promised, I didn't realise until I read the details just now!

Don't tell Trump, he hasn't read it.  He hasn't read anything.

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11 hours ago, cocorico2558 said:

The US has been abusing their power during the last decades. I hoped that Trump will be elected as my guess was that he will contribute to the US loosing more power than it did already. The world needs a good power balance between a few players in order to have peace and control abusive power houses. I hope China is getting stronger and more involved.


If you didn't like how the USA played the game you are going to simply love China. 

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Trump just isn't going to get any good press. If Trump  sees one leader from ASEAN then he has to see them all or he'll never hear the end of it. See one he has got to see them all, good on Donald. Trump expects no real help from ASEAN on North Korea, he just wants to let those leaders feel they've had their input for when POTUS does do something to quiet down North Korea.

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Americans abroad, 2% of the population, have seen this for some time, long before Trump.  The other 98% don't care.  When he got elected, everyone knew he was going engage in damaging behavior.  What is happening now should not be a surprise to anyone. 

+50% cared enough not to vote for him.
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The Nation piece is somewhat simplistic. The General and the others got the invite simply because Trump knows he can't fight North Korea without support and the Us military needs to have bases in the region to assemble troops and park airplanes. Trump knows little about Thailand but hsi generals know plenty. Thailand provided great support as a staging area during the Vietnam war and that is why the General will be going to Washington as well as the Singapore PM and possibly the President of the Philippines.
As far as Trump being President- his legitimacy is not certain until an independent prosecutor is allowed to investigate whether Russia intervened in the US election and if anyone in the Trump campaign including Trump himself was involved. 
Trump does not know how how to govern- a perfect example is the healthcare bill that just passed the House. It does not fulfill any of the promises Trump advocated during his election run or now that he is President- yet he supported the bill. The healthcare bill is much worse than the Obamacare we now have. Trump always has to win even when he knows he is in the wrong. This is a severe personality defect and one reason why he will never be elected again or may not even finish his 4 year term. As time moves on- even his supporters will eventually realize they have been hoodwinked. The man is nothing but a carnival barker offering snake oil. 

Yep. The biggest con job the American people have ever seen and 48% of voters totally hoodwinked. Sad.
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14 hours ago, Berkshire said:

The article was spot on.  I guess this is where Trump supporters and the rest of the world sees things so differently.  It's the alternative reality according to Trump and reality as the rest of us see it.  Fake vs. real.  Matter vs. anti-matter.  Well, maybe not that last one.  I've wondered for some time how Trump supporters can keep believing his lies.  You guys are an intriguing bunch. 

To embrace truth/facts that may be contrary to your personal belief/view takes more psychological intregrity/STRENGTH than not. This is similare to "saving face" e.g. reality/facts are too discerning so I'll rely on falsehoods etc. Mental illness embraces justification/rationalization/lies/delusions at every turn.ego.jpg.610fbfb5bd56abd3340c485728f38275.jpg

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Has any other US President, or any other World leader, in recent times, been perfect!

The man should be given a break. He's just started out on a long and difficult road. The press are so quick to pass judgement!

Rome was not built in a day! Remember the saying?

In my opinion, Trump is more up-front which suggests to me, he is more of an honest person, unlike the 'skull and crossbones bones' illuminati, new order gang!

He has many mountains of crap to climb, because of the mess left behind by previous administrations.

Just recall 9/11 and the powers that be back then!

Innocent people murdered! Who was responsible for the atrocities on that awful day?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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17 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Just been reading about the health care bill that has been passed.  This is a massive failure for what Trump promised, I didn't realise until I read the details just now!

How is it a failure just getting rid of the mandates was a success ?Being "forced" to buy insurance is hardly democratic, it was rape. That Liberal  administration made it a tax if you didn't purchase the affordable care lol .Millions where forced to buy coverage they didn't need especially the younger people.So many insurance companies pulling out. Increases in premiums ,in some cases over 100% depending on what state you lived in. Being told you can keep your doctor and that you would see a $2,500 reduction in premiums was a lie. When you google for the facts ,one has to search through the weeds maybe 3 or four pages worth to find the advantages and disadvantages.

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23 hours ago, heybruce said:

"Donald was elected president of the U.S.A. so why not assist him in doing the things that promising to do got him voted in ?"


Many reasons, but I'll go with the easiest to understand:  People who object to Trump's plans for America (assuming he really has a plan) oppose him for the same reasons that people who opposed Obama's plans fought him every step of the way.  That's how representative government works.

Millions of people voted for change.They revolted .Trump's personality didn't win him the election it was his message. The middle class  gave up a middle finger to 40 years of globalism,political correctness and the Washington hypocrisy . The Liberals  lost because they  couldn't convince the independents to another 4 more years of Obama.That's what they would of got with Hillary.Trump has only been in office for 100 days.This "change" is a revolt!  Revolts aren't won in 100 days.People in the world who view President Trump  as a failure are for the most part Trump haters and liberals.If you were content and liked the condition of America before than you most likely  wouldn't have  voted for Trump.He is a nationalist for the most part and a globalist when his policies dictate the need.

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39 minutes ago, riclag said:

Millions of people voted for change.They revolted .Trump's personality didn't win him the election it was his message. The middle class  gave up a middle finger to 40 years of globalism,political correctness and the Washington hypocrisy . The Liberals  lost because they  couldn't convince the independents to another 4 more years of Obama.That's what they would of got with Hillary.Trump has only been in office for 100 days.This "change" is a revolt!  Revolts aren't won in 100 days.People in the world who view President Trump  as a failure are for the most part Trump haters and liberals.If you were content and liked the condition of America before than you most likely  wouldn't have  voted for Trump.He is a nationalist for the most part and a globalist when his policies dictate the need.

"Millions of people voted for change." 


If there were any coherent, consistent statement of what this change should be that comment would make sense.  During the campaign the people got vague promises.  The few specifics have been abandoned.  That is why millions of people were conned.


The majority of voters voted for "another 4 years of Obama", to use your words.  After more than three months of Trump that seems like a pretty good alternative.

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On 5/4/2017 at 8:56 PM, tomwct said:

I agree! Obama's hands off policies were a disaster, but Trump will make America Great Again, but it will take time to drain

the swamp! Give the man a chance he'll be in office until 2025.

Once again he i am ..so ill ask WHO he drained and who has he added....and WHY does it

take time to drain the swamp?...just do it--trump is soo great at deals and saying "youre fired'


If you turned off faux news for once and looked at it it appears he is filling the swamp--

not draining it...........of course he will be in office to 2025--putin has it all set up--rigged  


And is also the results of gerrymadering (look it up) and setting up districts to win by

an ancient voting system called EC...do me a favor and send me the POPULAR VOTE #s

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5 minutes ago, heybruce said:

"Millions of people voted for change." 


If there were any coherent, consistent statement of what this change should be that comment would make sense.  During the campaign the people got vague promises.  The few specifics have been abandoned.  That is why millions of people were conned.


The majority of voters voted for "another 4 years of Obama", to use your words.  After more than three months of Trump that seems like a pretty good alternative.

I think his policies are as coherent as  Thai karaoke music on volume 10 ,very loud and clear.Its very apparent his message and actions on Jobs, illegal immigration ,boarder wall,using American natural resources.Lifting regulations on the EPA  are not vague promises but realities. Unfortunately there is a overwhelming media opposition  towards Trump and his policies .Many people in the world get their news from negative news sources and they  don't report on his Administrations achievements .

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Your opinion! President Trump is doing fine! You guys wish he was doing badly, but it's only your wishful thinking! Go Trump! Make America Great Again! We are with you 100%.

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