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Lending people stuff..

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So I've had a set of Remington hair clippers for over 25yrs... I remember they came with a "VHS" instructional video :)


My wife knows that I'm very attached to my 25yr old hair clippers, maybe cause I mention it every time she cuts my hair ?


Anyway, off to work tomorrow, so ask her to cut my hair before I go. Get my clippers out and there is a nice chunk out of plastic body and its all loose... !!


Ask the wife if she has lent them to anyone, "oh yes, my sister borrowed them last month"... Well, thanks sister for mentioning that you dropped them.. 


People get right on my t@ts some times :)

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Carlos as we all know here people think if they need something, and you have it ok for them to take.

Many things borrowed get broken, but when they are brought back, nothing is said about it.

Lucky that you at least got your clippers back, normally nothing is brought back, just dumped outside and forgotten about.

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You are lucky you got them back. In Thailand, borrow usually means "give me to keep". I have the same problem with my tools, the wife lends them to neighbors and they won't give them back unless, as in your case, they are damaged. It's the same when they ask to borrow some money, "borrow" translates as "donate".

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I remember a time when a person wouldn't lend their comb to another for fear of picking up an infection.....let alone clippers ( can't be sure what they have been used on).

   If it's any comfort though....I still ended up bald.

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Bit off topic but I have a fridge/freezer with ice maker, put your glass up against this thingy and it dispenses ice...Mrs.Trans had folk round..Next day went to get ice to find the thingy was hanging out and the mechanism all broken....How they manged that is beyond me..:sad:

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Ah yes... Lock the important stuff up when you are away, especially the garage with pickup and lots of expensive tools in it. Tell them it all costs money which you have to work to get. Call this 30 years of Thai experience!

Edited by MaiChai
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19 minutes ago, transam said:

Bit off topic but I have a fridge/freezer with ice maker, put your glass up against this thingy and it dispenses ice...Mrs.Trans had folk round..Next day went to get ice to find the thingy was hanging out and the mechanism all broken....How they manged that is beyond me..:sad:

Thai: hammer and nails. Foreigner: screws and portable drill/driver.

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4 hours ago, transam said:

Bit off topic but I have a fridge/freezer with ice maker, put your glass up against this thingy and it dispenses ice...Mrs.Trans had folk round..Next day went to get ice to find the thingy was hanging out and the mechanism all broken....How they manged that is beyond me..:sad:

Maybe they were trying to borrow it....

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Lent the pick up once a long time ago to a local builders merchant shop keeper. Pick came back ok not a mark on it. Even topped up with fuel. Thought no more of it. Suddenly a month later got a phone call from his insurance claiming my pick up had destroyed one of his brick making ovens and they had video proof of this. Eventualy after a long drawn out you did it No i didnt back and forth argument lasting ni on 7 days we finaly got the video evidence emailed to us (got my insurance involed from the very start.) Looked at the video and yes my pick up yes drove into the brick oven exellent quality video showed the driver perfectly whoops it was the man i lent the car to. Result he caved in admitted fraud trying to get knew brick oven. Couldnt figure out why there was no damage to car. His brother just happens to own a car body shop!. End result as he was shit scared police would get involved he agreed to buy my pick up off me for the origional price i had paid for it two years previously + 50k. Never repeat never lend anything to anybody. Lesson learnt.

Edited by jeab1980
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I would bring them out every time the sister visits. Set them in front of your wife and sister. Not say a thing. Soon your wife and sister will get the message. . Hopefully the whole family will get the message. Hands off my stuff. 

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Reminds me of a neighbor of mine. This old chap from Birmingham built a house for GF with all the trimmings. "The Family" showed up daily to raid his refrigerator. It got to the point, where every time "the family" pulled up, he rushed inside to take most stuff out of the refrigerator and HIDE IT UNDER THE BED in the bedroom and locking the bedroom door.

This is not a joke!

Well, he is back in Birmingham now and I am sure, he dosn't have to hide his food under the bed anymore.

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