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My best to you and I agree with much of your initial post.   I, too came to Thailand in the late 60's and  it felt a lot different -than it does now.  The country was laid back as well as the people themselves. Money never seemed to be the main goal in anyone's life , let alone the reason to live.

I attribute the love of money and the change in Thai attitudes mostly to the influx of foreigners to Thailand and the rapid globalization that has caused Thais to be come part of the materialistic capitalism that pervades the World. In addition, Thailand has become expensive not only for foreigners but for locals.  Some of the prices that Thais pay for necessities is even higher than in the West.


In addition, there has been a lack of real role models; poor education; misdeeds by the clergy and government officials and no real moral compass. Thais have become worn down and worn out by lack of any real opportunity and I guess it is quite amazing that they smile any more -yet they do and live life to the best they can.


The one missing ingredient that has been lost is that Thailand does not seem like fun anymore. It may be  because I understand the  language and know the ins and outs of the system or simply because I am just not interested in the nightlife any longer.  I still enjoy a beer and a chat but everyone seems so serious anymore about everything in life


I, like you Mobi have spent untold amounts of money in Thailand  trying to live a decent and happy life and also supporting wives and children. Most of it has been happy but some not and mostly due to not understanding what I was getting into. I don't blame anyone except myself.


I have learned to stay away from the foreign tourist ghettos; don't drink too much and  concentrate on living a peaceful existence.  I have no desire to live anywhere else except Thailand as I have family here and none in America.  However, as I have mentioned in prior posts- if I was single and starting out - I might explore  other countries like Cambodia; Vietnam and the Philippines as they represent the brave new World. 


Best of luck to you- keep in touch and let us know what life back in the World is like.


Good Luck Mobi,


Your thoughts precisely echo my own, at 16 years in Thailand happy to be doing business back in the west and maintaining 2 homes for now. European summers are great fun, cost of living in UK is no higher than Thailand for me with the way I live my life in both places. 


I used to think my future was for sure in Asia, but increasingly looking at villas in portugal and wondering at how I can make a different balance work.. Wife (number 2) and dog are still based in northern Thailand but increasing its a place to visit, perhaps even all winter, rather than where I think I will have roots. 



18 hours ago, jubkhun said:

If you are taking a Thai lady home with you, then you are not exactly leaving Thailand and its problems behind are you..

You are a very slow learner my friend.

I can verify this first hand. 


How many farewells are there now Mobi? Lost counting, must be 3 by now over several platforms in a years time. But Thx for being an another example of how not to do it in Thailand  ... thx for learning the lesson for me and others and importantly passed it one in your often amuzing stories. Anyway, all the best.


This topic has made me think deeply about what is so different now -no matter where one lives- than before- where one was growing up. In my opinion- it is the loss of innocence. Those of us who are in our 60's and 70's remember a time- where there was little crime; where we knew who are neighbors were and who are banker  was and who the police were. The World was simpler. People weren't out to scam us; curse us for a wrong turn in the car and certainly not kill us for our beliefs.


We weren't subject to the whims of government; being watched  on every corner by cameras and someone recording our phone calls. 


We could easily afford to go out to eat; go to  sporting events; and go to the doctor because prices were reasonable and most people worked and receive a fair wage.


As the World changed  and became more and more stressful and we lost our secure feeling- we sought  refuge in other countries such as Thailand and for awhile we loved the fun and carefree life that we used to have in our own countries because we found it again in Thailand.  Then -the rest of the World we left started to catch up with us and what we left -followed us to Thailand and Thailand started to become like what we originally left and it wasn't as much fun as it once was.


I still think Thailand represents a respite from the West  especially if you are retired and have a pension that is  adequate . However, I don't think those coming to Thailand now -in search of the Holy Grail- are going to find it.





18 hours ago, reenatinnakor said:

I don't know you so I won't judge but if your on your 6 wife then maybe the problem is you and not them?

And if you are complaining how the very friendly Thai people treat us farang here... Then just wait until you see how the white Anglo saxons with their union jacks flying outside their semi detached houses, treat your Thai wife and daughter.

I'm not as old and wise as you and I've only been here in and out for 6 years, but it's easily in my top 5 countries to work and live. And I've been to over 40 countries.

Sent from my LG-H990 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

why is such racist rubbish allowed on here . I took my wife home twice and in wales they loved here and the same in london when we stayed with my son .In 3 months never a bad word and if thailand is in your top 5 countries to live and work in , shows what type of person you are . Most o9f us live here for the climate , easy life  and because its affordable . IF i was rich there are far better places so you are not wise


I hope it all works out for you back there. Thanks for all the stories. I did read some. Good luck!


I wish you well as an expat with 26 years under my belt. On rare occasions I get you feelings as well but when I go home for a visit cannot wait to get back. I am a stranger in my own land now.

I would take you to task over your belief that Malaysia is moving in a better direction than Thailand.

Having long stay visits for work there I can tell you that the country is doomed (unless you are a devout Muslim)

Keep an eye on the news.

Anyway, "Break a Leg"    Good Luck & every good wish for your life

6 minutes ago, dazzz said:

why is such racist rubbish allowed on here . I took my wife home twice and in wales they loved here and the same in london when we stayed with my son .In 3 months never a bad word and if thailand is in your top 5 countries to live and work in , shows what type of person you are . Most o9f us live here for the climate , easy life  and because its affordable . IF i was rich there are far better places so you are not wise

Actually I went to the UK a couple of years ago to see my father and i went to his local for a beer with him. The barmaid asked me where i lived and said Bangkok with my wife. The slapper then said "she one of them asians is she, well dont bring er ere, we got enuff of them kind". Told me alot about the mentality in that particular town. But having said that there are good or bad anywhere, so hopefully Mobi moves in classier circles that my dad


One thing I think we can all agree with from the OP's initial post that  this country, in comparison with neighbouring countries,is falling so far behind in education ,fighting corruption and morals ,its just lost its way.


I remember when I was teaching mature age students in Bangkok some years ago that the students had a perception that Thailand was far superior to its neigbours.


When I mentioned that I was having a short holiday in Laos some turned their nose up that I would even consider going there.


This attitude still exists today in all walks of life.


Thailand's really only bonus is that compared with our home countries its still has a relatively cheap cost of living.


With my Thai wife we would love to spend some months in Australia,my home country ,but the cost of living is now obscene and any vists are relatively short.


But to close I dont I will ever see, in my lifetime the gap between the haves and the have nots close. If you are born into a poor family to get out of the poverty trap is nigh impossible. No one in authority places a priority on equal opportunity especialy in education its a national disgrace


There was a time in the not so distant past when Thailand led its neighbours and seemed to have a future that other countries could envy.  They were the days when the words..



neat, tidy, finished, spruce, presentable, right
still had a meaning.  

Mobi for all his faults is that and so is his family who have stood with him in hard times.  I wish him luck

19 hours ago, jubkhun said:

If you are taking a Thai lady home with you, then you are not exactly leaving Thailand and its problems behind are you..

You are a very slow learner my friend.

But on the bright side he's leaving you behind. A lesson well learned. Methinks you are the slow learner. 


Good luck to you Sir,

   I have been here about the same time as yourself and gave consideration to returning home but to be honest I couldn't afford to live there now (even if was able to sell my house and condo here) but as a non drinker and smoker I can afford a comfortable lifestyle here.

   Like you, I find the "atmosphere" far from what it was when I first came....the reason for that I put down to "mobile phones".

  Everywhere I go now the population (female) is totally preoccupied with their phones. No smiles from one to another, no communication, no eye contact. Only last night I was eating in the food court in Big C ans it was so sad to see ladies coming in talking on their phone, ordering a meal, taking it over to their table, eating it from start to finish, get up and redeem their coupon.....without stopping the conversation they were having. That was enough to make me want ti leave Thailand.

   In the " old  days" how much fun it was chancing your luck by making eye contact with a lady anywhere you went....not any more.....so so sad.

    Good luck again Sir and may God go with you.


Good luck Mobi. I too very recently abandoned Thailand and returned home. I had all the same concerns and annoyances  but am delighted after 16 years to have abandoned the sinking ship and reentered the real world. Thailand has slaughtered the Golden Goose. The party is over. Time to go home or elsewhere.

2 hours ago, catman20 said:

Good luck for the future.

LM what happened to all the investors ? last I hurd  they were due to get some of their investment money returnd. did that happen??


You heard wrong - the kitty is completely empty... hundreds of millions disappeared into thin air and the Australians couldn't even obtain a successful prosecution of the mastermind  - a Kiwi  - who was found not guilty of making vasts sums of money vanish up his own backside.


It's a very sorry tale; there are literally thousands of investors - many elderly pensioners - in dire straights all over the world. Some like me, invested through reputable bond providers and the whole thing was supposedly regulated by the Australian authorities (ASIC). Many representations have been made to the Aussie government and even the Prime Minister but they have just washed their hands of it...


Many lives have been ruined, but I refuse to let it ruin mine. 

6 minutes ago, Mobi said:

You heard wrong - the kitty is completely empty...


Yup, not a ruddy bean, a (nearly) seven figure USD sum down the Thomas (Crapper).


Such is life, and I'm still friends with my IFA.


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

Just now, Crossy said:


Yup, not a ruddy bean, a (nearly) seven figure USD sum down the Thomas (Crapper).


Such is life, and I'm still friends with my IFA.



So am I - even though he's skipped the country...as the lynch mob were out in force.

1 hour ago, dazzz said:

why is such racist rubbish allowed on here . I took my wife home twice and in wales they loved here and the same in london when we stayed with my son .In 3 months never a bad word and if thailand is in your top 5 countries to live and work in , shows what type of person you are . Most o9f us live here for the climate , easy life  and because its affordable . IF i was rich there are far better places so you are not wise


Just for the record, I lived with my 4th Thai wife in England for almost 20 years and I can honestly say we never had a single experience of racism. My wife was made very welcome wherever she went and she was totally accepted in my business circle in the City.


For good or bad, I was responsible for bringing her mother to England and a few odd waifs and strays from Thailand, from time to time, and they were all welcomed in what is now a muti-cultural society and they all prospered. None of them, to my knowledge, ever took anything from social services. I also took wife no. 5 there  (once) and my current wife twice, and we have never seen any sign of racism. 


Of course, there are racists in the Uk - stirred up by the likes of our Nige, and I know there is the odd racist attack, but in the overall scheme of things, such incidents are few and far between.


But quite frankly - it's a bit like being a farang living in Thailand. If you keep your head down, behave yourself, obey the laws and don't go to places where trouble may occur, then you will lead a happy peaceful life and nobody will bother you.

17 hours ago, swissie said:

There are 2 ways to leave Thailand after an extended stay. Controlled, (after having read the writing on the wall) or uncontrolled (waiting till the last minute and then having to leave in a hurry).

- Controlled: Planning your exit step by step, knowing what exactly is ahead of you. Having burned all bridges in the home country before, may easily prove to be "the mistake of my life".

- Uncontrolled: Having ignored "the writing on the wall" (dwindling finances, souring relationships, failing health etc etc). Waiting for a miracle until the last minute.

"Nanny state" or not, without an initial "private-address" (relatives or friends), to take root again, = a nightmare scenario. "Lost Sons" returning from a tropical paradise will realize that nobody has been waiting for them, especially if their wallet is as thin as their future prospects in "the old country" upon their return.

On a personal note: Over the years, I have met a number of Farangs, cursing their "Nanny-State" like it was an invention of the devil himself. Finding themselves with a one way ticked back to their "nanny-state" at the airport, amazingly, their staunch opposition concerning their "nanny-state" seem to have vanished.

Wise words indeed.

I'm just back in LOS after returning "home" post divorce ( One try at the Thai wife was enough for me, can't imagine doing it again ) for a while to get my sanity back.

Sadly, I don't think there is any greener grass anywhere anymore. Home is just as bad as when I fled it, but LOS is no longer the wonderful country it used to be ( I do feel sorry for those that came too late ).

I too will be heading home, but only as I don't have enough money left to keep getting a visa extension. However, till the money does run out LOS is still the cheese.

As I used to be fond of saying, a bad day in LOS is better than a good day in the world.


Farewell OP, I hope you don't regret it.

1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

Good luck to you Sir,

   I have been here about the same time as yourself and gave consideration to returning home but to be honest I couldn't afford to live there now (even if was able to sell my house and condo here) but as a non drinker and smoker I can afford a comfortable lifestyle here.

   Like you, I find the "atmosphere" far from what it was when I first came....the reason for that I put down to "mobile phones".

  Everywhere I go now the population (female) is totally preoccupied with their phones. No smiles from one to another, no communication, no eye contact. Only last night I was eating in the food court in Big C ans it was so sad to see ladies coming in talking on their phone, ordering a meal, taking it over to their table, eating it from start to finish, get up and redeem their coupon.....without stopping the conversation they were having. That was enough to make me want ti leave Thailand.

   In the " old  days" how much fun it was chancing your luck by making eye contact with a lady anywhere you went....not any more.....so so sad.

    Good luck again Sir and may God go with you.

LOL and very true. I never saw such a nation of phone zombies. On the skytrain to my hotel on arrival almost every person I could see had their face in the machine.

Here in Pattaya the bar girls barely look up from the machines to utter "welcome" as I pass by ( I no longer qualify for hansum man- the best I get now is papa ). 

Not just Thais of course- every Asian/ Indian person I see also seems to be a phone zombie. Westerners too, but not so much.

2 hours ago, Mobi said:

You heard wrong - the kitty is completely empty... hundreds of millions disappeared into thin air and the Australians couldn't even obtain a successful prosecution of the mastermind  - a Kiwi  - who was found not guilty of making vasts sums of money vanish up his own backside.


It's a very sorry tale; there are literally thousands of investors - many elderly pensioners - in dire straights all over the world. Some like me, invested through reputable bond providers and the whole thing was supposedly regulated by the Australian authorities (ASIC). Many representations have been made to the Aussie government and even the Prime Minister but they have just washed their hands of it...


Many lives have been ruined, but I refuse to let it ruin mine. 

Wow I had a lucky escape I was due to invest a lot of money with them through a repurtal broker in Bangkok but I decided not to. I thank my lucky stars I did not invest. again all the best for the future. 


Oh ! how very true (bamukloy) be in control of your destiny and your wallet and Thailand can be a pleasant experience not a bad hangover. As for the originator (Mobi) how on earth did he manage to lose the previous 5 thai wives and live to tell the tale. Good luck with any divorce British style.ha ha !!

20 hours ago, swissie said:

Well, I did venture out of Tourist Areas for 5 years. I even learned to speak basic Thai. I was rewarded with understanding the local gossip. Beyound that, was never capable of involving the "country folks" in a discussion surpassing local gossip. After 5 years of this, I realized "this can't be it".

Respects to Farangs that can tone down their intellect to this level for any extended period of time. Of course, in order to tone down something, you have to have it in the first place.

PS: Can understand why  you stopped your former daily news contributions, concerning "Central Thailand News".:smile: 

I think you must be dealing with some fairly low-socio Thais. My Thai is hardly fluent, but I can get into philosophical and historical conversations with several Thai friends--part of it may be Thaiglish; so I do not feel local gossip is all Thais can discuss.

why is such racist rubbish allowed on here . I took my wife home twice and in wales they loved here and the same in london when we stayed with my son .In 3 months never a bad word and if thailand is in your top 5 countries to live and work in , shows what type of person you are . Most o9f us live here for the climate , easy life  and because its affordable . IF i was rich there are far better places so you are not wise

LOL... Yeah... There's absolutely no racism in UK because you've not experienced it.

I don't know what you mean by the what sort of person I am comment... I'm just lucky enough to have been placed by my company and traveled to 42 countries so far in my notepad. Thailand is easily one of the friendliest and one of my favorite places to live. Things are cheap and the weather is great and people generally very nice and friendly if you don't have a white man's entitlement attitude and expect everything to be like back home and you only meet people like yourself rather than mix with the locals.

It's just hilarious listening to old people complain that things are not like the good old days. The good old days when gays and lesbians and blacks were not tolerated, when women were expected to stay at home and raise the kids and cook, when you had to queue up at the bank or post office to get simple every day things done that you can now do on your phone. The funny thing is, if people are leaving Thailand, it's usually not by choice.
21 hours ago, swissie said:

On a personal note: Over the years, I have met a number of Farangs, cursing their "Nanny-State" like it was an invention of the devil himself. Finding themselves with a one way ticked back to their "nanny-state" at the airport, amazingly, their staunch opposition concerning their "nanny-state" seem to have vanished.

being a citizen of a "Robber State" that claws 47.25% income tax out of my pockets and charges 19% VAT of every remaining €URo that i spend i was always wondering why people complain about "Nanny States".


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