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Big bombs explode in Pattani

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More Muslims should come out and condemn extremists Muslims.

At last, an Imam with guts in Australia. This is what the Australians have always wanted to hear - especially from Muslims wanting to make Australia their home. They want them to speak up against the atrocities committed by the fanatical Muslims with a warped ideology.

The world should watch this!!!  



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There are increasing foreign interests in the area, including Muslims from other countries (Pakistan, e.g. and sundry groups of Salafi-like fundamentalists)  these need to be gotten rid of.  Interesting thing is that the 'rebellion' had gone quiescent until Thailand and Malaysia agreed to a sort of detente and cooperation after mutually refusing the USA an Island Military base in the S China Sea about 15 years ago ... then all hell broke loose among the backward Muslims of Yala and Patanni who could hardly manage a new pair of shoes ...

So, yeah, they have help and professional guidance on the ground. Thais are not making any headway, policies are failing and they cannot guarantee the safety of their citizens. These Muslims need to learn that they cannot exist on their own and the Thais need to observe them without civvie interference, which will make it easier to hunt down foreigners and perps like the dogs they are.  Won't take long. Shut everything down . . .

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This attack reminds me the old histories of Ireland (IRA) and Spain (ETA), whose end was the negotiations after many deaths. Apart from this cowardly terrorist attack, I wonder what's in the minds of the children that appear in the video.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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   My prayers for the victims...    


 Someone said... "Usually, these Muslim insurgents attack Buddhists or government personnel or Muslim informants but to detonate Bombs in front of a major shopping center like Big C, where most of Pattani's residents are Muslims and most of the shoppers come with their kids. It doesn't make sense to me."


    Well.... in my opinion...  there is nothing about any type of Islam that makes any sense...PERIOD ! ! 

           Radical Islamic Terrorism and murder is totally senseless.   And moderate Muslims who do not take to the streets and protest the murderous radical Muslim killers.... are simply helping the radical Islamic terrorists with silence and acquiescence.

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16 hours ago, Lingba said:

and yet the Thai govt continues to do nothing about this...instead they buy submarines.....either go down there and clean this sh*t up or give them their land back and segregate yourselves from them

The problem with that course of action is that the terrorists win, so go for more.  If you give in to this scum you're seen as weak, and then they have you by the spuds... the grip is then tightened.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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1 hour ago, impulse said:


Or, have the Elites from the Bangkok clique quit with the dodgy land papers driving families off land they have lived on for generations.  


But we all know that ain't gonna happen.


For a close parallel, look at Ireland's history.  Not many Muslim bombers in the IRA.


This conflict is not about faith. 

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1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

This conflict is not about faith. 

     Try telling that to all the Muslim terrorists all over the world.  How many Muslim terrorist bombings and murderous killings in the last 20 years ? ?   I think they will tell you it's about faith... the Koran... the Hadiths.  

          That is... unless they use Taqiyya on you..

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4 minutes ago, Catoni said:

     Try telling that to all the Muslim terrorists all over the world.  How many Muslim terrorist bombings and murderous killings in the last 20 years ? ?   I think they will tell you it's about faith... the Koran... the Hadiths.  

          That is... unless they use Taqiyya on you..

The conflict in the south (the one this thread is about) is at it's root cause, not about faith. 


Those scum who abuse faith and use it to justify violence around the world, (your off topic contribution) are found in all faiths and represent none. 

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13 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

The killing will continue, This land was not part of Thailand before. Bangkok will never admit too that they are the ones in the wrong here and when it comes to share and compromise the Thais are like talking to a wall (IMHO).  

You talk nonsens. During the last 100 years the borders of European countries changed dosen of times, Texas,  Alaska did not belong to the U So I suggest you will be agree with terrorist actions to restore the old borders.

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I was just down there, visiting Thai family members as part of a much larger family delegation that traveled all the way from Chiang Mai, Nan, Saraburi & Suphanburi.  Our activities were spread between Yala's Meuang district, Hat Yai and Songkhla. We had to drive through Pattani in traversing the region.  Everywhere we went, there were Buddhist and Muslim Thais interacting peacefully.  Our large clan gathering was likewise peaceful and all involved exuded warmth and friendliness. Religious differences pale and in the end it is all about seeking the enjoyment of life, raising our kids and living in peace. The radically-bent segment of the population in this region is minuscule in comparison. Like moderate Muslims everywhere, these people tend to mind their own business and shun, even abhor their violent brethren and the jihadist madrassas that spawn and incite them.  


I used to agree that moderate Muslims weren't doing enough to put down their violence-prone factions, but it was explained to me that in daring to do so, these decent folks expose themselves to terrible retribution.  It would take a huge, thoroughly coordinated regional effort to quell the violence and so far no initiatives have come forth to provide a workable, lasting remedy.  So of course I side with those who recommend a third party mediator needs to be put into place and empowered to promote change. The Thai government seems unwilling to ask for outside help, and until they do, little meaningful change can occur. 

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1 hour ago, OmarZaid said:

I say let the Muslims have it -- evacuate all Thais and government services -- man the borders like a war zone, and let the Muzzies eat each other for a few years ...


Malays tried to recruit me as an MD to service these cowardly creeps ... and as these folks on both sides of the border are increasingly incompetent in just about every walk of life, let them fully degenerate and return to the bush like the animals they've become.

Strange language coming from a doctor?

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Its hard to imagine the sick mind of someone who plans this.  They prepare, study bomb designs, shop for materials, modify the materials, build the bomb and then execute the crime.  At no point does the fact that they will maim and kill children, women and others indiscriminately even slightly deter them.    

There is no punishment too harsh for this type of crime. 

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36 minutes ago, henry15 said:

You talk nonsens. During the last 100 years the borders of European countries changed dosen of times, Texas,  Alaska did not belong to the U So I suggest you will be agree with terrorist actions to restore the old borders.

No I don't look forward to a separate muslim ruled Pattani-Yala-Narathiwat country, Kalifat or Sultanese or whatever they want to call it, but I have been in the area many times and many of the muslims in the area don't want to be Thai or ruled by Bangkok, and I don't think that the killing will stop if Bangkok refuse to negotiate with them and just call them bandits.

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i wonder, who in their right mind would blow up their own vehicle and leave the plates on it, first thing forensics should do is check this guys hands/clothing for explosives contact but the way the two brit murders was handled maybe wishful thinking

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7 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

This is a hard battle Bangkok will never win.

The money trail and weapon supply is easy to follow back to a major US ally. 

For me, sell the land to Malaysia and give them the problem. Nothing much good comes out of Sth Thailand unless you like trouble, extreme Islamists and dead doctors, nurses teachers and so on. Thailand deserves better than Islamists.

you have no idea of the underlying history of this;

i have visited Betong, at the Malay border in Yala, several times,

most recently just a week ago...

i'll wager you've never been anywhere NEAR the deep south,

and probably have never actually talked to a Muslim residing here...

this whole affair was exacerbated by the actions of a certain fugitive PM

w/Dubai residency, and could be ameliorated by stepping DOWN the presence

of the military (driving through the 3 provinces feels as if one is in an

occupied war zone); allowing a degree of autonomy and allowing the predominantly Muslim population of students to study a non-Buddhist curriculum at the schools

would go a long way towards diffusing the problems; instead, Bangkok mistakenly

clamps down with repressive military presence, and ends up aggravating the population even further

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With hundreds of shops in the south,  I can't help but wonder why this particular one has been hit 3 times.  


It's just possible that this is a normal ongoing Thai business dispute. 


We'll never really know.


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What can you say? the world is a mess, certain people sitting back manufacturing weapons and making a fortune out of misery.


How can you clean this mess? ANS = impossible , corruption is rife, the world is sick, unfortunately the sick run the world, otherwise known as sociopaths/ psychopaths.

When someone keeps doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result it is called insanity.


Psychopaths are insane, highly intelligent, without empathy, lie through their teeth and are only interested in parasitic munching and ladder climbing = Politicians, dictators, weapons manufacturers , oil companies, chemical companies , CEO's and car salesman and real estate agents at the bottom of the pile. Sorry forgot money lenders.

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The first explosion was caused by a large firecracker that diverted attention, allowing the bombers to move the pickup to the store entrance. He said the second bomb was hidden in a bag in the pickup, which had the licence plate Bor Jor 3303. 


Pramote said security workers at Big C saw the bombers, and officials were examining security camera footage to determine their escape routes.



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6 hours ago, webfact said:

However, the suspicious vehicle was spotted and people were evacuated from the area in time before the second explosion,” Pramote said.


I am suspicious about this statement. Sad state of affairs. 

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3 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:

I'm afraid the poster is correct, you need to get real, the US and Saudis have been supplying arms to ISIS, the US has caused strife in the middle East for years, if you believe in Donald Duck, now posing as leader for the rich, the very people making billions, sorry trillions out of weapons then you should listen more to CNN then you can become a real zombie.

Kiwi's cannot fly, looks like they go thru life oblivious to all.

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1 hour ago, Fore Man said:

I was just down there, visiting Thai family members as part of a much larger family delegation that traveled all the way from Chiang Mai, Nan, Saraburi & Suphanburi.  Our activities were spread between Yala's Meuang district, Hat Yai and Songkhla. We had to drive through Pattani in traversing the region.  Everywhere we went, there were Buddhist and Muslim Thais interacting peacefully.  Our large clan gathering was likewise peaceful and all involved exuded warmth and friendliness. Religious differences pale and in the end it is all about seeking the enjoyment of life, raising our kids and living in peace. The radically-bent segment of the population in this region is minuscule in comparison. Like moderate Muslims everywhere, these people tend to mind their own business and shun, even abhor their violent brethren and the jihadist madrassas that spawn and incite them.  


I used to agree that moderate Muslims weren't doing enough to put down their violence-prone factions, but it was explained to me that in daring to do so, these decent folks expose themselves to terrible retribution.  It would take a huge, thoroughly coordinated regional effort to quell the violence and so far no initiatives have come forth to provide a workable, lasting remedy.  So of course I side with those who recommend a third party mediator needs to be put into place and empowered to promote change. The Thai government seems unwilling to ask for outside help, and until they do, little meaningful change can occur. 


another voice of sanity, from somebody who, like  myself, has actually BEEN to the region (myself, several times to Betong, DEEP in Yala province- most recently, just one week ago) and talked with the people, Muslim AND Buddhist...

in my opinion, making the entire region feel like an occupied war zone (which you are well aware it does feel like, with the countless military checkpoints every click or so) only exacerbates the problem...

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43 minutes ago, impulse said:

With hundreds of shops in the south,  I can't help but wonder why this particular one has been hit 3 times.  


It's just possible that this is a normal ongoing Thai business dispute. 


We'll never really know.


The rumour in Pattani is that it could possibly be business rivalry. There are 4 malls owned by a Muslim that have problems drawing in the customers while Big C is more popular. You can draw the conclusion. 


Personally I doubt the insurgents will target their own Muslim which will hurt their cause. 



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22 minutes ago, johnarth said:

no doubt a friendly warning from Thai Muslims, of things to come, problem for the PM, who is trying hard to keep the Muslims happy

The people involved in this conflict do not see themselves as Thai.


That is the cause of this conflict not faith.


There are many Thais who are also Muslim who want nothing to do with this conflict..

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