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Do you think life is fair or not

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6 hours ago, Ahab said:

Life is not fair. I taught this to my son as a young boy. Get used to it. There will be people that are smarter than you, better looking than you, or were born with richer parents than you.


Suck it up, lace up you shoes and get busy working and studying as hard as you can to make your life better. Whining about what is fair is a waste of time and effort. He has turned out to be a pretty good young man.

Good post well said and very true.

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7 hours ago, Farang hunter said:

Many people wonder if life is fair or not, we all have our ups and downs.  Some may live their life in full enjoyment regardless of the steps back and if you ask them are you happy through your life most would answer you back not exactly, and it is true because living on earth is not like living in heaven.  I wonder what you all have to say because many think we live only one life which I disagree with and if that is so please explain.  Just before I rest my fingers can you guys imagine horrible people like Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin and what have they done to humanity and the funny thing Hitler after he massacred and gassed all those people he simply committed suicide by shooting him self so, do you think life is fair I ask? and if not why don't you guys start believing in God.

You're born, you live, you die.


Deal with it.

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20 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

just the color of your skin will have a big effect on how your life turns out. how can it be fair?

"Unfairness" can affect anyone of any colour. I'm sure 7 million Jews thought life was pretty unfair. I must admit I consider myself very lucky, having been born into an affluent society with many job opportunities, it's not so in overpopulated or badly governed countries.

Edited by giddyup
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Just now, Emster23 said:

"The cats eat the rats and the rats eat the cats. There is no justice is this part of the universe" -Gurdjieff

"it's a dog eat dog world", but sometimes it's the opposite.

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I do not think I am all-wise, all-knowing enough to gauge the fairness of what happens to me and others in life.


I can, however, gauge the morality of my own actions and motives. So that's what I concentrate on.

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I live a life beyond my wildest dreams....but by other's standards, maybe not so good...  how come?

   I don't have a lot of money, my children and extended family have no time for me. I have one friend back home (Ex wife). Have many "acquaintances" but that's all they are ,if I needed help I wouldn't ask one of them for it. My relationship here is almost on the rocks, so virtually alone. I live on my own which I don't particularly like or dislike, there are advantages and dis-advantages.

   So why my opening sentence....because after 33 years of trying and failing I finally found recovery from the disease of Alcoholism, relief from it's  stranglehold over me, I am no longer a slave to Alcohol. But it certainly took everything that was near and dear to me before I got here. I give all the credit for my recovery to a Higher Power (God) after pleading to the unknown (anything out there) for help and surrendering to the fact that my "will power" would never conquer my problem and accepted I was totally defeated  and at that point in life  I was a complete failure.

   I never believed I would live beyond about 45yrs. of age and die a miserable death  like many others the same as myself.

   I am 68 this year and 16 yrs. free of the "obsession" of Alcohol....Without the slightest doubt best 16 years of my entire life.

   To those who do not believe in a God I say....why not give it a try, ...what have you got to lose?   If there is a God you will reap all the benefits....if there isn't who cares....you'll be dead and non the wiser.

    With regards to life....I think you get out of it what you put into it.

I prefer not to judge life by rights and wrongs.......to me it is a case of "balance and imbalance". 


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1 minute ago, dotpoom said:


   So why my opening sentence....because after 33 years of trying and failing I finally found recovery from the disease of Alcoholism, relief from it's  stranglehold over me, I am no longer a slave to Alcohol. But it certainly took everything that was near and dear to me before I got here. I give all the credit for my recovery to a Higher Power (God) after pleading to the unknown (anything out there) for help and surrendering to the fact that my "will power" would never conquer my problem and accepted I was totally defeated  and at that point in life  I was a complete failure.



Really, so god helped you recover from alcoholism, but he ignores the prayers of a mother to save her dying child? Seems like a pretty fickle god to me.

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1 minute ago, giddyup said:

Really, so god helped you recover from alcoholism, but he ignores the prayers of a mother to save her dying child? Seems like a pretty fickle god to me.

no such thing as god. when your dead that's it ...  same as a rock, piece of wood or anything ...  i'm an atheist.

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21 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

I do not think I am all-wise, all-knowing enough to gauge the fairness of what happens to me and others in life.


I can, however, gauge the morality of my own actions and motives. So that's what I concentrate on.

Great post Sheryl, i am lucky enough to be able to care and take care of my girl ,her kids and Mum,this has raised their quality of life a lot,i gain great pleasure from this,i like helping people,as for myself my needs are few and modest,but to be able to make a difference to some one's life and improve their lot gives me a lot of satisfaction.It is sad in this world that other people only want to destroy ,such as Isis. I feel if you can think i did a good thing today,which can be difficult you are doing well.

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26 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

I give all the credit for my recovery to a Higher Power (God) after pleading to the unknown (anything out there) for help and surrendering to the fact that my "will power" would never conquer my problem and accepted I was totally defeated  and at that point in life  I was a complete failure.


Give yourself 100% credit for conquering your own problem.



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5 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

The concept of fairness is man-made, only exists in the mind of humans and cannot be found in nature.

Thought that was obvious.

Nice one.  Watching YT vids of a small mammal being envenomated and/or constricted by a snake, in their last moments before being swallowed, do they think, "This is so unfair" ?


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Just now, 55Jay said:

Nice one.  Watching YT vids of a small mammal being envenomated and/or constricted by a snake, in their last moments before being swallowed, do they think, "This is so unfair" ?


Big fleas have little fleas,
Upon their backs to bite 'em,
And little fleas have lesser fleas,
and so, ad infinitum.

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Do you believe in little green men from Mars (or elsewhere for that matter)? I assume no because you have no tangible proof. The God concept is similar. Make of that what you will.

Getting back to the original post life is what you make it. It isnt that some people get a really bad deal everyone does at times and it makes us think what we, yes we, did wrong to deserve it.

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Turn left, turn right? humanity has taken the wrong direction! Look around you :shock1: Just what are people really pursuing?

In the meantime, enjoy what you can, when you can!

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Just now, gandalf12 said:

Do you believe in little green men from Mars (or elsewhere for that matter)? I assume no because you have no tangible proof. The God concept is similar. Make of that what you will.

Getting back to the original post life is what you make it. It isnt that some people get a really bad deal everyone does at times and it makes us think what we, yes we, did wrong to deserve it.

Sorry, don't agree. Your attitude is coming from someone who has had many opportunities in life, not so if you were born in a slum in the Philippines, or a child scrabbling for plastic bottles in a dump in India to put food on the table.

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52 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

I live a life beyond my wildest dreams....but by other's standards, maybe not so good...  how come?

   I don't have a lot of money, my children and extended family have no time for me. I have one friend back home (Ex wife). Have many "acquaintances" but that's all they are ,if I needed help I wouldn't ask one of them for it. My relationship here is almost on the rocks, so virtually alone. I live on my own which I don't particularly like or dislike, there are advantages and dis-advantages.

   So why my opening sentence....because after 33 years of trying and failing I finally found recovery from the disease of Alcoholism, relief from it's  stranglehold over me, I am no longer a slave to Alcohol. But it certainly took everything that was near and dear to me before I got here. I give all the credit for my recovery to a Higher Power (God) after pleading to the unknown (anything out there) for help and surrendering to the fact that my "will power" would never conquer my problem and accepted I was totally defeated  and at that point in life  I was a complete failure.

   I never believed I would live beyond about 45yrs. of age and die a miserable death  like many others the same as myself.

   I am 68 this year and 16 yrs. free of the "obsession" of Alcohol....Without the slightest doubt best 16 years of my entire life.

   To those who do not believe in a God I say....why not give it a try, ...what have you got to lose?   If there is a God you will reap all the benefits....if there isn't who cares....you'll be dead and non the wiser.

    With regards to life....I think you get out of it what you put into it.

I prefer not to judge life by rights and wrongs.......to me it is a case of "balance and imbalance". 


You have merely replaced one obsession or addiction, with another. 


Now that you are stable (good on ya' by the way!), instead of inviting others into your newest addiction, you should leave us alone.  Inviting others into your new "thing" is enabling behavior and therein, you can see the parallels with being an alcoholic or drug addict.  They want a buddy to get high or drunk with.   "Come on just try it!  Just once, come on, you'll love it!"


As others said, don't sell yourself short by outsourcing the credit for achieving victory over your own problems.  It was you who did it.  There is a physical addiction aspect to it of course, but half the battle is in your mind.  It's you against yourself.  The bottle is animate.   If it "calls to you", that is a product of your own mind.   There's nothing else going on there, and it's not the "devil" leading you by the nose either.  That's more of the same immature behavior, seeking to transfer responsibility instead of taking it on board and dealing with it rationally and logically.

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Just now, giddyup said:

Sorry, don't agree. Your attitude is coming from someone who has had many opportunities in life, not so if you were born in a slum in the Philippines, or a child scrabbling for plastic bottles in a dump in India to put food on the table.

You have your take on things and I have mine. Both are right and both are wrong. Depends how you view things

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1 minute ago, gandalf12 said:

You have your take on things and I have mine. Both are right and both are wrong. Depends how you view things

Some people don't just get "a bad deal at times", but their whole life is a "bad deal", with no opportunity, unlike you and me, to improve it.

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