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Another distributor faces five years in jail for selling E-cigarettes


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Stupid people who don't understand that to make good money and be safe they need to sell pirated software, music, movies, fake watches, garments and so on... Or perhaps human beings...

Why on earth do you want to try your luck with e-cigs???

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damn…that guy is selling with impunity


deserves a good busting….


sources on the ground tell me that thais are vaping in ever increasing numbers so they must be getting the stuff from somewhere…probably underground…..not from this seller…..he must be nuts doing it so openly

Edited by JHolmesJr
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I vape e-cigs.  I'm planning on visiting Thailand in June.  Will I have problems bringing my e-cig for my own personal vaping?  Is there a Thai law against vaping? Or, is it just illegal to import for the purpose of selling or selling illegal? 

Edited by ddotmark
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2 hours ago, scorecard said:


You say  '... victimless and innocuous 'crimes' 


Perhaps you should talk to a few folks who have lost parents, husbands, wifes, children etc., to second hand smoke.

A few thoughts on the above, and on the topic:
Second hand smoke comes primarily from cigarettes.
E-cigarettes do not emit significant smoke, as far as I have seen, and their purpose is to get nicotine into an addicts body without emitting tar and other cancer causing agents etc. to innocent bystanders like cigarettes do.

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These retards are absolutely intent on destroying the economy for what they see as right and proper:

They have total disregard for the wellbeing and financial security of the Thai people or anyone residing here.

Even when Taksin and Yingluck were taking billions with their schemes, at least the economy was healthy.


I lost a business almost overnight when they decided that they didn't want 'zero dollar tours'

Then the nonsense at Songkran and the list just keeps getting longer.

Total disregard for the economy or the wellbeing of the people living here.

These morons need to be stopped!

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3 hours ago, robblok said:

One could say this is because this is a crime that hurts the big businessmen that have tobacco plantations and processing units  in Thailand. Touch a big shots income and punishment is harsh.. also why those defamation laws are in place to protect rich business (and corruption)

I think you may be right.  The real crimes in Thailand are things that effect the lives of hiso and influential people.

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The truly idiotic thing is that e-cigs appear to be significantly healthier than conventional cigarettes, perhaps to the point where vaping might even be harmless.  UK has licensed them and they are openly on sale in high streets.


There is also an element of self-fulfillment here as the sale of them will be forced underground and the products on offer could be inferior/dangerous.

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25 minutes ago, ddotmark said:

I vape e-cigs.  I'm planning on visiting Thailand in June.  Will I have problems bringing my e-cig for my own personal vaping?  Is there a Thai law against vaping? Or, is it just illegal to import for the purpose of selling or selling illegal? 

You will probably be arrested if you try and bring them in.  Best to buy some ciggies from the government owned tabbacco company on arrival.

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3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

It is so astonishing to anyone with a taste of international life that the penalties for such victimless and innocuous 'crimes' are so significantly out of balance with those penalties for other far more serious violent crimes, bag snatches, accidents while drunk driving (or under the influence), hit and run....


What do you mean "victimless"?  


They don't call it the Tobacco Monopoly for nuthin'.  


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5 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

In a UK study

50% of e-cigarette users have been able to quit

must be about tax revenue and not about the nations health

This is totally about the money the country makes from tax from cigs, booze. If they could make a monopoly on e-cigs, drugs and sex it would be totally legal but they cant. The world is now bigger than mere governments and they dont like it. So stomp on the little man.

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2 hours ago, ddotmark said:

I vape e-cigs.  I'm planning on visiting Thailand in June.  Will I have problems bringing my e-cig for my own personal vaping?  Is there a Thai law against vaping? Or, is it just illegal to import for the purpose of selling or selling illegal? 

There is conflicting information about that. I go through BKK in/out many times a year. Never had a problem while others report gear confiscated. The best thing to do is deconstruct as much as possible ( separarate the mod, battery, tank, juice).

It seems that vaping is illegal as well as importation for sale. But there is a huge, and growing, vaping community. 

Finding the gear in Thailand is becoming an issue, so definitely BYO


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1 hour ago, chowny77 said:

This is totally about the money the country makes from tax from cigs, booze. If they could make a monopoly on e-cigs, drugs and sex it would be totally legal but they cant. The world is now bigger than mere governments and they dont like it. So stomp on the little man.

I know friends who are in and out carrying e-cigs all the time... they are never searched. 


I guess the worst that could happen is that you are searched and fined.... Most likely though, if searched and e-cigs are found and IF they are recognized as e-cigs they may be confiscated... Realistically, the customs guys are looking for more conventional contraband (i.e. too many bottles of booze, the extra box of cigarettes, 10 iPhones etc)... 


On the balance of all probability you will have no issues whatsoever... so long as you are not walking down Sukhuimvit Nana areas openly vaping. 

Edited by richard_smith237
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4 hours ago, ddotmark said:

I vape e-cigs.  I'm planning on visiting Thailand in June.  Will I have problems bringing my e-cig for my own personal vaping?  Is there a Thai law against vaping? Or, is it just illegal to import for the purpose of selling or selling illegal? 

From memory (saw it ages ago so best to check) 35,000Bht fine and up to 5 years jail. I've been in and out about half a dozen times over the past couple of years with them with no issue but as with everything I guess it comes down to the way the winds blowing if stopped by cops on the street or customs at airport. Noticed a video on her the other day (shown on a flight prior to landing) that actually mentioned they are illegal to bring in and you shopuld go through the red lane so it looks like they may well be clamping down more :(


4 hours ago, KKr said:

E-cigarettes do not emit significant smoke...

No smoke at all, just vapour and even that doesn't have to happen if the person doesn't want it to (stealth vaping).


1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

On the balance of all probability you will have no issues whatsoever... so long as you are not walking down Sukhuimvit Nana areas openly vaping. 

So far I've not had any issues anywhere including Sukh but who knows what'll happen on my next trip ...

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4 hours ago, Thechook said:

You will probably be arrested if you try and bring them in.  Best to buy some ciggies from the government owned tabbacco company on arrival.

or some Ganja from the local "Reggae bar"  (who is paying his "dues" ) regularly to the people who count

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5 hours ago, ddotmark said:

I vape e-cigs.  I'm planning on visiting Thailand in June.  Will I have problems bringing my e-cig for my own personal vaping?  Is there a Thai law against vaping? Or, is it just illegal to import for the purpose of selling or selling illegal? 

Have a puff while going through customs, then report back so we all know.......

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8 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

It is so astonishing to anyone with a taste of international life that the penalties for such victimless and innocuous 'crimes' are so significantly out of balance with those penalties for other far more serious violent crimes, bag snatches, accidents while drunk driving (or under the influence), hit and run....  


... Thailands lack of common sense in its approach to the enforcement of its laws and imbalance in penalties is somewhat embarrassing and makes it appear quite immature, petty and juvenile as a nation... this really is a shame for such a lovely country with such wonderful potential. 




8 hours ago, robblok said:

One could say this is because this is a crime that hurts the big businessmen that have tobacco plantations and processing units  in Thailand. Touch a big shots income and punishment is harsh.. also why those defamation laws are in place to protect rich business (and corruption)

Just look at the name of the Thai Tobacco Monopoly which runs and owns by the Ministry of Finance.

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10 hours ago, scorecard said:


You say  '... victimless and innocuous 'crimes' 


Perhaps you should talk to a few folks who have lost parents, husbands, wifes, children etc., to second hand smoke.

You are aware of the fact that you can vape many flavours without nicotine. Please provide a link about death caused by second hand smoke from vaping.

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1 hour ago, acevaper said:


Just look at the name of the Thai Tobacco Monopoly which runs and owns by the Ministry of Finance.

Do you really believe that all tobacco which is grown in Thailand is grown by the Ministry of Finance? Get real.

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18 hours ago, Prbkk said:

Idiotic carry-on designed to bolster/placate the tobacco lobby. Vaping products could be a new industry for Thailand but the self-interested dinosaurs cannot...will not...see it. 


Every normal scientist and just human being knows that e-cigarettes are better solution then tobacco products if anyone things different then this is the best example of brain washing.... 

Tobacco "Gods" have all the money in the world to shut you down ...


I was a smoker  and I'm happy NOT to smoke (only because of the price) but even when I was smoking I was 100% with those who wanted to shut down factories of tobacco products....

Why NOT even one government in the world will do it if this is priority to keep you healthy ....??


I refuse NOT to use my own brain!  


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14 hours ago, sanukjim said:

BS on that 50% quitting quote.

Even if they don't quit, they have switched from a lethal habit, to one that is probably on a par with drinking coffee.  No second hand smoke issues either, although if we're honest that was always an exaggerated risk.

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