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Double, Big or Jumbo?


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We buy the one with the puppy and the "bark code".


Surely our OP can't be thinking of putting this stuff in his toilet, that's the one place in most Thai homes where you won't find it.

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4 hours ago, Crossy said:

We buy the one with the puppy and the "bark code".


Surely our OP can't be thinking of putting this stuff in his toilet, that's the one place in most Thai homes where you won't find it.

Usually goes in the toilet, car and on the dining table. I like to buy the Cellox brand but have no idea which gives more. 24jumbo's or 30 big for example. 

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2 hours ago, alien365 said:

Usually goes in the toilet, car and on the dining table. I like to buy the Cellox brand but have no idea which gives more. 24jumbo's or 30 big for example. 

Not sure about Cellox but Zilk and the puppy one have a panel which gives all the measurements - size and length etc. Just need to work out which one is best value on the day depending on offers etc.

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Somewhere on the packaging it will state the number of "sheets" (not a typo) per roll. Multiply this by the number of rolls per pack then calculate the cost per sheet.


E.g. Cost per pack (P) divided by [number of sheets (S) x rolls per pack (R)]


Now you need to calculate how many sheets will be needed per wipe (W), which will be inversely proportionate to the thickness of each sheet (i.e. - thin sheets will need to be double or treble folded to avoid digital penetration - YMMV).


So, for best value (V), use the formula... V = P/(SR/W) 


I just buy the ones with the pretty floral design.

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3 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Somewhere on the packaging it will state the number of "sheets" (not a typo) per roll. Multiply this by the number of rolls per pack then calculate the cost per sheet.


E.g. Cost per pack (P) divided by [number of sheets (S) x rolls per pack (R)]


Now you need to calculate how many sheets will be needed per wipe (W), which will be inversely proportionate to the thickness of each sheet (i.e. - thin sheets will need to be double or treble folded to avoid digital penetration - YMMV).


So, for best value (V), use the formula... V = P/(SR/W) 


I just buy the ones with the pretty floral design.

Just checked on my current one which is 30 double rolls. It says it's 960m of 2 ply. I guess I'll have to see what the total length is for the others. I used to think that buying more would be cheaper but that's not always the case anymore 

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2 hours ago, alien365 said:

Just checked on my current one which is 30 double rolls. It says it's 960m of 2 ply. I guess I'll have to see what the total length is for the others. I used to think that buying more would be cheaper but that's not always the case anymore 

And never has been.  Paper comes in varying thickness, some feel softer than others, etc.


Best thing is to do the price comparison like ChickensLegs suggested.  It would be nice if the stores would post that information.  Many stores in the US show the "unit price" along with the actual price of the product.

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21 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Somewhere on the packaging it will state the number of "sheets" (not a typo) per roll. Multiply this by the number of rolls per pack then calculate the cost per sheet.


E.g. Cost per pack (P) divided by [number of sheets (S) x rolls per pack (R)]


Now you need to calculate how many sheets will be needed per wipe (W), which will be inversely proportionate to the thickness of each sheet (i.e. - thin sheets will need to be double or treble folded to avoid digital penetration - YMMV).


So, for best value (V), use the formula... V = P/(SR/W) 


I just buy the ones with the pretty floral design.

Fantastic, a formula for bog roll choice. Best post this year 55555

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