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Pattaya police deploy drone to monitor Walking Street


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2 hours ago, British Bulldog said:

And the batteries cost around THB 4,516 ()-THB 4,863 () each on ebay, goodness knows how much in Thailand .... 50% more ?


I have a Phantom 4 - They are really difficult to fly at night, you lose perspective in the dark, even with street lighting around .... and good luck with the power lines that you can't see in the dark ....

You're missing the point. On PAPER they are what they appear, in reality it's a length of fishing wire and a scrap drone body with a speaker and a fan... just a simple fishing line  pulls it along the wire that runs the length of walking street.


This actually achieves a great deal (as with the submarine). Everyone will assume the drones actually work, they will believe they are being policed when there are no police (a common misconception even when people turn up in costume/uniform) and criminals will feel instant paranoia as if somebody is actually watching them on camera.


It also releases news stories which portray them as people 'interested in policing' and 'willing to spend money to improve security and safety for it's citizens' and not as a bunch of money grubbing perverts who just wanna see some dirty girls walking around in short skirts.


Money claimed for purchases further assist in the setting up of more road-blocks so that real work can be done. Apparently, for every 500 baht spent per hour on these activities, they collect at least 5000 baht and do not quit until the hourly profits drop below 2000.

Edited by ben2talk
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1 hour ago, klauskunkel said:

Pattaya police trying to disguise laziness as innovation

ROFL - image of Pattaya police placing concrete blocks for the drones to land and take-off along Walking street - at every key point. They will be monitored by the new 'Keystone' patrol.

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14 minutes ago, dinsdale said:


Once a teacher I knew was ordered to park INSIDE the car-park of his place of work. He previously parked out in the street for a fast getaway... When the mirror on his car was damaged, the management said they accepted no responsibility for any damaged caused by it's students in the staff car-park.


Meditating on this this, helps understand Thai-ness. You'll do as we tell you, but it's not our fault. Don't assume that we're responsible for our own actions.


To outsiders and ignorant people, it's called 'insanity'.



Edited by ben2talk
deleted phrases which could be construed as offensive if they were copied and pasted into Facebook and then Liked...
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Todays no 1 attraction on Walking Street: Come see who gets a drone implanted in their forehead.
This just must be the Sequel to Steven Kings, Maximum Overdrive. This time it´s Maximum Stupidity: Next Generation created by the RTP.

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Business as usual then with an airborne drone joining the human variety, whom my dictionary defines as "living off the labour of others. Parasites."


(And don't any of you dare to click the Like button!)

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10 hours ago, British Bulldog said:

And the batteries cost around $130-$140 each on ebay, goodness knows how much in Thailand .... 50% more ?


I have a Phantom 4 - They are really difficult to fly at night, you lose perspective in the dark, even with street lighting around .... and good luck with the power lines that you can't see in the dark ....

Does it not say in the instructions Do Not Fly Near Power Lines?

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I just can not believe all of the negativity here,all over the world police and law enforcement are using drones.

They are a fantastic tool!!They can do what a cctv camera can not do,get up close and from all angles.

They don't need to fly all of the time,a sweep every five minutes or so will make people aware they are around.

Silly remarks about battery use,ever heard of rechargeable batteries?

I saw a rescue operation at sea and the use of a drone found the victims real fast and the time it saved may well have saved the victims life.

Like it or not drones are going to be around everywhere in life,not only in law enforcement but all kinds of uses.


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I just can not believe all of the negativity here,all over the world police and law enforcement are using drones.
They are a fantastic tool!!They can do what a cctv camera can not do,get up close and from all angles.
They don't need to fly all of the time,a sweep every five minutes or so will make people aware they are around.
Silly remarks about battery use,ever heard of rechargeable batteries?
I saw a rescue operation at sea and the use of a drone found the victims real fast and the time it saved may well have saved the victims life.
Like it or not drones are going to be around everywhere in life,not only in law enforcement but all kinds of uses.

You are implying that these people are police. This is a fatal error.

They are not police in the English sense of the word.

Sent from my nose.
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1. Drone

the male of the honeybee and other bees, stingless and making no honey.
Not a day goes by without Pattaya police displaying their ineptitude; lack of professionalism and inability to serve and protect.  They may make no honey but they certainly rake in the money.  This species does possess a sting.
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my friends used to fly these at the beach. on occasion due to radio interference they would lose control and after several near misses that could have badly injured people they decided it wasnt worth the risk. if the police can figure out how to fly these its just a matter of time before theres a serious injury, or worse

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3 hours ago, jvs said:

I just can not believe all of the negativity here,all over the world police and law enforcement are using drones.

They are a fantastic tool!!They can do what a cctv camera can not do,get up close and from all angles.

They don't need to fly all of the time,a sweep every five minutes or so will make people aware they are around.

Silly remarks about battery use,ever heard of rechargeable batteries?

I saw a rescue operation at sea and the use of a drone found the victims real fast and the time it saved may well have saved the victims life.

Like it or not drones are going to be around everywhere in life,not only in law enforcement but all kinds of uses.


Have you ever flown a drone?


Yes the batteries are rechargeable. Take at least one hour to charge. 


No doubt they are a useful tool for some scenarios. Patrolling a pedestrian street isnt one of them. 


Camera performance is poor in lowlight


the built in object avoidance doesnt work at all in lowlight. 


The lens' are by design wide angle, with no zoom.  Flying at a height safe enough to not crash the video will provide little detail. 


Controllable range is greatly reduced in urban setting, with so many metal structures and magnetic interference from powerlines. 300m ish. So to patrol walking street, the pilot will have to follow the drone - walking down a packed street with his head looking at the ipad - easier just to walk down the street surely?


your comment is way off the mark



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23 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Can't wait till they're nicked.


Can't believe the laziness here. Get out in pairs and walk the street. Preferably a male and a female. It will keep criminals thinking twice and help the general public feel at ease.


I remember my mate's missus had her phone stolen (she's Thai). They both went to the police booth to report it. Told the police that there's cctv footage but they can't view it till they file a police report. Police guy was watching football and drinking whiskey. Police guy looked at my friend and just said "You farang. You can buy her a new phone" My friend just walked off and left his missus to deal with it. Said if he had stayed there he would have ended up in the slammer for assaulting this copper. 


Can't wait to see these drones splitting up fights. 

Good grief, there isn't "crime" on W S to be talking about it like it's a poor Chicago neighbourhood.

I've been going to W S since it started, and never seen any "crime" going on that would require a police presence let alone a drone. NB there were never police posted on W S for years after it started. I doubt the reason for the police presence there now has anything to do with "crime".

Better to have a few translators walking about to help negotiations, than a load of cops doing nothing. They would be better used out where the crime does happen.


I expect the drone to suffer the same fate as all the bicycles that the "cycle police patrol" guys rode during the Songkran parade back in the 90s. The parade was the ONLY time the cycle patrol was ever seen in Pattaya.

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4 hours ago, phycokiller said:

my friends used to fly these at the beach. on occasion due to radio interference they would lose control and after several near misses that could have badly injured people they decided it wasnt worth the risk. if the police can figure out how to fly these its just a matter of time before theres a serious injury, or worse

Interference? I thought they were using normal WiFi for flying/communication?

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6 hours ago, wump said:

Interference? I thought they were using normal WiFi for flying/communication?

Cheaper models use wifi. 


the drones shown use ~2.4GHz for controls, and varying bands for video feedback


i have a similar model. Range up to 4 miles (in perfect conditions). 

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1 hour ago, balo said:

Why don't they just put up more CCTV's in the area?.Using drones in WS is a very silly idea. It will just crash and kill someone.

yes, I would think you would get much better coverage with cctvs without the risk of injury, I would have thought they have them already

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