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Soi dogs with manners? "Mystery" of the lack of poop on the streets.

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I was saw a stray dog poop in a busy BBK soi with a lot of footfall and it was only a matter of time before someone stepped in it.
Suddenly one Thai passer-by saw it, tutted and picked it up in some old newspaper and put it in a bin, then carried on his way.
Maybe it was an act of merit-making?

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9 hours ago, ThaiWai said:

Dog's can't see green.  Maybe he could see cars though.  A regular canine rocket scientist.



Screen Shot 2017-05-14 at 11.01.06 PM.png

The light probably had nothing to do with it. He was watching the behaviour of the people around him. Dogs are, after all, pack animals. When the pack, waited, he waited, when the pack crossed the road, so did he. Smart cookie.

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I am amazed. This is common knowledge:

- The Farangs, cleaning the beaches during daytime (because the Thai's won't do it), are also pulling a night shift, going after poo between 3 to 5 AM. Well organized, no soi is left out. The "harvest" is sold to local Garden Centers. Later sold as fertilizer under the brand name of "Turbo Dogie Plant Growth Enhancer". (TDPGE).

Per weight unit, far more lucrative than collecting empty plastic bottles.

I really thought this was common knowledge. You guys should go out more often between 3 to 5 AM.

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6 minutes ago, swissie said:

I am amazed. This is common knowledge:

- The Farangs, cleaning the beaches during daytime (because the Thai's won't do it), are also pulling a night shift, going after poo between 3 to 5 AM. Well organized, no soi is left out. The "harvest" is sold to local Garden Centers. Later sold as fertilizer under the brand name of "Turbo Dogie Plant Growth Enhancer". (TDPGE).

Per weight unit, far more lucrative than collecting empty plastic bottles.

I really thought this was common knowledge. You guys should go out more often between 3 to 5 AM.

A regular modern day Jonathon Swift ... :cool:

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