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Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office - officials


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3 hours ago, myfriendu said:

If Congress ever tried to Impeach Trump. the People would remove Congress and find a lot of rope and nearby trees while doing it. You get my drift. It's all noise that will never ever happen

Total BS.  Trump never had the support of the majority, and his latest antics are eroding support even among the hardcore Trumpies.

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20 minutes ago, Godolphin said:

I respectfully wish to differ digger70.


I think he is stupid. I think he is immature in the extreme, has a very limited attention span and almost pathologically needs acceptance and approval. Playing up to the Russians is an example of this, in my opinion.


Those that say Trump has the right to share critically sensitive information may be formally correct but surely they concede that to hand on this information to Russia, at this time, during a CIA and House investigation into Russian interference and following a sensational and capricious sacking of the CIA director, is highly suspicious and disturbing. Growing numbers of Republicans are, or are they just part of a liberal/fake-news conspiracy?


But enough of this analysing. I have always maintained that Trump is emotionally ill and I believe that this is at the root of the almost daily disasters that embroil the White House. Just look up a definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder -- he ticks all boxes.


I understand how Trump supporters must truly feel watching this mayhem unfold day after day. It must be demoralising but it only compounds the mess by trying to justify this sick man's erratic and dangerous zig zags and blaming it on the media, the liberals, the CIA, leaks, and so on. The man is unwell and all roads lead to him and his disturbed and disturbing actions.

And you have a Physychiatric or Psychology qualification to be able to judge that he is ( mentally ) sick, no doubt?

Trump is actually very clever. While everyone is pontificating about his behaviour and mental state, who knows what he is actually up to out of sight? Routine magician's trick. 

One day y'all gonna wake up and find that he's tricked everyone.


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53 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

Are you a billionaire?

Do you think money makes him smart? 


He inherited a fortune and invested poorly, he'd be richer if he had simply put his fortune in an S&P index fund and left it there. 

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26 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He has been. Currently accused of being involved in the illegal unmasking of Trump supporters before the election.

I'm not saying he is guilty, just that he has been accused and there may be a congressional investigation of it.


Anyone can accuse a person of anything.  Who has accused Obama of illegally unmasking, and what is their evidence?

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Just now, Traveler19491 said:

So you have no qualifications, only the ability to parrot someone else's thoughts.  


Each one of those psychiatrists should be brought up on charges with their local licensing boards.  They violated the law.  They ought to lose their medical license.


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5 minutes ago, heybruce said:

There are agreements in place between allies that share classified information that dictate how that classified can be handled.  Revealing that classified to a third party without the permission of the source country is a gross violation of these agreements.  It's a sure way to cut off future information sharing from useful sources.

and you know that the third party didn't agree beforehand because..................................?

Believing opposition anonymous sources because one is blinded by hatred is never a good idea.

It used to be called propaganda,  but now it's regarded as gospel truth as long as it dumps on Trump :cheesy:.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

And you have a Physychiatric or Psychology qualification to be able to judge that he is ( mentally ) sick, no doubt?

Trump is actually very clever. While everyone is pontificating about his behaviour and mental state, who knows what he is actually up to out of sight? Routine magician's trick. 

One day y'all gonna wake up and find that he's tricked everyone.

Do you have evidence of his being clever, or is this speculation based on blind faith?

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3 hours ago, myfriendu said:

3 people in the room, all of whom say 'it never happened'. so why the hell should we believe anything the fake news WaPo ever prints from here on out? what's the difference between 'the reporter just made shit up' vs. 'anonymous sources say...'??

3 people and their staff. Most importantly of the staff their was a traitor.Someone who "thought" they were leaking damaging classified intel .Nice try traitor . When we find you and we will, China won't be far enough for you to escape. Florence ADX  will be your last stop.

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6 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

So you have no qualifications, only the ability to parrot someone else's thoughts.  


Each one of those psychiatrists should be brought up on charges with their local licensing boards.  They violated the law.  They ought to lose their medical license.


Goldwater sued and won against those that proclaimed him mentally ill after he lost his bid. The rule put into place afterwards was known as the Goldwater rule. The 50 odd phsychiatric qualified people that have signed the petition, or whatever it is put themselves at risk of the same court conviction.

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4 minutes ago, riclag said:

3 people and their staff. Most importantly of the staff their was a traitor.Someone who "thought" they were leaking damaging classified intel .Nice try traitor . When we find you and we will, China won't be far enough for you to escape. Florence ADX  will be your last stop.

Ooooohhh... where's the "quaking in my boots" emoticon when I want it?

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6 minutes ago, riclag said:

3 people and their staff. Most importantly of the staff their was a traitor.Someone who "thought" they were leaking damaging classified intel .Nice try traitor . When we find you and we will, China won't be far enough for you to escape. Florence ADX  will be your last stop.





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8 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Do you have evidence of his being clever, or is this speculation based on blind faith?

He's a millionaire that built things in New York- that makes him, IMO, really, really clever. Before he declared his run for president, loads and loads of people thought he was very clever.

At the end of the day, "clever" is an opinion, whereas declaring someone to be sick ( and not qualifying it with an IMO, or "perhaps he is" ) would require a qualification of some sort.

So it is my opinion that he is clever. If I was clever, I would be a lot wealthier than I am. Pity.

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He's a millionaire that built things in New York- that makes him, IMO, really, really clever. Before he declared his run for president, loads and loads of people thought he was very clever.
At the end of the day, "clever" is an opinion, whereas declaring someone to be sick ( and not qualifying it with an IMO, or "perhaps he is" ) would require a qualification of some sort.
So it is my opinion that he is clever. If I was clever, I would be a lot wealthier than I am. Pity.

Why did his casinos, steaks,airline,vodka, magazine, travel company etc go bust if he is so clever?
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3 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

So you have no qualifications, only the ability to parrot someone else's thoughts.  


Each one of those psychiatrists should be brought up on charges with their local licensing boards.  They violated the law.  They ought to lose their medical license.



I don't have the qualifications to perform brain surgery, either, but I would tend to put some measure of confidence in a brain surgeon's diagnosis. To put the shoe on the other foot, you are no more qualified to diagnose the mental stability you so want Trump to have than I am his lack thereof, yet you have no qualms with asserting that it is so.


You obviously did not read the linked article, further diminishing any fragment of credibility you might have had. One of the doctors in attendance at the meeting correctly indicated “The Goldwater Rule is not absolute. We have a ‘Duty to Warn,’ about a leader who is dangerous to the health and security of our patients.” She drew that assertion from the rules governing the psychiatric community, to wit: " “Duty to Warn” is a term with some history. In 1974, a trial known as the Tarasoff case established the law — now in force in 38 states — saying that if a patient is in imminent danger of physically hurting someone, his or her doctor may break confidentiality and alert the likely victim or call the police." So much for your "craphouse lawyer" argument about bringing them up on charges. You really should try using Google before spouting off about subjects you really know little about. It keeps you from looking like quite so ignorant.

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Just now, Traveler19491 said:

I don't have the qualifications to perform brain surgery, either, but I would tend to put some measure of confidence in a brain surgeon's diagnosis.

A brain surgeon who makes a diagnosis without seeing or examining the patient should have their license revoked. 


Hitch your wagon where you will, but get ready for a bumpy ride.

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3 hours ago, pmarlin said:

Made up story by the Washington Post. Besides the Russians four other people were in the room. The President, Sectary of State, National security adviser and deputy National security adviser.   All four said it didn't happen and the story was false.  More fake news from the left.

What you have written is fake. You take a situation and forget to include some details and embellish others and cry 'Fake". You say "all four said it didn't happen" that is made up, it is a lie. There were more than four in the room anyway. McMaster has been careful with his words, he has not denied that Trump disclosed the secret information. He says it did not happen 'as reported'. He says that methods were not disclosed (nobody said they were). He refused to answer any questions.


2 hours ago, digger70 said:

I think DT knew what he was doing,the Ruskies already knew the info and he was waiting to see who in his clan was Sharing this Back.Trying to weed out the yappers ,He's not stupid old DT.

You credit it him with far too much intelligence. I assume that you are not as clever as he is. That is a low bar.

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28 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


54 minutes ago, alanrchase said:


Accused by who. Put some names to the accusation otherwise it is "fake news".


A US senator among others.


Which US Senator? What name?

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6 minutes ago, IMA_FARANG said:

I am honestly ashamed to be called an American by foreigners these days.

All I can say is don't blame me I didn't vote for him.


My feeling is more of embarrassment. Supporting him or not (not) the fact that such a demagogic autocratic bizarre and incompetent clown became president, even without a majority of votes, reflects badly on the reputation of the entire nation and our entire political system. Which fits right into Putin's playbook saying the USA system is as corrupt as theirs, so never expect better. 

Instead of making American great, trump has made America a laughingstock and prompted other nations to look for international leadership to other nations like Germany (now the leader of the free world) and China, and gulp OMG, Russia. 

Edited by Jingthing
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23 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

One day y'all gonna wake up and find that he's tricked everyone.

No. We can see that he is tricking everyone already. One day YOU and all the Trump supporters are going to wake up and see that he was tricking YOU.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I doubt he cares that much about "allies" that won't pay their fair share and expect the US to carry the load almost alone. 

IMO he'd be justified for withdrawing and letting the lot of them suffer the consequences. It's time for the "allies" to man up and contribute in a meaningful manner.

Well said, I don't understand how people can call President Trump all these names.He has shown his loyalty by his unequivocal devotion and support to the military and law enforcement agencies ,through his speeches,rallies and executive orders.

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14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If I was clever, I would be a lot wealthier than I am. Pity.

And your arguments concerning Trump would be a lot more robust also. If you want to be like Trump and make money then just cheat and con people. Keep trying, it is never too late to start you seem to showing a flair for it.

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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

And your arguments concerning Trump would be a lot more robust also. If you want to be like Trump and make money then just cheat and con people. Keep trying, it is never too late to start you seem to showing a flair for it.

There's more to it than that.  Trump started with an inheritance of New York real estate worth hundreds of millions. 

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He's a millionaire that built things in New York- that makes him, IMO, really, really clever. Before he declared his run for president, loads and loads of people thought he was very clever.

At the end of the day, "clever" is an opinion, whereas declaring someone to be sick ( and not qualifying it with an IMO, or "perhaps he is" ) would require a qualification of some sort.

So it is my opinion that he is clever. If I was clever, I would be a lot wealthier than I am. Pity.


Yup, a really, really clever guy...who has failed at more businesses than most people can name. Airline, casinos, game, steaks, vodka, radio show, internet service, mortgage company, "university", magazine, the list is YUUUGE. (I might add Muslim ban, "Repeal and Replace", tax plan, wall...again, the list is YUUUGE)


He is not clever. He is sociopathic, which has allowed him to bilk thousands out of the investments and savings, skim the cream from his "businesses" then walk away just before everything collapses. That's not clever. That's immoral. As are his mob connections (http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/mar/02/ted-cruz/yes-donald-trump-has-been-linked-mob/), his ties to the Russian mafia (http://www.rawstory.com/2017/05/watch-explosive-dutch-documentary-says-trump-has-deep-ties-to-russias-mafia-underworld/), his refusal to pay workers and contractors what he owes, his willingness to kick elderly residents out of their homes so that he can convert them to million dollar condos, his willingness to discriminate against blacks in renting, and a laundry list of other immoral and illegal activities. Your continued adoration of such a morally bankrupt individual does not reflect well on your own character.

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4 hours ago, myfriendu said:

First of all, the WaPo used annonymous sources to tell yet another raunchy fairy tale.

Then they forgot to take into account the fact that there were only 4 people in the room -- would one of them be so monumentally stupid at this point to risk geting easily tracked and caught passing information?

Maybe the WH structure itself has surveillance hidden away -- consider who controlled it all these years.

That would be a perfect way to undermine Trump and further empower the Deep State.

After all, didn't Obama, Hellish, Preet, Comey, Waters, etc., join The Resistance/The Deep State and deign to obstruct and destroy Trump?

Doesn't this stunt look a wee bit like that?

Very interesting that they chose WaPo to spread their mischief.

Like attracts like

 Thank you myfriend ,It's nice to hear the facts and logic that you used.I would love to see a discussion on here  about the MSM fact reporting .

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Just now, heybruce said:

There's more to it than that.  Trump started with an inheritance of New York real estate worth hundreds of millions. 

You are correct. I didn't want to feed too much info in and overload him as he admitted to feeling that he wanted to be more clever. Step by step.

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1 minute ago, riclag said:

 Thank you myfriend ,It's nice to hear the facts and logic that you used.I would love to see a discussion on here  about the MSM fact reporting .

Could this be Ulysses G ? Welcome back Ulysses :whistling:

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2 minutes ago, riclag said:

 Thank you myfriend ,It's nice to hear the facts and logic that you used.I would love to see a discussion on here  about the MSM fact reporting .

So would I.  But the people who rely on fringe media and insist mainstream media is all fake won't engage in intelligent, fact based discussions of the subject.

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8 minutes ago, riclag said:

Well said, I don't understand how people can call President Trump all these names.He has shown his loyalty by his unequivocal devotion and support to the military and law enforcement agencies ,through his speeches,rallies and executive orders.

Loyalty?  Unequivocal devotion and support?  Give me a break.  The only folks he has been loyal and devoted to are his family/company, the fossil fuel industry, right wing media, the NRA, and fellow bigots.  Oh yea, and the Russians. 

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