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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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12 minutes ago, iReason said:

Poll: 56 percent say Trump 'tearing the country apart'


"Fifty-six percent of voters say they believe President Donald Trump is “tearing the country apart” instead of drawing people together, according to a new Fox News poll released Wednesday."


"The president’s general approval rating, which has yet to clear the 50 percent threshold in Fox News surveys since he entered office, remained at 41 percent, the same score he received last month, and is 7 percentage points down from the poll’s first post-inaugural findings in February."


"Seventy-percent of voters agreed, though, that Trump “dislikes” the news media more than he does white supremacists, highlighting the increasingly combative relationship between the president and the press."



In conjunction with the above, members might also be interested in this reading of the latest PEW polls, which concludes:


"That means that the 16 percent of people whose reason for political participation is to tell others "<deleted> your feelings" are basically in charge of one of America's two parties."




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On 5/21/2017 at 11:09 AM, boomerangutang said:

   Trump will do what another Republican scoundrel did:  resign when it's clear he's going to be busted open like a rotten coconut stepped on by an elephant

So not like lieing Willy.... who came on TV to tell the world that he never touched that young girl---then when it hit the fan and he did get impeached hung on tightly to his job and refused to go.



After nearly 14 hours of debate, the House of Representatives approves two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, charging him with lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice. Clinton, the second president in American history to be impeached, vowed to finish his term.---Wiki

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5 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

So not like lieing Willy.... who came on TV to tell the world that he never touched that young girl---then when it hit the fan and he did get impeached hung on tightly to his job and refused to go.


Pointless, weak deflection.


President Clinton was convicted of nothing.


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7 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

So not like lieing Willy.... who came on TV to tell the world that he never touched that young girl---then when it hit the fan and he did get impeached hung on tightly to his job and refused to go.




Please desist with the off topic deflections. The topic is about trump.

Won't even go there with your "young girl" insinuation as if she was underage.


More on topic, because you're obviously ignorant of U.S. law, impeachment is a two step process. First step is impeachment in the house. Second step is conviction in the senate. Clinton wasn't convicted in the senate so he stayed on as president entirely legally. Nothing to do with refusing to leave office. He was never removed from office. Now you know, Kay?


trump on the other hand is documented to have used his power as a pageant owner to sexually spy on actual real naked underage girls. That's not a matter of impeachment. That's a matter of the hundreds of reasons why pervert trump shouldn't have been elected in the first place!

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10 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

So not like lieing Willy.... who came on TV to tell the world that he never touched that young girl---then when it hit the fan and he did get impeached hung on tightly to his job and refused to go.




More whataboutism. And the fact is that neither of those lies told by Clinton had anything to do with public policy.

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16 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

So not like lieing Willy.... who came on TV to tell the world that he never touched that young girl---then when it hit the fan and he did get impeached hung on tightly to his job and refused to go.




Lying about a consensual affair with an adult: despicable


Perving on naked teens in their dressing rooms, admitting to non-consensual pussy-grabbing, attempting to cheat on pregnant wife with another married woman, admitting to sexual fantasies with one's own daughter, physically assaulting spouse, and a lifetime of publicly objectifying women: just locker room stuff. #MAGA!

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One cannot defend the indefensible.  A President is supposed to be the representative of all the people in the country-every race; every ethnic background; every religion.  Trump only plays to his base- which is no more than 25% of the US population. That means 75% are given short shrift and in essence have no representation from the President.  This is extremely divisive and dangerous as it shows the World how divided America is and how clueless the leader of the country is to his divisive rhetoric.


The only way Trump can be impeached and then convicted is to have a change in the number of representatives and Senators during the 2018 elections.  At present, the Republicans have a majority in both the House and Senate.  To get a impeachment vote in the House- they would need a majority vote and then send to the Senate . For the senate to convict- they would need  a 2/3 vote. Almost impossible in my mind. There have been 2 impeachments in US History but never a conviction (Presidential)


Then there is the 25th Amendment in which a President can be removed if incapacitated but never used and mostly without any real guidelines.  Most of Trump's cabinet and the Vice President would have to turn against him and certify him unfit.


The only real option is resignation- would he do it?  The man is a narcissistic meglomaniac who considers himself never wrong. The only way he would resign is if there is a 'smoking gun' presented in the Mueller investigation that shows direct collaboration with Trump himself and Russia or that he knew his minions collaborated and he covered it up or refused to act. He would go out claiming it was all a set up and 'fake news' and probably set off violent demonstrations from his base. It's the same story- what did he know and when did he know it.


That leaves only one choice and that is to elect as many independents and Democrats as possible during the 2018 election and plan to find a solid candidate that is articulate with a real agenda that can defeat Trump in the 2020 election. That candidate has to remember why Trump was elected and by whom and make their case directly to all the voting public. The only real Democratic candidate that fits the bill is Bernie Sanders- but in 2020 he will be almost 77 years old. Will he still have the stamina and the appeal. Elizabeth Warren is a possibility as well as Senator Corey Booker.


The sad thing is that Trump can do so much real damage to America until he leaves the scene. He and his ultra right minions just cannot seem to understand  that America is a diverse country with diverse needs and that its strength is its diversity. Sowing seeds of hate and division is the opposite of what is needed. There is not one program that Trump has presented; not one action that he has taken; not one statement that he has made that has the support of the majority of the US population. That enough is to send him into retirement.

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wake up usa people you voted the biggest liar  and con man in history in doing so put usa respect in the would people as gutter trash china now number one  sad sad 

sorry about harvy storm always trying to make bigger and better news what about asia and africa  1000s killed and millions displaced in rain and storms what backward country it has become storm stops one refinery fuel prices go up and short of fuel and fuel for planes looks like kim knows something




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5 hours ago, opalred said:
wake up usa people you voted the biggest liar  and con man in history in doing so put usa respect in the would people as gutter trash china now number one  sad sad 
sorry about harvy storm always trying to make bigger and better news what about asia and africa  1000s killed and millions displaced in rain and storms  what backward country it has become storm stops one refinery fuel prices go up and short of fuel and fuel for planes  looks like kim knows something


What's your primary language?


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"The President’s own son is admitting that his father is depressed, mentally unstable, and can’t handle the criticism that comes with the presidency. It wasn’t an accident that Eric Trump referred to depression and suicide. Trump has made it well known that he hates the White House and misses his old life. "



"Here are 8 reasons Jared and Ivanka are as useless and detestable as anyone in Trump’s White House. “When they decide it’s more important to protect their own and their children’s reputations than it is to defend their indefensible father’s, that’s a sign the end is near,” 


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Trump and Manafort get big reminder that pardon power does not extend to state crimes


"Politico reported Wednesday that New York’s attorney general Eric Schneiderman is now working with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III in the probe of financial transactions involving Paul Manafort, a story independently confirmed by The Washington Post by a source familiar with the investigation."


"In the event Manafort or anyone else is charged under New York law, or threatened with indictment, there will be nothing Trump can do about it."


His “power to grant reprieves and pardons” only covers “offenses against the United States,” according to Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution."




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58 minutes ago, Opl said:

"The President’s own son is admitting that his father is depressed, mentally unstable, and can’t handle the criticism that comes with the presidency. It wasn’t an accident that Eric Trump referred to depression and suicide. Trump has made it well known that he hates the White House and misses his old life. "



"Here are 8 reasons Jared and Ivanka are as useless and detestable as anyone in Trump’s White House. “When they decide it’s more important to protect their own and their children’s reputations than it is to defend their indefensible father’s, that’s a sign the end is near,” 


If he can´t stand the heat he should get out of the kitchen! Stamina....my ass!

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 Trump loses leverage as Russia scandal investigation intensifies


For Donald Trump, the Russia scandal has long been an existential threat to his presidency, but he’s likely taken comfort in the idea that there’s an escape hatch: if all else fails, Trump can abuse the powers of his office and simply start pardoning everyone.


Indeed, the president has reportedly sought information from aides on his power to issue pardons to White House aides, members of his family, and even himself.

Which makes last night’s Politico report all the more important.



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Trump makes policy pledge to senator investigating son's Russia meeting


"Donald Trump called a senior Republican senator from Iowa on Wednesday whose congressional committee is investigating his son, Donald Trump Jr, and promised him critical federal support for the biofuel ethanol, a key issue for the lawmaker."


"Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the Senate judiciary committee and a major advocate of the ethanol industry, announced on Twitter that he had received a phone call from Trump and had been assured by the US president that Trump was “pro ethanol” and was “standing by his campaign promise” to support the biofuel."


"The phone call came less than a day after CNN reported that Trump’s eldest son had reached an agreement with the committee to appear in a private session and answer investigators’ questions."


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I had said this from the start;

The occupier of the White House is a babe in the woods, a rookie. A rube.


From March 2017:

Scarborough: Trump learning that ‘Washington always wins’

“You don't play by Washington's rules, the courts are going to grab you."

"The intel community is grabbing the other leg."

"And he doesn't seem to realize the more he flails, the more he lies, the more he struggles,

the deeper he gets in political quicksand.”



Read on for a full description of the hapless rookie's woes...

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1 hour ago, Opl said:

"The President’s own son is admitting that his father is depressed, mentally unstable, and can’t handle the criticism that comes with the presidency. It wasn’t an accident that Eric Trump referred to depression and suicide. Trump has made it well known that he hates the White House and misses his old life. "



Where has Donnie Jr. been hiding? 

Ain't seen or heard from him since he bumbled into admiting that he and other Trump campaign officials, 

met with agents from a foreign adversary... :whistling:

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Trump Gets Terrible News As He Could Be Dealing With Charges In 39 States Over Russia Scandal.."“It puts a brick wall up against the idea that he might be able to circumvent the entire investigation. "





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The Trump administration ordered Russia out of its San Francisco consulate and two other sites, retaliating in a diplomatic tit for tat


The move was a response to Russia’s order for the United States to reduce its embassy staff in Moscow by 755 people.



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Chuck Grassley Cleverly Goes Public on Trump’s Attempted Bribe


Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley has had enough of Trump’s games. After Trump Jr. was set to testify before the Committee in the Russia scandal, Donald Trump called Grassley to offer support on an issue that is important to Grassley, a blatant attempt at bribery.



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10 hours ago, Opl said:

"The President’s own son is admitting that his father is depressed, mentally unstable, and can’t handle the criticism that comes with the presidency. It wasn’t an accident that Eric Trump referred to depression and suicide. Trump has made it well known that he hates the White House and misses his old life. "



"Here are 8 reasons Jared and Ivanka are as useless and detestable as anyone in Trump’s White House. “When they decide it’s more important to protect their own and their children’s reputations than it is to defend their indefensible father’s, that’s a sign the end is near,” 


This is the first I have heard about a suicide option.  I would definitely vote for that.

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6 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

This is the first I have heard about a suicide option.  I would definitely vote for that.

HE love s himself too much to kill himself. This s more "woe is me" playing of the victim card and being snowflakey.


Trump is the richest, most privileged, most powerful victim in the history of humanity; nobody's ever been a biglier victim than him, believe me, he's the best at it, he is top dog victim.

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“Behind the scenes during a summer of crisis, however, Trump appears to pine for the days when the Oval Office was a bustling hub of visitors and gossip, over which he presided as impresario.. He’s having a very hard time. He doesn’t like the way the media’s handling him. He doesn’t like how Kelly’s handling him. He’s turning on people that are very close to him.”


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Russia-Linked Bots Hone Online Attack Plans for 2018 U.S. Vote

After violent protests rocked Charlottesville, Virginia last month, Republican Senator John McCain took to Twitter to condemn hatred and bigotry and urge President Donald Trump to speak out more forcefully.


"Within hours, an online campaign attacking McCain -- a frequent Trump critic -- began circulating, amplified with the help of automated and human-coordinated networks known as bots and cyborgs linking to blogs on “Traitor McCain” and the hashtag #ExplainMcCain."


“They’re prepping the battlefield and sowing seeds of discord” and “potentially laying the groundwork for what they’re going to do in 2018 or 2020,” said Laura Rosenberger, senior fellow and director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy at the German Marshall Fund"


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Trump’s calls to Bannon: US president 'phones former aide when John Kelly isn’t around' –

as staff dub his new chief of staff ‘the church lady’

"Stephen Bannon may no longer be in the White House, but insiders claim he still has the President's ear."


"Sources within the Trump administration claim that the commander-in-chief still regularly calls Bannon when chief of staff John F. Kelly is out of the office."


"A person close to the President also told the Washington Post that some of Trump's closest allies brand Kelly 'the church lady' because he is viewed as 'strict and morally superior'."




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Exclusive: Mueller Enlists the IRS for His Trump-Russia Investigation


"Special counsel Bob Mueller has teamed up with the IRS."


"According to sources familiar with his investigation into alleged Russian election interference, his probe has enlisted the help of agents from the IRS’ Criminal Investigations unit."


"This unit—known as CI—is one of the federal government’s most tight-knit, specialized, and secretive investigative entities, its 2,500 agents focus exclusively on financial crime, including tax evasion and money laundering."






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On ‎8‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 10:30 AM, Berkshire said:

But wouldn't it be even better if the stock market was doing well AND the dollar was strong?  Especially if one is an expat?  Probably too much to ask you to look at two different issues at the same time.  I mean, you're a Trump guy afterall.     

I just purchased my second home in Thailand so yes having a better exchange rate would be beneficial to my bank account. Stock market today up across the board, DJ peaked 22,000. I'll take what I can get. I'm stuffing my portfolio so when I say adios to my job in a few years I won't be devastated by the changing exchange rate. I'll be having income from rent, stocks, savings, SS and pension. And of course whatever business I decide to open in LOS.

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