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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?

Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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Americans in general are not very smart , especially in political circles .  Trump may be classified as an idiot  , but he was smart enough to win the presidential election , he is also a shrewd and successful businessman .  Trump is facing horrendous opposition from all sides at present , but I think he will find a way to ingratiate himself with those who are currently trying to undermine him .  I believe the massive arms order he has achieved in Saudi Arabia will help to smooth the way .  I do not believe he will be impeached or forced to resign .

10 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

"almost nothing but slurs".  Actually, that comment would be more accurately directed at the tweeter-in-chief.  Your problem, like other Trump supporters, is that you're supporting a guy who massively and provably lies and slurs people all the time.  So I understand how upsetting it can be to support someone who keeps on cutting off his supporters at the knees. As for the "vile language", it's very odd coming from the side of the argument which has devoted so much space to calling their opponents a name that is also used for a certain meteorological phenomenon.

I was referring to Jingthing's statement about what posters are saying to each other, not Trump, so not a very good deflection. I have asked for people to stop using offensive terms to describe Trump without any change in tone. When I was asked to stop using that term I stopped. Seems to me that restraint only applies to one side on Trump threads. I haven't seen it used by anyone for a long time, but I wonder why we shouldn't use it again as your side uses personally insulting language about us.

25 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

As President, Trump can just pardon himself and whoever else he likes before he resigns from office should it come to that.

I may be wrong but the concept of being able to pardon yourself doesn't ring true with any normal justice system. I imagine he can pardon his 3 little piggies but not himself surely.

9 minutes ago, iReason said:

Just making stuff up again.

Just perpetuating another lie to the woefully uninformed.


Debate commission: No questions were given ahead of time


Old news from 2016.

Try reading the correct version published this year.


Stolen DNC documents that were published by Wikileaks during the 2016 U.S. election season revealedMs. Brazile’s efforts to assist Ms. Clinton’s campaign, but she ignored or denied the charges — until now. Although she told ex-Fox News star Megyn Kelly on Oct. 19 that Wikileaks dealt in “doctored” emails, the former DNC head said Friday that the emails were “a mistake I will forever regret.”


28 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The Trump haters on TVF write almost nothing BUT slurs. If they don't want to be described as loonies, it would pay to stop posting offensive and horrid things about the PRESIDENT of the USA.

Whatever you may think of him, you do not add to the debate by using vile language about someone. He won. PERIOD.

President Obama, is still referred to as President Obama, yet in this very thread we have two people (whose language sounds very similar) referring to Obama as a 'brown smear President' and 'good to have a human in the White House again' - referring to Trump. Nothing that has been said of Trump comes close to the disgraceful terms being stated about Obama (and 'liked'!) by Trump supporters on here. How about y'all clean your own act up first before you start crying about others.

4 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Wow! where to start. The last part of your moniker is spot on.

There is the understatement of the Century! I wonder how many Americans you offend with the low bar you set for American values.


So Dinosaurs really do still exist. Women - get back in the kitchen.


So we have someone that wants his cake and eats it. A politically inept, male chauvinist active user of soft drugs. Way to go maaaaaaaann !


No such thing as "dinosaur". I believe in traditional values because it is what has kept society for the past milleniums - until we started focusing on "equality". Since then, the world has been on a downward slope.


If you think supporting families is chauvinist and mysogynic, you are probably the kind of guy that voted for Hillary, married a single mother while being childless, and provide the beta bucks to the girl while she gets some fun somewhere else.


14 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I may be wrong but the concept of being able to pardon yourself doesn't ring true with any normal justice system. I imagine he can pardon his 3 little piggies but not himself surely.

Thanks for calling me on that. I definitely overstated the case. It seems that there are 2 sides to the argument.


4 minutes ago, SiamBeast said:


No such thing as "dinosaur". I believe in traditional values because it is what has kept society for the past milleniums - until we started focusing on "equality". Since then, the world has been on a downward slope.


If you think supporting families is chauvinist and mysogynic, you are probably the kind of guy that voted for Hillary, married a single mother while being childless, and provide the beta bucks to the girl while she gets some fun somewhere else.


The Beast has spoken... the lambs abide...

1 minute ago, SiamBeast said:


No such thing as "dinosaur". I believe in traditional values because it is what has kept society for the past milleniums - until we started focusing on "equality". Since then, the world has been on a downward slope.


If you think supporting families is chauvinist and mysogynic, you are probably the kind of guy that voted for Hillary, married a single mother while being childless, and provide the beta bucks to the girl while she gets some fun somewhere else.


You mean like when women couldn't vote? Or when there was no vote at all? And slavery was legal? Because for millenia slavery was legal and no democracy either except for a very small number of poeple. It's only relatively recently that slavery come to be looked on with disfavor. Certainly nothing in the Jewish, Christian, or Muslim holy books that condemn it.

23 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

President Obama, is still referred to as President Obama, yet in this very thread we have two people (whose language sounds very similar) referring to Obama as a 'brown smear President' and 'good to have a human in the White House again' - referring to Trump. Nothing that has been said of Trump comes close to the disgraceful terms being stated about Obama (and 'liked'!) by Trump supporters on here. How about y'all clean your own act up first before you start crying about others.

Do I have to remind you that I was talking to Jingthing about him objecting to a term offensive to liberals while calling Trump's base "deplorables". Trump doesn't post on here.

You are within your rights to report or ask them yourself not to do so, but don't expect much sympathy while the Trump haters continue to use vile and disgusting language to describe Trump.

9 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

You mean like when women couldn't vote? Or when there was no vote at all? And slavery was legal? Because for millenia slavery was legal and no democracy either except for a very small number of poeple. It's only relatively recently that slavery come to be looked on with disfavor. Certainly nothing in the Jewish, Christian, or Muslim holy books that condemn it.


Women should have the same legal rights than men: voting, working, making her own decisions, therefore it is up to society to educate women about their roles, and educate men about their roles. Both have roles, and they are different.


It is okay for women to work, as long as family comes first. Which means, graduating from university and pursuing a full-time office career while staying single until your shelf-life expires is a terrible idea. It basically means "Fxck you mom and dad, I'm throwing away all of your legacy and everything you worked for, because I want to work rather than pursue our family. Enjoy dying while knowing that nobody will pursue our family." We therefore need to educate women that their primary goal is to have children - and on the other side, educate men how to treat ladies nicely, how to be romantic to them, and how to ensure that he is a good provider that knows how to take care of a family. We complete each other and that's what makes a healthy world.


Both men and women are full-rights humans with a set of skills, but that set of skills is not the same for men and women. What Hillary was trying to promote was "equality", a.k.a. "you can be whatever you want". For example, the law is so cucked now that it allows people to identify as the opposite gender! What's next? Identifying as a cat? A dog? How about I walk in a Ferrari dealership and identify as rich? It would be discrimination to refuse to refuse to sell me the Ferrari if I have no money, because they are not respecting the fact that I self-identify as rich, therefore I am rich.


You see where this is going. My above example is slightly exaggerated but this is the path that the West was headed towards. We need someone to put a stop to that nonsense and restore the "what is what" principle. It is statistically proven that children that come from broken homes have a way higher percentage of drug abuse, low grades, and other behavioral troubles (look up the stats online, there are several sources). We need a president who can restore the notion that a family is a mother, a father, and children. Nothing else. Niet. Nada.


This is IMO the #1 priority, because a society without families will go nowhere but to its own death by transforming citizens into productivity robots. People are too busy to realize this, because the media tells them that equality is good  - meanwhile, we need to bring unskilled third-world migrants in the West to make up for the plumetting birth rates.


Stopping mass immigration would be attacking the consequence, not the cause. We need to attack the root cause of the problem: People do not make families anymore. Once this is resolved, most problems will go away by themselves.


War is not a solution to any problem. But what Trump is doing, in my opinion, is trying to steer the world towards families. Unless I read the program wrong. And the above applies to any president, not just Trump. We need to get our priorities straight.

8 minutes ago, SiamBeast said:


No such thing as "dinosaur". I believe in traditional values because it is what has kept society for the past milleniums - until we started focusing on "equality". Since then, the world has been on a downward slope.


If you think supporting families is chauvinist and mysogynic, you are probably the kind of guy that voted for Hillary, married a single mother while being childless, and provide the beta bucks to the girl while she gets some fun somewhere else.


I think I have just been insulted!


"No such thing as "dinosaur"."  - Sorry you will have to explain that one, it has blown over my head like tumbleweed. Are you a creationist as well?


You clearly are a bigot, there is no other word for it.


As for your last sentence rant, nope you are yet again wrong, just as you are with your klu klux klan values (I still can't believe you said that focusing on equality was bad. Do you believe men are superior to women?). I am happily married and have 4 children all my own, with two already through university, and I am not a Hillary voter. So Victorian Dad, sniff another tincture of sulphur, finish your beers and go home and beat your wife, you will find her in the kitchen cleaning the skid marks out of your underwear and ironing your socks.

25 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Stolen DNC documents that were published by Wikileaks during the 2016 U.S. election season revealedMs. Brazile’s efforts to assist Ms. Clinton’s campaign, but she ignored or denied the charges — until now. Although she told ex-Fox News star Megyn Kelly on Oct. 19 that Wikileaks dealt in “doctored” emails, the former DNC head said Friday that the emails were “a mistake I will forever regret.”


"among the many things I did in my role as a Democratic operative and DNC Vice Chair prior to assuming the interim DNC Chair position was to share potential town hall topics with the Clinton campaign,” the political strategist said."


1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

I think I have just been insulted!


"No such thing as "dinosaur"."  - Sorry you will have to explain that one, it has blown over my head like tumbleweed. Are you a creationist as well?


You clearly are a bigot, there is no other word for it.


As for your last sentence rant, nope you are yet again wrong, just as you are with your klu klux klan values (I still can't believe you said that focusing on equality was bad. Do you believe men are superior to women?). I am happily married and have 4 children all my own, with two already through university, and I am not a Hillary voter. So Victorian Dad, sniff another tincture of sulphur, finish your beers and go home and beat your wife, you will find her in the kitchen cleaning the skid marks out of your underwear and ironing your socks.


Allow me to rewrite my sentence: I am not a "dinosaur". I believe in dinosaurs and I believe in Darwin's evolution theory - and we're seeing perfect examples of natural selection in Thailand.


Men are not superior to women. Both have their roles and complete each other. Nobody is the "boss" of the household, although most women expect men to lead them (note how I said "lead", not "boss", because nobody is forced to listen to what I say).


Beating your wife is domestic abuse, and unless a woman physically attacks you first and poses a danger, there is no reason to use violence against a woman.


20 minutes ago, SiamBeast said:


No such thing as "dinosaur". - until we started focusing on "equality". Since then, the world has been on a downward slope.


If you think supporting families is chauvinist and mysogynic, you are probably the kind of guy that voted for Hillary, married a single mother while being childless, and provide the beta bucks to the girl while she gets some fun somewhere else.


6 minutes ago, SiamBeast said:


Women should have the same legal rights than men: voting, working, making her own decisions, therefore it is up to society to educate women about their roles, and educate men about their roles. Both have roles, and they are different.


It is okay for women to work, as long as family comes first. Which means, graduating from university and pursuing a full-time office career while staying single until your shelf-life expires is a terrible idea. It basically means "Fxck you mom and dad, I'm throwing away all of your legacy and everything you worked for, because I want to work rather than pursue our family. Enjoy dying while knowing that nobody will pursue our family." We therefore need to educate women that their primary goal is to have children - and on the other side, educate men how to treat ladies nicely, how to be romantic to them, and how to ensure that he is a good provider that knows how to take care of a family. We complete each other and that's what makes a healthy world.


Both men and women are full-rights humans with a set of skills, but that set of skills is not the same for men and women. What Hillary was trying to promote was "equality", a.k.a. "you can be whatever you want". For example, the law is so cucked now that it allows people to identify as the opposite gender! What's next? Identifying as a cat? A dog? How about I walk in a Ferrari dealership and identify as rich? It would be discrimination to refuse to refuse to sell me the Ferrari if I have no money, because they are not respecting the fact that I self-identify as rich, therefore I am rich.


You see where this is going. My above example is slightly exaggerated but this is the path that the West was headed towards. We need someone to put a stop to that nonsense and restore the "what is what" principle. It is statistically proven that children that come from broken homes have a way higher percentage of drug abuse, low grades, and other behavioral troubles (look up the stats online, there are several sources). We need a president who can restore the notion that a family is a mother, a father, and children. Nothing else. Niet. Nada.


This is IMO the #1 priority, because a society without families will go nowhere but to its own death by transforming citizens into productivity robots. People are too busy to realize this, because the media tells them that equality is good  - meanwhile, we need to bring unskilled third-world migrants in the West to make up for the plumetting birth rates.


Stopping mass immigration would be attacking the consequence, not the cause. We need to attack the root cause of the problem: People do not make families anymore. Once this is resolved, most problems will go away by themselves.


War is not a solution to any problem. But what Trump is doing, in my opinion, is trying to steer the world towards families. Unless I read the program wrong. And the above applies to any president, not just Trump. We need to get our priorities straight.

So,in other words you don't "believe in traditional values because it is what has kept society for the past milleniums". After all, you just wrote that "Women should have the same legal rights than men: voting, working, making her own decisions.." Do you actually believe that these values have existed for millenia?  Actually, they came about because people opposed traditional values.


9 minutes ago, iReason said:

"among the many things I did in my role as a Democratic operative and DNC Vice Chair prior to assuming the interim DNC Chair position was to share potential town hall topics with the Clinton campaign,” the political strategist said."


YOU said "Just making stuff up again.

Just perpetuating another lie to the woefully uninformed."

and when I point out that you were wrong you pretend it doesn't matter. 


You have accused me of being a liar. That is flaming.

4 hours ago, Rhys said:

   May a millions Arabians bless your thoughts.....

Is that similar to may the fleas of a million camels infest your wife's oh what is the word I am looking for. 

6 minutes ago, SiamBeast said:


It is okay for women to work, as long as family comes first. Which means, graduating from university and pursuing a full-time office career while staying single until your shelf-life expires is a terrible idea. It basically means "Fxck you mom and dad, I'm throwing away all of your legacy and everything you worked for, because I want to work rather than pursue our family. Enjoy dying while knowing that nobody will pursue our family." We therefore need to educate women that their primary goal is to have children - and on the other side, educate men how to treat ladies nicely, how to be romantic to them, and how to ensure that he is a good provider that knows how to take care of a family.


The irony in that paragraph is simply stunning.



Both men and women are full-rights humans with a set of skills, but that set of skills is not the same for men and women. What Hillary was trying to promote was "equality", a.k.a. "you can be whatever you want". For example, the law is so cucked now that it allows people to identify as the opposite gender! What's next? Identifying as a cat? A dog? How about I walk in a Ferrari dealership and identify as rich? It would be discrimination to refuse to refuse to sell me the Ferrari if I have no money, because they are not respecting the fact that I self-identify as rich, therefore I am rich.

More drivel. You identify as self rich if you want, every showroom owner should treat you with respect unless you dress like a tramp. The issue is that your self identification as 'rich' may fall apart when they check out your bank details prior to giving you a Ferrari and so many alarm bells ring one might think we have gone to DEFCON 2.



. We need a president who can restore the notion that a family is a mother, a father, and children. Nothing else. Niet. Nada.

And Trump is your role model of such a President? Third marriage, all but disowned one of his daughters, does not see anything of his 10 year old son, never saw or contributed anything to the raising of his other 3 little piggies apart from giving Ivana Trump cash and an eye witness saw Trump having sex with a 13 year old? What a top family man. Do you share the same values as Trump?


Assassination or fortuitous fatal accident aren't choices - they'd get my vote.

4 hours ago, 55Jay said:

"I've got no choice, the Doctors are telling me I have to.  I don't want to, but hey, people, that's what they are telling me, I have to, because my Doctors say I must, I have no choice, people."..... or words to that effect.

Yes truly a hero's exit complete with a hail of rotten eggs. 

6 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Is that similar to may the fleas of a million camels infest your wife's oh what is the word I am looking for. 

Don't be embarrassed, President Trump says 'pussy' and his supporters all accept it as ok (even when grabbing them). Trump and his supporters are re-defining our values don't you know.

1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

Don't be embarrassed, President Trump says 'pussy' and his supporters all accept it as ok (even when grabbing them). Trump and his supporters are re-defining our values don't you know.

Yes and others are defining mine. 

4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

YOU said "Just making stuff up again.

Just perpetuating another lie to the woefully uninformed."

and when I point out that you were wrong you pretend it doesn't matter. 

You have accused me of being a liar. That is flaming.


Not surprised your reading comprehension is lacking.


"Just perpetuating another lie to the woefully uninformed."


Nowhere in that article or the original that it is linked to (Time), does it say Brazile "admits leaking debate questions" as emblazoned in the title:

"Donna Brazile admits leaking debate questions to Clinton camp"


"when I point out that you were wrong you pretend it doesn't matter" (That's rich. It's generally your MO.)

Not at all. I clearly demonstrated that you were perpetuating hyperbole and a lie.


1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I normally desist in replying to anything you write, but to say " please desist from slurs" is way OTT.

The Trump haters on TVF write almost nothing BUT slurs. If they don't want to be described as loonies, it would pay to stop posting offensive and horrid things about the PRESIDENT of the USA.

Whatever you may think of him, you do not add to the debate by using vile language about someone. He won. PERIOD.

I can't 'desist' his post either.  :cheesy:


I think Trump will survive the next 4 years, as long as he doesn’t do serious damage to the economy.


I spent the last month and a half visiting people in LA, DFW, FL, NC, and NYC.  They don’t spend a lot of time worrying about politics.  They’re focused on their day-to-day lives.  


Local TV stations follow the same silly format for their over-dramatized stories.  National news networks spend all their airtime interviewing each other about Trump.  The “journalists” are young,  photogenic and without credentials.  They are just as rabid as the unrelenting handful of anti-Trump “dudes” in this forum.


People are more sick of the “journalists” than they are about Trump. And thanks to TVF's sanctimonious, news-clipping “dudes”, we get to read/hear the same bullshit as everyone else.

9 minutes ago, iReason said:


Not surprised your reading comprehension is lacking.


"Just perpetuating another lie to the woefully uninformed."


Nowhere in that article or the original that it is linked to (Time), does it say Brazile "admits leaking debate questions" as emblazoned in the title:

"Donna Brazile admits leaking debate questions to Clinton camp"


"when I point out that you were wrong you pretend it doesn't matter" (That's rich. It's generally your MO.)

Not at all. I clearly demonstrated that you were perpetuating hyperbole and a lie.


Veteran Democratic operative Donna Brazile finally admitted that she used her former position as a CNN commentator to relay questions ahead of debates to Hillary Clinton during the Democratic primary. ( bolding mine )


13 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Veteran Democratic operative Donna Brazile finally admitted that she used her former position as a CNN commentator to relay questions ahead of debates to Hillary Clinton during the Democratic primary.



Another newspaper quote's/source's the same story from TIME.

With another hyperbolic headline.



"In October, a subsequent release of emails revealed that among the many things I did in my role as a Democratic operative and Democratic National Committee Vice Chair prior to assuming the interim D.N.C. Chair position was to share potential town hall topics with the Clinton campaign," she said.


This poll, "Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?" is nothing more than wishful thinking by those who are upset that Trump won. 

Trump won the primary.

Trump won the general election.

The recount failed.

The embarrassing emotional appeal to the electoral college failed (In fact Hillary lost more than Trump).

The "the Russians hacked the election" nonsense failed.

And now this idea that he will be impeached will fail.

Trump will remain president for his entire first term will be reelected by a landslide.

Or, put another way, get over it.


This poll, "Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?" is nothing more than wishful thinking by those who are upset that Trump won. 
Trump won the primary.
Trump won the general election.
The recount failed.
The embarrassing emotional appeal to the electoral college failed (In fact Hillary lost more than Trump).
The "the Russians hacked the election" nonsense failed.
And now this idea that he will be impeached will fail.
Trump will remain president for his entire first term will be reelected by a landslide.
Or, put another way, get over it.
Trumpist spin.
Most Americans want the investigations to follow the facts and if it leads to trump leaving, so be it.
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