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legalizing prostitution

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When you think about Austria, do you think it gets its reputation from legalized prostitution?  How about New Zealand? Germany ?  I think not.  Some, especially the Thai's are so  worried about Thailand's reputation if they finally legalize the profession that is so prevalent throughout the country things might change.  Indeed, Thailand already has its  sex trade label but done right with proper enforcement, safety measures and controls I believe legalization can even enhance Thailand's current status once the big mucky mucks begin to emphasize some of the true wonders of LOS instead of their silly ways to save face and odd attempts to pretend they are enforcing the current laws.....that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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Prostitution will never be legalized in Thailand being a Buddhist

country with many prudish and pious people who want a ' clean

image ' of Thailand while they themselves busing with other vices,

but still, prostitutions is flourishing, alive and kicking and can be

gotten anywhere, albeit prices has gone up sharply from the days

of yore....


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1 hour ago, ezzra said:

Prostitution will never be legalized in Thailand being a Buddhist

country with many prudish and pious people who want a ' clean

image ' of Thailand while they themselves busing with other vices,

but still, prostitutions is flourishing, alive and kicking and can be

gotten anywhere, albeit prices has gone up sharply from the days

of yore....



The question is, which is worse for your image, legalizing prostitution, or deliberately turning a blind eye to violations of your laws.


I know which one is more damaging to the fabric of a society.  And it ain't the hookers...


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Legalizing prostitution in Australia resulted in a drop in divorce rates and venereal diseases. I understand the tax people were also happy, because income from prostitution became much more visible.

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1 hour ago, ezzra said:

Prostitution will never be legalized in Thailand being a Buddhist


I understand your knowledge of Thailand is rather slanted ezzra----but do try to sprinkle a little bit of fact in there occasionally .


Prostitution was always legal in Buddhist Thailand


Prostitution itself was made illegal in Thailand in 1960, when a law was passed under pressure from the United Nations 


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I saw a documentary about prostitution in Germany. Because it is legal, they were sending unemployed women for job interviews in brothels. Mothers, wives and everything. Don't take the job, we stop your money. Figure that wan oot.

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11 minutes ago, sharktooth said:

I saw a documentary about prostitution in Germany. Because it is legal, they were sending unemployed women for job interviews in brothels. Mothers, wives and everything. Don't take the job, we stop your money. Figure that wan oot.

What a co.plete load of rubbish. Sorry there is no way on earth that could ever happen not even in Germany

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8 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

What a co.plete load of rubbish. Sorry there is no way on earth that could ever happen not even in Germany

If it is legal and they pay taxes what's to stop them? Jobs a job. Next you'll be telling me Catholic Priests don't fiddle with Alter Boys.

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Slight siffrence there but if thats the parallel you draw its not woth an argument. Suffice to say not a court in the western world  would uphold any case of a woman not reciving benifits because she refused a job as a prostitute.

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When Google I find prostitution is not illegal in Thailand but soliciting is which possibly a broad view could be taken for this word. Also some public nuisance laws could be invoked.

Correct. Paying for sex and selling sex are not illegal in Thailand, although soliciting, brothels and underage prostitution are. Not sure fully legalising it would have much difference.
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Interesting topic.


I've lived in several foreign countries and visited many over 50 years.


Having a legal background, I researched prostitution laws in many countries.


I discovered that all the counties I researched, even countries that were well known sex destinations where everyone felt prostitution was legal; it was in fact illegal to some degree.  The clever wording in the laws made the content intent confusing.


In my opinion, the clever wording made it possible for the governments to shut down prostitution at a moments notice if they had to.


 It's impossible to shut down the oldest profession, however if you throw in, 'pimping is illegal,'  in the law, that allows countries more control of the industry. 


The truth of the matter is, prostitution generates trillions of dollars for the governments from visas, taxes, income tourists spend and small business profits as well, as visitors utilize most services. The profits have turned 3rd world countries into developed countries over the last 50+ years.


The income also allows hungry, disadvantaged families to be able to buy food, vehicles, own their own home, and start small businesses.


It's all good, but it has to be controlled.

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8 hours ago, bazza73 said:

Legalizing prostitution in Australia resulted in a drop in divorce rates and venereal diseases. I understand the tax people were also happy, because income from prostitution became much more visible.

I had said in the past, if Americans (I was in Kentucky) really wanted to raise government funds without an increase in income taxes they need only legalize, regulate and tax marajuana (Kentucky's largest cash crop) and prostitution. it has always been met with a roar of...silence.

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1 hour ago, Kabula said:

In my opinion, the clever wording made it possible for the governments to shut down prostitution at a moments notice if they had to.

Thailand has some very vague laws. Kabula calls them 'clever'. He is not wrong! Whether a law is violated or not is often at the whim of someone in authority's beliefs or opinions. These laws are deliberately vague. Why? So controlling bodies can use 'interpretation' for what ever end they deem fit.


I am from the UK and it has some strange laws and the US even more ridiculous laws. But they are more precisely worded.


Interpretation carries more weight than truth or facts here in Thailand.

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12 hours ago, ezzra said:

Prostitution will never be legalized in Thailand being a Buddhist

country with many prudish and pious people who want a ' clean

image ' of Thailand while they themselves busing with other vices,

but still, prostitutions is flourishing, alive and kicking and can be

gotten anywhere, albeit prices has gone up sharply from the days

of yore....


And its probably the pious,prudish, and Buddhist people that are making the most money out of it!

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Legal or not every barworker should do a mandatory monthly std test and bring this document with them each time they work.Sick bar workers should not be allowed to get barfined.

Many bars do this but if someone tests negative and is then infected by her next customer, it's pointless.
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1 hour ago, Destiny1990 said:

Legal or not every barworker should do a mandatory monthly std test and bring this document with them each time they work.Sick bar workers should not be allowed to get barfined.

Turn it around. Every Farang wanting to Bar Fine a Lady would have to present a certificate, indicating he is STD free. A certificate older than 3 days would be void.

It could have some beneficial effects. Farangs would have to spend their days in clinics, awaiting a new "clean bill of health". The clinics would thrive and the Farangs would not have time for Day-Time-Drinking-Sessions.

But there is a fly in the ointment. The "Ladies" on Beach-Road are not much into "Paperwork". So I was told.:saai:

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