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Australia's "Ganja Queen" set to leave Bali


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51 minutes ago, tifino said:

I was in Malaysia, back when Barlow and Chambers were hanged for Dada (Ganga) carrying...



EDIT - Note that the initial carrier was Virgin (also equates with my Non-Indo carrier theorum) 

46 minutes ago, KittenKong said:


Dadah is heroin.

Correct kitten. Barlow and Chambers were hanged for trying to export heroin from Malaysia, NOT ganga. Heroin is a on whole different level from dope.


Regardless what the TVF kangaroo court think of Corby the person, the crime she committed and sentence imposed is what we should keep ourselves to commenting on. Myself, I reckon the sentence was way too harsh for a drug that is legalised in some many countries now, including various states in the US.




It is a matter of time before it becomes legal again in Oz.

Edited by NumbNut
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39 minutes ago, NumbNut said:


Correct kitten. Barlow and Chambers were hanged for trying to export heroin from Malaysia, NOT ganga. Heroin is a on whole different level from dope.


Regardless what the TVF kangaroo court think of Corby the person, the crime she committed and sentence imposed is what we should keep ourselves to commenting on. Myself, I reckon the sentence was way too harsh for a drug that is legalised in some many countries now, including various states in the US.




It is a matter of time before it becomes legal again in Oz.

It doesn't matter where it becomes legal, you would have to be a complete moron to try importing 4kg into a country which carries the death penalty for exactly that.

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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

Well I have to say I am disgusted by society in the world today.

A convicted criminal is treated as though she's a movie star by the media.

She is a drug user and was convicted and is put all over the television by media from the time of being released to the airports and then Sofitel hotel.

She is disgusting, she is a drug user, and so are the media ....  and Australians have really lost all ' common sense ' .....        I'm lost for words.   lol 

ok ...   I've had my rant for today ....   

Easy steven I sometimes like your slant on things and would hate to see you blow a gasket. Your controversial and a magnet for well you know. That being said I go back to statement number one. 

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11 minutes ago, halloween said:

It doesn't matter where it becomes legal, you would have to be a complete moron to try importing 4kg into a country which carries the death penalty for exactly that.

That goes without saying, when in Rome and all that. It doesn't matter if you think dope is harmless are not, you should always be a good guest and obey the local laws wherever you find yourself to be.


I was only referring to the fairness of the sentence she served, that's all

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12 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

White trash is going home. She really does embody many young people from Australia especially the women. Uneducated ,unskilled, self endulgent,self serving,spoiled brats.


You certainly have a way with words.  Guess you don't like young Australians or is it just young Australian women. As far as Ms. Corby is concerned, I am definitely not a fan but how does her ill deeds give you the right to decry the young, in particular, the young women of our nation. Not an Aussie for sure and maybe there's more to your outburst then meets the eye.:wai:

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3 hours ago, bbbbooboo said:

hmmm...ganja queer perhaps.......I doubt that many ozzies would welcome this woman back

You're spot on there.  If it was possible the whole family should be shipped out.  Have been involved in growing and selling it for years and these media fools want to make them out as being hard done by and should be looked upon as victims and now some clown wants to call her the Australian Ganja Queen.  Can think of more appropriate names but then the censors might take me to task.. :wai:

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She is just a stupid girl that took a harmless plant into the country.  Let's not think too much here.  If you think otherwise you are either too bored, too old, or too conservative, or some combination of these.  :stoner:

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13 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

White trash is going home. She really does embody many young people from Australia especially the women. Uneducated ,unskilled, self endulgent,self serving,spoiled brats.

Naaaaaw, now now, wipe those tears away. Someone will love you one day. Just because none of the Aussie women would go near you, doesnt mean you need to bitch and mao  about them like a 2 year old. Diddums.

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9 hours ago, Emster23 said:

Laws are absurd. I am from Oregon. Most of West Coast has legalized pot. Last visit home there were more pot shops than 7-11's. What used to be a tax expense is now a tax asset. No collapse of society either.

 Is she trash or just entrepreneur?

Ironic init,the place that demonized weed to the world,especially this part of the world,now profit from it

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6 hours ago, steven100 said:

drug users and addicts and pushers wreck lives ..... they deserve jail and worse ...imo..

...  it's the law. 

Go back to your coffee or cigarette or beer and give another thought to your views about drug users. At least two of those drug delivery systems are more dangerous than marijuana ... 

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12 minutes ago, Docno said:

Go back to your coffee or cigarette or beer and give another thought to your views about drug users. At least two of those drug delivery systems are more dangerous than marijuana ... 

Good post Docno. Well said.

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4 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


You certainly have a way with words.  Guess you don't like young Australians or is it just young Australian women. As far as Ms. Corby is concerned, I am definitely not a fan but how does her ill deeds give you the right to decry the young, in particular, the young women of our nation. Not an Aussie for sure and maybe there's more to your outburst then meets the eye.:wai:

At a wild guess, I'd say just young women.


The old have always decried the young. Perhaps in retaliation for the young's distain for their elders.


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8 hours ago, steven100 said:

of course she was guilty, it was stated last night on tv she admitted to it to an inmate ...

Drug users, pushers, addicts, should have Philippines president to deal with .....  lol


I see you learn all your facts from TV the way Trump does.

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She did the crime and did the time - and it was hard time. That should be the end of it. All the dreadful name calling on here is totally unnecessary, she has paid the debt the courts imposed. She should be left alone to pick up the pieces now.

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8 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

She did the crime and did the time - and it was hard time. That should be the end of it. All the dreadful name calling on here is totally unnecessary, she has paid the debt the courts imposed. She should be left alone to pick up the pieces now.

Agreed. The press should ignore her and not make her out to be something special, then it wouldn't even be on here at all.

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6 hours ago, Argus Tuft said:

Good post Docno. Well said.

drug pushers wreck lives, they become addicts, pot smokers become lazy and don't utilize their full potential. I've seen it waste people over the years.

Pls don't try and say it's ok to take illegal drugs, it's not ok. Jail.

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23 minutes ago, steven100 said:

drug pushers wreck lives, they become addicts, pot smokers become lazy and don't utilize their full potential. I've seen it waste people over the years.

Pls don't try and say it's ok to take illegal drugs, it's not ok. Jail.

My reply to Docno's post was in relation to cigarettes, coffee and beer/alcohol - follow the posts, and don't twist mine out of context.  Was nothing to do with pushing illegal drugs or taking illegal drugs, work on your comprehension please.

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5 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

She did the crime and did the time - and it was hard time. That should be the end of it. All the dreadful name calling on here is totally unnecessary, she has paid the debt the courts imposed. She should be left alone to pick up the pieces now.

she should have been executed years ago, special treatment because pretty and foreign. She was as guilty as hell. 

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3 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

she should have been executed years ago

Should have been executed for weed? :whistling: I hear that currently there is an issue recruiting for ISIL, I am sure you and the member that 'liked' your post would fit in famously. You could be in your element then. Singing and dancing is legal in most of the world, ISIL will execute you for it, Weed is legal in many parts of the world, and only punished in countries famous for ISIL recruitment drives.  I bet you and your 'like' mate have broken a law in your time.

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2 hours ago, Prbkk said:

Now she's going to make millions through publicity/media/ endorsements/the movie/ the musical/ Schapelle branded bongs, surf bags, blogs.


Already tried to do so, but Oz government blocked by proceeds of crime legislation

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On 5/28/2017 at 7:55 AM, lovelomsak said:

White trash is going home. She really does embody many young people from Australia especially the women. Uneducated ,unskilled, self endulgent,self serving,spoiled brats.

You are an arrogant fool who should go read the facts of this case, something that you obviously have not done or fail to comprehend.

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On 5/28/2017 at 0:56 PM, Argus Tuft said:

Regardless of your obvious hatred for this stranger - do you really wish that she had been killed by a firing squad?


Yes AT   hate is a terrible sickness. Especially when one obviously has no idea of what happened.

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3 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Should have been executed for weed? :whistling: I hear that currently there is an issue recruiting for ISIL, I am sure you and the member that 'liked' your post would fit in famously. You could be in your element then. Singing and dancing is legal in most of the world, ISIL will execute you for it, Weed is legal in many parts of the world, and only punished in countries famous for ISIL recruitment drives.  I bet you and your 'like' mate have broken a law in your time.

" Weed is legal in many parts of the world, and only punished in countries famous for ISIL recruitment drives. "


Absolute BS. Possession of even a small amount is a crime in most countries, trying to import 4kg for sale will get you jail in nearly all and executed in quite a few.

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anyway... she's home now; no Dad, who was her real backbone (until the Prostate took him).

Luckily Mercedes was about, to maintain the human spirit, or sanity at least.


The Indos were simply abiding by their Law-bound SOPs,

and all hands were tied for the inevitable outcome,

that somehow?? didn't end up at the end of a rope etc



15 years later the Indos maintained their sincerity/integrity (no matter how flawed it was/is),

and didn't do a belated backflip when Schapelle opened her Social media account, after the stroke of midnight, when her Sentence legally expired...


If she was complicit to what she was jailed for;

 then the naysayers can still beat their chests,

 as Schapelle has now been pulled from her Indo boyfriend, 

with not much chance of re-uniting, unless there is some other independent 3rd country that allows them in... karma :jap:

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