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Get young kids 'away from phones, tablets'


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I don't have or want kids either, neither do most of the people I know, which begs the question, WHO are the people having kids, and why do they do it?

I was exactly the same until, aged 55, I got together with someone 30 years younger than me. It's never too late...?
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2 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

I don't have or want kids either, neither do most of the people I know ...

Same here - no kids of my own and never wanted them but I'm very happy to be a grandad. I think the secret is in the fact that you can give 'em back when you've had enough :) .

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13 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Yup, but I have not complained about the kids or parents have I. I accept technology as a step forward in life, we have to embrace it and learn how to harness it. Trying to make kids emulate the childhoods of people 50, 60, 70 years ago is not really that effective is it.

but having a kids head stuck in it all day is?

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What about the parents sitting down and having a chat with their children, playing a board game, kicking a ball around, having a doll's tea party etc. Oh I forgot TIT where the parents only interest in their child was in making it.



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On 5/29/2017 at 11:31 AM, overherebc said:

Like you I don't have kids, 'we' decided on that as like you we knew neither of us wanted the hassle and knew we would be crap parents and see them as an annoyance to our way of life.

What a negative comment. 


All I can say is that your missing out on one of the greatest things in life. Its a shame you will never know the joy and happiness that kids can bring. Its hard work but not annoying..

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What a negative comment. 
All I can say is that your missing out on one of the greatest things in life. Its a shame you will never know the joy and happiness that kids can bring. Its hard work but not annoying..

What a stupid remark. For some kids are what you say they are but for people like me they are not. Its like debating taste it can't be done. You made your choice others like me made theirs. We all do what we think is best. Too bad there are not a lot more as me as out planet is much better off with less people.
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46 minutes ago, davidst01 said:

What a negative comment. 


All I can say is that your missing out on one of the greatest things in life. Its a shame you will never know the joy and happiness that kids can bring. Its hard work but not annoying..

Its  not hard  just sit them in front of a  tablet  all day......simple!

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1 hour ago, davidst01 said:

What a negative comment. 


All I can say is that your missing out on one of the greatest things in life. Its a shame you will never know the joy and happiness that kids can bring. Its hard work but not annoying..

Sorry but this is one of the problems with society and the expectation that you grow up, get a job, find a wife, have kids, pay taxes and die. Not everyone is cut out to be a parent and it takes a level of maturity to realise this and act on it. There are many other ways to fulfil that area of enjoying kids (Nieces, nephews, be a godfather etc). I would certainly not advocate having kids to someone that doesn't want them.

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2 hours ago, davidst01 said:

What a negative comment. 


All I can say is that your missing out on one of the greatest things in life. Its a shame you will never know the joy and happiness that kids can bring. Its hard work but not annoying..

Everybody is different. Your statement implies that there is something wrong with people who don't want or feel the need to have children.

I could say that we have the freedom to leave anywhere and go anywhere as and when we feel like it.

We have been 'getting up and going' when we felt like it for years now and we both like it that way. 

You have your children and you are happy with all of the things and satisfaction you feel having them and brining them up. Good on you and be happy with it all.

Just don't tell people what they are missing by not having children.

It's their (our) decision and we are happy with it.

Biggest problem is trying to figure out how to spend the last of the cash and pass on leaving the bank empty. ?????

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A lot of what has been said here is true..however ..if used with discretion, tablets and phones can have some educational uses...like with anything, when you abuse something, it can become detrimental ...in all fairness...how many of us here are big TV watchers...or on our computers most of the day...Is there a difference?

Bottom line ..it does come down to proper parenting and unfortunately that is lacking....Kids need to be out playing and airing out their energies or if indoors doing something artistic etc...and placing them into something creative...and that takes some parent direction to some degree.

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1 hour ago, overherebc said:

Everybody is different. Your statement implies that there is something wrong with people who don't want or feel the need to have children.

I could say that we have the freedom to leave anywhere and go anywhere as and when we feel like it.

We have been 'getting up and going' when we felt like it for years now and we both like it that way. 

You have your children and you are happy with all of the things and satisfaction you feel having them and brining them up. Good on you and be happy with it all.

Just don't tell people what they are missing by not having children.

It's their (our) decision and we are happy with it.

Biggest problem is trying to figure out how to spend the last of the cash and pass on leaving the bank empty. ?????

Money means nothing when you have kids. 


You dont know what real love is until you've had a child. 


Why don't you leave money in your Will to the Pattaya orphanage. Do some good. 


Good luck

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Mom's in this generation give their kids a smart phone to keep them out of their hair.


Mom's from my generation plopped their kids in front of the TV to keep them out of their hair.


Mom's from my Mom's generation told their kids to get out of the house and don't come back until dinner to get them out of their hair.  We had rich, wonderful childhoods those of us with moms from my Mom's generation.  You knew how to play.  


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13 minutes ago, connda said:

Mom's in this generation give their kids a smart phone to keep them out of their hair.


Mom's from my generation plopped their kids in front of the TV to keep them out of their hair.


Mom's from my Mom's generation told their kids to get out of the house and don't come back until dinner to get them out of their hair.  We had rich, wonderful childhoods those of us with moms from my Mom's generation.  You knew how to play.  


And you learned how to get on or not get on with other kids. Everyone spent time talking, arguing and sometimes even fighting but ended up still 'best friend ever' the next day. You learned how to read facial expressions and eyes subconciously whereas now kids are just reading words on a screen with no idea of the thoughts and emotions behind the words.

I could go on but I won't.

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1 hour ago, davidst01 said:

Money means nothing when you have kids. 


You dont know what real love is until you've had a child. 


Why don't you leave money in your Will to the Pattaya orphanage. Do some good. 


Good luck

Up to you but there is no way I have thought about bringing a life into this totally ----ed up world. In my time, which is a long time, I have 100% come to believe that the world is completely over populated and sending money and donating money to other countries where 90% of the population is dying because of drought and famine is only weakening the population of that country and producing a population that will produce more children who will suffer drought and famine and who will cry out for more help and money to produce another weak generation who will do the same.

I have no belief in an invisible man in the sky who has 10 rules that you must obey or when you die you burn in hell for ever but he loves you and needs money.

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2 hours ago, USPatriot said:

It is what we use to call a tv. My daughter 2 plays and watches YouTube videos all on her own. But her time is limited to an hour a day. I don't like it at all but mom lets her have it.

If you put boundaries on the time then that's a really good idea.

On the lines of  1 hour on the laptop/phone whatever then play outside with siblings or friends and make up your own games to play. It's obvious the phones and connections will never go away but real contact with others has to be enforced.

When was the last time anyone saw kids playing conkers, hide and seek etc and laughing together.

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21 hours ago, overherebc said:

If you put boundaries on the time then that's a really good idea.

On the lines of  1 hour on the laptop/phone whatever then play outside with siblings or friends and make up your own games to play. It's obvious the phones and connections will never go away but real contact with others has to be enforced.

When was the last time anyone saw kids playing conkers, hide and seek etc and laughing together.

Remember kick the can

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The deputy head of the mental health department cited no scientific studies for his beliefs about the bad effect of phones and tablets. I have none either. But I have anecdotal evidence - inconclusive of course. My son is severely autistic. Very little speech. Single words at most. But he plays with a tablet computer and mostly turns to the things he is fascinated with,  Thai and Roman alphabets, colors and shapes, children's songs, the Thai and ASEAN national anthems (very weirdly). I'm pretty happy when he's doing this. It gives his mum and me a break and he's learning stuff.


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9 hours ago, overherebc said:

I really do.

Maybe a local thing when I was a kid was KDRF.

Anyone work that one out. A game dedicated to annoying the grumpy people in the neighbourhood.

KDRF - Knock on Door, Run like F*** ?? 


If so, sounds a lot like Knock Down Ginger - a great game when I was a kid :) :) .

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13 hours ago, MartinL said:

KDRF - Knock on Door, Run like F*** ?? 


If so, sounds a lot like Knock Down Ginger - a great game when I was a kid :) :) .

We called it done song ditch. Remember when you could order them pizza too or have their car towed

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Imagine this planet 100 years from now. I'm pretty sure intelligent apes will take over because the human brain will slowly shrink to the size of a nut.  

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9 hours ago, balo said:

Imagine this planet 100 years from now. I'm pretty sure intelligent apes will take over because the human brain will slowly shrink to the size of a nut.  

Yep-even the robots will hold them in contempt.


"Would you kindly get your head out of your smart phone,get off your rear fundament and actually do some maintenance on me?Oh,that's right,I'm supposed to be self maintaining aren't I?"


It is the sheer ubiquity of the devices that distinguishes them from previous technology-which will soon to be replaced by a chip implant that will negate the sheer physical trauma involved in actually having to pick one of the things up.



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