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Police rush to London Bridge after reports of van hitting pedestrians


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1 hour ago, Mosha said:

Apparently from the 1st call to justice being dispatched took 8 minutes.

Sent from my iris 505 using Tapatalk

For anybody who knows the Borough Market area it isn't an easy location whatsoever to send in police and take out armed suspects. The only open space really is London Bridge itself, but down in the Market area tricky.

Edited by SheungWan
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2 minutes ago, haroldc said:

In 1983 I received a Master's Degree from the Joint Program in Religion of Columbia University and Union Theological Seminary.  Although my field of concentration was Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, the curriculum required coursework in all the world's major (and a number of minor) religions, including Islam.  At that time, Islamist terrorism had not yet become a global phenomenon.  Nevertheless, after reading the Qur'an, I could only conclude that it propounded and condoned actions that were condemned by every other religion that I had studied.  Therefore, I do not see the horrific events that are now occurring regularly as being unexpected or inexplicable, but rather inevitable.


As for the effect of Islamic immigration on non-Islamic societies, as another member of this former recommended, listen to Enoch Powell's 1968 "Rivers of Blood" speech (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MtIF6tw-Io).  Although the migrant populations to which he was referring were, for the most part, non-Islamic, the issues that he raised are equally, if not more so, applicable.

Excellent Points!


It's clearly a violent prone religion. In a modern world with nuclear weapons we have a serious problem. Iran cannot be allowed to develop nuclear weapons or global nuclear war will soon follow. Better to nuke Iran first!

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2 minutes ago, saminoz said:

Yeah, go Gareth!  If we inter them, is that before we have killed them or are we burying them alive?

I fine with either option, by the way.

I think the form is to half bury them and then stone them

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16 minutes ago, saminoz said:

...and, just to be fair and equal, I am absolutely certain that the Christian places of worship would welcome and encourage Muslim observers to their ceremonies.

Why not? They have doors open to all. If Muslims want to come in an participate in a service the worst that could happen is they would be bored.

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4 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


Quite, except its not just May's government.


Hence my cynical comment about nuking all moslem countries apart from the Saudis....

I agree Saudi Arabia is the problem.

Muslims in the UK, Europe and the US are being exposed to the warped Saudi theology of Wahhabi/Deobandi, which is nothing more than medieval clerical opinion and that message it is fed to worshippers every Friday in mosques across the UK,  Europe and the US

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For anybody who knows the Borough Market area it isn't an easy location whatsoever to send in police and take out armed suspects. The only open space is London Bridge is London Bridge itself, but down in the Market area tricky.

To be clear I think that the response time was impressive, I know it would feel like a long time to those around this terrible event. But the police did a great job.

Sent from my iris 505 using Tapatalk

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3 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

For anybody who knows the Borough Market area it isn't an easy location whatsoever to send in police and take out armed suspects. The only open space really is London Bridge itself, but down in the Market area tricky.

Not for a troop of SAS...I hope there is now one on standby in the city....

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3 minutes ago, Watchful said:

Excellent Points!


It's clearly a violent prone religion. In a modern world with nuclear weapons we have a serious problem. Iran cannot be allowed to develop nuclear weapons or global nuclear war will soon follow. Better to nuke Iran first!

What has Iran to do with this?


off topic 

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25 minutes ago, saminoz said:

...and, just to be fair and equal, I am absolutely certain that the Christian places of worship would welcome and encourage Muslim observers to their ceremonies.

Absolutely we would!


Muslims would never allow their people to attend in fear that they would convert. They simply must protect their people from infidel ideas. Far too dangerous to expose their people to a real religion. In fact, they have to kill any and all Christian converts. What a perverted religion!

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5 minutes ago, transam said:

Not for a troop of SAS...I hope there is now one on standby in the city....

It would not be easy even for them....if you know the area. The main exits can be cordoned off but downstairs under the arches it is a bit of a rabbit's warren and if there are a lot of people around then not easy to get clear sight-lines.

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12 minutes ago, vogie said:

And some of us are probably more passionate about our country than others, many people on here are totally apathetic to the idea of these people think they can bomb us, run us over and knife us and we do nothing. I for one am not blaming all muslims, but I am sick to the back teeth of hearing the word Muslim. I am sorry Dick but more action is needed than singing, as in Manchesters case, Wonderwall. 

I'll be the first to admit that I don't think of myself as at all 'nationalistic' - but nonetheless was in tears hearing about the Manchester bombing and now this atrocity.  In short, even though I'm not nationalistic - I still care about my countryman and would appreciate your not calling me "apathetic".  If anything I'm the opposite, whilst still logical when it doesn't affect me directly.


Which is why I try to think of the best possible way of stopping the terrorism, rather than coming up with 'solutions' that will only exacerbate the problem.

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5 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

I'll be the first to admit that I don't think of myself as at all 'nationalistic' - but nonetheless was in tears hearing about the Manchester bombing and now this atrocity.  In short, even though I'm not nationalistic - I still care about my countryman and would appreciate your not calling me "apathetic".  If anything I'm the opposite, whilst still logical when it doesn't affect me directly.


Which is why I try to think of the best possible way of stopping the terrorism, rather than coming up with 'solutions' that will only exacerbate the problem.

If you read my post again I did not call you apathetic, maybe that's what you thought I wrote?

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2 hours ago, soalbundy said:

6 'killed' and all three terrorists shot dead, why do the news papers write 'killed' when in fact they were murdered, PC perhaps?

Spot on Soalbundy!  You get killed when fighting in a war.  You get murdered by terrorists.

If they have decided it's a war, I suggest we round up the enemy and deal with them once and for all.

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14 minutes ago, Watchful said:


Nonsense, but if you believe this then you lead by example. You can be the first to given your home, money and possessions to a poor Muslim family.


Now, don't wait.  Let's get going.  Got to stop those attacks!

Now, I don't know what his personal politics are, but referring to the people that talk about redistribution of wealth, they normally mean redistributing rich people's money to poorer people and from rich countries to poorer, not their own lucre.

IMO and from the poor people I've seen in my country ( not that I know that many ) if they actually cared enough to get an education instead of messing around in school, and got off their butts to go where the work is they wouldn't be poor. I don't profess to make that claim about the poor in the third world, but most third world countries actually have a lot of money, except the rich and powerful steal it all. Soooo, before they take my taxes to give to poor people in other countries, they should sort out the corruption in those countries first.


However, the countries that these terrorists come from are often wealthy, but have stuffed their own countries up so much that they are unlivable in. Then they think they can run away to a rich western country, but when they get there, they don't like the culture, so they try to change it to the ****hole they came from.

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32 minutes ago, vogie said:

And some of us are probably more passionate about our country than others, many people on here are totally apathetic to the idea of these people think they can bomb us, run us over and knife us and we do nothing. I for one am not blaming all muslims, but I am sick to the back teeth of hearing the word Muslim. I am sorry Dick but more action is needed than singing, as in Manchesters case, Wonderwall. 

Vogue, you made excellent points here. The Muslim community is doing NOTHING to help. They need some encentives.  Perhaps the bombing of a few Mosques to make clear, either begin helping or plan on moving ... OUT.

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19 minutes ago, saminoz said:

I totally agree.  

If these a-holes know that, if they commit these attacks, their families lose their right to live in the UK, face immediate deportment to country of origin and have all of their assets seized to cover the costs, maybe they would think twice about biting the hand that has fed them all so long.  Tough but do-able.

In my opinion, at present, all Muslim immigrant families in the UK should be treated the same way as "sleeper" spies.  Internment might be the way to go until the Muslim community wakes up and starts to turn these <deleted> in ahead of the attacks.


I agree with what you said about sleepers.Its the same thing here. Considering the amount of mosques there are now, and soi Nerm Plab Wan, which i believe is called soi Muslim.How many of these Thai converts are waiting for the call to cast out the infidel and turn Thailand over to Allah? In our local market,there is a family who own the Chicken counter. The business is Muslim owned and all 3 of the daughters who work it all wear the head covers. One lady i see every week actually greets me with "Salaam Alekum" and "socran" when i pay her.I just wonder how, exactly, far they are down the road of radicalism.I have always thought that Thai people have a sort of apathetic way of life. It would surprise me if they were able to 'spring into action' if the Jahadi call to war, was ever cried.

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4 minutes ago, stander said:

I agree Saudi Arabia is the problem.

Muslims in the UK, Europe and the US are being exposed to the warped Saudi theology of Wahhabi/Deobandi, which is nothing more than medieval clerical opinion and that message it is fed to worshippers every Friday in mosques across the UK,  Europe and the US

One of these days I'll get involved in a proper discussion into why (I think) Brit born moslems turn into terrorists - but certainly not today when innocent people have been killed in yet another terrorist atrocity against innocent civilians.


But its quite right to point out that for some reason Western governments treat the Saudis as 'off the radar'.....

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2 minutes ago, Watchful said:

Vogue, you made excellent points here. The Muslim community is doing NOTHING to help. They need some encentives.  Perhaps the bombing of a few Mosques to make clear, either begin helping or plan on moving ... OUT.

I don't think that 'Health and Safety' would allow us to bomb mosques, but bulldozering would have the same end result. I do take your point though. 

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10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Now, I don't know what his personal politics are, but referring to the people that talk about redistribution of wealth, they normally mean redistributing rich people's money to poorer people and from rich countries to poorer, not their own lucre.

IMO and from the poor people I've seen in my country ( not that I know that many ) if they actually cared enough to get an education instead of messing around in school, and got off their butts to go where the work is they wouldn't be poor. I don't profess to make that claim about the poor in the third world, but most third world countries actually have a lot of money, except the rich and powerful steal it all. Soooo, before they take my taxes to give to poor people in other countries, they should sort out the corruption in those countries first.


However, the countries that these terrorists come from are often wealthy, but have stuffed their own countries up so much that they are unlivable in. Then they think they can run away to a rich western country, but when they get there, they don't like the culture, so they try to change it to the ****hole they came from.

Excellent points.  Redistribution is no answer when people refuse to assimilate and learn to adapt to their new environment.


You can NOT give them "happiness". The have to earn it like everyone else.

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3 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:


Deport the lot of them!


Truth be known those sentiments are pretty much the norm among many Muslims just like many of us would like to see mass deportations. Integration is just a liberals pipe dream.

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What I will die not knowing is how some humans believe God approves, wants, rewards killing others.  This is true of all religions that are using God to kill now and have used God to kill in the past. History repeats itself and the justification and glorification of killing others baffles the logical and emotional mind.  Peace ?

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10 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I agree with what you said about sleepers.Its the same thing here. Considering the amount of mosques there are now, and soi Nerm Plab Wan, which i believe is called soi Muslim.How many of these Thai converts are waiting for the call to cast out the infidel and turn Thailand over to Allah? In our local market,there is a family who own the Chicken counter. The business is Muslim owned and all 3 of the daughters who work it all wear the head covers. One lady i see every week actually greets me with "Salaam Alekum" and "socran" when i pay her.I just wonder how, exactly, far they are down the road of radicalism.I have always thought that Thai people have a sort of apathetic way of life. It would surprise me if they were able to 'spring into action' if the Jahadi call to war, was ever cried.

Aren't the Thais being tested right now on their Southern border?



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