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Trump criticised for tweet on London mayor after bridge attacks


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3 minutes ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:

I agree.


And so on to the next point that requires discussion.


How do you effectively manage the risk that arises from Islamic terrorists?


Before you ask that question, you might want to ask, how big is the risk from Islamic terrorists.

And then you might want to define "effectively manage".

And then you might want to look at what is already being done.

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1 minute ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:

I agree.


And so on to the next point that requires discussion.


How do you effectively manage the risk that arises from Islamic terrorists?

You agree. Your previous posts are here for everyone to see.

1 First you raise the issue of any Muslims living in any western country. You imply that they are all capable of terror.

2 You back peddle and claim you have lived in many Muslim countries and have many friends and business associates who are Muslim.

3 You claim that no terror attacks occur in the Muslim countries you have Muslim friends and business associates in. Many countries you stated.

4 When asked which countries these are, you attempt to change the topic you raised and also not answer.

5 Now you seek to deflect a forum about Trumps bad mouthing the Mayor of London to being a topic about "managing"  risks of terrorism world wide.

Are you Trumps tweet adviser? You retract and deflect like one of his incompetents. Your entire posts and comments are extremely suspect. But you won't get a reply from me anymore, you are outed along with your BS posts.  

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12 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Before you ask that question, you might want to ask, how big is the risk from Islamic terrorists.

And then you might want to define "effectively manage".

And then you might want to look at what is already being done.


The formula for calculating risk is simple:


risk = probability x loss


At present there is a high probability of further attacks that will result in significant loss of life and property.


So the risk may therefore be defined as extreme.


Then turning to effective management we must focus our minds upon the hierarchy of controls.


As this universally accepted risk management framework illustrates, the most effective control for an extreme risk is elimination:



Edited by fatdrunkandstupid
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The formula for calculating risk is simple:
risk = probability x loss
At present there is a high probability of further attacks that will result in significant loss of life and property.
So the risk may therefore be defined as extreme.
Then turning to effective management we must focus our minds upon the hierarchy of controls.
As this universally accepted risk management framework illustrates, the most effective control for an extreme risk is elimination:

So ur solution to rising threat is to do what created the threat in the first place?
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Just now, fatdrunkandstupid said:


The formula for risk is simple:


risk = probability x loss


At present there is a high probability of further attacks that will result in significant loss of life and property.


So the risk may therefore be defined as extreme.


Then turning to effective management we must focus our minds upon the hierarchy of controls.


As this universally accepted risk management framework illustrates, the most effective control for an extreme risk is elimination.






"Significant" in this context is a technical term.  In political discussions it's usually used as a trap.  So, were someone to say in a technical sense, the loss of x number of lives is not significant, then the demagogue replies, "every life is significant." The question should be "Is the goal you set for yourself a realistic one?" Israelis haven't managed elimination. They've got some pretty smart and ruthless people over there.  I guess by your standards they've failed.

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7 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

"Significant" in this context is a technical term.  In political discussions it's usually used as a trap.  So, were someone to say in a technical sense, the loss of x number of lives is not significant, then the demagogue replies, "every life is significant." The question should be "Is the goal you set for yourself a realistic one?" Israelis haven't managed elimination. They've got some pretty smart and ruthless people over there.  I guess by your standards they've failed.

You are misinterpreting the Hierarchy framework.  Elimination refers to removal of the hazard.  Japan has implemented the control of Elimination perfectly.



Edited by fatdrunkandstupid
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21 minutes ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:

You are misinterpreting the Hierarchy framework.  Elimination refers to removal of the hazard.  Japan has implemented the control of Elimination perfectly.



And of course, a japanese protocol for eliminating hazard in a highly controlled environment is clearly applicable to the problem of managing criminals in a nation. Are you for real? Have the Japanese found a way to protect innocent widgets from terrorist widgets? Is this something you use in your profession? Ever hear the saying that to someone with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail?

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

And of course, a japanese protocol for eliminating hazard in a highly controlled environment is clearly applicable to the problem of managing criminals in a nation. Are you for real? Have the Japanese found a way to protect innocent widgets from terrorist widgets? Is this something you use in your profession? Ever hear the saying that to someone with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail?

I am sorry.  It is not possible to debate a topic with any chance of resolution if you talk in riddles.

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2 hours ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:


The formula for calculating risk is simple:


risk = probability x loss


At present there is a high probability of further attacks that will result in significant loss of life and property.


So the risk may therefore be defined as extreme.


Then turning to effective management we must focus our minds upon the hierarchy of controls.


As this universally accepted risk management framework illustrates, the most effective control for an extreme risk is elimination:



I will simplify. What possible relation does the Hierarchy of Controls used in manufacturing processes have to do with dealing with terrorism?

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Donald Trump Jr. joins father in bashing London mayor


" “Rather than the mayor of London attacking maybe he should do something about it,” Donald Trump Jr. said in an interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America.” “Maybe he should do something to fix the problem rather than just sit there and pretend there isn't one. I think that's an important message.”


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8 hours ago, Traveler19491 said:

How do the actions of Poland, Hungary, and/or Japan nullify the bigoted remarks of another individual? You really do need to practice on your deflection. It sucks.

Yes yes, everyone you disagree with is bigoted. We get that already. Don't worry, we haven't forgot. 

My point is that fatdrunkandstupid is right in his thinking, along with Poland, Hungary and Japan.

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Donald Trump Jr. joins father in bashing London mayor
" “Rather than the mayor of London attacking maybe he should do something about it,” Donald Trump Jr. said in an interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America.” “Maybe he should do something to fix the problem rather than just sit there and pretend there isn't one. I think that's an important message.”

Rude idiocy seems to run in the family.
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9 hours ago, Traveler19491 said:

Before we do that, how about you cite sources showing the numbers of deaths attributed to each organization...you know, just so you don't come across as some deflecting bigot.

And before we do that, how about you learn what terrorism is?

You can thank me later.


"act of terrorismterrorismterrorist act - the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear."


Under current United States law, set forth in the USA PATRIOT Act, acts of domestic terrorism are those which: "(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended – (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States."[2] [3]


Edited by Rigby40
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9 hours ago, iReason said:


They're not mine. I didn't invent them.

But the poster surely did define it.


bigot noun a person who is bigoted: religious bigots.

ORIGIN late 16th cent. (denoting a superstitious religious hypocrite): from French, of unknown origin.


bigoted adjective having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of one's own opinions

and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others.


prejudiced biasedbigoteddiscriminatorypartisanintolerantnarrow-mindedunfairunjustinequitablecolored.


Your hollow deflective gibberish is just that.


I really appreciate you laying out the definitions like that for me, but you know, somehow I just still don't care. Care to try again?

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2 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

I feel so sorry for the "upbringing?" you have given your children. Sad 

See now you guys are going round and round in circles again.


Let's refocus on the task at hand.


How do we effectively manage the risk that arises from Islamic terrorism in:


  1. Muslim countries, and
  2. Non Muslim countries


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4 minutes ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:

See now you guys are going round and round in circles again.


Let's refocus on the task at hand.


How do we effectively manage the risk that arises from Islamic terrorism in:


  1. Muslim countries, and
  2. Non Muslim countries


You still haven't explained how your hierarchy of controls is relevant to addressing the problem of Islamic terrorism. That's not so much running around in circle as it is a full stop.

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On 2017-6-5 at 0:21 PM, Yann55 said:

The POTUS with the brains of a 12 year old schoolboy is at it again. God help us all.

That is an insult to 12 year old's...


As daft as... 


Donald Trump challenges Sadiq Khan to IQ test

Speaking on Good Morning Britain, Donald Trump has challenged the new London mayor to an IQ test after Sadiq Khan said he was ignorant.

Mr Khan reacted to Mr Trump's latest comments, saying his views on Islam were ignorant.



I saw Sadiq on TV Sunday mourning speaking about the events of Saturday night, calm, collective, constructive and intelligent. I am no Labour supporter but this guy has his head screwed on...


Seven people killed in London big world news, yet yesterday morning guy shoot dead five people in Florida and hardly made the head lines, trump really should be clearing his own back yard before criticising others.

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11 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

I feel so sorry for the "upbringing?" you have given your children. Sad 

Don't feel bad, I know you've probably been taught that men and women with strong conservative values are meanies but they're the future of the United States NOT the special snowflakes who go out of their way to ruin it by avoiding the big grown up discussions or pretending these problems don't exist and that anyone who does acknowledge reality is racist, bigoted blah blah blah

Fortunately for us liberals tend to have fewer kids and more abortions 5555

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12 minutes ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:

How do we effectively manage the risk that arises from Islamic terrorism in:


  1. Muslim countries, and
  2. Non Muslim countries



Attack Trumps tweets, duh.


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13 minutes ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:



How do we effectively manage the risk that arises from Islamic terrorism in:


  1. Muslim countries, and
  2. Non Muslim countries


On TVisa it usually involves copious cut and pasting and posting links. 

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13 minutes ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:

See now you guys are going round and round in circles again.


Let's refocus on the task at hand.


How do we effectively manage the risk that arises from Islamic terrorism in:


  1. Muslim countries, and
  2. Non Muslim countries


You take a risk assessment document from a health and safety or mining business and post it as a solution to world terrorism. That is so funny.

Yes I was a safety rep, I understand risk assessment in the mining workforce. I helped develop it.

To use this as a template to terror risk shows you to be.... Nah, I don't want to be banned again. Ok I will say a mild rebuke to you. ...Extremely simple. 

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