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Paris Notre Dame attacker shouted "this is for Syria" before being shot


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Notre Dame attacker shouted "this is for Syria" before being shot

By Emmanuel Jarry and Richard Lough



French police stand at the scene of a shooting incident near the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France, June 6, 2017. REUTERS/Charles Platiau


PARIS (Reuters) - A man armed with a hammer shouted "this is for Syria" and wounded a policeman before being shot and wounded by other officers on Tuesday outside Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, one of France's most famous tourist sites.


The Paris prosecutor's office swiftly launched a counter-terrorism investigation into the attack, the first since President Emmanuel Macron won power last month and days before the first round of a parliamentary election in France.


Interior Minister Gerard Collomb said the attacker was carrying the identification card of an Algerian student and that preliminary information indicated he had acted alone.


Dozens of armed police sealed off the area and put the Gothic cathedral into lockdown with nearly 1,000 tourists and worshippers inside.


The incident came three days after militants drove a van at high speed into pedestrians in London before stabbing revellers on the street and in nearby bars, killing seven people and wounding dozens. That followed a suicide bombing in the northern English city of Manchester that killed 22 people.


"This happens nearly every week now. I just hope it has nothing to do with the election," David Stoklo, an American visitor to Paris, told Reuters TV.


Tuesday's attack will put a renewed focus on France and Europe's struggle to deal with unsophisticated, low-tech attacks in the countdown to the first round of the parliamentary election on Sunday. A second round will be held on June 18.


Macron's rivals portrayed him as weak on security during the presidential election campaign. Collomb said fighting terrorism was the president's "number one" priority.


It was too early to tell if the attack would have any impact on the outcome of the two-round parliamentary election. A poll published earlier on Tuesday showed Macron's new Republic on the Move party heading for a landslide win.




Anna Levy, an American tourist, said she had been about to enter the cathedral when she heard gunshots.


"It was just scary because you didn’t know what was happening. People were just running," she said.


Inside the cathedral when the attacker struck were about 900 holidaymakers and worshippers. One of them, Dean Blair, posted on Twitter: "Not the holiday experience wanted. Trapped in Notre Dame Cathedral after police shoot a man. We are with our 2 terrified children."


Macron wants to extend a state of emergency that has been in place since jihadi gunmen and suicide bombers killed 130 people in coordinated attacks on entertainment venues in Paris in late 2015.


In total, more than 230 people have died in attacks across France in the past two-and-a-half years, most of them claimed by Islamic State.


Tuesday's attack had parallels with one in April when a militant shot dead one police officer and wounded two others on Paris' Champs-Elysees boulevard. Other attacks have targeted the security forces and have been noticeable for their simplicity.


"We have moved on from sophisticated terrorism to a form of terrorism where any object can be used to attack," Collomb told reporters.


He echoed British Prime Minister Theresa May who in the wake of the London Bridge attack said Britain was facing a new trend where militants are inspired by "copying one another and often using the crudest of means of attack".


(Additional reporting by Maya Nikolaeva, Nathalie Kantaris-Diaz and Noemie Olive; Editing by Gareth Jones)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-06-07
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French police need to learn to shoot straighter. Shot and wounded involves a hospital, courts and a trial and then money to keep him in prison. Slightly better shooting could have saved a fortune and discouraged other wannabee nutters.

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1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

French police need to learn to shoot straighter. Shot and wounded involves a hospital, courts and a trial and then money to keep him in prison. Slightly better shooting could have saved a fortune and discouraged other wannabee nutters.

No, no, no... having him injured will allow them to interrogate him, confirm that he was known to authorities, been on the watch list, find out his links to radicalization and what turned him into a terrorist...? like we really give a flying f*** about all that.


The upside is it also short-circuits the media's rather redundant repetition of their post-event analysis that reveals he recently appeared on a prime-time television special about ISIS and pepper us with inane questions like... what were his links to radicalization and what turned him into a terrorist...?


Kill 'em all and let (their) God sort 'em out.

Edited by NanLaew
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48 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Kill 'em all and let (their) God sort 'em out.

The only way to stop this (and it looks like the Iraqi's and US troops are starting at Mosul) is to take no prisoners. All ISIS fighters must be killed and the land/territory they hold must be taken so that they cannot have a 'Caliphate'. You are right, 'shoot to kill' must be the policy and no ISIS fighter must be allowed out of Mosul or Raqqa unless they are in a body bag. That way ISIS will be defeated soon enough and nobody will be able to swear allegiance to a caliphate as none will exist.

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It should be widely circulated that all police bullets in France and the UK will be dipped in pigs blood, thereby rendering any Muslim terrorist shot no entrance to the after life paradise as they would be 'unclean'. It would stop some of these knife wielding, hammer wielding nut jobs. It won't deter the suicide bombers but would definitely strike fear into the other more traditional terrorists, and at the moment they have no fear, as they truly believe that they will get their 72 virgins and eternal paradise. People who fear death are nowhere near as effective than those who do not.

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28 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

It should be widely circulated that all police bullets in France and the UK will be dipped in pigs blood, thereby rendering any Muslim terrorist shot no entrance to the after life paradise as they would be 'unclean'. It would stop some of these knife wielding, hammer wielding nut jobs. It won't deter the suicide bombers but would definitely strike fear into the other more traditional terrorists, and at the moment they have no fear, as they truly believe that they will get their 72 virgins and eternal paradise. People who fear death are nowhere near as effective than those who do not.

I think some variation on this was tried before and initiated the Indian Rebellion of 1857.


Probably totally unworkable now without incurring the displeasure of the limp-wristed, bleeding heart, liberal, namby pamby, civil rights brigade.


I had an interesting albeit bar-stool conversation last night while waiting for the rain to finish. Apparently some of the then UK government's 'special forces' employed during the Ulster 'troubles' involved simply walking up to the door of a know IRA leader, sympathizer or sh!t stirrer, knocking and when they opened the door, emptying all bullets into their chest, walking away, getting in the car and driving away. Black balaclava, etc..



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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

I think some variation on this was tried before and initiated the Indian Rebellion of 1857.


Probably totally unworkable now without incurring the displeasure of the limp-wristed, bleeding heart, liberal, namby pamby, civil rights brigade.


I had an interesting albeit bar-stool conversation last night while waiting for the rain to finish. Apparently some of the then UK government's 'special forces' employed during the Ulster 'troubles' involved simply walking up to the door of a know IRA leader, sympathizer or sh!t stirrer, knocking and when they opened the door, emptying all bullets into their chest, walking away, getting in the car and driving away. Black balaclava, etc..



As a member of the "limp-wristed, bleeding heart, liberal, namby pamby, civil rights brigade", allow me to respond. Yes, clearly a strong strategy supported by historical evidence of success. If at first you don't succeed...mind you, without that we'd have not gotten the magnificent episode of Flashman that was based on it.


Second, why is it that some idiot with a hammer sends you manly "shoot 'em all and let God sort 'em out" conservatives into such a tizzy? We Liberals recognize that these <deleted> are a nuisance but we're made of sterner stuff, and can't be so easily manipulated as to give up our principles on a whim. It's the manly men who go all a-flutter every time some suicidal mental case decides to take someone down with them. Oh, sorry, some suicidal Muslim mental case that is. White lunatics are exceptions of course, nothing to see there, move along.

Grow a pair, you snowflake conservative pussies.

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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

French police need to learn to shoot straighter. Shot and wounded involves a hospital, courts and a trial and then money to keep him in prison. Slightly better shooting could have saved a fortune and discouraged other wannabee nutters.

Well, in that regard perhaps it would be wise to permit Trump-voting American tourists to carry their weapons on their European travels ....I might feel safer at the Quai D'orsay if I know Ma Kettle from Fargo is just behind me in the queue.

Might be a step too far.

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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

French police need to learn to shoot straighter. Shot and wounded involves a hospital, courts and a trial and then money to keep him in prison. Slightly better shooting could have saved a fortune and discouraged other wannabee nutters.

You don't get it,...Alive he could give more information than dead !!!!

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8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

French police need to learn to shoot straighter. Shot and wounded involves a hospital, courts and a trial and then money to keep him in prison. Slightly better shooting could have saved a fortune and discouraged other wannabee nutters.

Also opens the door to a trip across the Med for a good bit of one-on-one interrogation with that P O S in Morocco where the French security/special forces haven't got their hands tied with 'be nice' rules ......................:sleep: 

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5 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

It should be widely circulated that all police bullets in France and the UK will be dipped in pigs blood, thereby rendering any Muslim terrorist shot no entrance to the after life paradise as they would be 'unclean'. It would stop some of these knife wielding, hammer wielding nut jobs. It won't deter the suicide bombers but would definitely strike fear into the other more traditional terrorists, and at the moment they have no fear, as they truly believe that they will get their 72 virgins and eternal paradise. People who fear death are nowhere near as effective than those who do not.

Except that there's no evidence Muslims really believe this.

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40 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Except that there's no evidence Muslims really believe this.

There is ample evidence. In the American-Philippine war of the early 20th century, the Americans did something very similar to the Moro rebels and stopped the insurgency in its tracks.



According to Rear Admiral D.P. Mannix, who fought the Moros as a young lieutenant from 1907–1908, the Americans exploited Muslim taboos by wrapping dead Moros in pig's skin and "stuffing [their] mouth with pork", thereby deterring the Moros from continuing with their suicide attacks.


Edited by RickBradford
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1 minute ago, RickBradford said:

There is ample evidence. In the American-Philippine war of the early 20th century, the Americans did something very similar to the Moro rebels and stopped the insurgency in its tracks.




I doubt you can provide an authoritative link to that source. But go ahead and surprise me.



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23 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:


I doubt you can provide an authoritative link to that source. But go ahead and surprise me.



Why don't you do your own research for a change?


There are multiple citations of this practice. You could start with Jungle Patrol, the Story of the Philippine Constabulary by Victor Hurley.



[Colonel Alexander] Rodgers inaugurated a system of burying all dead juramentados [Moro suicide attackers] in a common grave with the carcasses of slaughtered pigs. The Mohammedan religion forbids contact with pork; and this relatively simple device resulted in the withdrawal of juramentados to sections not containing a Rodgers.


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51 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

There is ample evidence. In the American-Philippine war of the early 20th century, the Americans did something very similar to the Moro rebels and stopped the insurgency in its tracks.



In the early 90's, I visited a fort near Cebu City in the Phillipines. I was shown a large grass covered field near the fortress walls.

Here lie the bodies of many Muslim insurgents, the guide explained. They were shot before long trenches, filled with dead pigs and pig offal.

 The insurgency quickly stopped she finalised.

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8 hours ago, NanLaew said:

No, no, no... having him injured will allow them to interrogate him, confirm that he was known to authorities, been on the watch list, find out his links to radicalization and what turned him into a terrorist...? like we really give a flying f*** about all that.


The upside is it also short-circuits the media's rather redundant repetition of their post-event analysis that reveals he recently appeared on a prime-time television special about ISIS and pepper us with inane questions like... what were his links to radicalization and what turned him into a terrorist...?


Kill 'em all and let (their) God sort 'em out.


Funny, that's probably what his sort say about us.

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7 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

It should be widely circulated that all police bullets in France and the UK will be dipped in pigs blood, thereby rendering any Muslim terrorist shot no entrance to the after life paradise as they would be 'unclean'. It would stop some of these knife wielding, hammer wielding nut jobs. It won't deter the suicide bombers but would definitely strike fear into the other more traditional terrorists, and at the moment they have no fear, as they truly believe that they will get their 72 virgins and eternal paradise. People who fear death are nowhere near as effective than those who do not.

Not a problem (I suspect?) , if authorities make it clear that moslem terrorist bodies will be draped in pig entrails and - equally important - the relevant moslem religious leaders make it clear that they will be disposed off by non moslem authorities i.e. not receive any burial rites.

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6 hours ago, NanLaew said:

I think some variation on this was tried before and initiated the Indian Rebellion of 1857.


Probably totally unworkable now without incurring the displeasure of the limp-wristed, bleeding heart, liberal, namby pamby, civil rights brigade.


I had an interesting albeit bar-stool conversation last night while waiting for the rain to finish. Apparently some of the then UK government's 'special forces' employed during the Ulster 'troubles' involved simply walking up to the door of a know IRA leader, sympathizer or sh!t stirrer, knocking and when they opened the door, emptying all bullets into their chest, walking away, getting in the car and driving away. Black balaclava, etc..



Always interesting to hear the view of a bar stool 'special forces' member....  There are so few around :laugh:.

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3 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Always interesting to hear the view of a bar stool 'special forces' member....  There are so few around :laugh:.

I know of no special forces who talk about any military "chat".

 I was in the military, and even I do not chat to a stranger in a bar. And I was no special forces man. Suspect post

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The thing about coating weapon rounds with pig fat is silly.

How is the coroner to explain in court that a bank robber of Anglo Saxon birth had his autopsy contaminated by pig fat.

I suppose the next thing is to coat 155mm artillery rounds with pig fat. That will defeat the terrorists. lol

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53 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

The thing about coating weapon rounds with pig fat is silly.

How is the coroner to explain in court that a bank robber of Anglo Saxon birth had his autopsy contaminated by pig fat.

I suppose the next thing is to coat 155mm artillery rounds with pig fat. That will defeat the terrorists. lol

Good point.

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3 hours ago, RickBradford said:

Why don't you do your own research for a change?


There are multiple citations of this practice. You could start with Jungle Patrol, the Story of the Philippine Constabulary by Victor Hurley.



Thank you for the citation and the pleasant surprise.

As for doing my own research for a change? Apart from the fact that our past history shows that this is not the case at all, most people would consider it incumbent upon the person who makes an assertion to back it up.  Or do you think that say, authors of history books should tell readers to provide their own footnotes?

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5 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Thank you for the citation and the pleasant surprise.

As for doing my own research for a change? Apart from the fact that our past history shows that this is not the case at all, most people would consider it incumbent upon the person who makes an assertion to back it up.  Or do you think that say, authors of history books should tell readers to provide their own footnotes?

Yes, you could do a bit of research yourself for a change. You post one side to a two sided debate. That makes you almost ignorant.

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In addition to the incident in the OP, another stabbing in Wanstead, London today of a nursery worker by women shouting "Allah will get you".
However police have decided it's not a terrorist incident.
Funny how none of the other religions in the UK eg Sikh, Hindu, Buddhist etc have their followers regularly going around stabbing random people while quoting phrases from their holy books.

Edited by katana
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33 minutes ago, katana said:

In addition to the incident in the OP, another stabbing in Wanstead, London today of a nursery worker by women shouting "Allah will get you".
However police have decided it's not a terrorist incident.
Funny how none of the other religions in the UK eg Sikh, Hindu, Buddhist etc have their followers regularly going around stabbing random people while quoting phrases from their holy books.

Yes we don't want to alarm people do we. And terror attacks are almost always committed by men. The metro police do not wish to be seen shooting women.

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