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Shock UK exit poll suggests Britain's May fails to win majority


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For those who don't know, the UK Requirements for Electrical Installations BS 7671 is the gold standard and is well enforced. I would be genuinely astonished (not to say shocked) if wiring was a contributory factor. Some red tape is VERY worthwhile!

Others sources I've read state it was a faulty household appliance which 'maybe' the initial contributing factor.

Once the investigation is complete we'll know.

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5 minutes ago, citybiker said:


Others sources I've read state it was a faulty household appliance which 'maybe' the initial contributing factor.

Once the investigation is complete we'll know.

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As I posted previously, refrigerators less than 3 years old use r600 refrigerant which is butane and highly inflammable (who approved that????). Previously r134 was used which is  a fluoro-hydrocarbon with a very high ignition temperature. However, it was bad for the ozone layer. We REALLY need to think these things through!!!!

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12 hours ago, citybiker said:


Others sources I've read state it was a faulty household appliance which 'maybe' the initial contributing factor.

Once the investigation is complete we'll know.

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That's the problem with these investigations, they take too long.

Regarding this tragedy, there is already talk, that the investigation will take 2-3 years. Perhaps someone can explain why this delay.

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Democracy is doomed ,the great unwashed cancel the White Ethnic vote and nice Imegrants who are enjoying a better life .You need a fair dictator like Billy Conley,or Mr Bean.[emoji1101]?

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15 hours ago, owl sees all said:

When the dollar goes under, virtually every country in the world will go with it. The countries will see that its paper money is worthless. It's worthless anyway; just trust keeps it going. Those countries with natural resources will fare far better than those without. Transactions will be on a gold/silver or barter basisl I'll give you 1000 tonnes rice for some iron etc.


I fear for the UK. Pensions will vanish. The Baht will go the same way. The farmers will be the saviors in Thailand.


Everything is pointing to a crash. Get into gold, bitcion useful materials. And I don't mean buying into these company's shares. Actually get your hands on the goodies.


Once one strips away all the blah, just another gold bug predicting the end of the world tunneling in to this and other threads.

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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

Once one strips away all the blah, just another gold bug predicting the end of the world tunneling in to this and other threads.

Wake up!! Look around you!! Can't you see the bigger picture? The US dollar is in dire trouble. The FED is actually buying its own bonds. The non-conformist countries are being blamed for everything and being demonised.  


One way for the US dollar not to crash is a big war. There are people out there pulling the strings as we type. The one savior in this is alternative media. Young people are actually starting to understand about the hidden hands that control the world.


If you read my previous post you will understand about the UK parallel currency that will be proposed shortly. This is to safeguard the UK people when the dollar goes kaput.


The truth is out there - seek and you will find.

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1 minute ago, owl sees all said:

Wake up!! Look around you!! Can't you see the bigger picture? The US dollar is in dire trouble. The FED is actually buying its own bonds. The non-conformist countries are being blamed for everything and being demonised.  


One way for the US dollar not to crash is a big war. There are people out there pulling the strings as we type. The one savior in this is alternative media. Young people are are actually starting to understand about the hidden hands that control the world.


If you read my previous post you will understand about the UK parallel currency that will be proposed shortly. This is to safeguard the UK people when the dollar goes kaput.


The truth is out there - seek and you will find.

Even since QE began gold bugs and the like have been predicting hyperinflation and/or a crash. Chiang Mai has its own Marc Faber who has been massively wrong about this for years..  On the other hand, neo-Keynesians have been saying that this is nonsense. Whose predictions turned out to be correct? Hint: not the gold bugs.

And the Fed has actually begun to unwind its position in bonds.  They won't be able to completely unwind though nor do they want to. That's because there's a big worldwide demand for dollars so more are needed to be out there.

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21 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Even since QE began gold bugs and the like have been predicting hyperinflation and/or a crash.

What is this gold bug stuff? I am pointing out that gold will be one of the safe havens (not by any means the only one) when the US dollar goes bust.


The UK has to break free from the dominance of the BkofEng if it is to survive. Just as the US has to rid itself of the FED and the world ditto; World Bank and the IMF.


I predict November 2018. If I am still around in Dec' 2018 and the dollar is still intact I'll admit I got the date wrong.


Humans get off your knees!

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12 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

What is this gold bug stuff? I am pointing out that gold will be one of the safe havens (not by any means the only one) when the US dollar goes bust.


The UK has to break free from the dominance of the BkofEng if it is to survive. Just as the US has to rid itself of the FED and the world ditto; World Bank and the IMF.


I predict November 2018. If I am still around in Dec' 2018 and the dollar is still intact I'll admit I got the date wrong.


Humans get off your knees!

This is like those Christians who keep on predicting the date of Christ's Return and when he doesn't come back, they just say they got the date wrong but it's definitely going to happen.  

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5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

This is like those Christians who keep on predicting the date of Christ's Return and when he doesn't come back, they just say they got the date wrong but it's definitely going to happen.

Yes I can see where you are coming from; with the comparison.


But the Christians are bound up with faith which has no scientific basis at all.


The crash of the US dollar is inevitable based on just about every fact and measure.


The truth is out there - seek and you will find.

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1 hour ago, owl sees all said:

Yes I can see where you are coming from; with the comparison.


But the Christians are bound up with faith which has no scientific basis at all.


The crash of the US dollar is inevitable based on just about every fact and measure.


The truth is out there - seek and you will find.

As I said, gold bugs ahoy. Its all a variation on Come To Jesus and/or hitch a ride on the asteroid approaching earth in November 2018. The faux socialism with Corbyn is just a part of the colorful attire. Actually its more Mad Max than anything else but you get the picture folks.

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7 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Actually its more Mad Max than anything else but you get the picture folks.

The 'Mad Max' here is the world banking and ruling class system (this includes the World Bank, the IMF, the FED and virtually every National bank in the world).


If you are OK with the UK tax-payers paying the BkofEng to supply the UK with money that's your prerogative. If you are OK with the UK (indeed the world) inequality, that is deliberately manufactured, that's up to you. If you are happy with UK being ruled over by a ROYAL FAMILY that has a very murky, dubious and anti-UK history then so be it.


But I for one am not!


Humans - get off your knees.

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1 hour ago, owl sees all said:

Yes I can see where you are coming from; with the comparison.


But the Christians are bound up with faith which has no scientific basis at all.


The crash of the US dollar is inevitable based on just about every fact and measure.


The truth is out there - seek and you will find.

Except the people who keep predicting this crash keep on getting it wrong. So I think by now we are entitled to say that their assertions rest on no scientific basis.   And 99% of the world's economists disagree with them. The gold standard was effectively abandoned during the Great Depression.  That ended roughly 80 years ago. In that time the world's economy has massively expanded. But somehow all that has been created isn't real because it isn't ultimately redeemable for a pretty yellow metal? Such nonsense.

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41 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

 And 99% of the world's economists disagree with them. The gold standard was effectively abandoned during the Great Depression.

Absolute and utter nonsense!!! 99% indeed!!! Jeez; where do I start?!


Nixon cut the last remaining US Dollar ties to gold around 1970 (don't know the year but easy to look up).


You just don't get it about gold! If you had a paper (in Thailand a polymer) banknote in each hand and one said it was redeemable for - let's say 10% of gold or silver - and the other said nothing at all (as with the US Dollar). I know which one you would choose. Gold is money; fiat currency is built on trust. Without trust it is worthless.


But it doesn't have to be gold. It could be oil or rice even! Gold and silver have stood the test of time and are easily stored.


Returning to the UK parallel currency. It could turn out to be OUR savior. Especially if we are retired and on a pension here in Thailand.


The truth is out there - seek and you will find.

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42 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Except the people who keep predicting this crash keep on getting it wrong. So I think by now we are entitled to say that their assertions rest on no scientific basis. 

People did predict the 2008 crash. They were outnumbered by those that were intent on perpetuating the whole scandal. Bankers, brokers and world banks did very well out of the camouflaged deception.


The next one in 2018 will make 2008 look like small beer. 

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13 hours ago, owl sees all said:

People did predict the 2008 crash. They were outnumbered by those that were intent on perpetuating the whole scandal. Bankers, brokers and world banks did very well out of the camouflaged deception.


The next one in 2018 will make 2008 look like small beer. 

Anyone with an ounce of brains could see what was happening in 2007, but none had the balls to do anything, Gordon Brown included.

I hope you are wrong about the next crash.

Any suggestions on the cause?

Trump, Brexit, Greece, Italy, Portugal, France and the Euro? Russia? China?

Place your bets the roulette wheel is spinning...

Are we far enough off topic yet?


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8 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Anyone with an ounce of brains could see what was happening in 2007, but none had the balls to do anything, Gordon Brown included.

I hope you are wrong about the next crash.

Any suggestions on the cause?

Trump, Brexit, Greece, Italy, Portugal, France and the Euro? Russia?

Are we far enough off topic yet?


If you google "market crash" and put any year against it you'll find lots of predictions ... like a stopped clock someone will be right one year.

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21 hours ago, owl sees all said:

People did predict the 2008 crash. They were outnumbered by those that were intent on perpetuating the whole scandal. Bankers, brokers and world banks did very well out of the camouflaged deception.


The next one in 2018 will make 2008 look like small beer. 

People are always predicting crashes. But it's their predictions of what the crash will look like and what follows that distinguish good economists from bad ones. And the people who predicted the collapse of the currency and a worldwide depression got it wrong.

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8 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

People are always predicting crashes. But it's their predictions of what the crash will look like and what follows that distinguish good economists from bad ones. And the people who predicted the collapse of the currency and a worldwide depression got it wrong.

I agree with you. The last 'crash' was basically a 'market' crash. The one I am predicting in 2018 will be specifically the crash of the 'US Dollar'.


I fear we are going too far off topic here. Perhaps a topic specific to "The predicted fall from grace of US Dollar and its world wide repercussions" would open the door not only for lively debate but might be useful for expats here in LOS.

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