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Aussie Man attacked by gang of Thais


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you can get attacked in all countries when you go to the wrong places and where can this place bee in thai if not in pattaya... redlight, drugs, mafia... you can have fun as long you ignore whats goin on behind all that, many thai people are suffering from that, get angry, start to hate drunken white old men who come <deleted> theyre girls. this keeps families alife but destroys many too. for tourists its some weeks of fun, for ppl here its theyre life. if you have nothing and you see "rich" people all day having fun, you earn in one day what they spend for 2-3 drinks... 

if you stay in a place like that bee careful and respectful, learn about thai people, this will help you more than pepperspray. there are many fights goin on between thais, if they drink it happens easy, they easy loose control and in theyre mentality it doesnt mean youre a coward if you fight 4-1 and keep some things in youre hand to attack.... (its a pitty, before i came here i trained onely muay thai, a fair and honourfull way of fighting.. but thats not reality here... alike in many other places of the world)

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Unfortunately this story is somewhat bereft of facts, and consequently lends itself to imaginative speculation. The only account is the rather vague one of the victim, and there does not appear to be any witnesses. I do not want to victim blame, but we don't know if there was any provocation on his part because we only have his version of the incident.


Fortunately, it does not appear that too much harm was done, however, if a 64 year old man who is p*ss*d as a rat can fend off a gang and run away from them, I doubt that they had very serious intent. I hope he recovers well and takes some edification from his experience ?? ✌️?


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4 minutes ago, Mazungu said:

Smells fishy to me....drunk 64 year old man fights off gang of Thais? Really? Maybe he's not telling the whole story or even the right story. 

2 am beach Road is like high noon Time Square. So many people about, I've never seen anything close to an unprovoked attack. i've walked there at that time with no concern for my safety. There's more to this story. as written, it doesn't sense.

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There does appear to be an element of blaming the victim here again with this story. None of us know exactly what state he was in prior to leaving the bar, nor what time he started drinking. He says that he was feeling tired so decided to retire to bed at a reasonable holiday drinking hour. Seems reasonable enough to me as 2am is hardly what you'd call very late, not like some of the pissheads I see still drinking at the crack of dawn. For some posters, drinking alone appears to be the real crime committed here. Though I agree that having your wits about you at all times is a prerequisite when out drinking late at night, I'm not sure how he was expected to have defended himself any better than he actually did, especially with being outnumbered in this attack? The fact that he didn't end up hospitalized and on a life support machine is obviously testament to his abilities at removing himself from a very potentially dangerous situation that could've got a lot uglier.


Also, it's odd, if not downright bizarre, that some here feel it necessary to point out that they have also done this same route heavily intoxicated and have managed to avoid any physical harm to themselves, which is rather like me claiming to have successfully crossed London Bridge many times totally unscathed, so why didn't the recent victims? 

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5 minutes ago, Senior Player said:

I'm not sure how he was expected to have defended himself any better than he actually did, especially with being outnumbered in this attack? The fact that he didn't end up hospitalized and on a life support machine is obviously testament to his abilities at removing himself from a very potentially dangerous situation that could've got a lot uglier.

Then again, he may of gotton a bit mouthy and the kids just gave him a quick slap and were then on their way

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4 minutes ago, Senior Player said:

There does appear to be an element of blaming the victim here again with this story. None of us know exactly what state he was in prior to leaving the bar, nor what time he started drinking. He says that he was feeling tired so decided to retire to bed at a reasonable holiday drinking hour. Seems reasonable enough to me as 2am is hardly what you'd call very late, not like some of the pissheads I see still drinking at the crack of dawn. For some posters, drinking alone appears to be the real crime committed here. Though I agree that having your wits about you at all times is a prerequisite when out drinking late at night, I'm not sure how he was expected to have defended himself any better than he actually did, especially with being outnumbered in this attack? The fact that he didn't end up hospitalized and on a life support machine is obviously testament to his abilities at removing himself from a very potentially dangerous situation that could've got a lot uglier.


Also, it's odd, if not downright bizarre, that some here feel it necessary to point out that they have also done this same route heavily intoxicated and have managed to avoid any physical harm to themselves, which is rather like me claiming to have successfully crossed London Bridge many times totally unscathed, so why didn't the recent victims? 

You make some valid points, but they all rely on his version of events being the absolute truth. I, as some others have done, merely flag up the possibility that as there were no witnesses, anything could have caused his injuries. He may even have had an altercation with another farang, or an individual local. 

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Not blaming the victim here, obviously an attack has occurred.  But why did it happen? No shortage of 64 year old tourists staggering down beach road at 2am. But this guy is a victim of attack for no reason... Like most Pattaya One articles, it's one sided and incomplete. Syntax? really? your British is showing.

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27 minutes ago, Mazungu said:

Smells fishy to me....drunk 64 year old man fights off gang of Thais? Really? Maybe he's not telling the whole story or even the right story. 

I have read both Pattaya One and TV versions and I can see no mention of him being drunk as you and many are saying. He was loud, possibly because of stress. I realise that this fact is inconvenient for some. I can only say  that if he is 64 and drunk he must be superhuman to still be able to run away.

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7 hours ago, steven100 said:

silly old coot,   out at 2.00am drunk and alone .....  


list of must do's  ...


never drink alone ....   refrain from drunken binges early into the morning ...

" silly old coot "  


 why ?   we should be able to go out safe alone at any time of night

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I have lived in Koh Samui for nearly 11 years now and the only times I have felt a bit intimidated is by the antics of drunken foreigners.  Normally go out with Friends, but at the end of the night we split up and head for home.  The only time I had a problem was walking down a poorly lit street and this person ran to catch me up and took my hand and said in a very deep voice, "you like good time?"  He/she has hands the size of spades and boy, did I sober up quick and did the 200 meters to my car in records time!

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5 hours ago, lanng khao said:

Knowing me I'd go to use the whistle and pepper spray myself in the mouth.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

Are the tourist shops in Pattaya selling whistles and pepper spray?    Maybe a 'must' for the number 20 most dangerous country!!   Possibly set up a booth at the airport.    

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if the police say he was a bit loud maybe he was a bit loud going down the street and as most know it sometimes does not take a lot (especially in low season) to annoy some

Thais but whatever the cause it was not a prolonged attack so really not a beating as such

just a few slaps by the look of him,  I've seen a lone bar girl do a lot worse when riled.  

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Umnnn   not a security camera in sight - that's unfortunate.  Having a few drinks to the wee hours on holidays , doing nothing illegal , in a holiday setting is hardly condemning of his person . A  focus  on marauding thuggish gangs is expected . Police would be well aware of who these  gangs are . Leg work investigation required ;). 

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55 minutes ago, Senior Player said:

Also, it's odd, if not downright bizarre, that some here feel it necessary to point out that they have also done this same route heavily intoxicated and have managed to avoid any physical harm to themselves, which is rather like me claiming to have successfully crossed London Bridge many times totally unscathed, so why didn't the recent victims? 

Not a good example, because a bomb attack did happened on London bridge , there is no disputing that .

   What is disputable is whether this guy got attacked for no reason , as many posters have walked along that route and have not been attacked for no reason

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Are the tourist shops in Pattaya selling whistles and pepper spray?    Maybe a 'must' for the number 20 most dangerous country!!   Possibly set up a booth at the airport.    

Add a Viagra, and a condom, and you've got a mongers preservation pack ready to go!!, I'm contacting dragons den with the idea straight away, you want to buy any shares?

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

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7 hours ago, leeneeds said:

Carrying a self preservation device

pepper spray, or a whistle, everybody is vulnerable 

these days, I don't think he will forget again,




Pepperspray and a Magnum 44 usually helps. Go ahead, make my day.

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The only explanation we've seen so far is that he paid his bill and left the bar. Thais will not attack you without a reason unless they want to rob you.  And he was not robbed!  


So someone must have lost face here , maybe from the bar .  Only CCTV could explain what happened. 



Edited by balo
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1 minute ago, balo said:

The only explanation we've seen so far is that he paid his bill and left the bar. Thais will nottattack you without a reason unless they want to rob you.  And he was not robbed!  


So someone lost face here , maybe from the bar .  Only CCTV could explain what happened. 



You are right, he payed the bill and smiled to the cashier who have a jealous Thai boyfriend. 

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2 minutes ago, bander said:

Pepperspray and a Magnum 44 usually helps. Go ahead, make my day.

Lucky for everyone that no one used or had a gun in this story .

Otherwise there could have been six dead and a guy on murder charges

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