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Purchase of armoured personnel carriers 'in national interest'


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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Why do I somehow see these being used to repress Thais asking for democracy?

Driven by paranoia they do everything to arm themselves to the teeth. And we all know the only enemy they fought in modern history... 

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The one thing over looked in all the above comments is the power China will hold over Thailand, China is investing in infra structure and "concessional purchases" with many underdeveloped  and non democratic countries for its own long term gain. Once the hook is in there will be no going back.

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What experts??? Do the Royal Thai Army have experts look what these experts have procured, an obsolete aircraft carrier, a reconnaissence zeppelin, bomdectectors that do not detect anything, a b-grade submarine made in China! Now new toys for the boys infantry personnel vehicles also made in China, what's next intercontinental ballistic missiles made in Korea?
Have a good day.

Sent from my BLL-L22 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 hour ago, Lupatria said:

Driven by paranoia they do everything to arm themselves to the teeth. And we all know the only enemy they fought in modern history... 

There is no paranoia about the southern insurgency and unless I am missing something, that's where these LAV's would be best deployed. Probably one of the more practical acquisitions for the military, especially compared to subs.

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

The Defence Ministry spokesman said the procurement should not be seen as a wasteful expenditure. The equipment is needed by the Army to protect national sovereignty and national interest, he said.

But I see it than that. And I would like to listen to an explanation what is meant by "national interest".

Who the hell should want to attack this lost kingdom?


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All the old ones...bought from the Ukraine and not so long ago are broken down and no parts of course......these will run and face the same end....broken down and unable to continue..

But.....I hope these units go to the south and replace the Honda Clicks with 2 up....however, I fear they'll stay in BKK, washed and polished for Childrens day!

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There is no paranoia about the southern insurgency and unless I am missing something, that's where these LAV's would be best deployed. Probably one of the more practical acquisitions for the military, especially compared to subs.

They announced that they were going to be based north of Bangkok...
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7 hours ago, Banana7 said:

The army certainly needs to deploy them in Southern Thailand to prevent soldiers from being killed by those muslim terrorist.


I don't think they would risk deploying them in the South and risk having them damaged by a roadside bomb because they know they will need them crush civil unrest in Bangkok once the people decide enough is enough. 

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6 hours ago, robblok said:

Do you really think the Chinese have not seen them already or had spies checking them out ? Once its in production and use people check them out. 


Anyway problem is the army increased its budget, otherwise I would not have a problem if it came out of their regular budget. The army needs these things more then subs (think about the south). This is a useful purchase.. the tanks and subs not so much but this is. 


My only gripe is the increased budget of the army. 

I am skeptical as to whether they will be used in the South. 

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48 minutes ago, JAG said:

They announced that they were going to be based north of Bangkok...

Maybe then they are used to keep out the reds.. an other great use of the vehicles, but prefer them in the south. 


Are material like this normally not spread out.. or do they keep all those cars together like a tank battalion ? I would have thought that with these things unlike with tanks they would be used with the infantry and not a separate unit. I have seen them once (or something that looked like it in BKK around the news stations (red have been known to take those over) I must say they looked impressive, and it was northern BKK on the rattanatibeth road after you crossed the bridge (going north)

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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

Nice 1 mate,took me 5 minutes to stop laughing after reading your post.

just put a TV on the battlefield with some soap crap on and while they all  look at it mow them down

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10 minutes ago, robblok said:


Maybe then they are used to keep out the reds.. an other great use of the vehicles, but prefer them in the south. 


Are material like this normally not spread out.. or do they keep all those cars together like a tank battalion ? I would have thought that with these things unlike with tanks they would be used with the infantry and not a separate unit. I have seen them once (or something that looked like it in BKK around the news stations (red have been known to take those over) I must say they looked impressive, and it was northern BKK on the rattanatibeth road after you crossed the bridge (going north)

Beware the great red menace everyone!!!! They're everywhere and they must be stopped.   They look impressive parked outside Siam Paragon, but not so great after they're blown up by roadside bombs Syria.

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Whilst I do not have a problem with replacing 50 year old equipment I do have a big problem with 

the Army in regard to servicing in that "The Royal Army " should have the best trained mechanical engineers

in the country, why do they need the Chinese to service their own junk ?.

Remind me never to accept a ride in that submarine

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2 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

Beware the great red menace everyone!!!! They're everywhere and they must be stopped.   They look impressive parked outside Siam Paragon, but not so great after they're blown up by roadside bombs Syria.

I doubt these will make it to Syria :sorry:

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3 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

But I see it than that. And I would like to listen to an explanation what is meant by "national interest".

Who the hell should want to attack this lost kingdom?


The drug cartels and rag heads in the South.

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1 hour ago, natway09 said:

Whilst I do not have a problem with replacing 50 year old equipment I do have a big problem with 

the Army in regard to servicing in that "The Royal Army " should have the best trained mechanical engineers

in the country, why do they need the Chinese to service their own junk ?.

Remind me never to accept a ride in that submarine

I was also thinking along the same lines. Instead of purchasing Chinese made and asking them to build a servicing facility or better yet, a production plant, why not design and build here in Thailand. Can't be that difficult can it? Albeit government funded, there would be more jobs and money for parts suppliers etc..providing that the sticky fingered officials could keep it on the straight and narrow of course.

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3 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

But I see it than that. And I would like to listen to an explanation what is meant by "national interest".

Who the hell should want to attack this lost kingdom?


"national interest"= preserving archaic system of patronage to ultimately protect the obscene wealth of the traditional elites and make sure the general public know what will happen if they dare to challenge this status quo.... oh, and bring happiness to the people, of course.

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7 hours ago, owl sees all said:

Yes you tell true but a bigger picture is emerging here. Chinese subs, Chinese weaponry, Chinese expertise!!


C-o-Ch is off to see Trump soon. It will not have gone unnoticed that the Thai military dictatorship has thrown in with China. The US is aware that the Chinese are simply smothering the whole of SE Asia.


Elections!! Why should there be any? Trump has to turn any displeasurable blind eye to the junta in order to get Thailand back on-side and wrest the initiative back from China.


Thailand (the military) is playing with fire. Dangerous times ahead.


Farang; prepare your exit strategy!!!


Conspiracy theory? Black helicopters at dawn! :shock1:

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5 hours ago, robblok said:


Maybe then they are used to keep out the reds.. an other great use of the vehicles, but prefer them in the south. 


Are material like this normally not spread out.. or do they keep all those cars together like a tank battalion ? I would have thought that with these things unlike with tanks they would be used with the infantry and not a separate unit. I have seen them once (or something that looked like it in BKK around the news stations (red have been known to take those over) I must say they looked impressive, and it was northern BKK on the rattanatibeth road after you crossed the bridge (going north)

They're really intended to carry infantry, to accompany the tanks. Tanks without infantry are vulnerable to the enemies infantry, modern man portable anti tank weapons are very effective against tanks, particularly when fired at their side and rear. Tanks are very good at shock action, punching a hole through a defended position, and taking on other tanks, but they need accompanying infantry to protect them, and they cannot hold ground once they have taken it - only infantry can do that. So these armoured personnel carriers (APCs) are designed to carry infantry across the battlefield, inside sufficient armoured protection to stop casualties from shell splinters and small arms fire, whilst keeping up with the tanks. So they need to be concentrated with the tanks.


Now if you want to use them to prevent pesky redshirts from trashing radio stations or whatever, then they have an initial deterrent effect. However, if those pesky redshirts have any military training (remember that Thailand has conscription) they may realize that by forcing the APC guarding the building to close down its hatches (stones or petrol bombs) it becomes much less effective, observation from inside is difficult. If it comes to a real punch up then a few APCs in an urban environment are very vulnerable to RPGs and such like, especially if fired from above onto the thinner top armour.


If you want something to use down south then a "mine protected vehicle" is both cheaper and more practical. Better still, patrol on foot off the roads....

Edited by JAG
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3 minutes ago, JAG said:

They're really intended to carry infantry, to accompany the tanks. Tanks without infantry are vulnerable to the enemies infantry, modern man portable anti tank weapons are very effective against tanks, particularly when fired at their side and rear. Tanks are very good at shock action, punching a hole through a defended position, and taking on other tanks, but they need accompanying infantry to protect them, and they cannot hold ground once they have taken it - only infantry can do that. So these armoured personnel carriers (APCs) are designed to carry infantry across the battlefield, inside sufficient armoured protection to stop casualties from shell splinters and small arms fire, whilst keeping up with the tanks. So they need to be concentrated with the tanks.


Now if you want to use them to prevent pesky redshirts from trashing radio stations or whatever, then they have an initial deterrent effect. However, if those pesky redshirts have any military training (remember that Thailand has conscription) they may realize that by forcing the APC guarding the building to close down its hatches (stones or petrol bombs) it becomes much less effective, observation from inside is difficult. If it comes to a real punch up then a few APCs in an urban environment are very vulnerable to RPGs and such like, especially if fired from above onto the thinner top armour.

Cool comment.  I was trying to find info on them online but you've just summed up what I was looking for.

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