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Trump being investigated for possible obstruction of justice - Washington Post


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21 minutes ago, Chou Anou said:

This clip from last night's episode of Fargo (as things start to unravel for David Thewlis' great head villain character) fits perfectly how Trump must be feeling right about now...



Fargo ice cream small.mp4

   Good observation. Different character, but I was reminded of a Fargo scene from the original. End of the road for this conniving orange headed sociopath. 


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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. Yes, Comey wrote it, and I never denied that. You just can't prove he wrote the truth.


Just repeating the same thing over and over and over doesn't make anything true.

Any more than believing that Trump is the "Almighty Saviour of America" makes it true. The man is an amoral, narcissistic, misogynistic, racist, ignorant twit. And those who continue to support him in the presence of irrefutable evidence confirming such are not much better.

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I really feel sorry for you Trump haters. So far there is no evidence of collusion, not even a hint of collusion leaked by anyone to the press. No one has brought forth any information on collusion in open Congressional testimony and nothing has been leaked. Even six months into this, the Democratic leadership has said there is nothing yet. Attorney General Sessions was emphatic about knowing of no collusion as hard as the democrats tried to pin some actions on him because of a couple of incidental meetings.  Now we have another leak from the Mueller investigation that supposedly Trump is under investigation for obstruction of justice. This won't fly either.  He fired Comey and anyone that has read Rosenstein's memo on the Comey firing can see the reasoning behind it.  Even former FBI agents to whom I have spoken were shocked at Comey's actions with regard to the Clinton email investigation.  


As far as obstruction of justice, any one on one conversations that Trump had with Comey will be just Comey's word against Trump's word and never get any serious consideration.  The haters want to spend the next 3 years turning over every rock hoping to find something. Meanwhile leakers just keep making leaks, the haters report the leaks as facts and it just feeds the frenzy. There is no way the FBI investigation into Russian interference in the election would have been derailed with Comey being fired.  It just doesn't work like that and anyone with a rational bit of logic and understanding would know that. 

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First off, thank you for feeling sorry for us Trump haters. I'm sure you meant that sincerely.

And Trump himself confessed that the real reason he fired Comey was the Russian investigation. I guess the "news" sources you get your information from failed to note that.

And interestingly, not even the Republican senators questioned the truthfulness of Comey's testimony. Really, given Trump's track record of unremitting lies and fabrications, who would most reasonable people trust?

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41 minutes ago, Trouble said:

I really feel sorry for you Trump haters. So far there is no evidence of collusion, not even a hint of collusion leaked by anyone to the press. No one has brought forth any information on collusion in open Congressional testimony and nothing has been leaked. Even six months into this, the Democratic leadership has said there is nothing yet. Attorney General Sessions was emphatic about knowing of no collusion as hard as the democrats tried to pin some actions on him because of a couple of incidental meetings.  Now we have another leak from the Mueller investigation that supposedly Trump is under investigation for obstruction of justice. This won't fly either.  He fired Comey and anyone that has read Rosenstein's memo on the Comey firing can see the reasoning behind it.  Even former FBI agents to whom I have spoken were shocked at Comey's actions with regard to the Clinton email investigation.  


As far as obstruction of justice, any one on one conversations that Trump had with Comey will be just Comey's word against Trump's word and never get any serious consideration.  The haters want to spend the next 3 years turning over every rock hoping to find something. Meanwhile leakers just keep making leaks, the haters report the leaks as facts and it just feeds the frenzy. There is no way the FBI investigation into Russian interference in the election would have been derailed with Comey being fired.  It just doesn't work like that and anyone with a rational bit of logic and understanding would know that. 

If I were you I would make a copy of your post and put it away for later.  I recently found a paper I wrote when I was young and naïve and in my first year at university.  Reading it again I now realise what a jerk I was to believe such rubbish.  I think, given a short time, you will be doing the same!

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12 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

 Yes.  And that laughing emoji is an appropriate response to the massively stupid and easily duped Trump fans who voted for him.  You can add 2.87 million laughing emojis to that one - that's the number of popular votes HRC had over Trump.

I ask again. How did Trump cheat?

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On 6/15/2017 at 8:00 AM, tonray said:

It won't matter because even if Mueller finds he is guilty, the only way to prosecute a sitting President is via impeachment and the current Congress will not do that. Furthermore, even IF the DEMS take back the House in 2018, it is unlikely they can wrest control of the Senate, thereby making removal from Office not possible.


The fight is 2 fold, expose and resist. Exposure is working as Trump's lies are being called out daily, Resistance can only work by regaining control of the House in 2018. I believe it will be 4 years unless Trump himself implodes which is a possibility.

Gee, did you not  know the next presidential election is 2020?

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47 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

I ask again. How did Trump cheat?

Well, isn't it a possibility that Trump and/or his campaign colluded with the Russians to influence the election--that is part of the current investigation. If found true, then that would be cheating, would it not?

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14 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. Yes, Comey wrote it, and I never denied that. You just can't prove he wrote the truth.


Just repeating the same thing over and over and over doesn't make anything true.

"Just repeating the same thing over and over and over doesn't make anything true."


Sounds like you may be talking about Trump

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12 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

A prediction that may be obvious to some already:


                       The deeper the probes into the Trump-Russia connections, the more it will be shown to revolve around money.   Trump is very rich, as are many of his buddies.  Putin is one of the richest men in the world.  Very rich people are never satisfied with how much they're worth.  They always crave more.


                                 Kushner is a lynchpin in the Trump-Russia imbroglio.  Kushner is heavily in debt (over 1 billion $$'s).  American banks won't loan to Trump.  Probably the same for Kushner.  Since the USSR tanked, a few Russkies have become filthy rich, and they're eager to launder cash to overseas.  Trump was a perfect match, because Trump has the moral compass of mafia-boss-wannabe.  


                          Note, it was announced a month ago that the US Treasury Dept is investigating Trump-Russia money (laundering) connections, and that would certainly include Kushner, Flynn, Manafort and others in Trump's mafia-wannabe inner circle.  Stay tuned. Upcoming months will be a roller coaster ride that make recent weeks look like a spin in a golf cart.

I very much believe that this whole Russian thing revolves around money....lots of it.  Proving it is another matter, but Mueller is the right guy to get to the bottom of this.  Putin is speculated to be the richest man in the world, estimates as high as $200 billion, hidden all over the place.  All ill gotten gains, of course, courtesy of the Russian people.  This wouldn't impress most of us, but it sure does impress one D. Trump.  Now $200 billion can't buy a country like America.  But it could certainly buy a great deal of influence IF they had a corrupt, inept, totally bankrupt individual sitting in the White House.  Enter D. Trump. 

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12 hours ago, Traveler19491 said:

If it's all that boring, then why the hell are you on here day after day?

It's only the pages and pages of anti Trump hatred that is boring. Lots of other stuff on TVF if one can get away from the Trump threads.

I spend more time on other subforums that I do on the Trump threads. I just like to refute the obviously OTT Trump hate to remind the anti Trumpers that there is another side to the story. Not many bother to do so, but they probably have better things to do with their time. Unfortunately, at present I don't, or I'd join them.

I'm guessing, but IMO anyone that wasn't a TVF poster would wonder what sort of forum they'd wandered into, reading all the conspiracy theories about Trump that are floating around on the Trump threads. All a bit OTT.

Have a nice day :smile:.

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1 hour ago, smotherb said:

Well, isn't it a possibility that Trump and/or his campaign colluded with the Russians to influence the election--that is part of the current investigation. If found true, then that would be cheating, would it not?

It would if it were true.

Problem for the anti Trump cabal is that after all this time not a single iota of verifiable evidence has come out to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he did collude to influence the election. With all the leaks going on, were there any actual evidence, Trump would be impeached by now.


A cabal is a group of people united in some close design together, usually to promote their private views or interests in an ideology,

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2 hours ago, PattayaJames said:

I ask again. How did Trump cheat?

Don't expect an answer anytime soon. All they have are the usual "unverified sources" promoted by the anti Trumpers.


It's a problem though- to bring Trump down they have to disrupt American life with the risk that they bring the whole thing down. If they do what is right for American prosperity and work together they have to accept that he is president at least till 2020.

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11 hours ago, dunroaming said:

If I were you I would make a copy of your post and put it away for later.  I recently found a paper I wrote when I was young and naïve and in my first year at university.  Reading it again I now realise what a jerk I was to believe such rubbish.  I think, given a short time, you will be doing the same!

Nah. I don't want to know all the stupid things I did as young fella. The things I remember are bad enough.

Problem is that to not make mistakes is to not have a life.


I started off as a conservative and became socialist, but HRC is no socialist, and worse than Trump, so I, like millions, supported the better of two very bad choices. I've said it before, if Bernie had been the candidate, he'd be president now.

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12 hours ago, Traveler19491 said:

Any more than believing that Trump is the "Almighty Saviour of America" makes it true. The man is an amoral, narcissistic, misogynistic, racist, ignorant twit. And those who continue to support him in the presence of irrefutable evidence confirming such are not much better.

That could all be true, but he is still better than HRC would have been, IMO.

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12 hours ago, Trouble said:

I really feel sorry for you Trump haters. So far there is no evidence of collusion, not even a hint of collusion leaked by anyone to the press. No one has brought forth any information on collusion in open Congressional testimony and nothing has been leaked. Even six months into this, the Democratic leadership has said there is nothing yet. Attorney General Sessions was emphatic about knowing of no collusion as hard as the democrats tried to pin some actions on him because of a couple of incidental meetings.  Now we have another leak from the Mueller investigation that supposedly Trump is under investigation for obstruction of justice. This won't fly either.  He fired Comey and anyone that has read Rosenstein's memo on the Comey firing can see the reasoning behind it.  Even former FBI agents to whom I have spoken were shocked at Comey's actions with regard to the Clinton email investigation.  


As far as obstruction of justice, any one on one conversations that Trump had with Comey will be just Comey's word against Trump's word and never get any serious consideration.  The haters want to spend the next 3 years turning over every rock hoping to find something. Meanwhile leakers just keep making leaks, the haters report the leaks as facts and it just feeds the frenzy. There is no way the FBI investigation into Russian interference in the election would have been derailed with Comey being fired.  It just doesn't work like that and anyone with a rational bit of logic and understanding would know that. 

Thanks for writing what I would like to have written. Well put.

These days I don't write anything that takes more than 5 minutes on a Trump thread.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That could all be true, but he is still better than HRC would have been, IMO.

I will concur that HRC would not have made a good President. I find the woman immoral, untrustworthy, self-serving, and power hungry. However, Trump a "better" President? On that, we will have to agree to disagree. Bigly.

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16 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It would if it were true.

Problem for the anti Trump cabal is that after all this time not a single iota of verifiable evidence has come out to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he did collude to influence the election. With all the leaks going on, were there any actual evidence, Trump would be impeached by now.


A cabal is a group of people united in some close design together, usually to promote their private views or interests in an ideology,

Putting the investigations aside (which I'm sure you're aware are ongoing), the mere perception of Trump and his cronies having ties to Russia is having an impact on policy.  Such as...


[The Senate easily passed legislation Thursday that would impose additional sanctions against Russia and limit the president's power to lift them in the future.]




So while Trump and his supporters continue to deny pretty much everything, the Congress (Republican controlled) have passed a bill with additional sanctions on Russia AND to specifically ensure that Trump can't meddle with these sanctions.  Now why do you think they would do such a thing?

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18 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Problem for the anti Trump cabal is that after all this time

Nixon investigation = 2yrs

Bill Clinton investigation = 4yrs

Benghazi investigation = 4yrs

Email server investigation = 3yrs


Please explain why you think 4 weeks qualifies as "after all this time".

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1 minute ago, Berkshire said:

Putting the investigations aside (which I'm sure you're aware are ongoing), the mere perception of Trump and his cronies having ties to Russia is having an impact on policy.  Such as...


[The Senate easily passed legislation Thursday that would impose additional sanctions against Russia and limit the president's power to lift them in the future.]




So while Trump and his supporters continue to deny pretty much everything, the Congress (Republican controlled) have passed a bill with additional sanctions on Russia AND to specifically ensure that Trump can't meddle with these sanctions.  Now why do you think they would do such a thing?

Because they hate Trump?

He was elected by people sick to the back teeth with the Washington political establishment, and the establishment is both Dems and the GOP. His mission from the people that elected him is to put a stick in it's eye.

That the establishment would try to curb his ability to do so is only to be expected.

Trump supporters generally want to see the establishment brought down and made answerable to the people that pay for their privileged lifestyle.


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1 minute ago, mikebike said:

Nixon investigation = 2yrs

Bill Clinton investigation = 4yrs

Benghazi investigation = 4yrs

Email server investigation = 3yrs


Please explain why you think 4 weeks qualifies as "after all this time".


It's been going on since he was elected.

The Mueller investigation is just the latest attempt to destroy a sitting president.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


It's been going on since he was elected.

The Mueller investigation is just the latest attempt to destroy a sitting president.

Wow...how could mikebike have possibly made such an overwhelmingly egregious error? You are right, for once! Various investigations have actually been going on since before Trump took office! Oh, the  horror of it all!!! 


And yet, that still comes to less than eight months. And you didn't answer the  spirit  of mikebike's question. Given that Bill and Hillary were both investigated for over four years and Nixon for over two years, on what planet does less than eight months comprise "all this time".

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32 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He was elected by people sick to the back teeth with the Washington political establishment, and the establishment is both Dems and the GOP. His mission from the people that elected him is to put a stick in it's eye.

I will give you that. However, let's take a peek at how that whole "put a stick in its eye" thing is working out.


Pence - Establishment

Tillerson - Oligarch/Establishment

Price - Establishment

Mnuchin - Oligarch/Establishment

Sessions - Establishment

Perry - Establishment

DeVos - Oligarch with strong ties to Establishment

Ross - Oligarch with strong ties to Establishment

Acosta - Establishment

Chao - Establishment

Shulkin - Establishment

Pompeo - Establishment

Coats - Establishment

Rogers - Establishment

Haley - Establishment

Mulvaney - Establishment

Priebus - Establishment


Of his entire so-called administration, it would appear that the only ones who would qualify as not being a part of or not having ties to the Establishment would be Bannon, Kushner, Ivanka, and Linda McMahon. However, Ivanka and Jared are both Oligarchs, so that pretty much brings it down to the racist provocateur, Bannon and the "What the hell???" appointment of McMahon.


Yup, that's really "sticking it in the eye" of the old Establishment. I'm sure they're quivering in their shoes...whenever they're not salivating at the thought of the anticipated growth in their net worth and not laughing up their sleeves at the gullible uneducated that Trump loves so much.


Edited by Traveler19491
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10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Leaks. Never been so many leaks before. Even from Mueller's investigation, but none to prove he colluded.

...and yet nothing proves he hasn't. Still, many more questions to be asked and answered, or Mueller wouldn't still be in business.

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55 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Because they hate Trump?

He was elected by people sick to the back teeth with the Washington political establishment, and the establishment is both Dems and the GOP. His mission from the people that elected him is to put a stick in it's eye.

That the establishment would try to curb his ability to do so is only to be expected.

Trump supporters generally want to see the establishment brought down and made answerable to the people that pay for their privileged lifestyle.


Eh, not exactly my friend.  What that Russian sanctions bill says is:


1.  Russia interfered with America's 2016 elections and must be punished.

2.  Trump and/or his cronies are in deep with the Russians and may try to lift said sanctions.


I would think even Trump supporters would not want a foreign adversary meddling in our elections, but I could be wrong. 

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On 6/15/2017 at 6:48 AM, darksidedog said:

Sorry about this to all the Trump fans out there, but while he may not be under investigation regarding Russia, he is it seems, now being investigated for possible obstruction of justice. A felony and cause for impeachment if confirmed.

Even if this one doesn't bring him down, I am damned sure another bus will be along shortly with a new scandal. He just isn't smart enough to understand that even the POTUS, can't break the law.

Not a Trump fan, but investigation is not a conviction...it is a normal and expected procedure. Liberals, as well as the media, seem to forget this important feature of checks and balances in democracy.  Whenever Obama was investigated, there were cries of racism. Whenever Clinton was investigated, there were cries of sexism.  Liberals need to stop acting like menstruating 14 year old girls who failed civics class. Let the investigation take place, and stop jumping to conclusions.  The same crowd that cries (literally) about fake news seems determined to create it if fake news suits their own agenda.  

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