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Video: Who is to blame for this? Lucky escape for couple on expressway


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2 hours ago, Monomial said:

The vehicle ultimately responsible for the accident is probably the truck who was unable to stop in time.

Nah, the Benz no questions asked.

Coming to a complete halt for no reason (no, roadrage or "teaching a lesson to gtfo of the way" are not valid reasons) caused it. Unfortunately we don't have a rear view to the entire thing but we can assert the highway has been fairly empty and there was no immediate need for the truck driver to assume needing to come to a fast stop while traffic was flowing just fine and there being no "cluster of cars ahead breaking". Also right when the impact happens, we see a white car just infront of the truck, pulling from far right to middle, may also "just" have been ninja evading to the right as the truck was, presumably, jerking to the right seeing the retard situation infront of him.



Buuuuut, it's a Benz driver, so off he goes.

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6 hours ago, overherebc said:

When people spend so much money on the MB then see in the cinema or if they go on holiday the same make and model being used as a taxi especialy in Germany is it any surprise they get bad tempered. I cover mine during the day and only drive it at night to save any embarrassment.

Just another 'I am entitled' because of my car.


they lease it they dont buy it. They eat noodles at every meal to be able to pay the18k lease.

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4 minutes ago, Raymonddiaz said:

they lease it they dont buy it. They eat noodles at every meal to be able to pay the18k lease.

You may be not far wrong. A good few years ago a neighbour had a new merc. He drove it only for the first week of every month. Later I found out he could afford one tank of gas after pay day, after that ran out the car sat there for 3 weeks.

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56 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Logic, cause and effect and critical thinking all passed Thailand by. Therefore the only consideration is "I'm always right, never ever wrong; it's never my fault; and never my responsibility. And they will make absurd comments to prove that!

My mate got rear ended a few weeks ago, luckily not too much damage, and the driver wanted to blame him for slowing down too fast because of another accident/traffic jam further ahead.

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mercs fault, stopping on expressway for no reason is illegal, being p*ssed off because a driver didnt move quick enough is no reason. He didnt do it once but twice in 2 different lanes, many  thai drivers  really need to learn they are not gods and the same laws apply to them, this happens all the time. I had a merc driver flash me on a highway as I was moving into the right lane to pass a bus that was not going all that fast, I had indicated before  hand, I was doing 100k and the merc was a fair distance behind me. I passed the bus and indicated and moved back over as the merc passed and he did the same as the video, he swerved hard left in front of me and hit the brakes. I kind of half expected the idiot to do something like that as I have seen them do it many times so was ready and simply moved back into the right lane, the bus coming up behind us nearly took the merc out like the truck in the vid and the merc driver lost it into the gravel shoulder and started to swing around, I couldnt stop laughing. Never saw him again so dont know what happened but these idiots need to wake up to themselves, they dont own the roads and everyone is entitled to use them legally. Hopefully the police will grab the merc driver and fine him as well as take his licence for causing all this in the first place.

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1) The Dash-Cam car was in the outside lane 'slowing' other traffic. 

- While this is not illegal, its careless of others it could be argued that this is the route cause, but not the blame. 


2) The Mercedes driver has an anger issue - His actions were deliberate and potentially fatal. 

- The Mercedes driver was the deliberate and direct cause of the accident. 


3) The Truck hit an object from behind and was driving without the correct level off attention. 

- The Truck is also to blame for the accident. 



Both the Mercedes and the Truck need to be held accountable. IMO the the Mercedes driver deliberately caused an accident and should receive a more severe penalty of Dangerous driving than the truck who was driving without due care and attention. 

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6 hours ago, colinneil said:

All 3 drivers at fault, dash cam driver hogging the fast lane, MB driver for road rage, truck driver driving too fast, unable to stop/manoevre.

Wrong. Benz Driver has criminal behaviour with its necessity and and live treatening disability. Truckdriver inattentiv. If you claim, the Cam Driver is to blame, I doubt your Drivingskills. Beware to meet you on the Road.

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1 minute ago, ujayujay said:

Wrong. Benz Driver has criminal behaviour with its necessity and and live treatening disability. Truckdriver inattentiv. If you claim, the Cam Driver is to blame, I doubt your Drivingskills. Beware to meet you on the Road.

Well you can rest assured, you will never meet me on the road.

Also i was 100% percent correct all three drivers were in the wrong .oK.

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This driver is clearly hogging the 'overtaking'  lane far too long at a relatively low speed and completely oblivious to the situation.


They had plenty time and opportunity  to have moved over into the middle lane way before the event.


The MB driver no doubt was tailgating and flashing lights for them to move over and understandable got very frustrated. (who of you hasn't in this situation ) , 


In no way does this condom the dangerous and irresponsible  subsequent behavior of the MB driver.


The truck driver was no doubt half asleep and failed to notice the stopped cars in time.

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4 minutes ago, rocketman777 said:


In no way does this condom the dangerous and irresponsible  subsequent behavior of the MB driver. 


The truck driver was no doubt half asleep and failed to notice the stopped cars in time.

Please keep your mind off sex and back on topic, thanks 

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Merc dangerous and premeditated manoeuvre intended to create a dangerous situation to occur, he would of clearly see the truck in the same lane when he forced the cam car to stop in front of a rolling truck... it's a manoeuvre used often in insurance claims in the uk , however but this is obviously not the case in this instance.... the truck was forced to take quick action to avert disaster in which would of been fatal for sure had impact from a direct hit happened... the merc clearly had bad intent and the police should look beyond traffic as this was a premeditated assassination attempt and way above road rage , the merc calmly booted it to avoid and impact once he knew he had set his plan in motion... 5yrs jail time is what he should get and flash motor sold off and cash given to local hospitals (or me)

The truck drivers only mistake was not to stop sooner as this was the case in the British girl where trucker stopped only after 1km ...

The couple in the cam car are your typical Thai drivers who can drive or overtake in any lane... that law must surly change in the future to stop uncertainty...

The merc was solely responsible 100% for that accident if you can actually call it that and must be made to compensate all involved for trauma and both the truck damage and can car

So the flash guy in merc 5yrs Jail on attempted murder and the loss of his car . Comp for couple repairs from merc plus £45000 bhat for each of people in the car and £20.000 plus lost time in wages...

But the worlds never fair and my guess the idiot in merc will sip on a cool Chang beer smiling smugly...

I hope cops read this and look into this merc I think theirs more here than meets the eye....

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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50 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

1) The Dash-Cam car was in the outside lane 'slowing' other traffic. 

- While this is not illegal, its careless of others it could be argued that this is the route cause, but not the blame. 

1) Slowing traffic. Does that mean cars going 200 km/h too?


Edited by EnlightenedAtheist
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45 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

1) The Dash-Cam car was in the outside lane 'slowing' other traffic. 

- While this is not illegal, its careless of others it could be argued that this is the route cause, but not the blame. 

1) Slowing traffic. Does that mean cars going 200 km/h too?


Edited by EnlightenedAtheist
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This person in the MB deserves a very harsh penalty. I guess the flashing backlight was probably very amusing.


Oh! Sorry! This is not YOUR private highway on which you can drive as you please! In LOS, I guess you can ! The word "prick" does not quite do this person justice.


How old are those people?


I look forward to seeing this being addressed by the govn't to showcase their determination at making Thailand a safer place. Do insurances cover this kind of immature driving causing accidents or death?

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As an  insurance auto accident investigator for 15 years in America- I can assure you that the Merc driver committed a criminal act as he deliberately stopped to cause an accident out of rage.  Anything after that was a result of what he did.  In America, he would have been prosecuted and possibly jailed , especially if there were injuries.  In Thailand, the police will only pursue this case if someone actually files a complaint against the Benz driver.  


Unfortunately,  in Thailand, this type of incident happens all to often.  I often drive the motorways- and when in the passing lane at the speed limit- cars come up very quickly, obviously speeding, flashing their lights.  If possible, I always give way- and always aware that there are a few that will try and initiate an accident.  I always turn on the indicator showing I will give way to avoid this type of incident. Nothing will change until the police arrest and the courts convict these type of people.

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The Merc driver needs to be neutered, simple as that.


I've personally seen another car do exactly the same move on that same stretch of road near the Ramindra Rd exit ramp when they didn't get their way. Either hot headed young punks or dui.

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The driver who stopped in front no doubt belongs to the immensely popular Don't You Know Who I Am Club.  The Police will be contacting him  shortly, if not already. I hope he gets a BIG fine. But, if he's rich or well-connected, the driver of the damaged car will probably have to pay damages to him. 

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55 minutes ago, EnlightenedAtheist said:

1) Slowing traffic. Does that mean cars going 200 km/h too?



Where do you get 200 kmh from ? (yes.... we know you are just being facetious) 


Slowing traffic means just that... while driving less than the speed of other road users who may otherwise wish to use the outside lane to pass. 


As we can see from the Video the Dash-Cam car is not speeding and while the speed is not shown, for many of use who drive the expressways regularly it appears that he is traveling relatively slowly. 


Had the Dash-Cam car been aware of his surroundings and more considerate of those others with whom he shares the road this event would not have occurred. Not that this condones the actions of the Mercedes driver, who IMO could be charged with attempted manslaughter....    .......it does go some way to explaining how the careless and inattentive nature of many on the roads hear can lead to bigger issues when combined with immaturity, stuipidity, ego, face, inability to control temper, sense of entitlement, impatience.. etc etc...  





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After seeing the video again I guess the driver forgot to watch his back mirror and the Benz driver could have overtaken using the left lane. Clearly a retard who thinks he owns the the road. Wrong judgment from the victim who moved to left, he could have crashed into the retard who deliberately stopping in front and braking without any reason. The dashcam would help him for insurance claims

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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I am so happy that someone had the balls to do what I cannot do !


I cannot stand anymore all these monkeys who have no reason to be on the right lane with their shiiiitee trucks.


If more of us would do it they would finally learn that the right lane is only made to pass cars and not a lane where you can stay at low speed as a retarded they are !



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9 hours ago, shady86 said:

I doubt the truck can brake on time since this is expressway. Luckily the truck driver managed to veer off to the right lane on time. The dashcam driver could have crashed on the Benz for braking for no reason.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk


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