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follow up to 5 years here but stunned,now i have been tasered

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Hello guys ,i know you will all enjoy this one,so after the 5 years here but still stunned by this post,i have to give an update.

  Now even though she was a super hot chick i could tell from the outset,she played for both teams,recently this has become more obvious as she get a full,and i mean full,massage at the local massage shop from her freind Allissa,,we are talkin,licking ,flicking the whole gamut,now she had one yesterday and today i wanted a bit of action,no go,,so i even though i have completed an 800,000 baht rennovation to her house,no go,she has turned ithink guys she has gone full lezza,and her freind even stayed the other night,i have as yet not been invited over,compared to my humble rental her place is now like a 5 star hotel,,i did not see this one coming,or in fact either of them,which i would have liked,but looks like i am out the picture i tried hard to get something going tonight to no avail,eventually i kicked her out,doubt i will see her again,,lucky i can walk away from the money,she sure cannot,30.000 a month come on,anyway it came at me like from out of the blue,she prefers girls,lord have mercy,,has not done my confidence to much good,but come on lads give me hell,i probably deserve it.

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11 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

You could turn this to your advantage !
Suggest a threesome ! you, her and her gf !!

Um, if she has in fact discovered she's a lesbian, why the <deleted> would she be interested in that?  Sigh...men, always think it's about them.

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" so i even though i have completed an 800,000 baht rennovation to her house" - Did you have a work permit when you were renovating her house? :)


"lucky i can walk away from the money,she sure cannot,30.000 a month come on" - What were you both doing for work for your 30k salary per person?


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4 hours ago, Chou Anou said:

Um, if she has in fact discovered she's a lesbian, why the <deleted> would she be interested in that?  Sigh...men, always think it's about them.

So in another words the OP turned that girl from being straight to becoming a lesbian :shock1:

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7 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

You could turn this to your advantage !
Suggest a threesome ! you, her and her gf !!

You obviously havn't read all he had to say........mind you I'm still trying to figure out why he's telling us at all?

    Hardly the first time on earth a lady prefers a lady to a man?

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1 minute ago, marko kok prong said:

Yeah it's like Seinfield,, george turned her gay and Kramer turned her back,i need a Kramer.

If she's as hot as you say she is then send her my way. I'll make her straight again in no time.

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42 minutes ago, jabsjabs said:

Another naive farang not thinking before blowing a load..... (of money)  


I find it harder to believe there is actually guys that pay a girl per month to love them. That's the most surprising and sad thing in this story

Hard to believe? It's only been going on since the Vietnam war and there's still plenty of mugs lining up to donate and people say Thais are stupid.

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2 hours ago, jabsjabs said:

Another naive farang not thinking before blowing a load..... (of money)  


I find it harder to believe there is actually guys that pay a girl per month to love them. That's the most surprising and sad thing in this story

Smart men don't "pay a girl per month" to love them.

They "pay a girl per month" to avoid the incredible cost of divorce.

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it's open now,she came too the local bar for local people,with the girl who i must say has had a boob job,they are massive,they canodelled in front of me.i felt some pressure and went home,to think she has given me up for a massage girl,who i must admit was pretty hot.then they started eating,food damn you ,it was a full 2 hours since they last ate,well food anyway.

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1 hour ago, marko kok prong said:

it's open now,she came too the local bar for local people,with the girl who i must say has had a boob job,they are massive,they canodelled in front of me.i felt some pressure and went home,to think she has given me up for a massage girl,who i must admit was pretty hot.then they started eating,food damn you ,it was a full 2 hours since they last ate,well food anyway.

I feel the OP is trolling us all with his thread. Pics of both the hot gf who turned into a lesbo and her massage girl lesbo friend or it all didn't happen :)

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You can rest, satisfied that the 5 star you made for her, will in a couple of years, be a dirty, grimy, never cleaned, place. There will be ants every where, cockroaches in the yard. Thai women are not usually house proud creatures. Ok, their personal hygiene is second to none, but the wet room/s will be slimy with grime and long strands of black hair around the floor drains, the tiled floors will be grimey and the WC's, will be a wonderful shade of brown. I  am not referring to Thai ladies who live with permanent bf's or are married and have kids. These women can become very house proud, and extremely clean, but the average Thai girl, if living with another girl/girls, will have shitty rooms, clothes everywhere, and no idea of how to keep a house clean.

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