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"I want to meet a foreign man that will take care of my family."

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1 minute ago, transam said:

So rich folk who got there singing songs don't now mix with family and friends that may live in a council house...?


If they are really rich then their family don't still live in council houses.   If they are just newly wealthy then they may still sometimes go and see their old friends, but as time goes on they will drift apart as the old friends cannot afford to go to the places the now rich friend can.



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5 hours ago, music065 said:

Have you met any women that are this direct and up front?

Yes most Thai women are But not bar girls and hookers in general.

5 hours ago, music065 said:

There's also more than a few that state: "I like old guys, don't like guys my own age."


Really? Is this real or are they in the game?

I've heard that said... 'young guys only want to boom boom all the time.'..  not sure they do any better with old guys..  ...many have had a bad experience with Thai guys..  not working, spending the housekeeping.. unfaithful, drinking too much lao khao etc....  they  see a ferang with a steady income as a better option..  pretty common, I think.. 


extremely good looking jong lady with huge poor family ,

is looking forward to marry any old  but extremely wealthy man.

Lung cancer  and /or severe hearth condition is a pro.

Dont hesitate.....you will get the ride of your life 


14 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

When I think about how to sum it up, I'd say my wife is basically a very down-to-earth, good hearted simple woman. Not a drama queen. Not shopping crazy. Likes to have some nice things, but rarely if every bugs me about anything. Is just happy with the basic, normal things men and women need for their life.



Our wives would be great friends,, Mine's nearly the exact same mindset, I'd wake up to her cleaning the room.. and she'd ask for $300 Baht to go food shopping in the local street market... I'd say, "Honey, it's $10, you know where my wallet is", Her answer was, "I know, I don't want to take without tell you" Besides her bargain shopping, even when it's my $ she's spending, I'm very lucky... sounds same same for you,, ;)

6 minutes ago, seancbk said:


If they are really rich then their family don't still live in council houses.   If they are just newly wealthy then they may still sometimes go and see their old friends, but as time goes on they will drift apart as the old friends cannot afford to go to the places the now rich friend can.



So you are the expert on the subject....?



1 minute ago, Adeeos said:

Our wives would be great friends,, Mine's nearly the exact same mindset, I'd wake up to her cleaning the room.. and she'd ask for $300 Baht to go food shopping in the local street market... I'd say, "Honey, it's $10, you know where my wallet is", Her answer was, "I know, I don't want to take without tell you" Besides her bargain shopping, even when it's my $ she's spending, I'm very lucky... sounds same same for you,, ;)

..sounds like my good wife too.. never causes a hassle.. likes nice things but never spends much.. likes to work to have her own money.. keeps me in line in a gentle way.. best thing that ever happened  for me.. 

43 minutes ago, Naam said:

old men perform slow but sustained. and that's what them women folks, who abhor young 2minute shooters, appreciate.

The wife was feeling frisky the other evening. "Come to bed Owl" she said "pleasure me".


Well I got on top and after 30 minutes she said. "you nearly finished Owl?" I replied " I'm not started yet!"


First of all, I am admitting I skip from pg 4 to pg 9.


The world over, a woman almost always looks for a man that can UPGRADE her status in life.  What's wrong with that?



Thai women push the upgrade status for a reason.  Taught from birth, her "responsibilities" are to her birthing and blood family 1st - mom and dad, 2nd - her sister's ( and sister's kids ) and brother's - to some extent his kids.

Her family ( kids ) come next, then her husband is last.


Thai women are getting tired of a Thai man that stays around till he has put a few kids in her stomach....then leaves.  Farang men have a tendancy to stay put....and .... have MORE money, something needed to live a quality life.  Thai's make usually between 8,000THB and 12,000THB a month doing long hour days, sometimes 7 days a week.


I know of several Thai women that have come to the conclusion that farang men make better husbands / companions ( see "B" )  I personality know of a woman ( with children ) whose husband left her, 12 years later he wants to come back..no go


Learning English.  Some companies pay up to 10,000THB EXTRA a month for employees who speak excellent English. ( the range is usually 4,000 to 10,000 extra ) My friend ( C: ) has gone to English class once weekly for 3 years, a very long process. She is at the 7000THB range, going for the 10,000


As to "A / B", tell me what man does not like " arm candy" as his woman.  Color me stupid ( I'm 70+ ) but I prefer a 48+ woman, and there are many that could be considered "arm candy".  Why wouldn't you support YOUR woman and " help HER family to some extent, after all, ( guessing ) she is in your bed each night.


5 hours ago, music065 said:

There's also more than a few that state: "I like old guys, don't like guys my own age."


Really? Is this real or are they in the game?

I hear that often from ladies in their thirties and up and not ladies in the game. 

4 hours ago, bbi1 said:

Why else would a young woman want an old dude?

Where does it say they are young and want old men?


I know for a fact that several middle-aged women in my wife's village would prefer to meet up with a foreigner because they are seen as more able to take care of them financially. The Thais, with no social care system, are far more realistic or up-front than Westerners when it comes to relationships. Whereas we talk about some vague thing called love, Thais look for security. Nothing wrong with that.

Just now, transam said:
6 minutes ago, seancbk said:


If they are really rich then their family don't still live in council houses.   If they are just newly wealthy then they may still sometimes go and see their old friends, but as time goes on they will drift apart as the old friends cannot afford to go to the places the now rich friend can.



So you are the expert on the subject....?


It's just logic.   

If you became a rich musician (using your example) and eventually had your villa in the Bahamas and your house in the Hollywood hills, how many of your old mates would be flying out to see you?  Or how often would you fly back to visit your old neighbourhood and see the old gang?  

If your life changed and you were going to parties with other rock superstars how often do you thing you'd be inviting bob the builder to come and party with you and your new famous pals?


16 minutes ago, Laza 45 said:

..sounds like my good wife too.. never causes a hassle.. likes nice things but never spends much.. likes to work to have her own money.. keeps me in line in a gentle way.. best thing that ever happened  for me.. 


What I like, is mines my best friend,, We were actually casual friends prior to dating,, maybe a year before,  when I was dating another girl,, that ended, and we started going out after her work as friends,, grab some food,, help her with her English,, it went from there, 


Poor old John died last year. This year his Ex has already brought 3 farang to the village. All a bit on the elderly side.


I said to Mrs Owl; "which one will she choose to be her soulmate?" "The one she thinks will kick the bucket first" came the reply. These thai women are so knowing.

9 minutes ago, seancbk said:


It's just logic.   

If you became a rich musician (using your example) and eventually had your villa in the Bahamas and your house in the Hollywood hills, how many of your old mates would be flying out to see you?  Or how often would you fly back to visit your old neighbourhood and see the old gang?  

If your life changed and you were going to parties with other rock superstars how often do you thing you'd be inviting bob the builder to come and party with you and your new famous pals?


That is YOUR logic, for sure not mine, and is waaaaay off my thoughts if l came into cash.....BUT, here is something to play to your lady....It may help HER a lot...:laugh:



6 minutes ago, edwardflory said:

Thai women push the upgrade status for a reason.  Taught from birth, her "responsibilities" are to her birthing and blood family 1st - mom and dad, 2nd - her sister's ( and sister's kids ) and brother's - to some extent his kids.

Her family ( kids ) come next, then her husband is last.



I think there's some truth to that. That's also why I think, personally, if I were ever looking for a spouse again here, it would definitely be one similar to my current wife and that's one with a very limited extended family.


Also, I made it very clear to my current wife, long before we married but when we began to get serious together, that we'd need to abide by the very clear understanding we made at the beginning: I'd be responsible for taking care of her/my wife as her husband. But she'd be responsible for taking care of her parents and few siblings. That was non-negotiable, take it or leave it. As it's turned out thru the years, she gives them a stipend each month, a portion of her salary, and a bit extra here and there. But nothing enormous and nothing that's going to support waste or idleness.... So far, it's worked for us.


But, I also think back to a very attractive young woman I dated in BKK long before I met my wife, and the time when eventually I met that woman's upcountry parents for the first time. As it turned out, their one main and pressing question for me was, how big of a house was I going to pay to build for the young woman and her family in their home town.  Needless to say, that venture ended very shortly thereafter, because I wouldn't offer up the investment that her parents wanted.



4 hours ago, giddyup said:

Try using peeps with a Thai girl, she wouldn't know what the hell you're talking about, nor would any woman with an ounce of class.

I think she might say "Peeps, chai mai ? Hongnam, Yu Ti Non."

6 hours ago, music065 said:

I have seen several internet dating profiles where the woman actually states "I want to meet a foreign man that will take care of my family."  Even a couple of women in their 30s that say "I can do anything as long as my mom is okay with it."


I thought "well, points for direct honesty."

Have you met any women that are this direct and up front?


25 minutes ago, Laza 45 said:

see a ferang with a steady income as a better option.

We were married and it was coming up to our first Christmas.


"Owl" she said lovingly, "It's the custom to give a gift to your loved ones at this time; yes!?" "Well yes, but you are Buddhist and I'm not any religion."


"Well we have been talking at mum's house and we quite like the idea of Christmas gifts." Oh right, I thought; just going along with it. "What sort of gift would you like love. What did you have in mind?"  After a half second delay she replied "I was thinking of a diamond!!"


The wife sensed my shock. "It doesn't have to be a great big one love!"


Older farang guys in Thailand can do themselves a huge favor by getting into good, physical shape. The better shape you're in tends to make you look and feel younger, and this is also attractive to females of any ethnic race. I have found that by being in good physical condition (better yet, athletic condition) lessens the importance of the money thing. 


A guy's financial condition will always be important to women anywhere; it's in their DNA. Would you old guys want your daughters hooking up with some financial deadbeat ???


The trick is to establish a reasonable balance in a relationship with these younger Thai beauties between their attraction to your wallet and your physical presence. Having a likeable personality doesn't hurt either.


Regardless of any of the above statements, establish your boundaries early on with these ladies and enforce your boundaries rigorously even if that means you have to walk away from the lady. Otherwise they'll play you for all you're worth and they'll tend to respect you more.


2 hours ago, scorecard said:


And I guess you would add the many farang women in every farang country who set their sites on finding  a wealthy husband (the wealth being the most critical / must-have factor), and many succeed.  


That given would you label all of them 'prostitutes'?

Absolutely! If their only goal is to be a gold digging gal who gives up their pussy for cash then yes, they are also prostitutes.  They're in it for the money only. You don't need to be working in a brothel to be classified as one.


OK, my 2 satangs worth. When I started reading about Thailand before retiring here, several things came to my attention. It appeared I owe many (note not all) Thai guys a great debt of gratitude. Many seduce a girl, have a baby and then before too long, look for a younger model. 1). This, I noted left a great "pool" of 20 - 30 somethings needing to work to support the children and appreciating having an older farang to help. 2). And I read that, like much of Asia, age was not looked down upon as much as it is in the west. 3). Thai culture also determines a person's standing according to the work they do or have done. 4). If you have a steady income, that too is judged as a positive. This is the reason Thais will often ask your age, income, occupation...it is in order to put you in the proper category. Bottom line for me? Sounds very good. What's not to love?! The age thingy? Get out of your own cultural mores (although I do point to M. Douglas and C. Zeta-Jones in the West as terrific age difference models). Is it about income? Well, more about economic security. Look I have already talked too long. Read some books on Thai cultural norms, history, economic disparity and then you may get a better handle on reality here.


As for me...yes, with its warts considered, I am happy to be retired here in Thailand. Oh bother! Visa Extension due! TM 30? When my name is on my condo chanote...give me a break! Thailand, tie your computer records together. You already have all my information via my bank, land office condo ownership, driver's license, phone registration records .... get with the program!

8 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

Absolutely! If their only goal is to be a gold digging gal who gives up their pussy for cash then yes, they are also prostitutes.  They're in it for the money only. You don't need to be working in a brothel to be classified as one.


I do not necessarily disagreed as you qualified the goal. How broad is your brush? Can the same thing be said about the western nations? Ask many of the divorced western males here what their costs were.....

1 hour ago, malibukid said:

but having said that, most old guys do not want to party all/every night like they did in their 20's, i don't.  

Another example there. So the young gal in her 20's wants to party with her friends but the old dude wants to be tucked snuggly under his blanked by 9pm. Doesn't really work, right? Or she manages to drag him to the club and he tries to dance but looks like a fool who can't dance. I've witnessed a few times this exact thing at the clubs before.

4 hours ago, owl sees all said:

Well said. My wife changed her status when we married. Bar-girl out, stoosh farang wife in!

stoosh ????      


I ate Claire's pussy so good that she stooshed all over my face! Jenna finally broke up with me because I went round and had forgotten to wipe Claire's stoosh off ...

59 minutes ago, Wake Up said:

Such an unfair comment. Women want security and some younger Thai woman know the best way for security is to find a older farang that is nice to her and can afford her and family.

You do realise what you have just said there about what she actually is? :smile:

56 minutes ago, lucjoker said:

extremely good looking jong lady with huge poor family ,

is looking forward to marry any old  but extremely wealthy man.

Lung cancer  and /or severe hearth condition is a pro.

Dont hesitate.....you will get the ride of your life 


Haha now that sounds like a great honest profile post by a girl, straight to the point and no BS :)

34 minutes ago, maxman71 said:

Older farang guys in Thailand can do themselves a huge favor by getting into good, physical shape. The better shape you're in tends to make you look and feel younger, and this is also attractive to females of any ethnic race. I have found that by being in good physical condition (better yet, athletic condition) lessens the importance of the money thing. 

I was looking in the mirror. Mrs Owl walked past and whispered "Flad Pid". I was quite taken back reckoning she meant Brad Pitt. I started doing poses in in front of the mirror. She again walked by and yes' "Flad Pid". I was chuffed.


6 days - and 20 'Flad Pids' - later we were watching TV. And there he was Brad himself; my hero. "Love!! There he is!!" "Who you talking about?!" "You have been calling me 'Brad Pitt' for a week and there he is and you show not a flicker of interest!?"


"I not call you Brad Pitt I call you fat pig."


17 minutes ago, Lamkyong said:

stoosh ????

Sorry! Jamaican slang word for overly posh. I think I spelt it wrongly; should be stooshe.


As in; went into university as 'dumpling' and came out 'Johnny roll'.

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