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Pattaya gentlemen's club raid: Caught in the middle of the act…


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this is just another COCK AND BLOW STORY,they must be getting desperate [the brown envelope brigade] to start raiding premises

behind closed doors.

is this the end of PATTAYA as we know it.

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3 hours ago, Techno Viking said:

Oral sex is illegal ?

ohhhh..... the inhumanity of it all , no mo hummer's ? ...huh ? .....all the real crime in Thailand has been taken care of ? there is no crime left but hummers in hot tub's ? my my , what a fine job all the way around. ehhh..... where is  the finger point ?


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I'm shocked!  Simply shocked!  :w00t:


I'm sure the raids on Thai-oriented karaoke clubs will be coming soon.  :whistling:  "But, but, I was just paying lip service to the gentleman's wonderful singing voice.  High C at the finish of his song!"


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4 hours ago, nev said:

The worlds a safe place this morning after reading this, keep up the good work!!.

Unless the customers who were detained were named Putin, Trump and Kim, the world's still a pretty scary place. 


Odd that you would think "reading this" made a difference.





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2 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

I would liked to have seen that guys face when the uniforms walked in!! I bet it was a picture!!

I can imagine his face , going from heavenly bliss with a wide grin to an open mouth gasp with the pleasure point of his anatomy diving south . Could only be a worse scenario , being caught by the wife .   Visions of the " Carry on " movies . Very amusing and glad it wasnt me . 

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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Crazy. Sexual services can be bought at just about every bar in town, so hardly news. A better headline though, would have been "police continue futile effort to clean Pattayas reputation."

Police continue futile effort to clean Pattaya's reputation while simultaneously damaging tourism. 

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You can't bonk any woman, any where, with out it costing you some money,, buy them a few drink first or take them for a meal  or buy them a new dress..  or even a cup of coffee....   If you say get it free from your wife,   That's rubbish, ever worked out what a wife cost's you over a year. 

and usually the fun's gone out of that after a year or two.. so better to buy a  nice girl of your choosing for sex and in a posh club.   

so what you pay a few dollars..       So who is this hurting ?????????????????????? 

Pattaya must be the safest city in the world if the cops got  no crime to fight and nothing better to do !!!!    

I must take my family there for a long holiday..  to see the girly bars out open to the public, where the girls just sell drinks,,,   hehe.


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These activities and establishments have been running for decades and no one ever batted an eye. Now, suddenly, they are supposed to close? Did the woman not pay the required money in the brown envelope or is the govn't AKA the police really cracking down? Or is it just a saving-face event with photo-ops? I am not very smart, but if one were to implement such a departure from past practices they should give a timeline for business of this kind to divest themselves of their investments. We wouldn't expect Honda to close all of their billions-worth of factories over night, would we? The consequences would be unfathomable.

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