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Patong - The Wake


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I saw the other night a bar near Bangla had Indian music blasting loud and a few Indian couples and families dancing to the tune, Bollywood style...! Bar owners with empty bars make note..., or not ...!


So Patong is officially "Little India" now, as for the beach, well, our Indian and Arab friends are not much of a beach going, swimming and sunbathing crowd, but they love those jetskies and para sailing activities...., you can hardly swim or walk on the beach without being run over by one - all that noise, pollution (air/water) and the horrible smell of smoke...!


A few Thais were saying Western tourist won't come anymore due to all this, not sure if your ask me, it's the low season for them with nice weather in their countries, come November with no restrictions, we might have them back and then the prices might go back up to pre-Covid (some already) and that might discourage certain demographics anyway, and we are back to old days...., but who knows...! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, Arbioty said:

Is anyone able to tell me if P.One is still operating? It's on the beach end next to Kangaroo Bar.


I'm interested to hear if the usual day shift crew are still there? Nam, Noi and the manager who I've only ever known as "Mama" - for the last 12 years.

Yes, it was open in March so has survived Covid.


It was one of my regular places on Bangla as the drinks are fairly priced and it is relatively hassle-free. I can't remember the names of any of the staff though.

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12 hours ago, London Lowf said:

Yes, it was open in March so has survived Covid.


It was one of my regular places on Bangla as the drinks are fairly priced and it is relatively hassle-free. I can't remember the names of any of the staff though.

Always good to hear of survival stories and can confirm P"One" bar is still operating as I write. The mother and son "owners" are good friends, and as like many have been through the trials and tribulations but have chosen to keep the business going. I hope they survive to the first true high season for a few years as again, like many, they deserve it.


I know that 3 of the original staff have been re-emplyed there as I wave to them each time I pass, and occasionally stop by to give a little support. Sorry, names are beyond me as many are so similar! No disrespect meant to the staff but I will revert with a few names as requested by Steve above. What I can report though, is that thankfully it still operates as one of the hassle free, family style bars on Bangla. Decent prices and good welcome.....


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  • 3 weeks later...
8 hours ago, xylophone said:

Perhaps Bangla/Patong is becoming a place for wrinklies/misfits/uglies/fatties and oddities, so I'm not sure quite where I fit into that mix!!!


When I used to get bored with the Phuket scene I'd jump Air Asia to Bangkok for a weekend. Lotsa of babes in BKK.

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Interesting post Xylophone

an unpleasant position to be put in but times are getting hard for many unfortunately.


Reminds me of 20+ years ago when we first came here when there used to be a number of guys that we referred to as "tropos" who had obviously run out of money and were "on the bones of their ass"

They were generally heavily tanned and unkept and a bit ragged.

They would cadge a beer or similar and I certainly felt a twinge of sympathy but I try to sort my problems out before I sort others out.


They had diminished in numbers and I presume that either Immigration had caught up with them or they had moved to cheaper areas. 



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18 hours ago, xylophone said:

"Now for something completely different", although related in some aspects to the thread..........


I have occasionally posted that it looks like Patong is in a sort of recovery mode, although somewhat patchy, and the more I look and learn, the more this keeps coming back to me.


For example there are many small businesses and small buildings which are up for sale, some being repossessed by the bank by all accounts, and I personally know of a few small businesses which are struggling big time, although this seems to be contradicted, at times, by new openings of bars etc and also by the reopening of a few "roller blind shops", so it's "all over the place as the saying goes".


Related to this, are a couple of events which happened just recently, with farangs asking to borrow money from me. Actually one of them started asking about two years ago, just before Covid, and although it wasn't a great deal of money (3000 baht) and it was almost paid back on time as promised, it became a repeat performance, so it became quite obvious that this particular person couldn't live on what meagre pension he was getting, and I was financing his stay, so I told him it had to stop, and it did.


Now two years later on he approached me again and this time wanted to borrow only 500 baht, and out of stupidity and a jai dee, I gave it to him, but said it was the last time and hopefully I will get it back next week.


A couple of months back, I guy I had known for a few years here, and only caught up with him occasionally at Starbucks, asked to borrow 8000 baht and said it was because money owed to him hadn't been paid and that I would get it back within two weeks. Well, about a month later I eventually received it, however just a short while ago I got another telephone call from him asking for the same thing, so I politely refused.


Where is all this leading – – well it struck me that there would be quite a few farangs in this situation living here, this especially as exchange rates in the likes of the UK and other parts of Europe were not good versus the baht, so these guys must be struggling, and probably struggling big time.


So IMO these guys are caught between a rock and a hard place, as the saying goes, because not only are exchange rates against them, prices of just about everything, even in Thailand, are rising quite substantially.


On the one hand I feel sorry for them and their plight, but on the other hand cannot help wondering why they didn't plan for something like this, or indeed put some sort of savings plan in place to help complement their pension when they got it?


One thing I do know, is that I am not prepared to become a "lender of last resort" to farangs here, even though I do help a few Thais out with occasional nonrepayable small loans (I say this because I know I will never get it back) and in just about all of the cases these poor folks never had the opportunity to save money for the future, so it is something I do quite willingly.


Back to the thread..........as long as there are the  usual "two-week millionaires" coming from overseas, then the local economy can be bolstered somewhat, however the plight of some of the farangs living here full-time will mean that they aren't able to do that, so are we in for many more months/years of "Patong – The Wake", or will it be back to the full on party mode of yesteryear?

Well guys who watch every baht should definitely be living in Pattaya instead of Phuket.....The cost of living in Pattaya can be a fair bit less for the thrifty expat..

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On 9/2/2022 at 5:22 AM, Patong2 said:

That's a good sign with Tops reopening. 

It probably is time for "Patong - The Awakening"


Up at Boat Avenue today and came back via Thalang and the new "Robinson's" is open and has been for 3 days. Carpark was full and certainly looks like a good start.


Keep those reports coming Xylophone, they are of interest even if we have not got out much lately.


Yes, have to think there is some optimism for this post Covid, high season. Should be busy.



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