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First date with a Thai Girl in Udon Thani


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I met a girl in Udon Thani from the Apps and We have chatted for about a month.

I will visit Udon Thani tomorrow and it will be our first date.

She works in a gold shop(Back Office not Sales) in Udon and i know she hasn't had boyfriend now.she is bachelor degree girl and not a bar girl.

Just now i told her i will go to udon tomorrow and ask her out for a dinner on Facebook.and she said she will text me after getting out of work 

But now i don't have any experience about a Thai Girl

Should I try to hold her hands on our first date?


Thank you.

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7 minutes ago, tonray said:

Only with grandma sitting between you, then yes.

What means bro?

she graduated in udon and work in Udon for several years.

her hometown is in Nong khai and she live in udon at her sister's friend's home

it will be our 1st date tomorrow

and advice?

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5 minutes ago, tonray said:

I saw your other post bro...


Here you ask if you should hold hands and in your other post you wanted to know if you would get laid......


When you post a serious question perhaps people will give you serious answers.

could u please give me some help ?sir

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1 minute ago, tonray said:

Thai girls on a date are just like women anywhere. 


Treat them nice

Show some respect

Make them laugh

Listen to whatever nonsense they are spouting

Splash a little cash


If she likes you then maybe you will have a good time.



Have you ever dated a Thai girl ? Have you ever dated any girl ?

in fact,i don't have any experience about dating any girl

so i don't know how to date and what to do with a thai girl and get a happy ending.


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5 minutes ago, ericthai said:

Really I think you are a troll!  Your 30 and never been with a girl? 

However,  if you aren't a troll here is your help.


Youtube is your friend! Go do a search on youtube for how to date a girl or First date something like that

I'm sure you will find allot of videos. If not then use google I'm sure there are websites out there that can help guys like you.   


Still can't believe you're 30 and never been with a girl. My 1st girlfriend I was something like 14-15 , Which I think is about average for most people. 


I am under 30.it is in my early 20s.

i am not an outgoing guy.so dont have experience on dating girls

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2 minutes ago, dettol2288 said:

I am under 30.it is in my early 20s.

i am not an outgoing guy.so dont have experience on dating girls

Well trying to learn here is not going to help.  I dont think anyone here has the time or is willing to spend hours with you. So do as I suggested,  search youtube and or google.   Also do a search here on Thai visa for Thai girls. You will come up with allot of info on what to watch out for.   

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I mean you no offense, but before you try your luck with a Thai girl, learn about girls in general. Go back to your country temporarly, get some experience with some girls, lose your male virginity, then come back here and attempt your luck.


Open Tinder, pick single moms for some quick effort-less notches, rinse and repeat. Once you got experience with "easy" single moms, let them go and let them marry some loser, and go talk to some "average" girls with 2-3 previous boyfriends. Learn the ropes, learn the culture, and enjoy.


Finally, once you're ready to settle down and get married, find a virgin, and use your experience to please her, and enjoy the beauties of a Thai wife.


Anyway, before we tell you if it's OK to do something with a girl (ex: holding hands), we need to know the history of the girl.

If she's a single mother with the father still alive, then there's no reason to postpone sex - first date or leave.

If she's a decent girl but with some history, 3-4 dates is acceptable, but refrain from holdings hands on the first date - it isn't America.


That's some general advice, but you have a lot to learn, grasshopper. The general rule of thumb is that your SMV is amplified here, but if you don't know how to act with a girl, 0 x 1000 is still zero.

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thai woman are boring as hell. generally western men have very little in common with them so conversation is strained. if she is a non bar girl (bar girls are generally more fun) she will probably take a family member or friend with her so at least she will have someone to talk to. be prepared she may bring a number of people and you will be expected to pay the bill. if you are looking at getting laid it is probably cheaper to just pay a bargirl. good luck. let us know how you get on.

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On 2017-6-24 at 9:01 PM, dettol2288 said:

could u please give me some help ?sir

Invite her to  your hotel room and tell her you will go to the 7/11 to buy take-away dinner of spicy pork and rice and a few bottles of Chang.

If she loves a hansom man like you, she will accept.

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On 6/24/2017 at 8:14 AM, SiamBeast said:

I mean you no offense, but before you try your luck with a Thai girl, learn about girls in general. Go back to your country temporarly, get some experience with some girls, lose your male virginity, then come back here and attempt your luck.


Open Tinder, pick single moms for some quick effort-less notches, rinse and repeat. Once you got experience with "easy" single moms, let them go and let them marry some loser, and go talk to some "average" girls with 2-3 previous boyfriends. Learn the ropes, learn the culture, and enjoy.


Finally, once you're ready to settle down and get married, find a virgin, and use your experience to please her, and enjoy the beauties of a Thai wife.


Anyway, before we tell you if it's OK to do something with a girl (ex: holding hands), we need to know the history of the girl.

If she's a single mother with the father still alive, then there's no reason to postpone sex - first date or leave.

If she's a decent girl but with some history, 3-4 dates is acceptable, but refrain from holdings hands on the first date - it isn't America.


That's some general advice, but you have a lot to learn, grasshopper. The general rule of thumb is that your SMV is amplified here, but if you don't know how to act with a girl, 0 x 1000 is still zero.


This is the most sensible piece of advice I have read on here for a long long time.  Congratulations, gov.

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Relax. Be courteous and let her take the lead... and don't be surprised if she wants to bring a friend as that would be proper. If you want to be a real gentleman, you could ask her if she would like to bring a friend along. 


Many here, including myself have had a traditional courtship, which for me meant 2 months of chaperoned dates. I enjoyed meeting her friends and family too. 

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On ‎24‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 8:50 PM, dettol2288 said:

What means bro?

she graduated in udon and work in Udon for several years.

her hometown is in Nong khai and she live in udon at her sister's friend's home

it will be our 1st date tomorrow

and advice?

If she's a virgin, make it a memorable experience for her

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On 6/24/2017 at 8:58 PM, jak2002003 said:

How old are you? 


How can you have dinner on Facebook?


You have no idea about how to date women?




On 6/24/2017 at 9:01 PM, dettol2288 said:

I am under 30.

Still have no Idea

Could you give me some advice?

Go back to school and don't skip the prom this time

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