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SURVEY: Should terrorists be given the death penalty?


SURVEY: Should terrorists receive the death penalty?  

191 members have voted

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11 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Pointless for Islamic terrorists as that is what they want, death in the service of Allah making them a martyr and then it's paradise for them.  Better to imprison them for the rest of their life but with no access to any religious books, no prayers and no halal meals, that would be a deterant, death is not.

It most definitely is, if your bury them headless,  within a pigs "blanket" (skin), or if you have them executed by a woman. No heaven for these bad boys!

Best to tell them before execution, not arriving at the 72 houri's might otherwise constitute a shock to them.

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Once any country makes exceptions to the rule of law and the enforcement of the rule of law, that country has started to go down the gurgler.  For instance, the right to protest (go to jail for protesting in democratic Russia and then be unable to be the opposition leader because you went to jail)  That is only one of dozens of reasons.

When  government decides to introduce death penalties, it has gone the way of the lousy scum. Sure, they should be convicted but never enforced. Never lower you moral standards to the lowly scum.  In the end, you end up being more inhumane than the scum.

You should reference military US jails in Iraq and Cuba. As some one pointed out to me. Read George Orwell, The Animal Farm.  The more that the pigs looked at the humans, the more that humans looked at the pigs and the pigs at humans, no one could  tell the difference anymore. Sorry George to have misquoted you, you were well before your time.

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I vote no. For two reasons. First I do not believe that society; even in its formal incarnation as a state, has the right to take a human life through judicial action, whether as a deterrent sanction or as revenge.

Secondly because I believe that the distant prospect of martyrdom is no deterrent to those planning or committing acts of terrorism, particularly with those who are inspired by a perverted version of Islam. Perversely with many terrorists, the risk of losing their lives in open combat with the security forces of the state they oppose does seem to be an effective deterrent; possibly because their deaths will not be on their terms.

Creating martyrs judicially just acts as a recuiting serjeant for terrorism



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16 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Pointless for Islamic terrorists as that is what they want, death in the service of Allah making them a martyr and then it's paradise for them.  Better to imprison them for the rest of their life but with no access to any religious books, no prayers and no halal meals, that would be a deterant, death is not.

BS.  Your understanding of "the point" needs serious work.  It's not a question of what they want, or think they want.  Who the heck cares about what THEY want?   I don't care if they yearn for death or not; that's simply not the issue and certainly not the determiner of their fate.  They're vermin and need to be expunged from the gene pool wherever and whenever found for the good (i.e., the safety, security, and well-being) of the entire human race.  And THAT'S the "point"!  The best solution is to kill them in the field caught in the act, and save the innocent public on whom they preyed the time & expense of trials and imprisonment.  But if brought to trial and sentenced to execution, I'm really not too picky about the means to be employed.  An agonizing and degrading death would  probably actually be the better deterrent...   They kill like animals; perhaps a pack of vicious animals would be the best choice for their own fate.  But throwing them in a crowded, filthy cell until they just die of thirst or starvation sounds good too.  Let hungry pigs feast on the remains.  Maybe they'll cannibalize each other.  Cool.






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55 minutes ago, hawker9000 said:

BS.  Your understanding of "the point" needs serious work.  It's not a question of what they want, or think they want.  Who the heck cares about what THEY want?   I don't care if they yearn for death or not; that's simply not the issue and certainly not the determiner of their fate.  They're vermin and need to be expunged from the gene pool wherever and whenever found for the good (i.e., the safety, security, and well-being) of the entire human race.  And THAT'S the "point"!  The best solution is to kill them in the field caught in the act, and save the innocent public on whom they preyed the time & expense of trials and imprisonment.  But if brought to trial and sentenced to execution, I'm really not too picky about the means to be employed.  An agonizing and degrading death would  probably actually be the better deterrent...   They kill like animals; perhaps a pack of vicious animals would be the best choice for their own fate.  But throwing them in a crowded, filthy cell until they just die of thirst or starvation sounds good too.  Let hungry pigs feast on the remains.  Maybe they'll cannibalize each other.  Cool.






Get an education. Just a tiny bit of education, find out why Islam hates the world. Find out why they hate you.

 Not defending scum, just trying to educate crusaders.

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9 hours ago, Tofer said:

I don't think there is any ambiguity about what constitutes a terrorism act, and by association anyone conducting, planning or assisting in the act are deemed terrorists.

I think there is plenty of ambiguity about the term. 


8 hours ago, observer90210 said:

So how'dya feel now? .... still "yes" for the supreme sentence of law?

Yes; your example holds no merit.

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They embrace death, why give it to them?

The terrorists should be given a sentence of solitary confinement (the only 'rights' they have are food, water and shelter) until a mandatory death after a period of, say, 5 or 10 years. Let them 'stew' over what they have done! They could be exposed to some propaganda during their solitary confinement, by way of constant 24 hour radio broadcasts to their cell,  being reminded that there are no 72 virgins awaiting them, only one 72 year old virgin.

In other words, let them suffer as they have made their victims suffer.

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6 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

Get an education. Just a tiny bit of education, find out why Islam hates the world. Find out why they hate you.

 Not defending scum, just trying to educate crusaders.

No, you're actually defending scum.  How manly.  I know why they hate the west, and a centuries old cultural grudge doesn't interest me because it doesn't begin justify their carnage today.  LOL:  third-graders trying to "educate crusaders".





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22 hours ago, Scott said:

Please remember, not all terrorists are Muslim.   The recent Finsbury Mosque attack is considered terrorism and the perpetrator is not a Muslim:


Also, please note that the poll does not say it would be mandatory, just that they would be 'eligible for the death penalty.'


Hasn't that Finsbury Park incident been classified as 'hate crime'?

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6 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

Get an education. Just a tiny bit of education, find out why Islam hates the world. Find out why they hate you.

 Not defending scum, just trying to educate crusaders.

And why do you think that "Islam hates the world"?

Certainly much of the world hates Islamic extremists.

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2 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

And why do you think that "Islam hates the world"?

Certainly much of the world hates Islamic extremists.


Many people no longer differentiate between Muslims and Muslim extremists.


The Islamic butchers who beheaded Daniel Pearl, James Foley, Lee Rigby and all the other perpetrators of Islamic barbarity have made sure of that.


Pictures of 'British' Muslims dancing in the street after 7/7 up in Bradford made double sure of it.

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24 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


Hasn't that Finsbury Park incident been classified as 'hate crime'?

I am not sure.   I read several articles which said the government was planning on classifying it as a terrorist act.  

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21 minutes ago, hawker9000 said:

No, you're actually defending scum.  How manly.  I know why they hate the west, and a centuries old cultural grudge doesn't interest me because it doesn't begin justify their carnage today.  LOL:  third-graders trying to "educate crusaders".





Yes, education is important, then people dont use the collective term "they" hate the west, when its a small percentage of radical aholes.

Are all Catholics IRA bombers ? Are all Christians in the KKK ? Are all Christians in cults and commit mass suicide by drinking Kool aid and poison ? 

Education would prove that the actions, by any small groups, in the name of a religion, does not represent the majority view of that religion.

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If people knew they would face death penalty if they kill others intentionally then homicide case would drop dramatically but those who might argue against death penalty saying imprison for life without possibility of parole same as death penalty, I think it is waste of taxpayers money and doesn't do much for the victim's family scars to heal.

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15 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

Pictures of 'British' Muslims dancing in the street after 7/7 up in Bradford

Fake comment - not even qualified as fake news.

"the interior minister said that he had used the word to suggest it was a number meaningful to him rather than an indication of a large portion of Belgium's Muslim population. Jambon also referred to a police report that contained details of dancing but refused to elaborate further."  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/04/21/now-europe-has-its-own-scandal-about-celebrating-muslims/?utm_term=.a4fbb66cdf8c

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31 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Fake comment - not even qualified as fake news.

"the interior minister said that he had used the word to suggest it was a number meaningful to him rather than an indication of a large portion of Belgium's Muslim population. Jambon also referred to a police report that contained details of dancing but refused to elaborate further."  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/04/21/now-europe-has-its-own-scandal-about-celebrating-muslims/?utm_term=.a4fbb66cdf8c



31 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Fake comment - not even qualified as fake news.

"the interior minister said that he had used the word to suggest it was a number meaningful to him rather than an indication of a large portion of Belgium's Muslim population. Jambon also referred to a police report that contained details of dancing but refused to elaborate further."  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/04/21/now-europe-has-its-own-scandal-about-celebrating-muslims/?utm_term=.a4fbb66cdf8c


Fake reply.


The 7/7 I referred to was in reference to the London bombings of 7/7/05. It had nothing to do with Belgium.

Edited by yogi100
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As a good Buddhist I can't condone the death penalty or the taking of any life in this manner. A life of suffering in a cell would be far more instructive to the offender. If revenge is our motive then we best dig two graves - as the saying goes.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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37 minutes ago, bill59 said:

As a good Buddhist I can't condone the death penalty or the taking of any life in this manner. A life of suffering in a cell would be far more instructive to the offender. If revenge is our motive then we best dig two graves - as the saying goes.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

I respect your right to be a Buddhist but what have Buddhists been doing in Myanmar?

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Terrorism is a heinous crime, usually inflicted on the most vulnerable. My vote is, those who commit these crimes should definitely be eligible for the death penalty. The fact those excuses for humanity gone wrong carry out these cowardly crimes actually wanting to die to gain access to Paradise is superfluous, because we know they will just rot (as they should) never to see another day.

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On 25 June 2017 at 7:01 PM, chrisinth said:

The above is a prime example of what is classed as terrorism for a lot of people. Actually its not, that is associating a religion, or rather their beliefs, to encompass the spectrum of terrorism.


Not all terrorists want martyrdom. Nor would all terrorists object to working on a pig farm.

I think you'll find that the vast majority of current terrorism acts are carried out by Muslim extremists. I am however willing to stand corrected if you care to highlight any major exceptions. 


It clearly is the extremist / terrorists view that these despicable acts are carried out in the name of Islam albeit, I appreciate, not the view of the general Muslim population. I believe the list of countries on Trumps proposed travel ban are all  Islamic countries.


The IRA and the ETA are now defunct, and off the top of my head I cannot think of any other major contributor to the current terrorist situation. 

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On ‎6‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 7:25 PM, nasanews said:

If people knew they would face death penalty if they kill others intentionally then homicide case would drop dramatically but those who might argue against death penalty saying imprison for life without possibility of parole same as death penalty, I think it is waste of taxpayers money and doesn't do much for the victim's family scars to heal.

"imprison for life without possibility of parole same as death penalty, I think it is waste of taxpayers money "



More than that, it creates a class of inmate with absolutely nothing to lose no matter to whom they do it or where they do it or how they do it.  How'd YOU like to be locked up for some lesser crime for a few years alongside one of these made-for-murder convicts?  Is that just part of THEIR sentence?  Or even a corrections officer having to deal with them everyday?  COs must have to pay a fortune for their life insurance...   (I wonder if their medical plan includes the psychiatric counseling they undoubtedly require after a few years of exposure to these beasts.)


Moreover, once we're talking about a lifer, the bleeding hearts immediately then go to work to ensure they get let out at some point on some concocted humanitarian grounds.  "Oh, they've truly reformed."  "Oh, prison has no actual rehabilitation value."  "Oh, prisons have become inhumane."  I actually agree with that last one - 'because of the animals we send there who SHOULD HAVE been executed!!!


Really, for those with a few living brain cells to rub together, executing terrorists, who are the cream of the crop when it comes to wanton murder and whose standards of success involve homicide of the MOST innocent and MOST defenseless and who represent a clear and ever-present danger to society, ... is an absolute no brainer.   They shouldn't even be handled as common criminals in the first place: the judiciary got that SOOOO wrong.  They are out-of-uniform combatants who should be treated as spies and saboteurs caught out-of-uniform are treated in war and subject to summary execution.

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