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Thailand remains in Tier 2 Watch List in US' human trafficking report 2017


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Thailand remains in Tier 2 Watch List in US' human trafficking report 2017




BANGKOK: -- Thailand slammed the report for not “doing justice” by keeping Thailand in the Tier 2 Watch List for another year.


Thailand continued to be in the Tier 2 Watch List in the 2017 Trafficking in Persons report, as the Thai government had not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking, the US State Department said.


Though the Kingdom maintained the same status as last year, the report said the Thai government had demonstrated significant efforts during the reporting period.


The authorities had seized more than Bt784 million from traffickers, reported more investigations, prosecutions, and convictions, convicted a business owner complicit in forced labour in the fishing sector, and extended the amount of time foreign trafficking victims and witnesses were permitted to stay and work in Thailand, it said.


However, the government did not demonstrate increased efforts compared to the previous reporting period, it said.


It did not aggressively prosecute and convict officials complicit in trafficking crimes, and official complicity continued to impede anti-trafficking efforts, the report added.


Officials identified fewer victims compared to the previous reporting period and although the number of forced-labour investigations saw a slight increase, the number of labour-trafficking investigations was low compared to the scale of the problem.

“Therefore, Thailand remained on Tier 2 Watch List for the second consecutive year,” it said.


Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha had said earlier that it did not matter what Thailand’s rating was, but his government would continue combating human trafficking as it was on the national agenda.


Meanwhile Thai Foreign Ministry on Tuesday slammed the report for not “doing justice” by keeping Thailand in the Tier 2 Watch List for another year.


Being placed in the Tier 2 Watch List, the second lowest ranking out of four, suggests an acknowledgement that the country has made significant efforts to tackle human trafficking but still does not comply with US standards.


"The Thai government’s efforts to tackle human trafficking are not aimed at any evaluation,” the ministry said, adding the government’s efforts were aimed at protecting Thai and foreign people in the Kingdom from human trafficking and to uphold humanitarian principles.


Thailand has also made progress in policy initiatives, in the prosecution of wrong-doers and complicit officials, in prevention of potential victims, in the protection of witnesses and victims, and by forging partnerships with various groups of stakeholders, both domestic and foreign, the ministry said.


Despite the US report not showing any improvement in Thailand’s standing, the Thai government remained “firmly committed to address human trafficking while seeking to further strengthen and expand cooperation with concerned partners”.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30319310

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-06-28
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Being placed in the Tier 2 Watch List


Thats what happens when you do things like put Andy Hall in the dock and convict an innocent man, same again next year please until they learn Corruption does not pay and lies just make you stay in Tier 2

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US human trafficking report ‘does not do justice’ to Thailand
By The Nation




BANGKOK: -- The Foreign Ministry on Tuesday slammed the US Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report for not “doing justice” by keeping Thailand in the Tier 2 Watch List for another year.


Being placed in the Tier 2 Watch List, the second lowest ranking out of four, suggests an acknowledgement that the country has made significant efforts to tackle human trafficking but still does not comply with US standards.


"The Thai government’s efforts to tackle human trafficking are not aimed at any evaluation,” the ministry said, adding the government’s efforts were aimed at protecting Thai and foreign people in the Kingdom from human trafficking and to uphold humanitarian principles.


Thailand has also made progress in policy initiatives, in the prosecution of wrong-doers and complicit officials, in prevention of potential victims, in the protection of witnesses and victims, and by forging partnerships with various groups of stakeholders, both domestic and foreign, the ministry said.


The ministry said that despite the US report not showing any improvement in Thailand’s standing, the Thai government remained “firmly committed to address human trafficking while seeking to further strengthen and expand cooperation with concerned partners”.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30319311

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-06-28


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Meanwhile the US gives itself the highest rating despite the continual reports of abuse of undocumented workers in the agricultural sector etc. What's the old line about stones and glass houses? [And no, I'm not defending Thailand's behaviour...]

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This is the description of US State Department of Tier 2 Watch List that clearly expose the failure of the junta government to tackle the human trafficking problems. 


"victims of severe forms of trafficking in the ranked country is very significant or significantly increasing and there is a failure to provide evidence of increase efforts to combat it".  


So much of propaganda publicity by the junta that they are doing a lot but in reality really amounts to lip service.  

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Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha had said earlier that it did not matter what Thailand’s rating was, but his government would continue combating human trafficking as it was on the national agenda.


Meanwhile Thai Foreign Ministry on Tuesday slammed the report for not “doing justice” by keeping Thailand in the Tier 2 Watch List for another year.


The PM is pretending that this does not matter, when for weeks, the foreign minister has been talking about the expected improvement in status. This is Cheeto style alternative facts. Of course it matters. It means alot to him, and to this administration. The fact that they stayed in the same position means exactly what it means. Some improvement has been made, but the problem is nowhere near eradicated, and many, many thousands of people still suffer from this horrific practice. Unless, and until CURRENT government officials, army officials, and police officials are arrested, tried, and sentenced to meaningful terms in prison, this problem will go on forever. It does not happen in a vacuum. The responsible parties are not only not being pursued, they are being protected. The US did a very good thing here, by not upgrading Thailand's status. Though I am no fan of Cheeto, I give his administration credit for this.


As stated in Khao Sod news:


It faulted the government for not stepping up its efforts, however. It said Bangkok “did not aggressively prosecute and convict officials complicit in trafficking crimes, and official complicity continued to impede anti-trafficking efforts. Officials identified fewer victims compared to the previous reporting period, and although forced labor investigations slightly increased, the number of labor trafficking investigations was low compared to the scale of the problem.”

The first among its recommendations was that Thailand “proactively investigate and prosecute officials allegedly complicit in trafficking, and convict and punish those found guilty” with meaningful sentences.





As Eric Loh correctly stated above:


This is the description of US State Department of Tier 2 Watch List that clearly expose the failure of the junta government to tackle the human trafficking problems. "Victims of severe forms of trafficking in the ranked country is very significant or significantly increasing and there is a failure to provide evidence of increase efforts to combat it".  





Edited by spidermike007
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6 hours ago, ukrules said:

This comes just days after the problem was deemed solved :


only the thai people can stop this , the leaders care not about the problem .

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'It did not aggressively prosecute and convict officials complicit in trafficking crimes, and official complicity continued to impede anti-trafficking efforts, the report added.'


That tells you all you need to know. in other words, officially-supported trafficking. In that case the only question is why Thailand isn't rated 1.

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10 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

"Meanwhile Thai Foreign Ministry on Tuesday slammed the report for not “doing justice” by keeping Thailand in the Tier 2 Watch List for another year. "


Som nam na comes to mind.


There's an oxymoron in that first sentence somewhere! :wink:

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"The Thai government’s efforts to tackle human trafficking are not aimed at any evaluation,” the ministry said, adding the government’s efforts were aimed at protecting Thai and foreign people in the Kingdom from human trafficking and to uphold humanitarian principles".



Possibly, but the report simply states that such efforts were NOT GOOD ENOUGH, but naturally the PM is "unfazed", which tells a story in itself.


Another International report deemed by the Thai authorities  either to be inaccurate, the result of misunderstandings, out of date, or pure lies, whereas of course all reports issued by the Thai Government are entirely based on transparent facts.upon which anyone is free to make comments and suggestions in the press or on social media.


Poor misunderstood Thailand!

Edited by Retiredandhappyhere
Grammar correction
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Thais kiss ass to the international community and get put in their place like the little children.  This will teach them a valuable lesson when trying to play the game with the most hypocritical and devious regime on the planet, the USA.  Thais can learn something from Duterte, at least he has some balls.

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On 6/28/2017 at 10:10 AM, Docno said:

Meanwhile the US gives itself the highest rating despite the continual reports of abuse of undocumented workers in the agricultural sector etc. What's the old line about stones and glass houses? [And no, I'm not defending Thailand's behaviour...]

He who makes the rules, makes the rules.


Thailand is free to make their own list and set of rules to judge everyone else by.

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20 hours ago, dcnx said:

He who makes the rules, makes the rules.


Thailand is free to make their own list and set of rules to judge everyone else by.

I have some other classics:

"Who died and made you king?"

"People who live in glass houses should not throw stones"

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

"Practice what you preach"

"Judge not lest ye be judged"


... could go on for miles, but you get the point (I hope)

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